

Daniel Bonevac (videos of the past month: 02/3-02/27/17)

source: Daniel Bonevac
49:03 Quine's Logistical Approach to Ontology
Daniel Bonevac W. V. O. Quine, A Logistical Approach to the Ontological Problem, The Analyt
46:55 Carnap and Ryle on Dispositions Rudolf Carnap and Gilbert Ryle on Dispositions, The Analytic Tradition, Spring 2017
47:05 Ayer's Criteria of Verification A. J. Ayer's Criteria of Verification, The Analytic Tradition, Spring 2017
46:40 Gilbert Ryle, Systematically Misleading Expressions Gilbert Ryle, Systematically Misleading Expressions, The Analytic Tradition, Spring 2017
49:08 Logical Empiricism: Criteria and Protocol Sentences Logical Empiricism: Criteria and Protocol Sentences, The Analytic Tradition, Spring 2017
49:46 Logical Empiricism
49:56 Wittgenstein's Tractatus Introductio to Ludwig Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, The Analytic Tradition, Spring 2017
49:34 Russell on Belief and Ontology Bertrand Russell on Belief and Ontology, Philosophy of Logical Atomism, Lectures 4 and 8, The Analytic Tradition, Spring 2017
29:12 Russell's Logical Atomism Bertrand Russell, Philosophy of Logical Atomism, The Analytic Tradition, Spring 2017
51:06 Russell on Denoting, Part 2 Bertrand Russell, "On Denoting," Part 2; The Analytic Tradition, Spring 2017
49:26 Frege on Thought Frege, "On Thought"
50:16 Russell on Denoting Bertrand Russell, "On Denoting," The Analytic Tradition, Spring 2017

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