

BX2016: Behavioral Exchange Conference (Harvard Kennedy School)

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source: HarvardCPL 2016年7月26日
Recordings of all Breakout and Plenary Sessions from the BX2016 Behavioral Exchange Conference which took place on June 6th and 7th, 2016. This conference was organized by the Behavioral Insights Group at the Center for Public Leadership, Harvard Kennedy School.

BX2016 'Making Diversity Work' Plenary 1:33:10
BX2016 'Diversity' Breakout 1:28:57
BX2016 'Philanthropy' Breakout 1:25:35
BX2016 'Law' Breakout 1:31:42
BX2016 'Development' Breakout 1:30:24
BX2016 Monday PM Breakout Introductions 34:53
BX2016 'Public Health' Breakout 1:25:08
BX2016 'Education' Breakout 1:29:27
BX2016 'Environment' Breakout 1:29:41
BX2016 'Organizational Behavior' Breakout 1:27:48
BX2016 'Implementing in Government and Organizations' Plenary 1:24:03
BX2016 'Behavioral Economics of Online Platforms' Breakout 1:06:15
BX2016 'Emerging Units' Breakout 1:10:36
BX2016 'Institutionalizing Experimentation in Policy-Making' Breakout 1:19:07
BX2016 'The Promise and Pitfalls of Behavioral Science at Scale' Breakout 1:17:45
BX2016 'The Quantified City' Breakout 1:19:33
BX2016 'Smart Scaling' Breakout 1:15:10
BX2016 'Government Policy and Practice Through the Behavioral Insights Lens' Breakout 1:12:41
BX2016 'The Why and the What for Public Officials' Breakout 1:15:44
BX2016 'How We Talk About Nudging: A Conversation with Cass Sunstein' 43:05
BX2016 'Moving Beyond Nudging' Plenary 1:11:50

Barking up the right tree: how do we understand what words mean? - Dr Jenni Rodd - UCL LHL

source: UCL Lunch Hour Lectures     2016年10月31日
Speaker: Dr Jenni Rodd, UCL Psychology and Language Sciences
- Tuesday 18th October 2016 #ucllhl
If you look up just about any word in a dictionary you will usually see a long list of possible definitions, yet it takes no apparent effort to figure out the intended definition of a word when it is used in everyday life. Dr Jenni Rodd will talk about the cognitive mechanisms that allow people to make rapid ‘best guesses’ about a word’s meaning.
More info : http://events.ucl.ac.uk/lhl
Join the conversation on Twitter at #UCLLHL

The Nation at The New School: Media Malpractice and the Election

source: The New School    2016年11月2日
Sponsored by The Nation and The New School (http://newschool.edu). How responsible is the media for calling out a candidate's untruths? Has the media employed a double-standard in reporting on Hillary Clinton's candidacy? What role has gender played? How have different media shaped (and misshaped) the campaign? How has the ascent of social media altered the role of the traditional press? What lessons do we need to draw from media coverage of this election? What changes need to be considered? What is the role of media in a democracy?
Join the conversation with a group of deeply engaged political and media analysts one week before the most important election of our lifetimes. Speakers include Joan Walsh, Farai Chideya, Rinku Sen, and Katha Pollitt. Moderated by Laura Flanders with a special introduction by Katrina vanden Heuvel. Hosted by The New School.
Theresa Lang Community and Student Center, Arnold Hall
Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 6:30 pm

Ana Luisa Amaral and Margaret Jull Costa II (Encounters: Writers and Translators in Conversation)

source: SchAdvStudy     2016年11月25日
19-10-16 Institute of Modern Languages Research
Institute: https://modernlanguages.sas.ac.uk
Encounters: Writers and Translators in Conversation

Ana Luísa Amaral's first volume of poetry, Minha Senhora de Quê was published in 1990, earning her work a place in the emergent genealogy of Portuguese women’s poetry. She has published ten more original collections of poetry and two volumes of collected poems, as well as several translations (including poetry by Emily Dickinson, John Updike and William Shakespeare) and books for children. Amaral's poetry has been translated into several languages, and her work has already appeared in France, Spain, Brazil, Italy, Sweden, Holland, Venezuela, Colombia, and is soon to be published in the United Kingdom, Mexico and Germany. She is the recipient of several prizes and awards, and is represented in a large number of Portuguese and international anthologies. Amaral has also given lectures and seminars on poetry and poetics and given poetry readings the world over.

