

Special Topics in Biophotonics through Applied Science and Biomedical Engineering (Winter 2009 at UC Davis)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: UC Davis Academics   2014年10月24日
This course explores in depth the latest advances in biophotonics through indepth discussions with leading researchers in the field.

Overview - Introduction to Biophotonics 58:00 Dr. Matthews introduces the course and provides an overview of the NSF Center for Biophotonics.
Interaction of Light with Matter | Biophotonics Instrumentation 1:12:59
Molecular Imaging with X-ray Lasers 1:15:53
Overview of Optical Microscopy 1:15:43
Introduction to Optical Probes 1:24:09
Optical Methods in Lipid Metabolism Research 50:08
Fluorescent Phytochromes 1:08:29
Optical Methods in Traumatic Brain Injury Research 1:01:49
Point-of-Care Technologies: Optical Methods of Biodetection 1:24:49
Nanoparticle-Enhanced X-ray Therapy for Cancer 1:11:38
Advances in Photodynamic Therapy 57:33