

School and Discussion Meeting on Population Genetics and Evolution (2014, ICTS)

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source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences    2014年4月2日
PROGRAM: School and Discussion Meeting on Population Genetics and Evolution
PROGRAM LINK: http://www.icts.res.in/program/PGE2014
DATES: Saturday 15 Feb, 2014 - Monday 24 Feb, 2014
VENUE: Physics Auditorium, IISc, Bangalore

Just as evolution is central to our understanding of biology, population genetics theory provides the basic framework to comprehend evolutionary processes. Population genetics theory allows quantitative predictions of evolutionary processes, integrating mathematical and statistical concepts with fundamental biological principles of genetic inheritance and processes such as mutation and selection. Population genetics theory is thus critical to understanding many pressing issues in biology, such as the evolution of antibiotic resistance in pathogens, the formation of new species and the emergence of cooperative and altruistic behaviors.
This school aims to expose students and researchers from diverse backgrounds to the basics and the forefront of current research in population genetics. In addition to evolutionary biology students, we welcome students of mathematics, statistics, medicine, and physics who are interested in evolutionary theory. To equip students to think about issues in population genetics, we will first conduct a brief refresher course in mathematics, statistics, and basic biology including evolution and genetics. The remainder of the school will introduce and develop an understanding of population genetics theory and its applications to interesting phenomena such as the evolution of sex and recombination, phenotypic plasticity, polyploidy, and human diversification. The program will conclude with a short discussion meeting in which active researchers will discuss their recent work on aspects of population genetics theory.

Kavita Jain - Basic maths and statistics 1:15:19
Amitabh Joshi - Basic genetics 1:26:58
Kavita Isvaran - Mating systems 54:14
Praveen Karanth - Evolution I 1:25:13
TNC Vidya - Evolution II 1:20:47
Mukund Thattai - Molecular genetics 1:24:39
Sandeep Krishna - Models and simulations 1:32:25
Brian Charlesworth - DNA sequence variability and the coalescent 1:15:22
Lindi M Wahl - Modeling adaptation historical perspective 1:26:33
Brian Charlesworth - The effects of selection on variation and evolution 1:36:27
Students Talk 48:35
Michael Whitlock - Genetic load, mutation selection balance 1:32:05
Lilndi M Wahl - Modeling experimental evolution 1:22:03
Deborah Charlesworth - Modeling evolution of mating systems 1:07:03
Tutorials 50:56
Brian Charlesworth - Linkage and selection 1:36:06
Deborah Charlesworth - Evolution of sex chromosomes 1:23:46
Lindi M Wahl - Mathematical approaches to modeling extinction probabilities 1:23:30
Tutorials 53:29
Michael Deai - Dynamics and population genetics of rapid adaptation 1:31:35
Michael Whitlock - Evolution in spatially structured populations I 1:28:52
John Novembre - Methods for the analysis of population structure and admixture 1:33:35
Mlchael Desai - Pervasive selection and patterns of variation 1:31:19
Michael Whitlock - Evolution in spatially structured populations II 1:31:25
John Novembre - Methods for demographic inference from genomic scale data 1:26:34
John Novembre & Michael Desai - Tutorials 26:18
Mlchael Desai - Genome Dynamics in Experimental Evolution 1:31:53
Deborah Charlesworth - Evolution of self incompatibility 1:32:21
John Novembre - Addressing challenges from next generation sequencing 1:20:58
Students Talks 1:06:25
Yuseob Kim - Adaptive evolution in pathogen populations under complex demographic dynamics 44:57
Guha Dharmarajan - Disease dynamics in kin structured populations 46:12
Deepa Agashe - Dealing with deleterious synonymous mutations 29:34
Kavita Jain - Adaptive walks and distribution of beneficial fitness effects 34:29
Krishnamegh Kunte - Molecular and population genetics of butterfly wing patterning 47:40
Uma Ramakrishnan - Population structure in real landscapes 26:50
Hiroshi Akashi - Codon usage bias in Drosophila: Population genetics and comparative genomics of 1:00:07
Vishwesha Guttal - Codon usage bias in Drosophila: Population genetics and comparative genomics o 31:13
Narendra Dixit - The evolutionary arms race between HIV and humans: can intervention tilt the ba 45:21
Nsheeth Vishnoi - Making evolution rigorous 43:34
Farah Ishtiaq - Native versus introduced haematozoan parasites of an island colonising host Zoste 29:26
K Thangaraj - Human origin, health and disease in India 42:36
Bashisth Narayan Singh - Population genetics of Drosophila ananassae 41:40
Richard Gomulkiewicz - Evolution and the establishment of new species 44:53

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