

Philosophy and Post-Mortem Survival with Stephen E. Braude

source: New Thinking Allowed    2016年10月2日
Stephen Braude, PhD, served as chairman of the philosophy department at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. He has also served as president of the Parapsychological Association. He is author of Crimes of Reason, The Gold Leaf Lady, Immortal Remains, The Limits of Influence, First Person Plural, and ESP and Psychokinesis. He is the recent recipient of the prestigious Myers Memorial Medal awarded by the Society for Psychical Research for outstanding contributions.
Here he suggests that in order to engage in the scientific study of post-mortem survival of personality, it is important to begin by clarifying exactly what is being studied. This requires an understanding of such terms as human identity and continuity. He notes that there are many ways, in daily life, that we ascertain the identity of other individuals without requiring the presence of a physical body. These same methods are applicable in survival research. He also discusses the philosophical issues associated with the living agent psi hypothesis as an alternative to post-mortem survival.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He is a past vice-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology; and is the recipient of the Pathfinder Award from that Association for his contributions to the field of human consciousness exploration. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities.
(Recorded on July 9, 2016)

Mathematics for Computer Science (Spring 2015) by Albert R. Meyer at MIT

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source: MIT OpenCourseWare     2016年9月12日
MIT 6.042J Mathematics for Computer Science, Spring 2015
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/6-042JS15
More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms
More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu
This subject offers an interactive introduction to discrete mathematics oriented toward computer science and engineering. The subject coverage divides roughly into thirds:
1) Fundamental concepts of mathematics: Definitions, proofs, sets, functions, relations.
2) Discrete structures: graphs, state machines, modular arithmetic, counting.
3) Discrete probability theory.
On completion of 6.042J, students will be able to explain and apply the basic methods of discrete (noncontinuous) mathematics in computer science. They will be able to use these methods in subsequent courses in the design and analysis of algorithms, computability theory, software engineering, and computer systems.

