

How smudge-proof lipstick was invented | Moments of Vision 6 - Jessica O...

source: TED-Ed    2016年12月6日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-smudge-...
Today, lip cosmetics are a billion dollar industry, with 1 out of every 3 women claiming that they won’t leave home without applying lipstick. But how did it come to be so common? In the sixth installment of our ‘Moments of Vision’ series, Jessica Oreck shares the wartime origins of long-lasting lipstick.
Lesson and animation by Jessica Oreck.

Closer To Truth - Big Questions in Free Will

source: Closer To Truth      2016年11月4日
Do we have free will? After so many centuries of debate by so many great thinkers, can we still make progress in answering this question? That’s the goal of the Big Questions in Free Will Project.
Click here to visit Closer To Truth http://bit.ly/2f5KzDx
Click here to learn more about free will http://bit.ly/2f9Zo75
Click here to watch more interviews with Alfred Mele http://bit.ly/2f5kNzL
Click here to watch more interviews with Roy Baumeister http://bit.ly/1OaPM6J
Click here to watch more interviews with Christof Koch http://bit.ly/1aodCPl
Click here to watch more interviews with Uri Maoz http://bit.ly/2efguTk
Click here to watch more interviews with Jenann Ismael http://bit.ly/2erQiSZ
Click here to watch more interviews with Walter Sinnott-Armstrong http://bit.ly/1Vs0TNC
Click here to watch more interviews with Eddy Nahmias http://bit.ly/1pWMqy0
Click here to watch more interviews with Thalia Wheatley http://bit.ly/1OaNS6f
Click here to watch more interviews with Peter Tse http://bit.ly/2duAJP5
Click here to watch more interviews with Tim Bayne http://bit.ly/2e5J85Q
Click here to watch more interviews with Patrick Haggard http://bit.ly/2fntUPV
Click here to watch more interviews with Adina Roskies http://bit.ly/2f5IkjG
Click here to watch more interviews with Alison Gopnik http://bit.ly/1Pf2cOu
Click here to watch more interviews with Brian Leftow http://bit.ly/1SgLUmB
Click here to watch more interviews with Peter van Inwagen http://bit.ly/1Sy47ih
Click here to watch more interviews with Hugh McCann http://bit.ly/1Wnsm35
Click here to watch more interviews with Matthews Grant http://bit.ly/2fxcU8Q
Click here to watch more interviews with Dean Zimmerman http://bit.ly/1mCXKho

Knowledge Transfer in the Design Professions: Learning from Barcelona

source: Harvard GSD    2016年11月1日
The larger question guiding this panel concerns the transferability of models, ideas, or practices in the urban design professions. Can practices deemed successful in one city be effectively transferred to another? Likewise, can compelling ideas developed in one of the design disciplines (urban design, planning, architecture, landscape architecture) transform practices in the other? Barcelona is world-renowned for both its architecture and its regulatory successes in preserving and expanding public and green spaces, advancing the goals of urban compactness, generating a vibrant urban and cultural economy, and building infrastructure with metropolitan aims in mind. This panel, offering an opportunity for reflection and dialogue among GSD faculty, will take a closer look at the case of Barcelona. Panelists from each of the departments will speak about the city, its influences in their fields, and the larger pedagogy of knowledge transfer in the design professions. Moderated by Diane Davis, Charles Dyer Norton Professor of Regional Planning and Urbanism and chair of the Department of Urban Planning and Design; with Joan Busquets, Martin Bucksbaum Professor in Practice of Urban Planning and Design; Carles Muro, associate professor of architecture; and Chris Reed, AB ’91, associate professor in practice of landscape architecture.

The Power of Disorder to Transform Our Lives | Tim Harford | RSA Replay

source: The RSA     2016年11月2日
The Power of Disorder to Transform Our Lives with Tim Harford. Renowned economist Tim Harford explains that embracing chaos and mess is the only way to be truly creative, innovative and resilient. Harford visits the RSA to help us understand why unexpected changes of plans, unfamiliar people, and unforeseen events can help generate new ideas and opportunities as they make us anxious and angry; and come to appreciate that the human inclination for tidiness in our personal and professional lives masks deep and debilitating fragility that keep us from innovation.
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Department stores and the discourse of modernity in early 20th-century Berlin fiction

source: SchAdvStudy    2016年11月16日
12-10-2016 Institute of Historical Research
Institute: http://www.history.ac.uk
Department stores and the discourse of modernity in early 20th-century Berlin fiction
Godela Weiss-Sussex
(IMLR, School of Advanced Study)
Metropolitan History seminar series