Margaret Jull Costa has been a literary translator for nearly 30 years and has translated works by novelists such as Eça de Queiroz, José Saramago, Javier Marías and Teolinda Gersão, as well as poets such as Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen and Ana Luísa Amaral. She has won various prizes, most recently the 2015 Marsh Award for Children’s Fiction in Translation for Bernardo Atxaga’s The Adventures of Shola. In 2013 she was invited to become a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and in 2014 was awarded an OBE for services to literature. In 2015 she was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the University of Leeds.
This event is sponsored by the Camões Centre for Portuguese Language and Culture at King's College London

Susan Stiffelman: "Parenting with Presence" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google     2016年11月1日
Susan Stiffelman talks about how our children’s challenging behaviors—when met with presence and awareness—can catalyze our greatest growth.
She describes 3-ways we can interact with our children:
1) as the calm Captain of the ship who responds rather than reacts and sets loving limits from closeness and connection or
2) as the Lawyer who uses logic and negotiations to convince them to behave when tensions they are unhappy or misbehaving or
3) as the Dictator who—feeling desperate and out of control—tries to overpower children with threats, bribes, or punishments. Filled with practical nuggets that parents can immediately apply in their day to day lives, and are delivered with lightness, warmth, and humor.
You can find the book on Google Play: https://goo.gl/hebol8

Reasoning about Scientific and Religious Explanations by Cristine Legare at McGill University

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source: CREORMcGill    2012年1月20日
A part of the McGill CREOR Lecture Series on Religion and the Brain.
Reasoning about Scientific and Religious Explanations

Part 1 The Coexistence of Natural and Supernatural Explanations across Cultures and Development
Part 2 17:03
Part 3 17:02
Part 4 17:02
Part 5 17:03
Part 6 4:02

Pattern Recognition Class (2011) by Fred Hamprecht at Universität Heidelberg

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source: Universität Heidelberg       2011年11月9日
A course on Pattern Recognition by Prof. Fred Hamprecht from the Physics department of the Heidelberg University. The course introduces modern machine learning methods with an eye to applications in image analysis.

Lecture 01, part 1  Introduction to pattern recognition and probability theory. This part introduces pattern recognition applications and the k-nearest neighbors classifier. 46:55
Lecture 01, part 2  50:25
Lecture 01, part 3 35:54
Lecture 02, part 1  38:09
Lecture 02, part 2 45:47
Lecture 02, part 3 42:29
Lecture 02, part 4 41:14
Lecture 03, part 1 42:05
Lecture 03, part 2 52:29
Lecture 03, part 3 58:00
Lecture 04, part 1 43:52
Lecture 04, part 2 58:20
Lecture 04, part 3 41:23
Lecture 04, part 4 23:08
Lecture 05, part 1 44:40
Lecture 05, part 2 34:44
Lecture 05, part 3 39:31
Lecture 05, part 4 42:14
Lecture 06, part 1 48:30
Lecture 06, part 2 1:00:54
Lecture 06, part 3 1:01:06
Lecture 06, part 4 6:47
Lecture 08, part 1 56:59
Lecture 08, part 2 52:50
Lecture 08, part 3 38:22
Lecture 09, part 1 37:52
Lecture 09, part 2 45:14
Lecture 09, part 3 24:46
Lecture 10, part 1 40:36
Lecture 10, part 2 36:42
Lecture 10, part 3 51:30
Lecture 10, part 4 45:00
Lecture 11, part 1 30:21
Lecture 11, part 2 46:59
Lecture 11, part 3 45:28
Lecture 11, part 4 45:28

2012 Arnold Sommerfeld School "New Methods for Field Theory Amplitudes"

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source: GraduatePhysics 2015年6月30日
Lectures held at LMU Munich, Sep 10-14, 2012
Event website: http://www.theorie.physik.uni-muenchen.de/activities/scho...

