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The twists and turns of the French Revolution - Tom Mullaney
source: TED-Ed 2016年10月27日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/what-caused...
What rights do people have, and where do they come from? Who gets to make decisions for others, and on what authority? And how can we organize society to meet people’s needs? Tom Mullaney shows how these questions challenged an entire nation during the upheaval of the French Revolution.
Lesson by Tom Mullaney, animation by Sashko Danylenko.
Does social science tell the truth? - Prof David Shanks - UCL Lunch Hour...
source: UCL Lunch Hour Lectures 2016年10月20日
Speaker: Professor David Shanks, UCL Psychology and Language Sciences - Thursday 13th October 2016 #ucllhl
Bring your lunch and your curiosity! UCL Lunch Hour Lectures, Tuesdays and Thursdays, Darwin Lecture Theatre, 1.15 - 1.55pm (term time)
There is now abundant evidence that only around half of all published findings in the social sciences are true, and research even suggests that some entire bodies of work are based on non-existent effects. Join Professor David Shanks as he discusses a range of remedies that could make social science research more credible and robust.
Free to attend, live stream or watch online
More info : http://events.ucl.ac.uk/lhl
Join the conversation on Twitter at #UCLLHL
Çağlar Güven: Systems Thinking (Middle East Technical University)
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: METUOpenCourseWare 2015年1月6日
IE398 - Systems Thinking [Prof. Dr. Çağlar Güven]
For Lecture Notes: http://ocw.metu.edu.tr/course/view.ph...
OpenCourseWare: [ http://ocw.metu.edu.tr ]
Youtube Channel: [ http://www.youtube.com/METUOpenCourse... ]
Lecture 1.1 [There are some problems in the sound of lecture] 42:13
Lecture 1.2 49:33
Lecture 1.3 42:09
Lecture 2.1 49:09
Lecture 2.2 48:06
Lecture 2.3 14:03
Lecture 3.1 47:17
Lecture 3.2 50:05
Lecture 3.3 23:47
Lecture 4 47:58
Lecture 5.1 49:20
Lecture 5.2 50:55
Lecture 5.3 44:02
Lecture 6.1 47:26
Lecture 6.2 53:39
Lecture 7.1 45:40
Lecture 7.2 45:55
Lecture 7.3 27:01
Lecture 8.1 47:53
Lecture 8.2 48:39
Lecture 9.1 42:33
Lecture 9.2 42:35
Lecture 10 46:40
Lecture 11 44:57
Lecture 12 44:53
Lecture 13 51:45
source: METUOpenCourseWare 2015年1月6日
IE398 - Systems Thinking [Prof. Dr. Çağlar Güven]
For Lecture Notes: http://ocw.metu.edu.tr/course/view.ph...
OpenCourseWare: [ http://ocw.metu.edu.tr ]
Youtube Channel: [ http://www.youtube.com/METUOpenCourse... ]
Lecture 1.1 [There are some problems in the sound of lecture] 42:13
Lecture 1.2 49:33
Lecture 1.3 42:09
Lecture 2.1 49:09
Lecture 2.2 48:06
Lecture 2.3 14:03
Lecture 3.1 47:17
Lecture 3.2 50:05
Lecture 3.3 23:47
Lecture 4 47:58
Lecture 5.1 49:20
Lecture 5.2 50:55
Lecture 5.3 44:02
Lecture 6.1 47:26
Lecture 6.2 53:39
Lecture 7.1 45:40
Lecture 7.2 45:55
Lecture 7.3 27:01
Lecture 8.1 47:53
Lecture 8.2 48:39
Lecture 9.1 42:33
Lecture 9.2 42:35
Lecture 10 46:40
Lecture 11 44:57
Lecture 12 44:53
Lecture 13 51:45
German Language and Literature by Wesley Cecil
source: Wes Cecil 2013年10月25日
A lecture on the history and development of the German language and culture. Part of the Languages and Literatures series delivered at Peninsula College by Wesley Cecil PhD. Covers the astonishing cultural coherence and influence of the German language and its influence on the modern world.
3 Tools for Innovation: Crowdsourcing, Constraints, Reading | Peter Diamandis
source: Big Think 2016年9月29日
The CEO of the X PRIZE Foundation lays out three tools to boost innovative ideas and re-draw the frontiers of business and creativity.