空氣汙染控制與設計: 袁中新 / 中山大學

# 播放清單 (請按影片左上角選取影片觀看)

source: NSYSUOCW     2015年9月7日
國立中山大學開放式課程網址 http://ocw.nsysu.edu.tw
1 1:01:28
2 33:23
3 52:22
4 33:32
5 31:25
6 40:19
7 34:40
8 1:06:01
9 52:36

The American Pragmatists

source: Philosophical Overdose    2016年11月2日
Alan Saunders and Peter Godfrey-Smith discuss some of the basics of Pragmatism on ABC National's Philosopher's Zone. There's subtitles/transcript.

How Change Happens

source: London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) 2016年11月8日
Date: Tuesday 1 November 2016
Time: 6.30-8pm
Venue: Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House
Speaker: Duncan Green
Discussant: Professor Naila Kabeer
Chair: Hugh Cole
In his latest book How Change Happens Duncan Green explores how political and social change takes place, and the role of individuals and organizations in influencing that change. Duncan will discuss the challenges that 'systems thinking' creates for traditional aid practices, and how a 'power and systems approach' requires activists, whether in campaigns, companies or governments, to fundamentally rethink the way they understand the world and try to influence it.
Duncan Green (@fp2p) is Senior Strategic Adviser at Oxfam GB and author of How Change Happens.
Naila Kabeer (@N_Kabeer) is Professor of Gender and Development at the Gender Institute, LSE.
Hugh Cole (@HughDCole) is IGC Country Programme Director.
The International Growth Centre (IGC) (@The_IGC) aims to promote sustainable growth in developing countries by providing demand-led policy advice based on frontier research. The IGC directs a global network of world-leading researchers and in-country teams in Africa and South Asia and works closely with partner governments to generate high quality research and policy advice on key growth challenges.
The Department of International Development (@LSE_ID) promotes interdisciplinary post-graduate teaching and research on processes of social, political and economic development and change.

Larry Brilliant: "Sometimes Brilliant" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google     2016年11月7日
Larry Brilliant, M.D., MPH is a pioneering physician, visionary technologist, and global philanthropist. He is author of the forthcoming memoir SOMETIMES BRILLIANT, an improbable and inspirational memoir that brings readers face to face with some of the most remarkable moments of a generation - from the occupation of Alcatraz, eradication of smallpox, and start of the Internet, to the launch of Google.org, ongoing work to combat deadly epidemics, and determination to create a more perfect future.
Buy the book here: https://goo.gl/CIBMk9

Video Demonstrations in Lasers and Optics (Shaoul Ezekiel at MIT)

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source: MIT OpenCourseWare    2012年6月15日
MIT RES.6-006 Video Demonstrations in Lasers and Optics
This resource contains demonstrations used to illustrate the theory and applications of lasers and optics.
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/RES-6-006S08
More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms
More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu

Overview of Demonstrations in Lasers and Optics 32:32
Optics: Polarization of Light and Polarization Manipulation; Linear polarizer 7:44
Optics: Polarization rotation using polarizers 8:20
Optics: Quarter-wave plate  6:51
Optics: Half-wave plate  6:44
Optics: Optical isolator  4:51
Optics: Scattered light in a dielectric 6:24
Optics: Reflection at the air-glass boundary 8:33
Optics: Reflection at the glass-air boundary 11:28
Optics: Phase shifts in total internal reflection  11:20
Optics: Two-beam interference - collimated beams  5:58
Optics: Two-beam interference - diverging beams 5:48
Optics: Destructive interference - Where does the light go? 9:23
Optics: Fringe contrast - vibrations  2:33
Optics: Fringe contrast - intensity ratio  3:28
Optics: Fringe contrast - polarization difference 5:41
Optics: Fringe contrast - path difference 11:05
Optics: Coherence length and source spectrum  12:30
Optics: Plane mirror cavity - collimated beams  14:47
Optics: Plane mirror cavity - diverging beams  3:36
Optics: Curved mirror cavity - radial modes  15:50
Optics: Optical spectrum analyzer  3:27
Optics: Fraunhofer diffraction - adjustable slit 4:48
Optics: Fraunhofer diffraction - two slits  3:51
Optics: Fraunhofer diffraction - multiple slits  11:53
Optics: Fraunhofer diffraction - thin wires 4:55
Optics: Fraunhofer diffraction - rectangular aperture 4:59
Optics: Fraunhofer diffraction - circular apertures 4:40
Optics: Fraunhofer diffraction - crossed multiple slits 4:57
Optics: Fresnel diffraction - adjustable slit  6:28
Optics: Fresnel diffraction - circular apertures 6:19
Optics: Single mode fiber  6:50
Optics: Multi-mode fiber 5:12
Optics: Polarization in a single mode fiber  6:22
Laser fundamentals I: Simple laser  8:45
Laser fundamentals I: Light amplifier  9:05
Laser fundamentals I: Polarization of laser light  7:38
Laser fundamentals I: Spectrum of laser light 14:07
Laser fundamentals I: Light inside and light outside laser 7:19
Laser fundamentals II: Optics of laser beams  16:25
Laser fundamentals II: Laser transverse modes  26:04
Laser fundamentals II: Laser linewidth  18:51
Laser fundamentals III: Reflection back into laser  9:44
Laser fundamentals III: High power argon laser 4:40
Laser fundamentals III: Multi-wavelength argon laser 3:29
Laser fundamentals III: Single-frequency argon laser  12:20
Laser fundamentals III: Tunable dye laser  5:59
Laser fundamentals III: Dye laser excitation of sodium 2:11
Laser fundamentals III: Dye laser induced fluorescence in iodine 6:10

Optics (Spring 2009 at MIT)

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source: MIT OpenCourseWare    2011年3月17日
MIT 2.71 Optics, Spring 2009
Instructor: George Barbastathis, Colin Sheppard, Se Baek Oh
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/2-71S09
More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms
More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu
This course provides an introduction to optical science with elementary engineering applications. Topics covered in geometrical optics include: ray-tracing, aberrations, lens design, apertures and stops, radiometry and photometry. Topics covered in wave optics include: basic electrodynamics, polarization, interference, wave-guiding, Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction, image formation, resolution, space-bandwidth product. Analytical and numerical tools used in optical design are emphasized. Graduate students are required to complete assignments with stronger analytical content, and an advanced design project.

Lec 1  Course organization; introduction to optics 1:36:44
Lec 2  Reflection and refraction; prisms, waveguides, and dispersion 48:55
Lec 3  Focusing, imaging, and the paraxial approximation 1:33:59
Lec 4  Sign conventions; thin lenses; real and virtual images 52:17
Lec 5  Thick lenses; the composite lens; the eye 1:45:51
Lec 6  Terms apertures, stops, pupils, and windows; single lens camera 53:31
Lec 7  Basics of mirrors, magnifiers, and microscopes 1:40:24
Lec 8  Telescopes; aberrations chromatic, spherical, and coma 48:08
Lec 9  More aberrations; optical design; GRadient INdex GRIN  1:40:12
Lec 11 The Hamiltonian formulation; introduction to waves 1:41:34
Lec 12 The wave equation; phasor representation; 3D waves 1:01:49
Lec 13 3D wave phenomena; introduction to electromagnetics 1:44:52
Lec 14 Maxwell's equations; polarization; Poynting's vector 59:12
Lec 15 Huygens principle; interferometers; Fresnel diffraction  1:36:17
Lec 16 Gratings amplitude and phase, sinusoidal and binary 1:14:44
Lec 17 Fraunhofer diffraction; Fourier transforms and theorems 1:39:13
Lec 18 Spatial filtering; lens transfer functions & transforms 58:49
Lec 19 The 4F system; binary amplitude & pupil masks 1:45:24
Lec 20 Shift invariance; pupil engineering; the Talbot effect  1:57:04
Lec 22 Coherent and incoherent imaging 1:34:20
Lec 23 Imaging with a single lens 55:09
Lec 25 Resolution; defocused optical systems 52:43
Lec 26 Depth of focus and field; polarization; wave plates  1:28:24
Design of a Cooke Triplet | MIT 2.71 Optics, Spring 2009 22:07
Holographic Particle Image Velocimetry | MIT 2.71 Optics, Spring 2009 15:11
Holographic Tomography | MIT 2.71 Optics, Spring 2009 14:04
Wigner Distribution Function and Integral Imaging | MIT 2.71 Optics, Spring 2009 21:25
Light Propagation in Sub-wavelength Modulated Media | MIT 2.71 Optics, Spring 2009 16:08
Accuracy Requirements in the Mechanical Assessment of Photonic Crystals | MIT 2.71 Optics 18:35