Freddy Cachazo - Introduction to On-shell Diagrams, Part I 1:36:31
Freddy Cachazo - Introduction to On-shell Diagrams, Part IV 1:42:44
Freddy Cachazo - Introduction to On-shell Diagrams, Part III 1:23:50
Freddy Cachazo - Introduction to On-shell Diagrams, Part II 1:49:16
John Joseph Carrasco - Graph Methods in Multiloop Calculation - I - Momentum flow Graphs 1:32:53
John Joseph Carrasco - Graph Methods in Multiloop Calculation - III - Cut construction 1:26:46
John Joseph Carrasco - Graph Methods in Multiloop Calculation - II - Unitarity cut verification 1:30:22
John Joseph Carrasco - Graph Methods in Multiloop Calculation - IV - Color kinematics duality 1:31:16
David Kosower - New tools for computing in gauge theories, Part I 1:33:55
David Kosower - New tools for computing in gauge theories, Part III 1:37:17
David Kosower - New tools for computing in gauge theories, Part II 1:57:49
David Kosower - New tools for computing in gauge theories, Part IV 1:40:28
Pierpaolo Mastrolia - The Basic Structure Of Scattering Amplitudes, Part I 1:25:52
Pierpaolo Mastrolia - The Basic Structure Of Scattering Amplitudes, Part II 1:30:57
Pierpaolo Mastrolia - The Basic Structure Of Scattering Amplitudes, Part IV 1:34:42
Pierpaolo Mastrolia - The Basic Structure Of Scattering Amplitudes, Part III 1:31:29

2013 Arnold Sommerfeld School "Gauge-gravity duality and condensed matter physics"

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source: GraduatePhysics 2015年7月8日
Lectures held at LMU Munich, Aug 5-9, 2013
Event website: http://www.theorie.physik.uni-muenchen.de/activities/scho...

John McGreevy - Holography with and without gravity - Lecture 1 1:26:46
John McGreevy - Holography with and without gravity - Lecture 2 1:28:40
John McGreevy - Holography with and without gravity - Lecture 3 1:37:17
Tadashi Takayanagi - Entanglement Entropy and AdS/CFT - Lecture 1 1:27:18
Tadashi Takayanagi - Entanglement Entropy and AdS/CFT - Lecture 2 1:30:52
Tadashi Takayanagi - Entanglement Entropy and AdS/CFT - Lecture 3 1:25:54
Joe Bhaseen - From Critical Phenomena to Holographic Duality in Quantum Matter - Lecture 1 1:22:08
Joe Bhaseen - From Critical Phenomena to Holographic Duality in Quantum Matter - Lecture 2 1:27:34
Joe Bhaseen - From Critical Phenomena to Holographic Duality in Quantum Matter - Lecture 3 1:39:16
Subir Sachdev - Quantum matter and gauge gravity duality - Lecture 1 1:31:37
Subir Sachdev - Quantum matter and gauge gravity duality - Lecture 2 1:33:06
Subir Sachdev - Quantum matter and gauge gravity duality - Lecture 3 1:30:17
Sean Hartnoll - Transport from Boltzmann equations to holography - Lecture 1 1:27:10
Sean Hartnoll - Transport from Boltzmann equations to holography - Lecture 2 1:40:00
Sean Hartnoll - Transport from Boltzmann equations to holography - Lecture 3 1:35:42

2014 Arnold Sommerfeld School "Strings and fundamental physics"

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source: GraduatePhysics      2015年7月16日
Lectures held at LMU Munich, Aug 11-22, 2014.
Event website: http://www.theorie.physik.uni-muenchen.de/activities/scho...