1.1.1 Welcome to 6.042 2:15
1.1.2 Intro to Proofs: Part 1 9:31
1.1.3 Intro to Proofs: Part 2 7:08
1.2.1 Proof by Contradiction 7:55
1.2.3 Proof by Cases 6:54
1.3.1 Well Ordering Principle 1: Video 5:38
1.3.3 Well Ordering Principle 2: Video 5:24
1.3.5 Well Ordering Principle 3: Video 6:03
1.4.1 Propositional Operators: Video 9:21
1.4.3 Digital Logic: Video 10:03
1.4.4 Truth Tables: Video 12:57
1.5.1 Predicate Logic 1: Video 12:35
1.5.2 Predicate Logic 2: Video 12:00
1.5.4 Predicate Logic 3: Video 8:30
1.6.1 Sets Definitions: Video 12:00
1.6.2 Sets Operations: Video 9:15
1.7.1 Relations: Video 25:13
1.7.3 Relational Mappings: Video 8:53
1.7.5 Finite Cardinality: Video 10:58
1.8.1 Induction: Video 21:42
1.8.2 Bogus Induction: Video 5:03
1.8.4 Strong Induction: Video 10:03
1.8.6 WOP vs Induction: Video [optional] 7:53
1.9.3 Derived Variables: Video 6:24
1.10.1 Recursive Data: Video 12:42
1.10.4 Structural Induction: Video 6:16
1.10.7 Recursive Functions: Video 14:04
1.11.1 Cardinality: Video 12:56
1.11.3 Countable Sets: Video 9:46
1.11.4 Cantor's Theorem: Video 20:23
1.11.7 The Halting Problem: Video [Optional] 16:02
1.11.9 Russell's Paradox: Video 13:25
1.11.11 Set Theory Axioms: Video [Optional] 9:20
2.1.1 GCDs & Linear Combinations: Video 9:42
2.1.2 Euclidean Algorithm: Video 9:30
2.1.4 Pulverizer: Video 11:49
2.1.6 Revisiting Die Hard: Video 5:17
2.1.7 Prime Factorization: Video 7:48
2.2.1 Congruence mod n: Video 13:12
2.2.3 Inverses mod n: Video 4:17
2.3.1 Modular Exponentiation Euler's Function: Video 6:13
2.3.3 The Ring Z: Video 16:51
2.4.1 RSA Public Key Encryption: Video 21:45
2.4.3 Reducing Factoring To SAT: Video 7:10
2.5.1 Digraphs: Walks & Paths: Video 3:45
2.5.3 Digraphs: Connected Vertices: Video 6:55
2.6.1 DAGs: Video 11:22
2.6.3 Scheduling: Video 13:17
2.6.5 Time versus Processors: Video 9:45
2.7.1 Partial Orders: Video 10:33
2.7.3 Representing Partial Orders As Subset Relations: Video 6:58
2.7.4 Equivalence Relations: Video 7:12
2.8.1 Degree: Video 11:18
2.8.3 Isomorphism: Video 11:04
2.9.1 Coloring: Video 16:21
2.9.3 Connectivity: Video 3:09
2.9.4 k-Connectivity: Video 8:14
2.10.1 Trees: Video 8:07
2.10.3 Tree Coloring: Video 2:04
2.10.5 Spanning Trees: Video 10:39
2.11.1 Stable Matching: Video 11:20
2.11.2 Matching Ritual: Video 9:18
2.11.5 Optimal Stable Matching: Video 9:06
2.11.7 Bipartite Matching 4:02
2.11.9 Hall's Theorem 15:31
3.1.1 Arithmetic Sums: Video 3:59
3.1.3 Geometric Sums: Video 10:36
3.1.5 Book Stacking: Video 7:41
3.1.7 Integral Method: Video 9:35
3.1.9 Stirling's Formula: Video 5:51
3.2.1 Asymptotic Notation: Video 7:43
3.2.3 Asymptotic Properties: Video 10:12
3.2.6 Asymptotic Blunders 4:33
3.3.1 Sum And Product Rules: Video 7:28
3.3.3 Counting with Bijections: Video 11:43
3.4.1 Generalized Counting Rules: Video 10:06
3.4.3 Two Pair Poker Hands: Video 7:46
3.4.4 Binomial Theorem: Video 5:42
3.4.5 Multinomial Theorem: Video 7:51
3.5.1 The Pigeonhole Principle: Video 4:14
3.5.3 Inclusion-Exclusion Example: Video 13:10
3.5.4 Inclusion-Exclusion 2 Sets: Video 7:10
4.1.1 Tree Model: Video 25:24
4.1.3 Simplified Monty Hall Tree: Video 7:41
4.1.5 Sample Spaces: Video 9:46
4.2.1 Conditional Probability Definitions: Video 12:19
4.2.3 Law of Total Probability: Video 3:33
4.2.5 Bayes' Theorem: Video 11:39
4.2.7 Monty Hall Problem: Video 8:42
4.3.1 Independence: Video 3:36
4.3.3 Mutual Independence: Video 8:19
4.4.1 Bigger Number Game: Video 12:19
4.4.2 Random Variables: Independence: Video 15:31
4.4.4 Random Variables: Uniform & Binomial: Video 11:33
4.5.1 Expectation: Video 18:53
4.5.3 Expected Number Of Heads: Video 4:39
4.5.5 Total Expectation: Video 4:18
4.5.7 Mean Time to Failure: Video 11:25
4.5.9 Linearity of Expectation: Video 18:30
4.6.1 Deviation From The Mean: Video 7:47
4.6.3 Markov Bounds: Video 8:48
4.6.5 Chebyshev Bounds: Video 10:22
4.6.7 Variance: Video 14:35
4.7.1 Law Of Large Numbers: Video 13:49
4.7.3 Independent Sampling Theorem: Video 6:52
4.7.5 Birthday Matching: Video 12:19
4.7.7 Sampling & Confidence: Video 12:57
4.8.1 Random Walks: Video 10:34
4.8.2 Stationary Distributions: Video 16:01
4.8.3 Page Rank: Video 10:59

Başak KALE: Law and Institutions of the European Union (Middle East Technical U)