Strings 2012 (LMU Munich)

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source: GraduatePhysics     2014年3月23日
Talks held at the LMU Munich, July 23-28, 2012.
Event website: http://strings2012.mpp.mpg.de/

Shamit Kachru - New Horizons in Finite Density Field Theory and String Theory 37:51 Lara Anderson - New Aspects of Heterotic Geometry and Phenomenology 31:02
Luis Fernando Alday - Mixed correlators in N=4 SYM 34:23
Matthias Gaberdiel - Minimal Model Holography 32:18
Constantin Bachas -Gravity Localization and AdS_4/CFT_3 30:33
Freddy Cachazo - Gravity in Twistor Space 34:45
John Joseph Carrasco - Generic multiloop methods for gauge and gravity scattering amplitudes 53:12
Nabil Iqbal - Friedel oscillations and horizon charge in 1D holographic liquids 30:16
Davide Gaiotto - Domain walls for RG flows 28:53
Jonathan Heckman - Covariant Non Commutative Geometry From String Theory 29:28
Zohar Komargodski - Comments on the Renormalization Group and Diverse Applications 28:22
Tudor Dimofte - Class R: A Users Guide 23:23
Raphael Bousso - Black Holes Complementarity vs Firewalls 33:35
Cesar Gomez - Black holes as graviton condensates at the critical point of a phase transition 33:12
Ignatios Antoniadis - Aspects of string phenomenology in the new LHC era 28:46
Mina Aganagic - Knots, Mirror Symmetry and Large N Duality 26:45
Xi Yin - Higher Spin Holography 58:36
Sandra Kortner - Status and latest results from the LHC 33:04
Oliver Schlotterer - Hidden simplicity in superstring amplitudes 33:32
Nathan Seiberg - Chern Simons Contact Terms 32:35
Masahito Yamazaki - Networks, Quivers and 3 manifolds 30:01
Leonardo Rastelli - Bootstrapping the Superconformal Index 27:08
John Schwarz - Opening Lecture I (Strings 2012) 27:25
Hiroshi Ooguri - Conference Summary Strings 2012 35:59
Hermann Nicolai - Alternative Approaches to Quantum Gravity A Brief Survey 1:04:11
Hans Peter Nilles - Heterotic Supersymmetry The Legacy of D=10 and N=4 29:47
Gabriele Veneziano - Opening Lecture II (Strings 2012) 36:21
Eva Silverstein - RG and unitarity in spacetime dependent QFT 29:09
Eliezer Rabinovici - (In)stabilities and complementarity in AdS/CFT 34:58
Edward Witten - Superstring Perturbation Theory Revisited 38:39
Cumrun Vafa - Topological Strings and Their Diverse Applications 1:02:15
Costas Kounnas - Non singular Superstring Cosmologies 27:07
Juan Maldacena - Constraining theories with higher spin symmetry 37:06
Barton Zwiebach - Glimpses of Double Field Theory Geometry 32:07
Angel Uranga - Update on string phenomenology 1:03:07
Andrew Strominger - Progress in dS/CFT 39:56
Alexander Polyakov - Quantum Instability of the de Sitter space 35:46
'Gong Show' (12 x 5-minute talks on string theory topics, Strings 2012) 1:02:59
Gary Horowitz - Why General Relativity is like a High Temperature Superconductor 30:52
Savas Dimopoulos - What has the LHC done to theory? 1:01:44
Nima Arkani-Hamed - Scattering Amplitudes and the Positive Grassmannian 40:32
Andreas Karch - Recent Applications of the Gauge/Gravity Correspondence to QCD and Condensed Matter 55:24
Ben Freivogel - Predictions from Eternal Inflation 29:48
Alejandra Castro - Path integrals in 3D gravity 27:24
David Gross - Outlook and Vision (Strings 2012) 23:39
Mirjam Cvetic - Non perturbative Effects in F theory Compactifications 37:22

String-Math 2012 (University of Bonn)

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source: GraduatePhysics  2014年8月27日
Talks held at University of Bonn, July 16-21, 2012.
Event website: http://www.hcm.uni-bonn.de/events/eventpages/2012/string-...