Gia Dvali - Corpuscular structure of black holes, part 2 1:43:56
Gia Dvali - Corpuscular structure of black holes, part 1 1:32:21
Ramy Brustein - Black hole paradoxes: The clash of quantum mechanics and gravity, part 1 1:30:57
Ramy Brustein - Black hole paradoxes: The clash of quantum mechanics and gravity, part 2 1:32:41
Ramy Brustein - Black hole paradoxes: The clash of quantum mechanics and gravity, part 3 1:36:21
Ramy Brustein - Black hole paradoxes: The clash of quantum mechanics and gravity, part 4 1:36:11
Martin Ammon - Introduction to Higher Spin Gravity, part 1 1:29:05
Martin Ammon - Introduction to Higher Spin Gravity, part 3 1:36:56
Martin Ammon - Introduction to Higher Spin Gravity, part 2 1:33:12
Martin Ammon - Introduction to Higher Spin Gravity, part 4 1:34:22
Zohar Komargodski - Aspects of RG flows, part 1 1:37:28
Zohar Komargodski - Aspects of RG flows, part 2 1:29:07
Zohar Komargodski - Aspects of RG flows, part 3 1:19:57
Zohar Komargodski - Aspects of RG flows, part 4 1:10:14
Frank Simon - Future Colliders at the Energy Frontier 1:24:26
Henning Samtleben - Supergravity and Exceptional Field Theory, part 1 1:32:31
Henning Samtleben - Supergravity and Exceptional Field Theory, part 2 42:55
Henning Samtleben - Supergravity and Exceptional Field Theory, part 3 1:31:33
Henning Samtleben - Supergravity and Exceptional Field Theory, part 4 1:30:21
Juan Maldacena - Entanglement, geometry and black holes, part 1 1:35:53
Juan Maldacena - Entanglement, geometry and black holes, part 2 1:29:16
Juan Maldacena - Entanglement, geometry and black holes, part 3 1:29:32
Juan Maldacena - Entanglement, geometry and black holes, part 4 1:37:19

President's Women of Yale Lecture - 'Topologies - Process and Projects' presented by Maya Lin

source: Yale University   2016年10月28日
President's Women of Yale Lecture Series - 'Topologies — Process and Projects' presented by Maya Lin '81, '86 M.Arch, October 7, 2016
The President's Women of Yale lecture series sponsored by President Peter Salovey launched Friday, October 7, 2016 with famed architect and alumna Maya Lin as the inaugural speaker. Lin’s talk, titled “Topologies — Process and Projects,” is based on 2015’s “Topologies,” a monograph of her work. The President’s Women of Yale Lecture Series showcases the accomplishments of women who graduated from the university—particularly women of color—and whose leadership reflects on the success of coeducation at Yale. They will continue through 2019 with a grand capstone celebration. The full schedule of lectures can be found at: http://president.yale.edu/programs-ou....

Karl Popper - Science, Epistemology, & Political Theory (BBC In Our Time)

source: Philosophical Overdose     2015年9月26日
Karl Popper was one of the most influential and important philosophers of the 20th century. His ideas about science and politics robustly challenged the accepted ideas of the day. He strongly resisted the prevailing consensus that scientific theories could be proved true, suggesting instead that theories can at best only survive our attempts to falsify them. This theory of falsification has become one influential way of understanding science. For Popper, empirical falsifiability is the criterion which distinguishes genuine science from non-science and pseudoscience. Popper was led to such by recognizing the force of David Hume's argument that inductive reasoning has no rational foundation. But Popper argued that this wasn't a problem for science because science wasn't actually based on induction at all. He went on to apply his ideas to politics, famously advocating an Open Society.
This is from the BBC radio podcast called "In Our Time". Melvyn Bragg discusses the work of Karl Popper with John Worrall (Professor of Philosophy of Science at the London School of Economics), Anthony O'Hear (Weston Professor of Philosophy at Buckingham University), and Nancy Cartwright (Professor of Philosophy at the LSE and the University of California).

