# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: METUOpenCourseWare 2015年3月16日
PHYS110 - Electromagnetism
For Lecture Notes: http://ocw.metu.edu.tr/course/view.ph...
OpenCourseWare: [ http://ocw.metu.edu.tr ]
Youtube Channel: [ http://www.youtube.com/METUOpenCourse... ]
Lecture 1.1 53:14
Lecture 1.2 39:36
Lecture 2.1 55:41
Lecture 2.2 46:40
Lecture 2.3 42:07
Lecture 3.1 49:05
Lecture 3.2 50:00
Lecture 4.1 47:40
Lecture 4.2 47:46
Lecture 4.3 38:38
Lecture 5.1 42:15
Lecture 5.2 33:42
Lecture 6.1 49:02
Lecture 6.2 45:59
Lecture 6.3 43:07
Lecture 7.1 44:18
Lecture 7.2 49:30
Lecture 8.1 47:41
Lecture 8.2 46:35
Lecture 8.3 51:46
Lecture 9.1 51:20
Lecture 9.2 33:59
Lecture 10.1 42:50
Lecture 10.2 54:36
Lecture 10.3 44:44
Lecture 11.1 46:28
Lecture 11.2 44:24
Lecture 12.1 47:40
Lecture 12.2 49:50
Lecture 12.3 42:57
Lecture 13.1 46:36
Lecture 13.2 44:17
Lecture 13.3 46:30
Lecture 14.1 52:48
Lecture 14.2 40:54
Lecture 15.1 49:36
Lecture 15.2 51:21
Lecture 15.3 41:03
Lecture 16.1 33:52
Lecture 16.2 45:07
Lecture 17.1 50:13
Lecture 17.2 46:26
Lecture 17.3 40:02
Lecture 18.1 53:36
Lecture 18.2 49:06
Lecture 19.1 52:19
Lecture 19.2 39:18
Lecture 19.3 46:34
Lecture 20.1 55:40
Lecture 20.2 42:37
Lecture 21.1 47:59
Lecture 21.2 47:20
Lecture 21.3 50:02
Lecture 22.1 31:14
Lecture 22.2 49:55
Lecture 23.1 51:02
Lecture 23.2 41:21
Lecture 23.3 45:07
Lecture 24.1 47:57
Lecture 24.2 41:17
Lecture 24.3 47:22
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The PK Man and Mercurial Hermeneutics with Jason Reza Jorjani
source: New Thinking Allowed 2016年9月25日
Jason Reza Jorjani is a philosopher and faculty member at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He is author of Prometheus and Atlas.
Here he describes how he placed Jeffrey Mishlove’s study of Ted Owens, “the PK Man”, into a larger cultural and philosophical context. He defines Mercurial Hermeneutics as the art of interpreting the manifestations of the trickster archetype in the world. He suggests that this archetype, aka Hermes or Mercury, is the intelligence behind the psychokinetic demonstrations of Ted Owens and others (such as Uri Geller). He also maintains that the very same intelligence was behind the establishment of the Abrahamic religious traditions.
New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He is a past vice-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology; and is the recipient of the Pathfinder Award from that Association for his contributions to the field of human consciousness exploration. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities.
(Recorded on June 27, 2016)
Plato’s best (and worst) ideas - Wisecrack
source: TED-Ed 2016年10月25日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/plato-s-bes...
Check out Wisecrack's YouTube channel here: https://goo.gl/A5vb5K
Few individuals have influenced the world and many of today’s thinkers like Plato. He created the first Western university and was teacher to Ancient Greece’s greatest minds, including Aristotle. But even he wasn’t perfect. Along with his great ideas, Plato had a few that haven’t exactly stood the test of time. Wisecrack gives a brief rundown of a few of Plato’s best and worst ideas.
Lesson by Wisecrack, animation by Aaron, Tom and Mathias Studios.
Arabic: Literature and Civilization by Wesley Cecil
source: Wes Cecil 2013年5月26日
A lecture by Wesley Cecil PhD. exploring the origins, development and influence of Arabic. Delivered at Peninsula College.