Ron Donagi - Non Splitness of Supermoduli Space 53:17
Matthias Gaberdiel - Mathieu Moonshine 50:19
Nima Arkani-Hamed - Scattering Amplitudes and the Positive Grassmannian 1:27:26
Horoyuki Fuji - On Asymptotic Behavior of the Colored Superpolynomials 40:26
Lionel Mason - The S Matrix/Wilson Loop Duality in Twistor Space 48:18
Jeff Harvey - Umbral Moonshine 52:21
Nigel Hitchin - Generalized Geometry of Type B_n 48:07
Ashoke Sen - Black Holes to Quivers 52:30
Rahul Pandharipande - GW/Pairs Correspondence for the Quintic 3-fold 43:18
Horosi Ooguri - Modular Constraints on Calabi-Yau Compactification 42:12
Matthias Staudacher - Q-operators, Yangians, and AdS/CFT Integrability 44:58
Nick Sheridan - Homological Mirror Symmetry for a Calabi Yau hypersurface in Projective Space 46:58
Vivek Shende - Large N Duality, Homological Knot Invariants, Rational Double Affine Hecke Algebra 43:09
Alessandro Torrielli - Secret Symmetries of AdS/CFT 48:55
Richard Thomas - Cubic Fourfolds and K3 Surfaces 32:26
Anastasia Volovich - Mathematical Structures of Scattering Amplitudes 50:11
Don Zagier - Mock Modularity and Applications 1:06:49
Johannes Walcher - On the Arithmetic of D-brane Superpotentials 43:13
Katrin Wendland - Large Subgroups of M24 Form Overarching Symmetry Groups of K3 37:22

John Searle on Perception & Philosophy of Mind

source: Philosophical Overdose     2015年6月12日
One of America’s most prominent philosophers says his field has been tilting at windmills for nearly 400 years. Representationalism (indirect realism)---the idea that we don’t directly perceive external objects in the world, but only our own inner mental images or representations of objects---has bedeviled philosophy ever since Descartes, and now is mucking up neuroscience as well, John Searle alleges. He has long defended the “naive” alternative that our senses do actually give us direct access to external reality, and he fires his latest salvo in his new book “Seeing Things as They Are: A Theory of Perception”. John is well-known for his no nonsense approach to philosophical problems, and there was plenty of straight talk here as he discussed his theory of perception, the subjective-objective divide, the scientific study of consciousness, and his dog Tarski.
This interview was given by Robert Pollie from a podcast called the 7th Avenue Project: www.7thavenueproject.com.
For more Searle on perception, check out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lf_4t...

Differential Equations (MIT 2003) by Arthur Mattuck

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source: tawkaw OpenCourseWare     2015年4月22日

Lecture 01 The geometrical view of y'=fx,y direction fields, integral curves 48:56
Lecture 02 Euler's numerical method for y'=fx,y and its generalizations 50:45
Lecture 03 Solving first order linear ODE's; steady state and transient solutions 50:23
Lecture 04 First order substitution methods Bernouilli and homogeneous ODE's 50:14
Lecture 05 First order autonomous ODE's qualitative methods, applications 45:47
Lecture 06 Complex numbers and complex exponentials 45:29
Lecture 07 First order linear with constant coefficients behavior of solutions, use of complex metho 41:10
Lecture 08 Continuation; applications to temperature, mixing, RC circuit, decay, and growth models 50:36
Lecture 09 Solving second order linear ODE's with constant coefficients the three cases 50:01
Lecture 10 Continuation complex characteristic roots; undamped and damped oscillations 46:24
Lecture 11 Theory of general second order linear homogeneous ODE's superposition, uniqueness, Wronsk 50:32
Lecture 12 Continuation general theory for inhomogeneous ODE's Stability criteria for the constant 46:24
Lecture 13 Finding particular solutions to inhomogeneous ODE's operator and solution formulas involve 47:56
Lecture 14 Interpretation of the exceptional case resonance 44:26
Lecture 15 Introduction to Fourier series; basic formulas for period 2pi 49:32
Lecture 16 Continuation more general periods; even and odd functions; periodic extension 49:29
Lecture 17 Finding particular solutions via Fourier series; resonant terms;hearing musical sounds 45:47
Lecture 19 Introduction to the Laplace transform; basic formulas 47:40
Lecture 20 Derivative formulas; using the Laplace transform to solve linear ODE's 51:08
Lecture 21 Convolution formula proof, connection with Laplace transform, application to physical pro 44:20
Lecture 22 Using Laplace transform to solve ODE's with discontinuous inputs 44:08
Lecture 23 Use with impulse inputs; Dirac delta function, weight and transfer functions 44:55
Lecture 24 Introduction to first order systems of ODE's; solution by elimination, geometric interpre 47:05
Lecture 25 Homogeneous linear systems with constant coefficients solution via matrix eigenvalues rea 49:07
Lecture 26 Continuation repeated real eigenvalues, complex eigenvalues 46:38
Lecture 27 Sketching solutions of 2x2 homogeneous linear system with constant coefficients 50:27
Lecture 28 Matrix methods for inhomogeneous systems theory, fundamental matrix, variation of paramet 46:53
Lecture 29 Matrix exponentials; application to solving systems 48:54
Lecture 30 Decoupling linear systems with constant coefficients 47:07
Lecture 31 Non linear autonomous systems finding the critical points and sketching trajectories; the 47:11
Lecture 32 Limit cycles existence and non existence criteria 45:53
Lecture 33 Relation between non linear systems and first order ODE's; structural stability of a syst 50:10