S. P. Sukhatme & U. N. Gaitonde: Mechanical - Heat and Mass Transfer (IIT Bombay)

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source: nptelhrd    2008年12月10日
Mechanical - Heat and Mass Transfer by Prof. S. P. Sukhatme and Prof. U. N. Gaitonde, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Bombay.

Lecture - 1 Introduction on Heat and Mass Transfer 50:41
Lecture - 2 Introduction - 2 53:09
Lecture - 3 Introduction - 3 54:24
Lecture - 4 Heat Conduction - 1 54:42
Lecture - 5 Heat Conduction - 2 52:44
Lecture - 6 Heat Conduction - 3 52:53
Lecture - 7 Heat Conduction - 4 53:33
Lecture - 8 Heat Conduction - 5 53:29
Lecture - 9 Heat Conduction - 6 56:39
Lecture - 10 Thermal Radiation - 1 54:29
Lecture - 11 Thermal Radiation - 2 55:59
Lecture - 12 Thermal Radiation - 3 54:28
Lecture - 13 Thermal Radiation - 4 56:03
Lecture - 14 Thermal Radiation - 5 55:54
Lecture - 15 Thermal Radiation - 6 56:32
Lecture - 16 Review Of Fluid Mechanics - 1 46:48
Lecture - 17 Review Of Fluid Mechanics - 2 55:10
Lecture - 18 Forced Convection - 1 50:41
Lecture - 19 Forced Convection - 2 50:14
Lecture - 20 Forced Convection - 3 51:48
Lecture - 21 Forced Convection - 4 45:51
Lecture - 22 Natural Convection - 1 51:46
Lecture - 23 Natural Convection - 2 52:33
Lecture - 24 Natural Convection - 3 49:41
Lecture - 25 Heat Exchangers - 1 52:02
Lecture - 26 Heat Exchangers - 2 58:19
Lecture - 27 Heat Exchangers - 3 53:09
Lecture - 28 Heat Exchangers - 4 57:50
Lecture - 29 Boiling and Condensation - 1 55:38
Lecture - 30 Boiling and Condensation - 2 55:02
Lecture - 31 Boiling and Condensation - 3 53:03
Lecture - 32 Boiling and Condensation - 4 58:13
Lecture - 33 Introduction to Mass Transfer - 1 50:43
Lecture - 34 Introduction to Mass Transfer - 2 49:18
Lecture - 35 Introduction to Mass Transfer - 3 56:54

Circuits for Analog System Design by M. K. Gunasekaran (IISC Bangalore)

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source: nptelhrd   2012年5月2日
Electronics - Circuits for Analog System Design by Prof. M. K. Gunasekaran, Department of Electronics Design and Technology, IISC Bangalore. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

01 Transistor Amplifier 58:30
02 Transistor Op-amp and Transistor Based Voltage Regulator 58:58
03 Some applications of transistor -1 59:02
04 Some applications of transistor - II 58:47
05 Transformer design & Heat sink design 57:42
06 Op-amp Based Linear Voltage Regulator 57:09
07 Short circuit protection for linear power supply 57:41
08 Temperature indicator design using Op-amp 57:06
09 On & off Temperature controller design 59:24
10 Proportional Temperature Controller Design 59:10
11 PID - Temperature Controller Design 58:49
12 Heater Drive for Various Temperature Controllers 58:51
13 Short Circuit Protection of Power MOSFET 59:49
14 Error budgeting for temperature Indicator 57:12
15 PID Temperature Controllers with Error Budgeting 58:46
16 Error Budgeting for Constant Current Sources 1:00:00
17 Error Budgeting for Thermo Couple Amplifier 59:39
18 Error Budgeting for Op amp Circuits 59:11
19 Gain Error Calculation in Op amp Circuits 58:50
20 Input Resistance Calculations for Op amp 59:03
21 Output Resistance Calculations for Op amp 57:48
22 Error Budgeting for Different Circuits 56:30
23 4-20 mA current Transmitter design 58:54
24 Error budgeting for 4-20mA Current Transmitters 58:19
25 LVDT Based Current Transmitters 59:01
26 Constant Current Source Design 57:27
27 4-20 MA Based Temperature Transmitter 59:55
28 3-Wire Current Transmitter 59:53
29 Various Resistance Measurement Techniques 59:47
30 Ratio Transformer Technique to Measure Resistance and capacitance 59:55
31 Capacitive Sensor Circuit Design Examples 57:28
32 Capacitive Sensor Circuit With High Impedance Amplifier 56:53
33 AC- applications of the Op-Amp and Lock in Amplifier Design 57:37
34 Design of lock in Amplifier Circuit with example 57:07
35 Dual Slopes ADC -- Design Examples 57:25
36 Dual Slope ADC and Successor approximation ADC 58:00
37 MC based ADC 58:03
38 Digital to analog Converter design and working, Flash ADC 57:38
39 Flash ADC and ADC Converter errors 57:35
40 Sigma delta ADC working Principle 57:00