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source: METUOpenCourseWare    2014年10月9日
Course: IR477 - Law and Institutions of the European Union
For Lecture Notes: http://ocw.metu.edu.tr/course/view.ph...
OpenCourseWare: [ http://ocw.metu.edu.tr ]
Youtube Channel: [ http://www.youtube.com/METUOpenCourse... ]

Lecture 1.1 1:16:02 Introduction & Establishment and development
of European integration
Lecture 1.2 33:41 Introduction & Establishment and development
of European integration
Lecture 2 48:54 Organizational Structure of the EU and its Institutions
Lecture 3.1 1:13:21
Lecture 3.2 36:13
Lecture 4.1 44:38
Lecture 4.2 1:08:26
Lecture 5.1 41:45
Lecture 5.2 28:57
Lecture 6 53:23
Lecture 7.1 52:26
Lecture 7.2 28:38

Can you solve the river crossing riddle? - Lisa Winer

source: TED-Ed    2016年11月1日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/can-you-sol...
As a wildfire rages through the grasslands, three lions and three wildebeest flee for their lives. To escape the inferno, they must cross over to the left bank of a crocodile-infested river. Can you help them figure out how to get across on the one raft available without losing any lives? Lisa Winer shows how.
Lesson by Lisa Winer, animation by Artrake Studio.

Altan BAYKAL: Electromagnetic Theory II (Middle East Technical University)

# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist

source: METUOpenCourseWare     2014年1月15日
Course: Electromagnetic Theory II - PHYS506
For Lecture Notes: http://ocw.metu.edu.tr/course/view.ph...
OpenCourseWare: [ http://ocw.metu.edu.tr ]
Youtube Channel: [ http://www.youtube.com/METUOpenCourse... ]
Course Objective: 
This course is designed to introduce PhD level of Electromagnetic Theory. The subjects inculde the waveguides, radiating, systems, scattering and diffraction theory, special theory of relativity, dynamics of relativistic particles and radiation from relativistic particles.
Course Content: 
Diffraction radiation; introduction to special relativity and the covariant formulation; radiation from moving charges; multiple expansions; radiation reaction.