The Psychology (and Politics) of Disgust | Kathleen McAuliffe
source: Big Think 2016年9月23日
How easily grossed out are you? Your sensitivity to disgust reveals more about you than you'd probably be comfortable with, from how you'll vote in this election to your potential to be a cold-blooded killer. Kathleen McAuliffe's book is This Is Your Brain on Parasites: How Tiny Creatures Manipulate Our Behavior and Shape Society goo.gl/qgOI62
Read more at BigThink.com: http://bigthink.com/videos/kathleen-m...
Similar parts of the brain - there's a lot of overlap in how we process both visceral disgust and moral disgust. Psychopaths - needless to say they're these cold-blooded killers are over representative in many of our high security jails. And these individuals show damage to many of the same circuits that are involved in disgust. Another group of individuals, although they're not predatory but people with Huntington's disease it also damages some of the circuits that are involved in disgust. People with Huntington's disease tend not to be empathetic and they think that this is related to these circuits being damaged. And they're almost unique in that they experience almost no visceral disgust whatsoever. So somebody with Huntington's disease, for example, would think nothing of picking up feces with their bare hands. So there is this sort of very interesting interrelationship, at least in the brain, between visceral and moral disgust.
A little known fact is that conservatives are more disgust sensitive. There's a huge variation acrostic populations in how disgust sensitive people are. There's actually standardized scales that measure, for example, the questionnaire you fill out and it will ask you questions about like how revolted you would be If you stepped on dog poop or if you saw a cockroach on pizza or a dirty toilet. And as a result of filling out these questionnaires they've been able to look to see if there's parallels between how disgust sensitive someone is and how conservative they are. And indeed there is a correlation. And probably the reason for that is because, again, the conservatives if you kind of really breakdown their belief systems they tend to have conservative sexual values. So, for example, concepts like virginity pledges are ideas that they're fond of. They also tend to be more opposed to immigration and foreigners are a leading source, at least in centuries past, foreigners were a leading source of exotic germs for which we had no natural defenses. So it's speculated that that could be another factor behind why people who are more conservative in their political ideology why they tend to be opposed to immigration.
Conservatives also tend to be very tradition bound. They tend to be a little bit more rigid about following religious doctrine. And again, a lot of religious practices may help to protect against infection. So that's the leading theory as to why you see this association. But in general, even in large survey studies they've shown this link between germophobia and xenophobia. So, for example, there was a paper actually that's about to be published and I think they looked at 2000 Danes and 1200 Americans, representative samples from both countries. And they found that opposition to immigration increased in direct proportion to the disgust sensitivity of the individual.
Another group did a study of 25,000 Americans. The study was done at the time of the 2008 presidential election between John McCain, a more conservative candidate, of course, and Barack Obama. And they found that the more disgust sensitive the person the more likely they would vote for John McCain. And they actually showed the proportion of votes that went to McCain in each state. It was based on the average disgust sensitivity of the state based on individual respondents to the survey.
Think Again Podcast - Ian McEwan - A King of Infinite Space
source: Big Think 2016年9月25日
This week's guest is novelist Ian McEwan. He’s the bestselling author of 16 books, including Atonement, which won the National Book Critics Circle Award and the WH Smith Literary award and Amsterdam, which won the Booker Prize. His latest book, Nutshell, is a darkly funny, brilliant riff on Shakespeare’s Hamlet, told from the point of view of an extremely articulate, nine month old fetus, viewing an unfolding murder plot from the limited vantage point of his mother’s womb.
In this far-ranging, lively dialogue, McEwan and host Jason Gots discuss Hamlet, moral quandaries, and how to set boundaries in a world that threatens to pull you in every direction.
Each week on Think Again, we surprise smart people you may have heard of with short clips from Big Think's interview archives on every imaginable subject. These conversations could, and do, go anywhere.
Come talk to us on Twitter: @bigthinkagain
Eating Disorders, Mental Health and Body Image: The Public Health Connec...
source: Harvard University 2016年9月22日
More than 30 million Americans — women and men, children and adults — grapple with eating disorders. These complex illnesses, which include anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder, severely undermine health and cost lives. This event explored the many dimensions to eating disorders, including their biological bases, risk factors and treatment options. What role does body image play, and how do industries, such as fashion and advertising, often promulgate unrealistic societal standards of beauty? How might women and girls, in particular, be affected by such pressure? And what’s to be done? For example, would enacting legislation that requires minimum BMIs for models, or requiring disclosures of digitally altered ads, help? This panel included expertise in psychiatry, children’s health, policy and eating disorders prevention.
