

English Grammar and Usage by Theresa McGarry at ETSU

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source: East Tennessee State University    2013年4月15日
ENGL-4117/5117 Grammar and Usage with Dr. Theresa McGarry
ETSU Online Programs - http://www.etsu.edu/online

Module 1 English Grammar and Usage 9:15 Study of practical aspects of English syntax, semantics, and usage. Emphasis on the teaching of grammar and usage for those seeking teacher certification.
Module 2 English Grammar and Usage 15:28
Module 3 English Grammar and Usage 21:45
Module 4 English Grammar and Usage 13:49
Module 5 English Grammar and Usage 16:29
Module 6 English Grammar and Usage 12:06
Module 7 English Grammar and Usage 18:32
Module 8 English Grammar and Usage 21:41
Module 9 English Grammar and Usage 39:21
Module 10 English Grammar and Usage 41:31
Module 11 English Grammar and Usage 17:37
Module 12 English Grammar and Usage 33:11
Module 13 English Grammar and Usage - Identifying Ps and PPs 31:38
Module 14 English Grammar and Usage - PP complements in AdjPs 29:49
Module 15 English Grammar and Usage - Clause Types and Speech Acts 41:36
Module 16 English Grammar and Usage Content clauses 44:44
Module 17 English Grammar and Usage - Relative Clauses 30:04
Module 18 English Grammar and Usage - Finer Points of Relative Clauses 36:13
Tense, Aspect, and Voice 34:46
Parallelism 23:39
Preposing, Postposing, Extraposition and Dislocation 19:55
Non Finite Clauses 35:20