Electromagnetic Theory II - Lecture 1.1 Maxwell equations, Maxwell Displacement Current, Vector and Scalar Potentials, Gauge Transformations, Lorentz and Coulomb Gauge, Green Function for the wave equations.  50:23
Lecture 1.2 Maxwell equations, Maxwell Displacement Current, Vector and Scalar Potentials, Gauge Transformations, Lorentz and Coulomb Gauge, Green Function for the wave equations. 47:19
Lecture 2.1 Green Function for the wave equation, Poynting's theorem and conservation of energy, Momentum for a system of charge particles and electromagnetic fields.  54:54
Lecture 2.2 Green Function for the wave equation, Poynting's theorem and conservation of energy, Momentum for a system of charge particles and electromagnetic fields. 46:09
Lecture 3.1 Plane waves in a nonconducting medium, Linear and Circular Polarization, Reflection and refraction of electromagnetic waves at a plane interface between dielectrics. 48:57
Lecture 3.2 Plane waves in a nonconducting medium, Linear and Circular Polarization, Reflection and refraction of electromagnetic waves at a plane interface between dielectrics. 38:27
Lecture 4.1 Fields at the Surface of and within a Conductor and Waveguides 1:00:49
Lecture 4.2 Fields at the Surface of and within a Conductor and Waveguides  46:11
Lecture 5.1 Waveguides, Modes in a rectangular waveguide, Energy flow in waveguides. 1:03:32
Lecture 5.2 Waveguides, Modes in a rectangular waveguide, Energy flow in waveguides. 18:28
Lecture 6.1 Attenuation in Waveguides, Resonant Cavities, Fields and radiation of a localized oscillating source.  54:38
Lecture 6.2 Attenuation in Waveguides, Resonant Cavities, Fields and radiation of a localized oscillating source. 39:32
Lecture 7.1 Electric Dipole Fields and Radiation 55:59
Lecture 7.2 Electric Dipole Fields and Radiation  45:05
Lecture 8.1 Magnetic dipole and Quadrupole Fields 51:58
Lecture 8.2 Magnetic dipole and Quadrupole Fields  41:27
Lecture 9.1 Multipole Expansion of the Electromagnetic Fields 56:05
Lecture 9.2 Multipole Expansion of the Electromagnetic Fields 40:57
Lecture 10.1  Angular Distribution of Multipole Radiation, Sources of Multipole Radiation, Scattering at Long Wavelengths. 53:28
Lecture 10.2 Angular Distribution of Multipole Radiation, Sources of Multipole Radiation, Scattering at Long Wavelengths.  46:00
Lecture 11.1 Scattering by dipoles, Scattering by a small dielectric sphere, Scattering by a small perfectly conducting sphere.  59:02
Lecture 11.2 Scattering by dipoles, Scattering by a small dielectric sphere, Scattering by a small perfectly conducting sphere.  41:44
Lecture 12.1 Perturbation theory of scattering, Born approximation, Blue Sky. 50:35
Lecture 12.2 Perturbation theory of scattering, Born approximation, Blue Sky. 37:12
Lecture 13.1 Diffraction Theory, Diffraction by a Circular Aperture. 53:45
Lecture 13.2 Diffraction Theory, Diffraction by a Circular Aperture. 47:34
Lecture 14.1 Special Theory of Relativity, Lorentz transformations, 4 vectors, Light Cone, Proper Time, Time Dilation. 50:22
Lecture 14.2 Special Theory of Relativity, Lorentz transformations, 4 vectors, Light Cone, Proper Time, Time Dilation. 42:52
Lecture 15 Relativistic Doppler Shift 45:24
Lecture 16.1 Addition of Velocities, 4- Velocity, Relativistic Momentum and Energy of Particle, Mathematical Properties of the Space Time of Special Relativity. 1:01:42
Lecture 16.2 Addition of Velocities, 4- Velocity, Relativistic Momentum and Energy of Particle, Mathematical Properties of the Space Time of Special Relativity. 31:24
Lecture 17.1 Invariance of Electric Charge, Covariance of Electrodynamics.  51:41
Lecture 17.2 Invariance of Electric Charge, Covariance of Electrodynamics.  46:14
Lecture 18.1 Transformation of Electromagnetic Fields, Elementary Approach to a Relativistic Lagrangian.  1:08:46
Lecture 18.2 Transformation of Electromagnetic Fields, Elementary Approach to a Relativistic Lagrangian. 27:16
Lecture 19.1 Hamiltonian for a charge particle interacting with external electromagnetic fields, Manifestly Covariant Treatment of the Relativistic Lagrangian. 47:55
Lecture 19.2 Hamiltonian for a charge particle interacting with external electromagnetic fields, Manifestly Covariant Treatment of the Relativistic Lagrangian.  33:24
Lecture 20 Motion in Combined, Uniform, Static Electric and Magnetic Field, Lagrangian for the Electromagnetic Field.  1:08:13
Lecture 21.1 Canonical and Symmetric Stress Tensors, Conservation Laws. 1:00:11
Lecture 21.2 Canonical and Symmetric Stress Tensors, Conservation Laws.  30:11
Lecture 22 Solution of the Wave Equation in Covariant Form, Invariant Green Function.  1:11:10
Lecture 23.1 Lienard-Wiechert Potentials and Fields for a Point Charge, Larmor's Formula.  54:46
Lecture 23.2 Lienard-Wiechert Potentials and Fields for a Point Charge, Larmor's Formula.  43:26
Lecture 24 Larmor's Formula and Its Relativistic Generalization  49:00
Lecture 25.1 Angular Distribution of Radiation Emitted by an Accelerated Charge, Distribution in Frequency Radiated by Accelerated Charges, Summary of Bremsstrahlung Emission. 49:47
Lecture 25.2 Angular Distribution of Radiation Emitted by an Accelerated Charge, Distribution in Frequency Radiated by Accelerated Charges, Summary of Bremsstrahlung Emission. 50:46
Lecture 26 Summary of Synchrotron Radiation, Cherenkov radiation.  54:02
Lecture 27 Thomson Scattering, Radiative Reaction Force.  1:00:36

