

Introduction to IPhone Application Development (Fall 2009) by Ken Joy at UC Davis

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source: UC Davis Academics     2014年12月19日
ECS189H: Introduction to IPhone Application Development, Fall 2009
This course focuses on software and creative aspects of IPhone application development. Topics include: Development tools (Xcode, Interface Builder, Instruments, Shark), Objective-C (various language features, memory management, mixing with C++), Model-View-Controller and other design patterns, views (buttons, labels, text fields, sliders, etc.), view controllers (NavigationController, TabBarController);, table views, custom views, text and keyboard interaction, event handling and Multi-Touch, data persistence (Core Data, property lists, object serialization), event handling and multitouch, graphics (Quartz, Core Animation, OpenGL ES), 2D game programming, audio, device sensors (accelerometer, GPS, proximity).

2009-09-25 Lecture 01: Course introduction, Why we're here, whirlwind tour of iPhone development, Objective C 1:12:23
2009-10-05 1:02:41
2009-10-09 1:18:43
2009-10-12 1:00:30
2009-10-16 1:16:31
2009-10-19 1:04:14
2009-10-23 1:16:01
2009-10-26 1:16:59
2009-10-30 1:18:15
2009-11-02 1:17:14
2009-11-06 1:12:37
2009-11-09 33:10
2009-11-13 1:52
2009-11-16 57:42
2009-11-20 46:09
2009-11-24 56:11
2009-12-04 1:49:36