Part of The Dr. Lawrence H. and Roberta Cohn Forums, this event was presented September 20, 2016 in Collaboration with PRI’s The World and WGBH.
Watch the entire series from The Forum at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health at www.ForumHSPH.org.
Dr. Ivan Paulino-Lima: "Extremophiles and Human Space Exploration" | Tal...
source: Talks at Google 2016年9月30日
Dr. Paulino-Lima is a Research Scientist at Universities Space Research Association. He received his PhD degree from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and is developing several projects at Dr. Rothschild's lab at NASA Ames Research Center for the past five years. His primary research is focused on radiation-resistant microorganisms and how this capability could be transferred to humans in the near future.
In this talk, Dr. Ivan Glaucio Paulino-Lima discusses his research on extremophiles, their applications on Earth and their impact on human space exploration.
Coca-Cola World Fund Lecture at Yale: Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda
source: Yale University 2016年9月21日
Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda, gave the annual Coca-Cola World Fund Lecture at Yale on Tuesday, September 20.
What Does Evolution Mean For Morality? Peter Singer On Evolution & Ethics
source: Philosophical Overdose 2014年6月22日
Can evolution help us to understand ethics & values? After arguing against some of the misunderstandings regarding evolution (e.g. that it implies egoism/selfishness or that "might is right"), Peter Singer argues that evolution is neutral with regard to values (the naturalistic fallacy), but that understanding evolution does help us to understand human nature; and since the field of ethics is often interested in changing behavior, evolution gives us valuable clues as to what is, or is not, likely to work. Singer also considers the argument that since our moral sense has evolved, it serves to enhance our reproductive fitness, and hence is not a guide to what is really right or wrong. He argues that there is some truth to this claim, but properly understood, it should lead us to skepticism about some ethical views, but not about ethics itself.
This talk was given at the University of Sydney in 2011. I don't own the content.
K. Ramesh: Experimental Stress Analysis (IIT Madras)
# playlist of the 41 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)
source: nptelhrd 2011年10月12日
Mechanical - Experimental Stress Analysis by Prof. K. Ramesh, Department of Applied Mechanics, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
01 Overview of Experimental Stress Analysis 46:13
02 Optical Methods Work as Optical Computers 51:47
03 Stress, Strain and Displacement Fields 1:02:34
04 Physical Principle of Strain Gauges, Photoelasticity and Moiré 56:33
05 Introduction to Moiré, Brittle Coatings and Holography 55:16
06 Hologram Interferometry, Speckle Methods 57:08
07 Introduction to Shearography, TSA, DIC and Caustics 54:29
08 Fringe Patterns - Richness of Qualitative Information 51:46
09 Multi-Scale Analysis in Experimental Mechanics 55:03
10 Selection of an Experimental Technique 1:00:41
11 Introduction to Transmission Photoelasticity 57:59
12 Ordinary and Extraordinary Rays 52:51
13 Light Ellipse, Passage of Light Through a Crystal Plate 52:58
14 Retardation Plates, Stress-optic Law 51:56
15 Plane Polariscope 50:51
16 Jones Calculus 55:01
17 Circular Polariscope 52:51
18 Determination of Photoelastic Parameters at an Arbitrary Point 52:54
19 Tardy's Method of Compensation 53:30
20 Calibration of Photo elastic Materials 55:59