Read more at BigThink.com: http://bigthink.com/videos/peter-diam...
Transcript - When I think of innovation and I teach this at Singularity University and Abundance 360, we focus on this at XPRIZE. Innovation is when an individual has an idea from reading a book or having a problematic experience and then takes that idea and shares it with somebody. And that person builds on the idea and shares it back and it’s a going back and forth. It comes from that building of ideas rapidly and rapid experimentation. Burt Rutan taught me something. He said the day before something is truly a breakthrough it’s a crazy idea. And so I ask CEOs all the time where inside your company are you trying crazy ideas? And if you’re not trying crazy ideas, if you’re trying sort of incremental ideas you’re stuck in incrementalism. You’re never going to innovate, you’re never going to expand. And so innovation really is this rapid experimentation of trying 100 ideas, 99 are failing and one works. And then you build on that one. You try over and over again. So, you know, the traditional way of solving a problem, a grand challenge, has been as a philanthropist or as a company you grab a chunk of money, you grab an innovator, you give it to them and say fix this problem. Very traditional but pretty linear.
What we do at the XPRIZE is we say here’s a chunk of money. I don’t care where you went to school, what you’ve done before, your race, creed or color, man or woman. It doesn’t matter. If you solve this problem you win. And so what we do in this sense is we’re running hundreds of experiments in parallel. And so while the Ansari XPRIZE had 26 teams from seven countries, some of our competitions have thousands of teams that have registered. And it’s sort of this Darwinian competition going on where crazy ideas get a chance to see the sunlight and get experimented with. And you only pay the winner. And so it’s really a wonderfully new and fresh mechanism of innovation.
Philosophy of Photography - Realism and Transparency by Kane B
source: Kane B 2016年9月16日
This video examines Kendall Walton's transparency thesis, which claims that when we look at a photograph of an object, we do not simply see a representation of the object; rather we "see through" the photograph to the object itself. I consider (a) how transparency relates to the realism of photography, (b) Walton's arguments for transparency and (c) various criticisms of transparency, in particular focusing on the objection that Walton's view rests on a faulty account of perception.
Partially Examined Life Ep 140-141 Aftershow on Simone de Beauvoir
source: The Partially Examined Life 2016年8月31日
Featuring Jennifer Hansen from St. Lawrence University, comedian Danny Lobell (Modern Day Philosophers podcast), Luke Johnson (Noetic) and PEL listeners Alex, Tiffany, and Brittany. Listen starting with http://www.partiallyexaminedlife.com/.... Recorded 6-26-16,
Blurring the Boundaries Between the Social and Commercial Sectors
source: Harvard University 2016年9月30日
This seminar explores how gender is enacted by founders of social ventures. In particular, Lakshmi Ramarajan looks at how female social venture founders conform to cultural beliefs about gender-appropriate activities and how this conformity may be reinforced or disrupted by characteristics of the environment in which they are embedded. She argues that the trend towards the use of commercial activities in social ventures is inconsistent with cultural beliefs about gender for female founders of social ventures. Using data on 590 new U.S.-based social ventures during 2007-2008, Ramarajan examined the conditions under which commercial activities are more or less likely to be used by female founders. Results show that female founders of social ventures are less likely to use commercial activities than male founders and that the social venture founders’ local community context moderates this effect in two ways: the prevalence of women-run businesses in the social venture founder`s local community weakens the enactment of gender, while the influence of gender on the use of commercial activities is stronger when the intended beneficiaries of the social ventures are local.
Religion, Conflict, and Terrorism in the Public Conciousness
source: Arizona State University, Tempe Campus 2016年9月9日
September 7, 2016
This September will be fifteen years since the attacks of 9/11. How has our view of the relationship between religion, politics and conflict changed since then? Does this change how we remember the attacks, and what they represent in the public consciousness? How we study the wars and conflicts that resulted, and what this means for U.S. policy?
How has our view been impacted by lone wolf and organized terrorist attacks in the U.S., Europe, and elsewhere, and how does the rise in nativism impact our responses? Have we moved any closer to peace? Can we?
The Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict and the Center on the Future of War special panelists included:
• John Carlson, associate director of the Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict, associate professor of religious studies, and author of "From Jeremiad to Jihad: Religion, Violence and America"
• Anand Gopal, journalist and author of "No Good Men Among the Living: America, the Taliban and the War Through Afghan Eyes"
• Daniel Rothenberg, co-director of the Center on the Future of War and co-editor of "Drone Wars: Transforming Conflict, Law, and Policy"
• Delia Saenz, associate professor of psychology, former vice provost for diversity and inclusion, with expertise in intergroup relations and social identity
Linell Cady, director of the Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict, moderated the discussion, asking each of the panelists to respond briefly to a series of questions.
Benjamin Bratton. Design, Philosophy and A.I. 2016
source: European Graduate School Video Lectures 2016年9月26日
http://www.egs.edu Benjamin H. Bratton, is an American theorist, sociologist and professor of visual arts, contemporary social and political theory, philosophy, and design.
Design, Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence. Public open lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies department program Saas-Fee Switzerland Europe. 2016.
His research deals with computational media and infrastructure, design research management & methodologies, classical and contemporary sociological theory, architecture and urban design issues, and the politics of synthetic ecologies and biologies.
Bratton completed his doctoral studies in the sociology of technology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and was the Director of the Advanced Strategies Group at Yahoo! before expanding his cross-disciplinary research and practice in academia. He taught in the Department of Design/Media Art at UCLA from 2003-2008, and at the SCI Arc (Southern California Institute of Architecture) for a decade, and continues to teach as a member of the Visiting Faculty. While at SCI Arc, Benjamin Bratton and Hernan Diaz-Alonso co-founded the XLAB courses, which placed students in laboratory settings where they could work directly and comprehensively in robotics, scripting, biogenetics, genetic codification, and cellular systems. Currently, in addition to his professorship at EGS, Bratton is an associate professor of Visual Arts at the University of California, San Diego, where he also directs the Center for Design and Geopolitics, partnering with the California Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technology.
Creating a Social Movement for Health | Jos de Blok | RSA Replay
source: The RSA 2016年9月20日
Creating a Social Movement for Health with Jos de Blok, Founder and CEO, Buurtzorg. Recently the NHS set out a bold new vision for its future. A particular focus of interest is on the potential of social movements to organize and lead change, as opposed to traditional top-down programmes. Social movement theory offers a grass-roots model of healthcare, one which mobilises communities and empowers patients and citizens to manage their own health.What exactly are social movements and what does it take to start one? How can innovative local ideas be scaled up? Join us at the RSA for a discussion between Helen Bevan, Chief Transformation Officer, Horizons Team, NHS England; Jos de Blok, founder and CEO, Buurtzorg; Alan Higgins, Director of Public Health, Oldham Council and Halima Khan, Executive Director of HealthLab, NESTA.
The Art of Forecasting, Part One: The Era of Exponential Growth, with John L. Petersen
source: New Thinking Allowed 2015年11月27日
John L. Petersen, one of the world’s foremost futurists, is founder and president of the Arlington Institute. He is author of Out of the Blue: How to Anticipate Wild Cards and Big Future Surprises, Strategies for 2012, and The Road to 2015: Profiles of the Future. He has worked for National War College, the Institute for National Security Studies, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and the National Security Council staff at the White House. He also serves as chairman of the Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh Foundation.
Here he points out that everything is connected to everything else. He notes that we are living in an extraordinary, unprecedented time where the rate of change of many phenomena is growing exponentially, and furthermore these developments converge with each other in unexpected ways. The basic framework for keeping track of such accelerating, complex trends is systems theory. Scenario building is also an important tool for futurists. An important trend to watch is that human capabilities are increasing in many domains. He also describes a methodology to help organizations prepare for potential surprises. He anticipates a major phase transition for humanity so that the future will be very different than the past has ever been.
New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). His master’s degree is in criminology. He serves as dean of transformational psychology at the University of Philosophical Research. He teaches parapsychology for ministers in training with the Centers for Spiritual Living through the Holmes Institute. He has served as vice-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, and is the recipient of its Pathfinder Award for outstanding contributions to the field of human consciousness. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities. His American Indian name, chosen at age eight, is Soaring Eagle.
(Recorded on November 16, 2015)
Daniel Dennett Interview on Mind, Matter, & Meaning
source: Philosophical Overdose 2015年6月27日
An interesting interview with Daniel Dennett discussing various philosophical issues having to do with mind and meaning. Some of the topics discussed include consciousness, science, materialism, computation, meaning/purpose in biology, emergence & reductionism, the intentional stance, evolution, philosophical zombies, the self, and free will.
