

Signal & Systems by Francesco Fedele at Georgia Institute of Technology

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Francesco Fedele     2015年3月14日
ECE 3084 Signal & Systems at Georgia Institute of Technology

Gabor Transform of a chirp signal 1/3 20:19
Gabor Transform of a chirp signal 2/3 18:56
Gabor Transform of a chirp signal 3/3: Gabor vs. Stockwell 23:41
Short Time Fourier Transform 1/2 15:34
Short Time Fourier Transform 2/2 20:03
Gabor Transform of a sinusoidal signal 22:51
Undiractification & Discrete Time Fourier Transform 1/4 23:57
Undiractification & Discrete Time Fourier Transform 2/4 19:38
Undiractification & Discrete Time Fourier Transform 3/4 25:01
Undiractification & Discrete Time Fourier Transform (SUMMARY) 4/4 13:57
Sampling 1/3: Diractification of continuous signals 17:56
Sampling 2/3: Fourier Transform Diractified signal 23:52
Sampling 3/3: Shannon theorem & aliasing 21:29
Fourier Transform Box Signal (no audio, just follow the math!) 22:35
Fourier Transform Gaussian signal (no audio, just follow the math! ) 18:40
Fourier Transform exp(-a|t|) Part 1 (no audio, just follow the math!) 9:20
Fourier Transform exp(-a|t|) Part 2 (no audio, just follow the math!) 10:04
Fourier Transform Properties Part 1 12:27
Fourier Transform Properties Part 2 7:44
Fourier Transform properties DUALITY 8:09
Fourier Transform Properties CONVOLUTION 5:55
Sequence of Distributions: convergence to a Dirac delta (no audio, just follow the math!) 16:41
Distribution Examples (no audio, just follow the math !) 6:45
Distributions Part 5 11:11
Distributions Part 4 14:48
Distributions Part 3 13:15
Distributions Part 2 12:30
Distributions Part 1 13:07
Fourier Series for Engineers 49:09
Least Square Approximation Part 1 14:30
Least Square Approximation Part 2 17:50

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