B. Maiti & G. Chakraborty: Design of Machine Elements (IIT Kharagpur)

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source: nptelhrd    2008年8月12日
Mechanical - Design of Machine Elements - I by Prof. B Maiti, Prof. G. Chakraborty, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur.

Lecture -1 Design Philosophy 59:46
Lecture - 2 Design and Manufacturing 59:49
Lecture - 3 Engineering Materials 59:55
Lecture -4 Engineering Materials 59:53
Lecture -5 Simple Stresses In Machine Elements 59:50
Lecture -6 Simple Stresses In Machine Elements 59:52
Lecture -7 Compound Stresses In Machine Elements 59:45
Lecture -8 Design For Strength 59:55
Lecture -9 Design For Strength 59:55
Lecture -10 Design For Strength 59:49
Lecture - 11 Design for Strength 59:55
Lecture - 12 Design for Strength 59:50
Lecture - 13 Design of Fasteners - I 59:46
Lecture - 14 Design of Fasteners - II 59:57
Lecture -15 Design Of Keys and Splines 59:43
Lecture - 16 Threaded Fasteners 1:00:00
Lecture -17 Design Of Threaded Fasteners 55:15
Lecture - 18 Power Screws 59:54
Lecture -19 Design Of Power Screw 59:53
Lecture - 20 Shaft Couplings - I 59:52
Lecture - 21 Saft Coupling - II 59:24
Lecture - 22 Rivet Joints 59:53
Lecture - 23 Design of Welded Joints-I 59:51
Lecture - 24 Design of Welded Joints - II 59:42
Lecture - 25 Design of Joints With Eccentric Loading 59:51
Lecture - 26 Design of Joints With Variable Loading 59:48
Lecture - 27 Design of Springs 59:47
Lecture -28 Design Of Springs 59:57
Lecture -29 Design Of Springs 1:00:19
Lecture -30 Belt Drives 59:50
Lecture - 31 Belt Drives 59:44
Lecture -32 Belt Drives 59:42
Lecture - 33 Design for Strength 42:41
Lecture - 34 Design of Shafts 59:54
Lecture - 35 Design of Machine Elements - I (V & W) 59:47
Lecture - 36 Design of Machine Elements ( V & W ) 59:49
Lecture - 37 Design of Cylinders & Pressure Vessels - II 59:49
Lecture - 38 Design of Cylinders & Pressure Vessels - III 59:46
Lecture - 39 Design of Breaks - I 59:49
Lecture - 40 Design of Brakes - II 59:50

Digital Voice and Picture Communication by S. Sengupta (IIT Kharagpur)

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source: nptelhrd    2008年10月10日
Electronics - Digital Voice and Picture Communication by Prof. S. Sengupta, Department of Electronics and Electrical Communication Engg, IIT Kharagpur.

