

Donald Hoffman - on Science, Psychology, Religion and the Mind

# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist

source: Closer To Truth     2016年10月17日
How did the human mind, with all its faculties and capacities, develop during the long evolution of human beings? 'Evolutionary psychology' is the field that hypothesizes how all our mental activities were selected for during evolution. But are the proposed mechanisms too cute, the story too pat?
Click here to watch more interviews with Donald Hoffman http://bit.ly/29vNjsr
Click here to watch more interviews on evolutionary psychology http://bit.ly/2dWD3Ln
Click here to buy episodes or complete seasons of Closer To Truth http://bit.ly/1LUPlQS
For all of our video interviews please visit us at www.closertotruth.com

Donald Hoffman - Does Evolutionary Psychology Explain Mind? 10:21
Donald Hoffman - Does Human Consciousness Have Special Purpose? 8:18
Donald Hoffman - Computational Theory of Mind 6:26
Donald Hoffman - Can Religion Survive Science? 8:15

Agency, Morals & the Mind - Mattia Gallotti and Scott Atran

source: SchAdvStudy   2016年10月21日
26-09-2016 School of Advanced Study

Opening remarks
Mattia Gallotti | Research Fellow in Philosophy; Project Manager, The Human Mind Project, School of Advanced Study, University of London

Morals, Culture and Society
Will to Fight: Devoted Actors and the Spiritual Dimension of Human Conflict
Scott Atran | Director of Research, CNRS; and Research Fellow, University of Oxford

Uncompromising wars, revolution, rights movements, and today’s global terrorism are in part driven by Devoted Actors who adhere to sacred or transcendent values that generate actions independently, or all out of proportion, from rationally expected outcomes, calculated costs and consequences, or likely risks and rewards. Field-based observation, surveys and experimental studies in real-world political conflicts show ways in which Devoted Actors, who are unconditionally committed to sacred causes, and whose personal identities are fused within a unique collective identity, willingly make costly sacrifices including fighting and dying, thus enabling low-power groups to endure and often prevail against materially much stronger foes. Explaining how devoted actors come to sacrifice for cause and comrade not only is a scientific goal, but also a practical imperative to prevent and resolve seemingly intractable intergroup disputes that can spiral out of control in a rapidly interconnecting world of collapsing and conflicting cultural traditions in search of salvation. Fieldwork and experiments in Europe, NorthAfrica and on the frontlines in the battle with the Islamic State in Iraq help to make the case.
The Human Mind Project

Zika in the U.S., Puerto Rico and Beyond: Risks and Response | The Forum...

source: Harvard University    2016年10月3日
With more than 23,100 cases of Zika in the continental U.S. and U.S. territories — including four newly reported non-travel cases in Miami-Dade County, Fla — this Forum continued a conversation begun in March 2016 to discuss the risks and response to the spreading Zika virus. The focus was on the U.S. and Caribbean, as well as other regions experiencing increases in cases. Public health experts examined our deepening understanding of how the virus works and how its spread may be controlled; where Congressional funding might be best spent; how vaccines might potentially help; and how public health messaging around the virus may impact at-risk groups, particularly pregnant women.
This event was presented September 29, 2016 in Collaboration with Reuters.
Watch the entire series from The Forum at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health at www.ForumHSPH.org.

Rebellion Against God with P. Sufenas Virius Lupus

source: New Thinking Allowed     2016年9月29日
P. Sufenas Virius Lupus (his spiritual name) is a practicing polytheist and scholar. He is author of A Serpent Path Primer, Ephesia Grammata: Ancient History and Modern Practice, The Phillupic Hymns, The Syncretisms of Antinous, and other devotional books. Under his legal name of Phillip Bernhardt-House, he is author of Werewolves, Magical Hounds, and Dog-Headed Men in Celtic Literature. He is on the social science faculty at Skagit Valley College in Mount Vernon, Washington.
Here he points out that, in the mythological history of humanity, there have been many occasions in which ruling deities have been overthrown. Kronos, with the help of his mother Gaia, overthrew his father Ouranos. Zeus, in turn, with the help of his mother Rhea, overthrew Kronos. He suggests that Demeter, an earth goddess, wished to overthrow Zeus. He implies that the Eleusinian Mysteries were held, in part, to enlist support for Demeter in her struggle against Zeus. All of these conflicts set the earth goddess against the ruling sky god.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He is a past vice-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology; and is the recipient of the Pathfinder Award from that Association for his contributions to the field of human consciousness exploration. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities.
(Recorded on July 2, 2016)