Child Care and Health in America: Today's Challenges for Tomorrow's Children

source: Harvard University     2016年10月20日
Description: Quality child care can help children develop lasting social, emotional, and learning skills and can promote healthy eating and play. But high-quality care, whether it comes from a nanny, a sitter, a daycare, or a preschool, can be difficult to find—and to afford. Drawing on the findings of a newly released poll by NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, this Forum event brought together a panel of experts to discuss parents’ priorities and perceptions about their children’s care and how they square up against expert assessments of child care quality. How do parents find and select child care, and how does that care impact the health and well-being of children and families? How can child care be made accessible, high-quality and affordable? How do we even measure quality in a meaningful and accountable way? Forum panelists discussed ways to equip parents with better information about child care, and policy changes that can help children thrive.
This event was presented October 18, 2016 in Collaboration with The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and NPR.
Watch the entire series from The Forum at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health at www.ForumHSPH.org.

The Nation at The New School: Mobilizing Privilege Against The New Jim Crow

source: The New School    2016年9月19日
This event is co-sponsored by The Nation Institute, Nation Books, and the Humanities Action Lab's (http://humanitiesactionlab.org) project States of Incarceration (http://statesofincarceration.org) at The New School (http://www.newschool.edu). Join us for a roundtable discussion led by activist and author Cecily McMillan about how privilege can be used as a tool in social justice efforts. McMillan will be joined by Five Mualimm-ak, organizer with the Campaign To End The New Jim Crow, activist JLove Calderón, Hernan Carvente of the Vera Institute, award-winning journalist Renée Feltz, and activist Andy Stepanian.
How can whites support the struggle against The New Jim Crow? With the #BlackLivesMatter movement re-igniting a global conversation about civil rights, how do we work to remove the barriers to active participation for everyone in the fight for social justice, creating the mass mobilized movement that we're all waiting for? With the fifth anniversary of Occupy Wall Street taking place this September, its impact on modern social movements will also be discussed.

About the speakers:
Cecily McMillan is a social justice organizer, advocate for prison reform, and a graduate of the New School for Social Research. Her memoir, The Emancipation of Cecily McMillan, was recently published by Nation Books.Five Mualimm-ak, is an organizer with the Campaign To End The New Jim Crow and Co-Founder of Incarcerated Nation Corp.
JLove Calderón is an activist, author, producer/director and social impact strategist who has spent over two decades working on issues of social justice, race, and gender.
Hernan Carvente is a Program Analyst for the Vera Institute of Justice, where he works on improving conditions of confinement, including efforts to support the incorporation of youth voices in facility-based and statewide juvenile justice policy reform.
Renée Feltz is an award-winning journalist who covers criminal justice and immigration for The Guardian, and as a correspondent for Democracy Now!, where she was a senior producer. Before coming to New York she co-founded and directed the local news department at Pacifica station KPFT-FM in Houston, where she interviewed more than 20 men and women on death row.
Andy Stepanian is the Creative Director at Balestra Media and co-Founder of The Sparrow Project.
Location: Theresa Lang Community and Student Center, Arnhold Hall
Wednesday, September 14, 2016 at 7:00 pm

Sadhguru: "Developing an Inclusive Consciousness" | Talks At Google

source: Talks at Google     2016年10月10日
Sadhguru who is a world renowned yogi, mystic and visionary humanitarian is addressing the points and concerns around inclusiveness raised by the panel of VPs and Googlers. Sadhguru speaks about how individuals can create a quality of inclusiveness within them. Elaborating on how that can impact our work places, homes and communities, he provides practical thoughts and tools on how to create a more inclusive consciousness which he says is the most important aspect that’s needed in the world today.
With many recent tragic events at home and around the world, there is a deep concern and yearning for us to prevent more tragedies and find solutions to problems that appear to be outside what our two hands can do. Sadhguru has established an infrastructure for developing human consciousness and fostering global harmony through individual transformation. He refers to this as “Inner Engineering” and will dive deeper into the mechanics of how one can bring balance to the mind, body, emotions and energy. Millions of people across the globe have been touched by his Inner Engineering programs whereby they experientially feel connected to the people around them in ways they had never felt before.
Get his book here: https://goo.gl/cIJaXO

Quantifying Intelligence Has Gifted Students Falling Between The Cracks ...

source: Big Think    2016年10月5日
The IQ test is the most widely known measure of intelligence, but are the 'twice exceptional' and other gifted members of society slipping between the cracks? Kaufman is co-author of "Wired to Create: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Creative Mind" (http://goo.gl/HtqT5t).
Read more at BigThink.com: http://bigthink.com/videos/scott-barr...