This interview was given by Robert Pollie from a podcast called the 7th Avenue Project. For more information, go to www.7thavenueproject.com.
C. Balaji: Design and Optimization of Energy Systems (IIT Madras)
# playlist of the 40 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)
source: nptelhrd 2011年11月23日
Mechanical - Design and Optimization of Energy Systems by Prof. C. Balaji, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
01 Introduction to Optimization 50:13
02 System Design and Analysis 38:36
03 Workable system 40:51
04 System simulation 52:21
05 Information flow diagrams 36:32
06 Successive substitution method 49:57
07 Successive substitution method contd... 45:57
08 Successive substitution method and Newton-Raphson method 41:23
09 Newton-Raphson method contd... 40:04
10 Convergence characteristics of Newton-Raphson method 43:51
11 Newton-Raphson method for multiple variables 46:55
12 Solution of system of linear equations 48:10
13 Introduction to Curve fitting 46:00
14 Example for Lagrange interpolation 44:56
15 Lagrange interpolation contd... 45:43
16 Best fit 48:39
17 Least Square Regression 47:40
18 Least Square Regression contd..... 48:16
19 Least Square Regression contd..... 45:02
20 Non-linear Regression (Gauss - Newton Algorithm) 54:59
21 Optimization- Basic ideas 49:24
22 Properties of objective function and cardinal ideas in optimization 45:16
23 Unconstrained optimization 29:57
24 Constrained optimization problems 44:30
25 Mathematical proof of the Lagrange multiplier method 45:32
26 Test for Maxima/ Minima 49:11
27 Handling in-equality constraints 39:44
28 Kuhn-Tucker conditions contd... 51:30
29 Uni-modal function and search methods 51:10
30 Dichotomous search 49:18
31 Fibonacci search method 54:29
32 Reduction ratio of Fibonacci search method 50:06
33 Introduction to multi-variable optimization 50:42
34 The Conjugate gradient method 42:15
35 The Conjugate gradient method contd... 43:21
36 Linear programming 52:38
37 Dynamic programming 51:41
38 Genetic Algorithms 54:52
39 Genetic Algorithms contd... 58:16
40 Simulated Annealing and Summary 1:19:51
source: nptelhrd 2011年11月23日
Mechanical - Design and Optimization of Energy Systems by Prof. C. Balaji, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
01 Introduction to Optimization 50:13
02 System Design and Analysis 38:36
03 Workable system 40:51
04 System simulation 52:21
05 Information flow diagrams 36:32
06 Successive substitution method 49:57
07 Successive substitution method contd... 45:57
08 Successive substitution method and Newton-Raphson method 41:23
09 Newton-Raphson method contd... 40:04
10 Convergence characteristics of Newton-Raphson method 43:51
11 Newton-Raphson method for multiple variables 46:55
12 Solution of system of linear equations 48:10
13 Introduction to Curve fitting 46:00
14 Example for Lagrange interpolation 44:56
15 Lagrange interpolation contd... 45:43
16 Best fit 48:39
17 Least Square Regression 47:40
18 Least Square Regression contd..... 48:16
19 Least Square Regression contd..... 45:02
20 Non-linear Regression (Gauss - Newton Algorithm) 54:59
21 Optimization- Basic ideas 49:24
22 Properties of objective function and cardinal ideas in optimization 45:16
23 Unconstrained optimization 29:57
24 Constrained optimization problems 44:30
25 Mathematical proof of the Lagrange multiplier method 45:32
26 Test for Maxima/ Minima 49:11
27 Handling in-equality constraints 39:44
28 Kuhn-Tucker conditions contd... 51:30
29 Uni-modal function and search methods 51:10
30 Dichotomous search 49:18
31 Fibonacci search method 54:29
32 Reduction ratio of Fibonacci search method 50:06
33 Introduction to multi-variable optimization 50:42
34 The Conjugate gradient method 42:15
35 The Conjugate gradient method contd... 43:21
36 Linear programming 52:38
37 Dynamic programming 51:41
38 Genetic Algorithms 54:52
39 Genetic Algorithms contd... 58:16
40 Simulated Annealing and Summary 1:19:51
Susmita Mukhopadhyay: Organizational Behaviour (IIT Kharagpur)
