

What's Happening in Black British History III (29-10-15)

# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist

source: SchAdvStudy    2015年11月11日
29-10-15 Institute of Commonwealth Studies
Institute: http://commonwealth.sas.ac.uk/
Find out more about Black British History here: http://blackbritishhistory.co.uk/

Keynote - Eric Huntley 43:08
Session 1 - Catherine Johnson 15:49
Session 1 - Ryan Hanley 18:54
Session 1 - David Killingray 18:56
Session 2 - Martin Spafford 16:35
Session 2 - Dema Wonga 9:25
Session 2 - Robin Whitburn & Abdullah Mohamud 19:26
Session 3 – Jeffrey Green 17:47
Session 3 – Jan Marsh 23:55
Session 3 – Advolly Richmond 20:53
Final Thoughts and Conclusion 30:28

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