21 Fringe Thinning Methodologies 58:33
22 Fringe Ordering in Photoelasticity 51:31
23 Miscellaneous Topics in Transmission Photoelasticity 55:05
24 Three Dimensional Photoelasticity 55:53
25 Overview of Digital Photoelasticity 52:06
26 Introduction to Photoelastic Coatings 56:58
27 Correction Factors for Photoelastic Coatings 56:44
28 Coating Materials,Selection of Coating Thickness 51:05
29 Calibration of Photoelastic Coatings, Introduction to Brittle Coatings 52:56
30 Analysis of Brittle Coatings 51:15
31 Introduction to Strain Gauges 56:17
32 Strain Sensitivity of a Strain Gauge, Bridge Sensitivity, Rosettes 56:41
33 Strain Gauge Alloys, Carriers and Adhesives 51:57
34 Performance of Strain Gauge System 53:48
35 Temperature Compensation, Two-wire and Three-wire Circuits 53:16
36 Strain Gauge Selection 49:54
37 Bonding of a Strain Gauge 57:59
38 Soldering, Accounting for Transverse Sensitivity Effects 53:38
39 Correction Factors for Special Applications 1:00:08
40 Special Gauges 57:58
41 Discussion Session 39:56
source: nptelhrd 2011年10月12日
Mechanical - Experimental Stress Analysis by Prof. K. Ramesh, Department of Applied Mechanics, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
01 Overview of Experimental Stress Analysis 46:13
02 Optical Methods Work as Optical Computers 51:47
03 Stress, Strain and Displacement Fields 1:02:34
04 Physical Principle of Strain Gauges, Photoelasticity and Moiré 56:33
05 Introduction to Moiré, Brittle Coatings and Holography 55:16
06 Hologram Interferometry, Speckle Methods 57:08
07 Introduction to Shearography, TSA, DIC and Caustics 54:29
08 Fringe Patterns - Richness of Qualitative Information 51:46
09 Multi-Scale Analysis in Experimental Mechanics 55:03
10 Selection of an Experimental Technique 1:00:41
11 Introduction to Transmission Photoelasticity 57:59
12 Ordinary and Extraordinary Rays 52:51
13 Light Ellipse, Passage of Light Through a Crystal Plate 52:58
14 Retardation Plates, Stress-optic Law 51:56
15 Plane Polariscope 50:51
16 Jones Calculus 55:01
17 Circular Polariscope 52:51
18 Determination of Photoelastic Parameters at an Arbitrary Point 52:54
19 Tardy's Method of Compensation 53:30
20 Calibration of Photo elastic Materials 55:59
21 Fringe Thinning Methodologies 58:33
22 Fringe Ordering in Photoelasticity 51:31
23 Miscellaneous Topics in Transmission Photoelasticity 55:05
24 Three Dimensional Photoelasticity 55:53
25 Overview of Digital Photoelasticity 52:06
26 Introduction to Photoelastic Coatings 56:58
27 Correction Factors for Photoelastic Coatings 56:44
28 Coating Materials,Selection of Coating Thickness 51:05
29 Calibration of Photoelastic Coatings, Introduction to Brittle Coatings 52:56
30 Analysis of Brittle Coatings 51:15
31 Introduction to Strain Gauges 56:17
32 Strain Sensitivity of a Strain Gauge, Bridge Sensitivity, Rosettes 56:41
33 Strain Gauge Alloys, Carriers and Adhesives 51:57
34 Performance of Strain Gauge System 53:48
35 Temperature Compensation, Two-wire and Three-wire Circuits 53:16
36 Strain Gauge Selection 49:54
37 Bonding of a Strain Gauge 57:59
38 Soldering, Accounting for Transverse Sensitivity Effects 53:38
39 Correction Factors for Special Applications 1:00:08
40 Special Gauges 57:58
41 Discussion Session 39:56
Jayanta Bhattacharya: Fundamentals of Environmental Pollution and Control (IIT Kharagpur)
# playlist of the 36 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)
source: nptelhrd 2009年9月9日
Mining - Fundamentals of Environmental Pollution and Control by Prof. Jayanta Bhattacharya, Department of Mining Engineering, IIT Kharagpur.