# playlist of the 41 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)
source: nptelhrd 2013年8月22日
Management - Organizational Behaviour by prof. Dr. Susmita Mukhopadhyay, Department of Management, IIT Kharagpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
01 Understanding Organizational Behaviour 59:07
02 Effectiveness in Organizations 59:03
03 Social System and Organizational Culture 59:36
04 Social System and Organizational Culture (Contd.) 1:00:12
05 Individual differences and work behaviour 1:00:51
06 Personality 56:11
07 Personality (Contd.) 58:52
08 Attitudes 57:52
09 Attitudes (Contd.) 55:36
10 Attitudes (Contd. ) 59:05
11 Perceptions and Attributions 54:32
12 Perceptions and Attributions (Contd.) 59:17
13 Motivation 58:30
14 Motivation (Contd.) 1:01:22
15 Job Design, Work and Motivation 51:37
16 Job Design, Work and Motivation (Contd.) 54:28
17 Evaluation, Feedback and Rewards 58:07
18 Evaluation, Feedback and Rewards (Contd.) 55:39
19 Managing Misbehaviour 54:33
20 Stress 58:22
21 Counseling 54:58
22 Informal and Formal Groups 57:14
23 Teams and Teambuilding 1:02:06
24 Managing Conflict and Negotiation 58:39
25 Managing Conflict and Negotiation (Contd.) 56:33
26 Power and Politics 51:45
27 Empowerment and Participation 1:02:22
28 Assertive Behaviour and Transactional Analysis 1:06:41
29 Communication 56:41
30 Communication (Contd.) 1:02:50
31 Decision Making 59:04
32 Decision Making (Contd.) 47:05
33 Leadership 59:38
34 Leadership (Contd.) 49:04
35 Leadership (Contd.) 1:03:15
36 Organizational structure and Design 57:12
37 Organizational structure and Design (Contd.) 56:30
38 Organizational structure and Design (Contd. ) 57:44
39 Change and Innovation 55:08
40 Change and Innovation (Contd.) 1:02:41
41 Organizational behaviour across cultures 1:04:14
source: nptelhrd 2013年8月22日
Management - Organizational Behaviour by prof. Dr. Susmita Mukhopadhyay, Department of Management, IIT Kharagpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
01 Understanding Organizational Behaviour 59:07
02 Effectiveness in Organizations 59:03
03 Social System and Organizational Culture 59:36
04 Social System and Organizational Culture (Contd.) 1:00:12
05 Individual differences and work behaviour 1:00:51
06 Personality 56:11
07 Personality (Contd.) 58:52
08 Attitudes 57:52
09 Attitudes (Contd.) 55:36
10 Attitudes (Contd. ) 59:05
11 Perceptions and Attributions 54:32
12 Perceptions and Attributions (Contd.) 59:17
13 Motivation 58:30
14 Motivation (Contd.) 1:01:22
15 Job Design, Work and Motivation 51:37
16 Job Design, Work and Motivation (Contd.) 54:28
17 Evaluation, Feedback and Rewards 58:07
18 Evaluation, Feedback and Rewards (Contd.) 55:39
19 Managing Misbehaviour 54:33
20 Stress 58:22
21 Counseling 54:58
22 Informal and Formal Groups 57:14
23 Teams and Teambuilding 1:02:06
24 Managing Conflict and Negotiation 58:39
25 Managing Conflict and Negotiation (Contd.) 56:33
26 Power and Politics 51:45
27 Empowerment and Participation 1:02:22
28 Assertive Behaviour and Transactional Analysis 1:06:41
29 Communication 56:41
30 Communication (Contd.) 1:02:50
31 Decision Making 59:04
32 Decision Making (Contd.) 47:05
33 Leadership 59:38
34 Leadership (Contd.) 49:04
35 Leadership (Contd.) 1:03:15
36 Organizational structure and Design 57:12
37 Organizational structure and Design (Contd.) 56:30
38 Organizational structure and Design (Contd. ) 57:44
39 Change and Innovation 55:08
40 Change and Innovation (Contd.) 1:02:41
41 Organizational behaviour across cultures 1:04:14
Vinayshil Gautam: Organisation of Engineering Systems and Human Resources Management (IIT Delhi)
# playlist of the 38 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)
source: nptelhrd 2013年9月17日
Management - Organisation of Engineering Systems and Human Resources Management by Prof. Vinayshil Gautam, Department of Management, IIT Delhi. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
01 Introduction to the subject and the course 51:56
02 Understanding organizations: nature and functions 44:09
03 Understanding organizations: nature and functions contd 43:39\