Transcript - So not a lot of people are probably familiar with the phrase twice exceptional and in the school system it’s a diagnosis to describe kids who simultaneously have a specific learning disability whether it’s a reading difficulty, dyslexia, ADHD, any one of the learning disabilities you could be diagnosed for. So you simultaneous have a specific learning disability and you’re intellectually gifted, intellectually or creatively gifted. We have this false dichotomy that we’ve set up in the school system between learning disabled and gifted that if you’re in special education for instance that it’s kind of hard for us to see how you could also be gifted, right. You could also be extraordinarily intelligent, extraordinarily creative. And this label of twice exceptional was created to recognize that there are so many people who have been diagnosed with a learning disability but that is not the totality of who they are. That does not define all who they are both their strength – all of us have strengths and weaknesses and a lot of people who have learning disabilities it can mask their strengths. But their strengths are still there.
And we could still get at it in other ways through projects, through just recognizing that they are not defined by their learning disability. And there’s a lot of researches, psychologists and clinicians that are starting to figure out new ways of finding the intelligence in people that tend to fall by the wayside. And there’s new methodologies and new techniques that we’re using to discover the giftedness that lies in lots of students. Read Full Transcript Here: https://goo.gl/q5NAx9.

English Language and Literature by Wesley Cecil

source: Wes Cecil      2014年4月7日
A lecture presented by Wesley Cecil PhD at Peninsula College exploring the history, development and influence of the English language.
The Poems read in the lecture:

When the English tongue we speak.
Why is break not rhymed with freak?
Will you tell me why it's true
We say sew but likewise few?
And the maker of the verse,
Cannot rhyme his horse with worse?
Beard is not the same as heard
Cord is different from word.
Cow is cow but low is low
Shoe is never rhymed with foe.
Think of hose, dose,and lose
And think of goose and yet with choose
Think of comb, tomb and bomb,
Doll and roll or home and some.
Since pay is rhymed with say
Why not paid with said I pray?
Think of blood, food and good.
Mould is not pronounced like could.
Wherefore done, but gone and lone -
Is there any reason known?
To sum up all, it seems to me
Sound and letters don't agree.

We must polish the Polish furniture.
He could lead if he would get the lead out.
The farm was used to produce produce.
The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
The soldier decided to desert in the desert.
This was a good time to present the present.
A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.
When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.
I did not object to the object.
The insurance was invalid for the invalid.
The bandage was wound around the wound.
There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.
They were too close to the door to close it.
The buck does funny things when the does are present.
They sent a sewer down to stitch the tear in the sewer line.
To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.
The wind was too strong to wind the sail.
After a number of injections my jaw got number.
Upon seeing the tear in my clothes I shed a tear.
I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?
I read it once and will read it agen
I learned much from this learned treatise.
I was content to note the content of the message.
The Blessed Virgin blessed her. Blessed her richly.
It's a bit wicked to over-trim a short wicked candle.
If he will absent himself we mark him absent.
I incline toward bypassing the incline.

John Searle on Language & Social Ontology

source: Philosophical Overdose     2013年6月11日
In this talk, John Searle attempts to explain how human institutional facts are created and maintained by a specific type of linguistic representation (i.e. a status function declaration). This creates and maintains systems of deontic power: rights, duties, obligations and empowerments of various kinds. And these provide the glue that hold human society together. They do such by providing humans with desire independent reasons for action, that is, reasons for doing things that are independent of one's immediate inclinations.
This talk was given at the University of Oslo in May 2011. I don't own it.