Lec-1 State of the Environment 59:57
Lec-2 Environmental Movement 59:56
Lec-3 Definitions of Environmental Terms 48:04
Lec-4 Water Pollutants 59:55
Lec-5 Water Pollutants(Contd...) 59:57
Lec-6 Water Pollution Modelling-Surface Water 59:51
Lec-7 Water Pollution Modelling-Surface Water(Contd...) 59:52
Lec-8 BOD Modelling Part-1 47:23
Lec-9 BOD Modelling Part-2 55:58
Lec-10 Oxygen Demanding Waste in Streams Part-1 59:55
Lec-11 Oxygen Demanding Waste in Streams Part-2 59:57
Lec-12 Ground Water and its Contamination 59:57
Lec-13 Ground Water and its Contamination(Contd...) 59:58
Lec-14 Ground Water and its Contamination(Contd...) 59:39
Lec-15 Waste Water Treatment 59:55
Lec-16 Wastewater Treatment(Contd...) 59:58
Lec-17 Wastewater Treatment(Contd...) 59:56
Lec-18 Chemical Treatment 59:56
Lec-19 Wetland Treatment and Bio-Technology Applications 59:56
Lec-20 Introduction to Soil 59:55
Lec-21 Parameters to Soil for Vegetative Growth 59:55
Lec-22 Parameters to Soil for Vegetative Growth(contd...) 59:55
Lec-23 Soil Acidity 59:55
Lec-24 Soil Erosion 59:55
Lec-25 Mechanical Soil Erosion Control 1:00:04
Lec-26 Soil Erosion Prediction 59:59
Lec-27 Universal Soil Loss Equation 59:58
Lec-28 Air Pollutants 59:56
Lec-29 Health Effects of Air Pollutants Part-1 59:55
Lec-30 Health Effects of Air Pollutants Part-2 59:55
Lec-31 Air Pollutants and Meteorology Part-1 59:51
Lec-32 Air Pollutants and Meteorology Part-2 59:54
Lec-33 The Point-Source Gaussian Plume Model 59:57
Lec-34 Ground Level Concentration 59:49
Lec-35 Emission Control 59:55
Lec-36 EIA,EMP&EA 55:30
source: nptelhrd 2009年9月9日
Mining - Fundamentals of Environmental Pollution and Control by Prof. Jayanta Bhattacharya, Department of Mining Engineering, IIT Kharagpur.
Lec-1 State of the Environment 59:57
Lec-2 Environmental Movement 59:56
Lec-3 Definitions of Environmental Terms 48:04
Lec-4 Water Pollutants 59:55
Lec-5 Water Pollutants(Contd...) 59:57
Lec-6 Water Pollution Modelling-Surface Water 59:51
Lec-7 Water Pollution Modelling-Surface Water(Contd...) 59:52
Lec-8 BOD Modelling Part-1 47:23
Lec-9 BOD Modelling Part-2 55:58
Lec-10 Oxygen Demanding Waste in Streams Part-1 59:55
Lec-11 Oxygen Demanding Waste in Streams Part-2 59:57
Lec-12 Ground Water and its Contamination 59:57
Lec-13 Ground Water and its Contamination(Contd...) 59:58
Lec-14 Ground Water and its Contamination(Contd...) 59:39
Lec-15 Waste Water Treatment 59:55
Lec-16 Wastewater Treatment(Contd...) 59:58
Lec-17 Wastewater Treatment(Contd...) 59:56
Lec-18 Chemical Treatment 59:56
Lec-19 Wetland Treatment and Bio-Technology Applications 59:56
Lec-20 Introduction to Soil 59:55
Lec-21 Parameters to Soil for Vegetative Growth 59:55
Lec-22 Parameters to Soil for Vegetative Growth(contd...) 59:55
Lec-23 Soil Acidity 59:55
Lec-24 Soil Erosion 59:55
Lec-25 Mechanical Soil Erosion Control 1:00:04
Lec-26 Soil Erosion Prediction 59:59
Lec-27 Universal Soil Loss Equation 59:58
Lec-28 Air Pollutants 59:56
Lec-29 Health Effects of Air Pollutants Part-1 59:55
Lec-30 Health Effects of Air Pollutants Part-2 59:55
Lec-31 Air Pollutants and Meteorology Part-1 59:51
Lec-32 Air Pollutants and Meteorology Part-2 59:54
Lec-33 The Point-Source Gaussian Plume Model 59:57
Lec-34 Ground Level Concentration 59:49
Lec-35 Emission Control 59:55
Lec-36 EIA,EMP&EA 55:30
Multiphase Flow by Gargi Das & P. K. Das (IIT Kharagpur)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: nptelhrd 2013年5月7日
Multiphase Flow by Prof. Gargi Das, Prof. P. K. Das, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
01 Introduction 57:57
02 Estimation of Flow Patterns 50:46
03 Estimation of Flow Patterns (Contd.) 55:44
04 Flow Pattern Maps Fascinating Taylor Bubbles 52:38
05 Definitions and Common Terminologies 53:35