04 Concerns of organising engineering business and systems 46:54
05 Concerns of organising engineering business and systems contd 49:39
06 Concerns of organising engineering business and systems contd.. 46:23
07 Structure and process issues in running organisations 46:14
08 Structure and process issues in running organisations contd. 49:56
09 Design issues in running organisations 47:16
10 Design issues in running organisations contd. 50:22
11 Operating organizations 44:04
12 Operating organizations Contd. 44:03
13 Operating organizations Contd.. 48:06
14 Cybernetics and systems framework 46:27
15 Cybernetics and systems framework Contd 49:11
16 Socio-technical systems 44:45
17 Socio-technical systems Contd. 50:28
18 Socio-technical systems Contd.. 48:30
19 Dealing with efficiency and excellence 51:07
20 Dealing with efficiency and excellence Contd. 49:02
21 Dealing with efficiency and excellence Contd.. 58:20
22 Man-machine relationship 49:52
23 Man-machine relationship Contd. 49:47
24 Longitudinal Thinking 48:16
25 Longitudinal Thinking Contd. 46:47
26 Concerns of recruitment, selection, skill formation and redeployment 45:47
27 Concerns of recruitment, selection, skill formation and redeployment Contd. 48:11
28 Concerns of recruitment, selection, skill formation and redeployment Contd.. 53:27
29 Developing teams and leadership 48:24
30 Developing teams and leadership Contd. 46:19
31 Understanding motivation 50:02
32 Understanding motivation Contd. 49:38
33 Elements of human resources planning 48:39
34 Elements of human resources planning Contd. 48:33
35 Elements of human resources planning Contd.. 41:53
36 Indian Industrial Law and managing industrial relations 46:57
37 Indian Industrial Law and managing industrial Contd. 42:50
38 Indian Industrial Law and managing industrial Contd.. 48:01
source: nptelhrd 2013年9月17日
Management - Organisation of Engineering Systems and Human Resources Management by Prof. Vinayshil Gautam, Department of Management, IIT Delhi. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
01 Introduction to the subject and the course 51:56
02 Understanding organizations: nature and functions 44:09
03 Understanding organizations: nature and functions contd 43:39\
04 Concerns of organising engineering business and systems 46:54
05 Concerns of organising engineering business and systems contd 49:39
06 Concerns of organising engineering business and systems contd.. 46:23
07 Structure and process issues in running organisations 46:14
08 Structure and process issues in running organisations contd. 49:56
09 Design issues in running organisations 47:16
10 Design issues in running organisations contd. 50:22
11 Operating organizations 44:04
12 Operating organizations Contd. 44:03
13 Operating organizations Contd.. 48:06
14 Cybernetics and systems framework 46:27
15 Cybernetics and systems framework Contd 49:11
16 Socio-technical systems 44:45
17 Socio-technical systems Contd. 50:28
18 Socio-technical systems Contd.. 48:30
19 Dealing with efficiency and excellence 51:07
20 Dealing with efficiency and excellence Contd. 49:02
21 Dealing with efficiency and excellence Contd.. 58:20
22 Man-machine relationship 49:52
23 Man-machine relationship Contd. 49:47
24 Longitudinal Thinking 48:16
25 Longitudinal Thinking Contd. 46:47
26 Concerns of recruitment, selection, skill formation and redeployment 45:47
27 Concerns of recruitment, selection, skill formation and redeployment Contd. 48:11
28 Concerns of recruitment, selection, skill formation and redeployment Contd.. 53:27
29 Developing teams and leadership 48:24
30 Developing teams and leadership Contd. 46:19
31 Understanding motivation 50:02
32 Understanding motivation Contd. 49:38
33 Elements of human resources planning 48:39
34 Elements of human resources planning Contd. 48:33
35 Elements of human resources planning Contd.. 41:53
36 Indian Industrial Law and managing industrial relations 46:57
37 Indian Industrial Law and managing industrial Contd. 42:50
38 Indian Industrial Law and managing industrial Contd.. 48:01