

Response to the God Delusion and Richard Dawkins

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source: Open Education and Culture    2013年8月25日
Richard Dawkins' book The God Delusion has been a run away best seller. It has stimulated global debate, not always very charitable, about whether Dawkins is right to say that it is probably the case that God does not exist. During this weekend philosophers Marianne Talbot and Stephen Law will discuss the debate from a philosophical point of view. What are Dawkins' arguments? Are they good arguments? Are they conclusive arguments? Where does the debate about God's existence stand now?

Response to Dawkins: Is the God Hypothesis a Scientific Hypothesis? 1:29:48 Marianne Talbot gives the first talk on Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion as part of The God Delusion Weekend. She discusses whether Dawkins' first premise of his overall argument- that the God Hypothesis is a scientific hypothesis, is correct using a philosophical point of view and deductive logic. The video is part of the 2010 God Delusion Weekend series published by the University of Oxford.
Response to Dawkins: Strengths and Weaknesses of the God Delusion 1:26:13 Stephen Law givs the second talk on Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion as part of The God Delusion Weekend. The video is part of the 2010 God Delusion Weekend series published by the University of Oxford.
Response to Dawkins: The Mind, Belief, Free Will, and God 1:08:23 Marianne Talbot presents the third talk on Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion as part of The God Delusion Weekend. She examines Dawkin's assertion that the mind and brain are the same thing, which would question the existence of free will, and therefore, God.
Response to Dawkins: Attacking the God Hypothesis in Other Ways 1:12:25 Stephen Law gives the fourth talk on Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion as part of The God Delusion Weekend. The video is part of the 2010 God Delusion Weekend series published by the University of Oxford.
Response to Dawkins: The God Delusion Q&A 1:14:43 Stephen Law and Marianne Talbot take part in a panel discussion with Tom Fisher, chairman of the Oxford Philosophical Society, chairing. They answer questions form the audience about The God Delusion and discuss the philosophical issues surrounding it.

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