探索16-1講座:生、不生、亂生、再生及重生 / 陳俊宏教授

source: 臺大科學教育發展中心     2016年10月31日
講座時間:2016年10月1日(六) 14:00

20 Questions: William Deresiewicz on Excellent Sheep | Mahindra Humaniti...

source: Harvard University    2014年9月25日
William Deresiewicz on his new book Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to a Meaningful Life.
Homi K. Bhabha
Director of the Mahindra Humanities Center
Amanda Claybaugh
Professor of English, Harvard University
Nathaniel Donahue
Harvard College '15
Fawwaz Habbal
Executive Dean for Education and Research, Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Rakesh Khurana
Dean of Harvard College
Camille Owens
Harvard College '13
Diana Sorensen
Dean for the Arts and Humanities, Harvard University

Stanford scholars and students imagine truly ‘human cities’

source: Stanford    2016年10月28日
At Stanford's Human Cities initiative, scholars and students are looking for creative ways to make cities better places for people to live and thrive – places that offer quality and affordable housing, desirable public spaces, robust transportation systems, healthy air and water, and economic promise for all.

bell hooks + Jill Soloway - Ending Domination: The Personal is Political I The New School

source: The New School    2016年9月7日
The early feminist movement was dedicated to the proposition that the personal is political—an insight that has come to be increasingly mocked and ridiculed. In their careers, renowned scholar, poet, and author bell hooks and Emmy-winning television writer and creator of Transparent Jill Soloway have countered this trend, making strong use of the autobiographical to generate critical discourse and awareness of injustice. In this conversation, hooks and Soloway discuss their excavations of the personal and its politics, and how this search strengthens liberation efforts rather than diminish them.

About the speakers:
For more than three decades, bell hooks (née Gloria Watkins) has been recognized internationally as a scholar, poet, author, and radical thinker. The dozens of books and articles she has published span several genres, including cultural and political analyses and critiques, personal memoirs, poetry collections, and children's books. Her writings cover topics of gender, race, class, spirituality, teaching, and the significance of media in contemporary culture.
Jill Soloway is an American comedian, playwright, feminist, Emmy-winning television writer, and award-winning director known for creating, writing, executive producing, and directing the Amazon original series Transparent.

John L. Tishman Auditorium, University Center
63 Fifth Avenue, Room U100, New York, NY 10003
Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Sasha Chanoff: "From Crisis to Calling" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google    2016年10月4日
Sasha Chanoff is the Founder and Executive Director of RefugePoint, a humanitarian organization that finds lasting solutions for refugees in life-threatening situations. As a young humanitarian aid worker Sasha was sent on refugee rescue mission to the violence-torn Congo, with orders to evacuate a specific group of refugees and no more. Upon arrival he discovered a group of widows and orphans not on the rescue list and faced an impossible choice: leave them behind to face certain death or attempt to rescue them too, which would jeopardize the entire mission.
In his talk at Google, Sasha shares the incredible tale of his rescue mission as well as lessons that we can all use to better prepare for life's unexpected and difficult decisions. Sasha also talks about his work with RefugePoint and gives some commentary on the current state of the worldwide refugee crisis.
For more information:
Learn more about RefugePoint - http://www.refugepoint.org
Watch the Congo rescue documentary, "An Impossible Choice", referenced in the talk - https://youtu.be/sz8MFlN1JvI

Time Travel in Science Fiction: A Brief History | James Gleick

source: Big Think    2016年10月3日
The idea of time travel, so familiar to us now, was unheard-of before H.G. Wells's 1895 book The Time Machine. Since then, notions of time travel have blossomed in fascinating ways. James Gleick is the author of Time Travel: A History (goo.gl/pGaWug).
Read more at BigThink.com: http://bigthink.com/videos/james-glei...

Transcript - If there was one startling fact that got me going on this book it was realizing that time travel is a new idea. We're so familiar with it. We grow up with time travel. We have time travel in cartoons. We know all of the jokes. We know the paradoxes. It's like part of the fabric of our culture. And it was really a surprise to me to discover that before H.G. Wells there was almost no conception of time travel. Nobody put the two words together. Time Machine, his 1895 book is really the first time people thought there could be such a thing as a time machine and that just struck me as weird.
Because your first impulse is you want to argue with that. Probably. I mean a lot of people well that can't possibly be true, what about this? What about this Greek legend? What about stories told by the ancient Japanese? And there are things where, for example, a fisherman falls asleep and wakes up many generations later and everybody he knows is dead. And that's like the Rip van Winkle story. And Rip van Winkle was before H.G. Wells, of course.
They're not that much more before. And because we have such an expansive sense of time travel ourselves and we're imaginative people we can immediately see that for, example, when the Greeks imagined going down to the land of the dead, going to Hades and crossing the river Styx and meeting their dead ancestors that's a kind of time travel we might say.
Anyway, if you're a sci-fi geek you might be thinking of racking your brain trying to think of predecessors. And there are things, there are sort of weird things that if you're a geek you can find. But it's the truth that before the late Victorian era it was practically impossible for people to conceive of time travel. And I say it was impossible because they didn't. Read Full Transcript Here: https://goo.gl/3CzJhN.