K. Ramamurthi: Rocket Propulsion (IIT Madras)

# playlist of the 40 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)

source: nptelhrd    2012年6月24日
Mechanical - Rocket Propulsion by Prof. K. Ramamurthi, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

01 Introduction 57:30
Mod-01 Lec-02 Motion in Space 45:02
03 Rotational Frame of Reference and Orbital Velocities 41:32
04 Velocity Requirements 52:20
05 Theory of Rocket Propulsion 50:43
06 Rocket Equation and Staging of Rockets 55:21
07 Review of Rocket Principles: Propulsion Efficiency 59:45
08 Examples Illustrating Theory of Rocket Propulsion and Introduction to Nozzles 54:18
09 Theory of Nozzles 51:31
10 Nozzles Shapes 52:17
11 Area Ratio of Nozzles:Under-expansion and Over-expansion 55:09
12 Characteristic Velocity and Thrust Coefficient 54:23
13 Divergence Loss in Conical Nozzles and the Bell Nozzle 50:59
14 Unconventional Nozzles and Problems in Nozzles 54:21
15 Criterion for Choice of Chemical Propellants 53:40
16 Choice of Fuel-Rich Propellants 56:24
17 Performance Prediction Analysis 57:06
18 Dissociation of Products of Combustion 51:43
19 Shifting Equilibrium and Frozen Flow in Nozzles 52:45
20 Factors Influencing Choice of Chemical Propellants 51:34
21 Low Energy Liquid Propellants and Hybrid Propellants 55:16
22 Introduction to Solid Propellant Rockets 52:44
23 Burn Rate of Solid Propellants and Equilibrium pressure in Solid Propellants Rockets 53:49
24 Design Aspects of Solid Propellant Rockets 57:06
25 Burning Surface Area of Solid Propellant Grains 54:32
26 Ignition of Solid Propellant Rockets 55:11
27 Review of Solid Propellant Rockets 54:44
28 Feed Systems for Liquid Propellant Rockets 53:06
29 Feed System Cycles for Pump Fed Liquid Propellant Rockets 52:19
30 Analysis of Gas Generator and Staged Combustion Cycles and Introduction to Injectors 56:12
31 Injectors,Cooling of Chamber and Mixture Ratio Distribution 51:42
32 Efficiencies due to Mixture Ratio Distribution and Incomplete Vaporization 54:05
33 Pumps and Turbines; Propellant Feed System at Zero "g" Conditions 52:52
34 Review of Liquid Bi-propellant Rockets and Introduction to Mono-propellant Rockets 53:59
35 Introduction to Hybrid Rockets and a Simple Illustration of Combustion Instability 52:34
36 Combustion Instability in Solid Propellant and Liquid Propellant Rockets 48:36
37 Wave models of Oscillation 55:15
38 Mechanisms Causing Instabilities and Strategies for Avoiding Combustion Instability 59:10
39 Electric and Magnetic Fields and the Electrostatic Thruster 48:06
40 Electrical Thrusters 54:10

Vinayshil Gautam: Organization Management (IIT Delhi)

# playlist of the 40 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)

source: nptelhrd    2012年4月10日
Management - Organization Management by Prof. Vinayshil Gautam, Department of Management Studies, IIT Delhi. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