06 Definitions and Common Terminologies (Contd.) 54:59
07 Simple Analytical Models 53:34
08 The Homogeneous Flow Theory 50:39
09 The Homogeneous Flow Theory (Contd.) 54:35
10 Compressible Flow A Recapitulation 55:54
11 Compressible Flow A Recapitulation (Contd.) 53:01
12 Choked Flow Condition for Homogeneous Flow 50:55
13 Drift Flux Model 50:30
14 Drift Flux Model (Contd.) 53:26
15 Drift Flux Model (Contd.) 52:45
16 Drift Flux Model ( Contd.) 54:24
17 Separated Flow Model 52:25
18 Separated Flow Model (Contd.) 56:54
19 Separated Flow Model ( Contd.) 54:01
20 Separated Flow Model - Condition of Choking 48:06
21 Separated Flow Model - Condition of Choking (Contd.) 53:28
22 Separated Flow Model - Estimation of Frictional Pressure Drop and Void Fraction 53:23
23 Separated Flow Model 50:43
24 Separated Flow Model 48:22
25 Separated Flow Model 53:46
26 Analysis of Specific Flow Regimes 53:39
27 Analysis of Specific Flow Regimes (Contd.) 55:43
28 Analysis of Specific Flow Regimes - Slug Flow (Contd.) 57:53
29 Two Phase Flow with Phase Change - An Introduction to Boiling Heat Transfer 53:06
30 Bubble Growth 52:33
31 Different Types of Nucleation 53:36
32 Ibullition from Hot Surfaces 54:27
33 Cycle of Bubble Growth and Departure 57:24
34 Heat Transfer in Different Regimes of Boiling 51:38
35 Heat Transfer in Different Regimes of Boiling (Contd.) 53:38
36 Critical Heat Flux, Film Boiling 56:12
37 Measurement Techniques for Two Phase flow Parameters 52:36
38 Measurement Techniques for Two Phase flow Parameters - Void Fraction Measurement 55:42
39 Measurement Techniques for Two Phase flow Parameters 51:53
40 Measurement Techniques for Two - Phase Flow Parameters - Estimation of Flow Patterns
source: nptelhrd 2013年5月7日
Multiphase Flow by Prof. Gargi Das, Prof. P. K. Das, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
01 Introduction 57:57
02 Estimation of Flow Patterns 50:46
03 Estimation of Flow Patterns (Contd.) 55:44
04 Flow Pattern Maps Fascinating Taylor Bubbles 52:38
05 Definitions and Common Terminologies 53:35
06 Definitions and Common Terminologies (Contd.) 54:59
07 Simple Analytical Models 53:34
08 The Homogeneous Flow Theory 50:39
09 The Homogeneous Flow Theory (Contd.) 54:35
10 Compressible Flow A Recapitulation 55:54
11 Compressible Flow A Recapitulation (Contd.) 53:01
12 Choked Flow Condition for Homogeneous Flow 50:55
13 Drift Flux Model 50:30
14 Drift Flux Model (Contd.) 53:26
15 Drift Flux Model (Contd.) 52:45
16 Drift Flux Model ( Contd.) 54:24
17 Separated Flow Model 52:25
18 Separated Flow Model (Contd.) 56:54
19 Separated Flow Model ( Contd.) 54:01
20 Separated Flow Model - Condition of Choking 48:06
21 Separated Flow Model - Condition of Choking (Contd.) 53:28
22 Separated Flow Model - Estimation of Frictional Pressure Drop and Void Fraction 53:23
23 Separated Flow Model 50:43
24 Separated Flow Model 48:22
25 Separated Flow Model 53:46
26 Analysis of Specific Flow Regimes 53:39
27 Analysis of Specific Flow Regimes (Contd.) 55:43
28 Analysis of Specific Flow Regimes - Slug Flow (Contd.) 57:53
29 Two Phase Flow with Phase Change - An Introduction to Boiling Heat Transfer 53:06
30 Bubble Growth 52:33
31 Different Types of Nucleation 53:36
32 Ibullition from Hot Surfaces 54:27
33 Cycle of Bubble Growth and Departure 57:24
34 Heat Transfer in Different Regimes of Boiling 51:38
35 Heat Transfer in Different Regimes of Boiling (Contd.) 53:38
36 Critical Heat Flux, Film Boiling 56:12
37 Measurement Techniques for Two Phase flow Parameters 52:36
38 Measurement Techniques for Two Phase flow Parameters - Void Fraction Measurement 55:42
39 Measurement Techniques for Two Phase flow Parameters 51:53
40 Measurement Techniques for Two - Phase Flow Parameters - Estimation of Flow Patterns