Korean Language and Literature by Wesley Cecil

source: Wes Cecil    2014年2月6日
A lecture by Wesley Cecil PhD. at Peninsula College in the Languages and Literatures series. This lecture explores the history and development of the Korean language and culture.

Naïve Perception, Cartesian Skepticism, & Putnam's Model-Theoretic Arguments

source: Philosophical Overdose      2013年6月9日
Tim Button (Cambridge) gives a talk at a MCMP workshop on Putnam's Model-Theoretic Arguments (May 23, 2013) at the University of Munich. In this talk, Hilary Putnam's model-theoretic argument against metaphysical realism is discussed in connection to perception and philosophical skepticism (Cartesian versus Kantian skepticism). Putnam's model-theoretic argument tries to demonstrate that reference cannot be accounted for on the metaphysical realist's view. Metaphysical realism is the view that there's one true way the world is, and that truth involves a correspondence relation between our thoughts/language on the one hand and the external mind-independent reality on the other. The issue then is what this mirroring or correspondence relation is actually supposed to consist in. How can our thoughts and language hook onto the world at all? How can we avoid falling into the abyss of radical skepticism?
Credit to LMU Munich.

C. Balaji: Conduction and Radiation (IIT Madras)

# playlist of the 46 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)

source: nptelhrd   2012年3月13日
Mechanical- Conduction and Radiation by Prof. C. Balaji, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Madras For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

01 Importance of Thermal Radiation 42:01
02 Blackbody definition 52:56
03 Solid angle, spectral radiation intensity 49:19
04 Radiation pressure and radiation energy density 53:33
05 Relationship between "I" and "T" and Candidate blackbody distribution functions 49:13
06 Candidate blackbody distribution functions contd... 48:53
07 Planck's blackbody radiation distribution function 49:58
08 Planck's distribution and Wien's displacement law 49:28
09 Universal blackbody function 47:47
10 Emissivity 49:32
11 Emissivity contd... 43:06
12 Emissivity contd.... 47:02
13 Kirchoff law, Absorptivity 48:57
14 Kirchoff law, Absorptivity contd... 47:27
15 Problems on emissivity, absorptivity 50:32
16 Reflectivity 40:49
17 Transmissivity 47:05
18 Problems on reflectivity and transmissivity 49:05
19 Radiation heat transfer between surfaces 49:33
20 View factor 46:57
21 View factor contd... 50:55
22 View factor contd.... 50:03
23 Enclosure analysis 49:02
24 Enclosure analysis contd... 52:32
25 Enclosure analysis- Gray surface 51:08
26 Enclosure analysis- Non gray surfaces 52:50
27 Radiation in participating media 47:53
28 Solution to the RTE 50:30
29 Concept of mean beam length 50:26
30 Enclosure analysis in the presence of absorbing/ emitting gas 51:29
31 Emissivities and absorptivities of Gas mixtures 49:42
32 Conduction- Introduction 50:30
33 Conduction- Energy equation 51:08
34 Conduction- 1D, steady state 49:39
35 Conduction- 1D, heat generation 47:54
36 Fin heat transfer- I 52:29
37 Fin heat transfer- II 48:53
38 Conduction- Cylindrical and Spherical geometries 51:03
39 Transient conduction 53:08
40 Transient conduction contd... 47:51
41 Two dimensional steady state conduction 46:31
42 Analytical solution for Laplace equation 53:23
43 Numerical methods in conduction 49:54
44 Numerical methods in conduction contd... 54:51
45 Conduction with change of phase 49:38
46 Conduction with change of phase contd... 25:21

Sangeeta Sahney: Consumer Behaviour (IIT Kharagpur)

# playlist of the 40 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)

source: nptelhrd    2013年6月11日
Management - Consumer Behaviour by Dr. Sangeeta Sahney, Department of Management, IIT Kharagpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