01 Introduction to Organization Management,Nature ,Scope and Complexity 41:55
02 Longitudinal thinking and legacy factor:Organizational Growth 50:36
03 Longitudinal thinking and legacy factor:Organizational Growth(Contd.) 53:33
04 Longitudinal thinking and legacy factor:Organizational Growth(Contd..) 35:28
05 Theory and majors schools of Thought and Framework of Organizational Analysis 53:47
06 Theory and majors schools of thought and framework of organizational analysis(contd.) 1:04:12
07 Theory and majors schools of thought and framework of organizational analysis(contd..) 28:09
08 Systems contingency approach to organization theory and practice; techniques 56:45
09 Systems contingency approach to organization theory and practice 50:47
10 Systems contingency approach to organization theory and practice; techniques 53:57
11 Theory of organizational structures -- Nature and Consequence of structure 59:57
12 Theory of organizational structures -- nature and consequence of structure(contd.) 51:08
13 Socio-culture dimension of work and behavior 1:01:11
14 Socio-culture dimension of work and behavior(contd) 58:52
15 Socio-culture dimension of work and behavior (contd..) 52:22
16 Impact of environment and cultural variables on organization structure & style 56:02
17 Impact of environment and cultural variables on organization structure & style(contd1) 44:35
18 Impact of environment and cultural variables on organization structure & style(contd) 38:12
19 Organization Change and Organisation Development 59:26
20 Organization Change and Organisation Development(contd) 55:07
21 Intervention strategies for organization development -- individual, Group 1:00:49
22 Intervention strategies for organization development -- individual, Group 41:36
23 Intervention strategies for organization development -- individual, Group 45:40
24 Total System Intervention & Stabilizing Change Management 52:24
25 Total System Intervention & Stabilizing Change Management by Objectives(contd.) 50:30
26 Total System Intervention & Stabilizing Change Management by Objectives(contd..) 43:08
27 Nature of Organisational Processes 50:04
28 Nature of Organisational Processes(Contd.) 46:10
29 Nature of Organisational Processes(Contd..) 46:16
30 Environmental analysis Techniques and impact for organizational growth 49:26
31 Environmental analysis Techniques and impact for organizational growth(contd.) 49:11
32 Environmental analysis Techniques and impact for organizational growth(contd..) 32:29
33 Issues of Mechnisation, Automation and Computerisation 56:47
34 Issues of Mechnisation, Automation and Computerisation(contd.) 38:38
35 Organisation Interdependence 52:07
36 Organisation Interdependence(contd.) 53:21
37 Organisation Interdependence(contd..) 27:58
38 Organisation Evaluation 54:15
39 Organisation Evaluation (contd_1) 48:01
40 Organisation Evaluation (contd_2) 21:54

J. Mahakud and C. S. Mishra: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management (IIT Kharagpur)

# playlist of the 40 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)

source: nptelhrd     2012年4月24日
Management - Security Analysis and Portfolio Management by Prof. J. Mahakud and Prof. C.S. Mishra , Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, IIT Kharagpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

01 Introduction to Investment Management 58:32
02 Markets for Investment 56:35
03 Risk and Return 56:46
04 Risk and Return (Contd.) 57:50
05 Organization and Function of Equity and Debt Markets 57:16
06 Mutual Funds 56:34
07 Market Efficiency - Concepts and forms of efficiency 54:40
08 Testing Market Efficiency 56:46
09 Financial Statement Analysis 59:04
10 Financial Statement Analysis (Contd.) 57:44
11 Valuation of Equity Shares - I 58:16
12 Valuation of Equity Shares - II 55:32
13 Economic Analysis - I 55:20
14 Economic Analysis - II 53:04
15 Industry Analysis - I 55:36
16 Industry Analysis - II 58:20
17 Company Analysis - I 54:51
18 Company Analysis - II 56:58
19 Technical Analysis - I 57:49
20 Technical Analysis - II 57:49
21 Introduction to Portfolio Management 55:20
22 Introduction to Portfolio Management (Contd.) 54:37
23 Capital Market Theory - I 54:15
24 Capital Market Theory - II 54:09
25 Arbitrage Pricing Theory 53:27
26 Multifactor Pricing Model 56:26
27 Markowitz Optimal Portfolio Selection Model 53:25
28 Other Optimal Portfolio Selection Models 53:22
29 Equity Portfolio Management Strategies - I 54:13
30 Equity Portfolio Management Strategies - II 54:57
31 Introduction to Bond Analysis 54:27
32 Bond Pricing and Yield 53:47
33 Interest Rate: Determination & Structure 53:48
34 Bond Price Volatility 54:26
35 Bond Portfolio Management Strategies - I 54:43
36 Bond Portfolio Management Strategies - II 55:43
37 Derivatives - I 56:24
38 Derivatives - II 55:39
39 Portfolio Performance Evaluation - I 54:41
40 Portfolio Performance Evaluation - II 56:28