VLSI Data Conversion Circuits by Shanthi Pavan (IIT Madras)

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source: nptelhrd     2012年7月23日
Electronics - VLSI Data Conversion Circuits by Dr. Shanthi Pavan, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

01 Introduction to Data Conversion 1:25:33
02 Sampling-1 1:08:10
03 Sampling-2 55:55
04 Nonidealities in Samples 54:19
05 Noise due to Sampling 57:58
06 Distortion in a Sampling Switch 59:51
07 Gate Boosted Switches-1 52:25
08 Gate Boosted Switches-2 55:06
09 Charge Injection 52:47
10 S/H Characterization - 1 51:29
11 S/H Characterization - 2 55:27
12 FFTs and Leakage 51:08
13 Spectral Windows - 1 51:19
14 Spectral Windows-2 54:21
15 ADC/DAC Definitions 49:57
16 Quantization Noise - I 51:25
17 Quantization Noise -2 57:58
18 Oversampling & Noise Shaping 53:45
19 Delta-Sigma Modulation - 1 53:27
20 Delta-Sigma Modulation - 2 53:52
21 Linearized Analysis 58:26
22 Stability of Delta Sigma Modulators 51:58
23 High Order DSMs 52:27
24 NTF Design and Tradeoffs 55:44
25 Single bit Modulators 50:10
26 Loop Filter Architectures 52:47
27 Continous-time Delta Sigma Modulation 54:19
28 Implicit Antialiasing 53:38
29 Modulators with NRZ and Impulsive DACs 55:25
30 High Order CTDSMs 50:21
31 CTDM Design 50:09
32 Excess Loop Delay (ELD) 48:52
33 ELD Compensation 52:51
34 Effect of Clock Jitter on CTDSMs - 1 49:54
35 Effect of Clock Jitter on CTDSMs - 2 52:25
36 Dynamic Range Scaling 52:39
37 Simulation of CTDSMs 52:17
38 Integrator Design-1 54:59
39 Integrator Design-2 1:01:10
40 Flash ADC Design 50:11
41 Latches and Metastability 56:19
42 Offset in a Latch-1 51:00
43 Offset in a Latch-2 Auto Zeroing 54:07
44 Auto Zeroing-2 56:48
45 Auto Zeroing-3 53:08
46 Autozeroing in Flash ADCs 57:34
47 Flash ADC Case Study 56:43
48 Flash ADC Case Study 1:04:22
49 Flash ADC in a Delta Sigma Loop 49:15
50 DAC Basics 53:00
51 Binary and Thermometer DACs 53:57
52 Segmented DACs 41:41
53 Optimal DAC Segmentation 54:07
54 DAC Nonlinearities 52:00
55 Current Steering DACs-1 55:46
56 Current Steering DACs-2 58:56
57 DAC Mismatches in DSMs 54:04
58 Calibration and Randomization 54:33
59 Dynamic Element Matching-1 53:27
60 Dynamic Element Matching-2 50:05