01 Introduction to the Study of Consumer Behaviour 57:13
02 Introduction to the Study of Consumer Behaviour (Contd.) 59:10
03 Market Research and Consumer Behaviour 56:53
04 Market Research and Consumer Behaviour (Contd.) 57:16
05 Market Segmentation and Positioning 52:56
06 Market Segmentation and Positioning (Contd.) 59:58
07 The Consumer Decision Making Process 57:37
08 The Consumer Decision Making Process (Contd.) 57:50
09 Models of Consumers and Models of Consumer Behaviour 53:20
10 Models of Consumers and Models of Consumer Behaviour (Contd.) 56:18
11 Models of Consumers and Models of Consumer Behaviour (Contd. ) 49:50
12 Models of Consumers and Models of Consumer Behaviour ( Contd.) 59:04
13 Consumer Needs and Motivation, Emotions and Mood, Consumer Involvement 52:27
14 Consumer Needs and Motivation, Emotions and Mood, Consumer Involvement (Contd.) 53:05
15 Consumer Needs and Motivation, Emotions and Mood, Consumer Involvement (Contd. ) 51:05
16 Consumer Needs and Motivation, Emotions and Mood, Consumer Involvement ( Contd.) 56:00
17 Consumer Needs and Motivation, Emotions and Mood, Consumer Involvement (Contd. ) 54:15
18 Consumer Learning 1:01:22
19 Consumer Learning (Contd.) 54:09
20 Consumer Learning (Contd.) 58:21
21 Consumer Learning ( Contd. ) 52:31
22 Personality, Self Concept and Self Image 57:00
23 Personality, Self Concept and Self Image (Contd.) 57:08
24 Consumer Perception, Risk and Imagery 56:15
25 Consumer Perception, Risk and Imagery (Contd.) 58:13
26 Consumer Perception, Risk and Imagery (Contd. ) 57:23
27 Consumer Attitudes 50:54
28 Consumer Attitudes (Contd.) 54:17
29 Consumer Attitudes ( Contd.) 50:49
30 Consumer Communication 1:02:30
31 Consumer Communication (Contd.) 59:37
32 Consumer Groups and Reference Groups 58:58
33 Family and Family Life Cycle 54:12
34 Social Class and Mobility, Lifestyle Analysis 58:09
35 Culture, Sub-Culture and Cross-Culture 56:57
36 Culture, Sub-Culture and Cross-Culture (Contd.) 1:00:02
37 Interpersonal Communication and Influence 57:05
38 Opinion Leadership 55:56
39 Diffusion of Innovation 58:58
40 Diffusion of Innovation (Contd.) 58:27

G. Srinivasan: Manufacturing Systems Management (IIT Madras)

# playlist of the 40 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)

source: nptelhrd    2013年7月18日
Management - Manufacturing Systems Management by Prof. G. Srinivasan, Department of Management, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

01 Introduction to Manufacturing Systems Management 50:56
02 Different types of Manufacturing Systems 51:17
03 Introduction to Cellular Manufacturing 52:05
04 Cellular Manufacturing Applications, Production Flow Analysis 50:29
05 Production Flow Analysis 52:28
06 Cellular Manufacturing -- Unidirectional flow, Capacity Planning, Layout 53:00
07 Exercise on Production Flow Analysis 51:39
08 Rank Order Clustering, Similarity Coefficient based algorithm 53:44
09 Similarity Coefficient based clustering algorithm 51:10
10 Hierarchical and Non hierarchical clustering algorithms 52:40
11 Optimization based algorithms 53:32
12 Optimization based algorithms, Assignment based algorithm 51:23
13 Assignment model, Algorithm considering sequence of visit of machines 51:56
14 Algorithm considering sequence of visit of machines 51:49
15 Algorithm considering cell load data, alternate process plans 53:03
16 Reducing Intercell moves 49:19
17 Part subcontracting, Incremental cell formation 51:10
18 Product based cells 50:47
19 Branching algorithm for product based cells, Operator and task assignment 52:13
20 Operator and task assignment 50:58
21 Operator and task assignment continued 48:42
22 Static and dynamic Operator allocation, Multiple products and incremental cells 51:09
23 Cell scheduling and sequencing 50:56
24 Cell scheduling and sequencing continued 51:51
25 Single piece transportation 51:32
26 Cell Layout, Introduction to Just-in-time manufacturing 51:20
27 Cell control and JIT 51:13
28 Basic elements of JIT, Kanban systems 51:04
29 Role of basic elements, Critical success factor 51:20
30 Models in JIT 54:11
31 Models in JIT continued 52:35
32 CONWIP, Introduction to synchronous manufacturing 50:13
33 Theory of constraints, Product mix problem 49:04
34 Statistical Fluctuations, Random events, principles of SM 51:14
35 Scheduling in SM 51:29
36 Drum Buffer Rope system 50:39
37 Flexible Manufacturing System, Part selection problem 50:23
38 FMS Loading problem 52:41
39 FMS Loading, multiple batches and changeover times 51:12
40 FMS Loading and scheduling, Summary of the course contents 42:37