

Summer School on Gravitational-Wave Astronomy (2015, ICTS)

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source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences    2015年8月14日
PROGRAM LINK : http://www.icts.res.in/program/gws2015
TALK LINK : https://www.icts.res.in/program/all/t...
ORGANIZERS : Parameswaran Ajith, K. G. Arun and Bala Iyer
DATES : Monday 29 Jun, 2015 - Friday 10 Jul, 2015
VENUE : ICTS Seminar Room , IISc Campus, Bangalore

Albert Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, which is celebrating its centenary this year, predicts the existence of gravitational waves. Gravitational waves are freely propagating oscillations in the spacetime. The first direct detection of gravitational waves is expected to happen in the next few years by large laser interferometric detectors. Apart from the upcoming detectors in USA, Europe and Japan, there is an ongoing proposal to build a gravitational-wave observatory in India.
This summer school on Gravitational Wave Astronomy aims to train students and young researchers in the emerging area of gravitational-wave astronomy. The school will involve four graduate-level courses on different topics of gravitational-wave astronomy. The lectures will be given by five leading experts on these topics. The school is mainly intended for graduate students working (or starting to work) on gravitational-wave astronomy, high-energy astrophysics, cosmology and related areas. The school can also accommodate a few postdoctoral researchers working on (or planning to work on) these areas and a few highly motivated senior undergraduates.

Introduction to the theory of GWs by Patrick Dasgupta 1:41:56
Gravitational waves and their interaction with detectors by Peter Saulson 1:32:10
Introduction to the theory of GWs by Patrick Dasgupta 1:34:51
Shot noise and radiation pressure noise: semi-classical treatment by Peter Saulson 1:38:24
Beyond linear approximation to GR for GW detection - 1 by Bala Iyer 1:38:40
Mathematical methods of experimental physics by Peter Saulson 1:28:01
Beyond linear approximation to GR for GW detection - 2 by Bala Iyer 1:33:29
Thermal noise by Peter Saulson 1:23:21
Beyond linear approximation to GR for GW detection - 3 by Bala Iyer 1:40:24
Feedback control systems by Peter Saulson 1:33:53
Introduction to astrophysics & gravitational waves & order of magnitude estimates 1:33:02
The detection and interpretation of gravitational waves: Introduction by Chris Van Den Broeck 1:26:02
Black holes by Cole Miller 1:38:11
Gravitational wave data analysis: Detection by Chris Van Den Broeck 1:25:05
Neutron stars by Cole Miller 1:33:18
Bayesian model selection and parameter estimation - 1 by Chris Van Den Broeck 1:26:19
Binaries by Cole Miller 1:32:16
Bayesian model selection and parameter estimation - 2 by Chris Van Den Broeck 1:16:07
Continuous sources, bursts, and stochastic sources by Cole Miller 1:35:33
Testing general relativity with gravitational waves by Chris Van Den Broeck 1:52:48

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