

Contemporary Sociology Theory by Erdoğan Yıldırım at METU

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source: METUOpenCourseWare    2016年10月17日
SOC 341 - Contemporary Sociology Theory (Middle East Technical University)
For Lecture Notes: http://ocw.metu.edu.tr/course/view.ph...
OpenCourseWare: [ http://ocw.metu.edu.tr ]
Youtube Channel: [ http://www.youtube.com/METUOpenCourse... ]
This course is intended to help the Sociology 3rd grade students who are expected to have an adequate knowledge on the early, classical and mainstream sociological theory to develop a thorough familiarity with the contemporary postmodern thinking. Therefore, the students should be clear about the fact that it is not intended either to offer a full coverage of the recent sociological theory or to follow a chronological approach.
Rather, the aim is to discuss some of the cons and pros of postmodern thinking around a certain thematic.
For this purpose, the course starts with an examination of earlier theoretico-philosophical approaches that were seen to be cornerstones in the Western thinking and paved the way for the later development toward postmodernism.
Then, the attention shifts to the rise of structuralism and its development towards post-structuralism.
Finally, following a discussion of postmodern thinking we will make a detour via Heidegger’s contributions, connecting the whole bunch with thinking of Derrida and Laclau.

Introduction - Lecture 1 43:25
Introduction - Lecture 2 53:17
The Roots: Descartes and Kant - Lecture 1 1:07:01
The Roots: Descartes and Kant - Lecture 2 30:57
Kant (continued ...) - Lecture 1 58:23
Kant (continued ...) - Lecture 2 34:07
The Hegelian Turn - Lecture 1 44:52
The Hegelian Turn - Lecture 2 45:33
The Hegelian Turn - Lecture 3 44:21
The Hegelian Turn - Lecture 4 48:47
Nietzsche - Lecture 1 39:32
Nietzsche - Lecture 2 49:27
Freud - Lecture 1 42:54
Husserl and Phenomenology - Lecture 2 22:14
Freud - Lecture 2 57:19
Husserl and Phenomenology - Lecture 1 1:12:20
Husserl and Phenomenology - Lecture 4 22:35
Husserl and Phenomenology - Lecture 3 56:05
The Structuralist Turn - Lecture 2 33:29
The Structuralist Turn - Lecture 1 54:57
General Review - Lecture 1 46:38
General Review - Lecture 2 30:16
Structuralism in Social Sciences: Levi-Strauss and Roland Barthes 1:07:11
Althusser: Marxism is not a Historicism - Lecture 1 46:13
Althusser: Marxism is not a Historicism - Lecture 2 48:41
Lacan and Psychoanalysis - Lecture 2 47:28
Lacan and Psychoanalysis - Lecture 1 47:53
Lacan and Post-Structuralism - Lecture 1 42:06
Lacan and Post-Structuralism - Lecture 2 43:10
Foucault and Genealogy - Lecture 1 36:56
Foucault and Genealogy - Lecture 2 42:43
Foucault and History of Sexuality - Lecture 1 40:47
Foucault and History of Sexuality - Lecture 2 47:20
Foucault and History of Sexuality - Lecture 3 41:28
Foucault and History of Sexuality - Lecture 4 47:05
Deleuze and Guattari - Lecture 1 38:49
Deleuze and Guattari - Lecture 2 47:46
Lyotard: The Postmodern Condition - Lecture 1 43:08
Lyotard: The Postmodern Condition - Lecture 2 50:14
Heidegger: From Phenomenology to Ontology - Lecture 1 42:03
Heidegger: From Phenomenology to Ontology - Lecture 2 40:40
Heidegger: From Phenomenology to Ontology - Lecture 3 34:54
Heidegger: From Phenomenology to Ontology - Lecture 4 1:10:09
Emmanuel Levinas - Lecture 1 47:43
Emmanuel Levinas - Lecture 2 40:29
Derrida - Lecture 1 49:25
Derrida - Lecture 2 38:43
Derrida - Lecture 3 41:59
Jean Baudrillard - Lecture 1 31:02
Jean Baudrillard - Lecture 2 41:22
Derrida - Lecture 4 1:00:22

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