

Ancient Cities, Modern Inquiries: Contemporary Debates Focusing on Africa and the Middle East

# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist

source: Yale University  2016年12月5日
Recordings from the 2016 Summer Institute for Teachers, offered by Yale University’s Programs for International Education Resources (PIER).
For more information, please visit: http://pier.macmillan.yale.edu/summer-institute

Kenneth Harl - Orientation and Introduction to the Ancient World 1:10:35
Roderick McIntosh - Why Study African Cities? 59:40
Steven Garfinkle - Commerce, Communication, and State Formation: Daily Life in Ancient Mesopotamia 1:01:06
Eric Cline - The Collapse of Cities and Civilizations at the End of the Late Bronze Age 1:01:35
Steven Tuck - Summing It All Up: Lessons from Ancient Cities for the Modern City Designer/Dweller 48:57
Martin J. Murray - Re-Urbanism in Africa: Building Cities from Scratch 59:01
Garth Myers - Looking at US Cities from Urban Africa 59:03