

Computational and Structural Biology (The 23rd Jerusalem School in Life Sciences)

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source: Israel Institute for Advanced Studies      2016年1月10日
The 23rd Jerusalem School in Life Sciences
Computational and Structural Biology
Event date: January 10 - January 14, 2016
General Director: Roger Kornberg (Stanford University )
Nir Kalisman (The Hebrew University)
Julia Shifman (The Hebrew University)
Computational Biology and Structural Biology are closely interrelated areas of research. Throughout the years, great advances in experimental techniques resulted in the appearance of multiple structures, including very large and complicated molecular machines. At the same time, computer simulations and analyses allowed for a better understanding of macromolecular modes of action. This mutual importance has been recently highlighted by the Nobel Prize in Chemistry given for “the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems." The School aims to focus on the ongoing synergy between Computational and Structural Biology. It features a great team of speakers from both fields, including three Nobel laureates. Participants in the School will become familiar with the principles of multiple methods such as: X-ray crystallography and Electron Microscopy of very large structures, Molecular Dynamics, Computational Protein Design, QM/MM, Structural Classification, and Biophysics. In parallel, the state-of-the-art applications of these techniques to outstanding biological problems will be presented.
greetings and Opening Remarks 10:02
Michael Levitt-Hybrid Multiscale Models for Simulating Functional Motion 1:06:50
Ohad Medalia (University of Zürich) Cellular structural biology by cryo-electron tomography 1:03:06
William M. Gelbart - Making Viruses and Virus-Like Particles "From Scratch" 1:03:30
Tomas Kirchhausen (Harvard Medical School) Cell Dynamics Imaged at High Resolution 1:08:32
Avinoam Ben Shaul- Theory and (versus?) simulation: 56:27
Rachel Kolodny (University of Haifa) Global View of the Protein Universe 51:05
Ohad Medalia (University of Zürich) Basic principle in three-dimensional electron microscopy 59:35
Stephen C. Harrison- Virus structure and the molecular mechanisms of viral cell entry 1:03:58
Tamar Schlick (New York University) Biomolecular Modeling and Simulation - A Field Coming of Age 1:03:14
Gali Prag -Computational and structural analysis of the of the ubiquitin interactome landscape 51:44
Avital Shurki (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) QM/MM: the way to understand enzymes 1:04:50
David Lukatsky - Design principles of protein recognition of repetitive genomic DNA sequences 1:02:11
Ron Dror - Revealing the Structural Basis of GPCR Signaling Through Atomic-level Simulation 1:08:43
David Bensimon-Single cell Physiology: Using Light to Control Protein Activity and Gene Expression 1:02:54
Michael Levitt -Solving Large Macromolecular Complexes with Less Data and More Computation 1:04:47
Daniel Harries (HUJI) How Protective Osmolytes Stabilize Biological Macromolecules 1:02:11
Gideon Schreiber- Assessing the effects of crowding on binding and enzyme reaction rates in vitro 1:06:52
Sarel Fleishman-Principles of designing new protein folds 1:05:15
Sarel Fleishman-Principles of designing biomolecular function 58:43
Julia Shifman -Computational Protein Design – Design of Protein- Protein Interactions 42:32
Ilan Samish (Weizmann Institute of Science) Dynamic Fold Space of the Membrane Proteome 37:09
Nir Kalisman-Elucidating large molecular architectures by cross- linking and mass-spectrometry 35:05
Emmanuel Levy -Proteins Evolve on the Edge of Uncontrolled Self- assembly 57:58
Ada Yonath-What was first, the genetic code or its products? 53:01
Ada Yonath - Critical issues in contemporary medicine, the microbiome and environmental aspects. 53:31
Roger Kornberg (Stanford University) The Molecular Basis of Eukaryotic Transcription 1:03:58

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