

Graphics Architecture (Winter 2009) by John Owens at UC Davis

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source: UC Davis Academics     2014年10月25日
UC Davis course EEC277 introduces the design and analysis of the architecture of computer graphics systems. Topics include the graphics pipeline, general-purpose programmability of modern graphics architectures, exploiting parallelism in graphics, and case studies of noteworthy and modern graphics architectures.

Introduction / Course Overview Introduction to the course: why we should study graphics architecture, history of graphics architecture, overview of the course, administrivia. 1:09:51
OpenGL Graphics Pipeline Overview 1:14:14
Graphics Performance and Characterization 1:17:56
Programmability 1:19:52
GPGPU 1 1:19:52
GPGPU 2 1:19:38
VLSI Trends: Why Graphics Hardware Is Fast 1:16:04
Geometry 1:21:43
Rasterization 1:19:38
The Latest Graphics Processing Units 1:20:18
Texture 1:16:37
GPU Graphics and Compute Architecture 1:23:07
Composition/display 1:11:19
Overflow from the Pipeline Lectures 1:19:32
Juggling the Pipeline 1:16:26
GRAMPS: A Programming Model for Graphics Pipelines and Heterogeneous Parallelism 1:20:43
Parallelism 1:04:21