Lecture - 1 Introduction 54:53
Lecture - 2 Speech Production Model 57:47
Lecture - 3 Speech Coding : Objectives and Requirements 58:24
Lecture - 4 Quantizers for Speech Signal 51:53
Lecture - 5 mew - Law and Optimum Quantizer 51:47
Lecture - 6 Adaptive Quantizer 51:38
Lecture - 7 Differential Quantization 52:49
Lecture - 8 LDM and ADM 56:44
Lecture - 9 Differential PCM and Adaptive Prediction 54:29
Lecture - 10 Linear Prediction of Speech 50:17
Lecture - 11 Computational Aspects of LPC parameters 55:18
Lecture - 12 Cholesky Decomposition 54:31
Lecture - 13 Lattice Formulation of LPC Coefficient 54:13
Lecture - 14 Linear Predictive Synthesizer 53:27
Lecture - 15 LPC Vocoder 44:03
Lecture - 16 Introduction to Image and Video Coding 56:49
Lecture - 17 Lossy Image Compression : DCT 56:25
Lecture -18 DCT Quantization and Limitations 55:18
Lecture - 19 Theory of Wavelets 58:57
Lecture -20 Discrete Wavelet Transforms 55:13
Lecture - 21 DWT on the Images and its Encoding 55:59
Lecture -22 Embedded Zero Tree Wavelet Encoding 58:10
Lecture - 23 Video Coding : Basic Building Blocks 48:53
Lecture - 24 Motion Estimate Techniques 50:13
Lecture - 25 Fast Motion Estimation Techniques 59:51
Lecture - 26 Video Coding Standards 55:09
Lecture - 27 Advanced Coding Aspects 52:41
Lecture - 28 Audio Coding: Basic Concepts 56:31
Lecture - 29 Audio Coding AC - 3 59:05
Lecture - 30 AC -3 Decoder 55:56
Lecture - 31 MPEG - 1 Audio Coding 57:54
Lecture - 32 Introduction to VoIP 52:35
Lecture -33 VoIP Signaling : H.323 Protocol 56:19
Lecture - 34 H.323 Call Controls and Enhancements 49:39
Lecture - 35 Interworking with PSTN Limitations and Solution 48:33
Lecture -36 Multiplexing Schemes 53:13
Lecture - 37 H.323:Multiplexing:Header Compression and BW 56:44
Lecture - 38 ISDN Video Conferencing 58:24
Lecture -39 Video Conferencing : SIP Protocol 51:20
Lecture - 40 4G Multimedia Conferencing 57:14

Digital Image Processing by P. K. Biswas (IIT Kharagpur)

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source: nptelhrd     2008年10月15日
Electronics - Digital Image Processing by Prof. P. K. Biswas, Department of Electronics & Electrical Communication Engineering, IIT Kharagpur.

Lecture 1 Introduction to Digital Image Processing 54:01
Lecture 2 Image Digitization I 57:51
Lecture 3 Image Digitization II 59:02
Lecture 4 Pixel Relationships 57:16
Lecture 5 Pixels Relationships II 54:19
Lecture 6 Basic Transformations 57:42
Lecture 7 Camera Model and Imaging Geometry 55:03
Lecture 8 Camera Calibration and Stereo Imaging 57:22
Lecture -9 Interpolation and Resampling 57:25
Lecture - 10 Image Interpolation - II 1:00:08
Lecture - 11 Image Interpolation - I 59:17
Lecture - 12 Image Transformation - II 56:00
Lecture - 13 Fourier Transformation - I 59:20
Lecture - 14 Fourier Transformation - II 57:40
Lecture - 15 Discrete Cosine Transform 57:45
Lecture - 16 K-L Transform 56:54
Lecture - 17 Image Enhancement 51:36
Lecture - 18 Image Enhancement 58:14
Lecture - 19 Image Enhancement 56:33
Lecture - 20 Image Enhancement 53:09
Lecture - 21 Image Enhancement Frequency 59:47
Lecture - 22 Image Restoration - I 1:00:13
Lecture - 23 Image Restoration - II 58:01
Lecture - 24 Image Restoration -III 58:40
Lecture - 25 Image Registration 57:59
Lecture - 26 Colour Image Processing - I 54:24
Lecture - 27 Colour Image Processing - II 57:26
Lecture - 28 Colour Image Processing - III 59:40
Lecture - 29 Image Segmentation - I 56:38
Lecture - 30 Image Segmentation - II 57:10
Lecture - 31 Image Segmentation - III 57:07
Lecture -32 Image Segmentation - IV 57:50
Lecture - 33 Mathematical Morphology - I 56:53
Lecture - 34 Mathematical Morphology - II 58:44
Lecture - 35 Mathematical Morphology - III 59:29
Lecture - 36 Mathematical Morphology - IV 58:14
Lecture - 37 Object Representation and Description - I 59:54
Lecture - 38 Object Representation and Description - II 57:28
Lecture - 39 Object Representation and Description - III 58:43
Lecture - 40 Object Recognition 59:14