

Strongly correlated systems: From models to materials (2014, ICTS Program)

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source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences   2014年2月14日
DATES: Monday 06 Jan, 2014 - Friday 17 Jan, 2014
VENUE: Department of Physics, IISc Campus, Bangalore
PROGRAM LINK: http://www.icts.res.in/program/MTM2014
The realistic description of materials with strong electron-electron interactions is one of the challenges of modern condensed matter physics. Such a realistic description on one hand requires non-perturbative many body approaches, and on the other hand requires model Hamiltonian with material specific details offered by density functional theory (DFT). Mastering these novel techniques requires a wide background, ranging from DFT to model building and non-perturbative many body approaches such as Quantum Monte Carlo. During the last few years a major breakthrough came with the development of the DFT+Dynamical Mean Field Theory (DFT+DMFT) method. In this approach, conventional ab-initio schemes based on DFT are combined with a modern many-body approach, the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). In the DMFT method the full many body problem of solid state physics is mapped onto a quantum impurity model related by a self-consistency condition and the resulting impurity model is solved using non-perturbative many body techniques.
The present program has this circle of ideas as its focus. It is built around three Chandrasekhar lectures to be delivered by Prof A. Georges. In addition to these lectures there will be a school, divided into two parts, and a discussion meeting, scheduled between the two parts of the school, in which recent theoretical and experimental results on strongly correlated materials will be discussed by leading experts from India and abroad.

The school will be devoted to the following topics.
School Part I : Jan 6 -- Jan 9, 2014
a) Basic Density Functional Theory (DFT) and basis sets
b) Wannier functions
c) An introduction to many-body methods and Quantum Monte Carlo
d) Constrained LDA/RPA and Estimation of U and J
School Part II : Jan 14 -- Jan 17, 2014
a) Dynamical Mean Field Theory (DMFT)
b) Impurity Solvers
The program is designed to educate advanced graduate students and young post-doctoral fellows in this emerging field of strongly correlated systems and to train them to carry out numerical calculations.

P Blaha - Basic concepts of bandstructure methods and the APW based methods 1:28:02
M Harbola - An Introduction to Density Functional Theory 1:32:13
M Harbola - An Introduction to Density Functional Theory 1:47:40
N Marzari - Skype 1:16:06
M Harbola - An Introduction to Density Functional Theory 55:39
D Vander - biltWannier Functions 1:33:39
P Blaha - WIEN2k: methods and features 1:42:37
Vijay Shenoy - Review of many body field theory I 1:42:16
[private video]
Vijay Shenoy - Review of many body field theory II 1:35:53
F Aryasetiwan - First principles method for calculating the Hubbard U I 1:35:32
Vijay Shenoy - Review of many body field theory III 1:35:38
F Aryasetiwan - First principles method for calculating the Hubbard U II 1:37:21
Markus Aichhorn - Hunds coupling and magnetism in technetium and chromium oxides 1:23:40
André Marie Tremblay - High temperature superconductors: Where is the mystery? 1:27:01
Vijay Shenoy - Review of many body field theory III 1:41:38
A Fujimori - Self energies in correlated metals SrVO3 and SrMoO3 35:43
F Aryasetiwan - Electronic Structure of SrVO3 within GW+DMFT 35:29
S Biermann - About empty states and Ab out U: New insights from combined GW and DMFT 37:49
Antoine Georges - Quantum Matter from Hot Superconductors to Cold Atoms 1:09:08
[private video]
M FerreroHow - bad metals turn good: spectroscopic signatures of resilient quasiparticles 39:09
Vijay Shenoy - Fermions in Synthetic Non Abelian Gauge Fields 35:38
Antoine Georges - Understanding and Controlling Materials with Strong Elect 1:15:09
T V Ramakrishnan - A Ginzburg Landau like Theory for Emergent d wave Superconductivity in the Cupr 40:14
André Marie -Tremblayd wave superconductivity in the one band Hubbard model, the Cluster Dynamic 38:19
M Le Tacon - Overview of recent results obtained in high temperature superconducting cuprates obtai 41:39
Roser Valenti - Correlations and pressure effects in Fe based superconductors: A first principles i 40:04
Markus Aichhorn - Hunds coupling and magnetism in technetium and chromium oxides 35:36
S Ray - Few interesting manifestations of metal oxygen covalency in solid oxides 34:34
S R Hassan - Topological Phases in the Kitaev Hubbard Model 31:36
A Millis - Dynamical mean field theory of metal insulator transitions in transition metal perovsk 39:13
T Prushke - TBA 36:24
P Werner - Extension of DMFT to nonequilibrium systems 37:39
J W Freeland - TBA 38:37
Cedric Weber - An implementation of dynamical mean field theory for nano structures and molecules 35:48
Arti Garg - Doping a correlated band insulator: A new route to half metallic behaviour 30:55
Antoine Georges - Ultra Cold Atoms meet Mesoscopics and Thermoelectrics 1:24:33
A Georges - Sum up on DMFT for the school 1:59:15
A Georges - Sum up on DMFT for the school 56:14
41 T PruschkeQuantum Impurity Solvers 1:44:11
M Ferrero - Analytical approximate Solvers 1:26:02
M Ferrero - Action based solvers and tools 1:35:49
Saha Dasgupta - 48:40
F Aryasetiwa - The GW method 1:34:51
Markus Aichhorn - LDA+DMFT Part I 1:37:03
A Millis - An Introduction to Cluster DMFT 1:50:54
T Pruschke - Quantum Impurity Solvers 1:48:07
S Biermann - The GW + DMFT Method 1:39:19
Markus Aichhorn - LDA+DMFTPart II 1:22:39
P Werner - Hybridization expansion based CTQMC 1:36:26
P Werner - Hybridization expansion based CTQMC 1:36:19
S Biermann - The GW + DMFT Method 1:39:43

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