

ICTS Condensed Matter Programme 2011

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source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences    2013年6月14日
PROGRAM: The ICTS Condensed Matter Programme 2011
Venue: Indian Insitute of Science, Bangalore
Date: Friday 09 Dec, 2011 - Thursday 22 Dec, 2011
PROGRAM LINK: http://www.icts.res.in/program/ICMP2011
The ICTS Condensed Matter Programme 2011 (ICMP 2011) consists of a 10 day Winter School (December 9 to December 18) followed by a 4 day International Conference (December 19 to December 22), both to be held in IISc. Bangalore. The school will have four lecture courses focusing on the core of modern condensed matter physics, while the conference will feature four days of talks at the very forefront of our subject, delivered by a cross-section of internationally eminent speakers. The school will also feature tutorial lectures, evening colloquia and a few research seminars.

Welcoming Remarks - Prof.Spenta Wadia 15:53
C N R Rao - Multiferroic and Magnetoelectric Oxides 53:11
Peter Littlewood - Polariton Condensation and Collective Dynamics 46:35
A K Sood - Femtosecond Spectroscopy of electron and Phonon relaxation in iron superconductors 47:58
D D Sarma - The curious case of NiS 41:59
Sriram Shastry - Extremely Correlated Fermi Liquids 43:14
Antoine Georges - Strong correlations from Hund's rule coupling 42:04
Mohit Randeria - Viscosity of Strongly Interacting Fermi Systems 35:49
Zahid Hasan - Topological Surface States in Topological Insulators and Superconductors 46:35
Ashvin Vishwanath - Topological Phases in Correlated Solids 46:15
Jay Deep Sau - The return of Majorana : the end of a 75 year-old search 38:25
G Baskaran - Quantum Spin Liquids - A Status Report 49:28
Krishnendu Sengupta - Dynamics of ultracold atoms in optical lattices 43:12
Arun Paramekanti - Chiral Mott insulator of bosons in a fully frustrated boson Hubbard model 42:23
Pinaki Majumdar - Thermal fluctuations in Fermi superfluids 52:30
E Muller-Hartmann - Wannier functions for hybridizing states of transition metal oxide chains 46:55
Arghya Tarapdher - Preformed excitons and charge-density waves in transition metal dichalcogenides 44:36
D E Logan - Two-channel Kondo physics in impurity chains and rings 53:52
Pratap Raychaudhuri - Phase fluctuations and pseudogap state in a disordered superconduct 45:50
S Ramakrishnan - Strongly correlated superconductivity in non-magnetic d-band superconductors 36:18
K Maiti - Dichotomy of pseudogap and SDW phase in CaFe2As2 - an ARPES study 50:20
S Sebastian - Nodal pocket yielding multiple quantum oscillation frequencies 38:12
Maurice Rice - A Phenomenological Theory of the Anomalous Pseudogap Phase in UnderdopedCuprates 43:52
Sasha Finkelstein - Quantum kinetic approach to the calculation of thermal transport 58:21
Chandan Dasgupta - Phenomenological Theory of Superconductivity in the Cuprates 49:40
S Ramasesha - Correlated Electronic Structure of Some Conjugated Electronic Materials 48:48
R N Bhat - Two small new pieces in a tale of two gaints 42:25
Sudhanshu Mandal - Anderson Enigma in Disordered Superconductors 43:12
Arindam Ghosh - Non-Universal Conductance Fluctuations in Graphene 42:25
A K Raychaudhuri - Ferromagnetic insulating state : Is it an electron glass 51:26
Vikram Tripathi - Transport in dilute magnetic semiconductor heterostructures 54:18
R Shankar - Anomalous Quantum Hall states in an optical lattice 43:01
V B Shenoy - Fermions in synthetic non-Abelian gauge fields 1:10:00
Concluding Remarks 10:05

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