

Art History: Italian Renaissance by Vida Hull (ETSU)

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source: East Tennessee State University    2013年9月5日
ARTH 4037 Italian Renaissance - Dr. Vida Hull
ETSU Online Programs - http://www.etsu.edu/online

ARTH 4037 Filippino Lippi 9:22
ARTH 4037 Ghirlandaio 23:03
ARTH 4037 Piero di Cosimo 23:47
ARTH 4037 Perugino 22:33
ARTH 4037 Antonio Pisanello 35:43
ARTH 4037 Antonello da Messina 21:14
ARTH 4037 Andrea Mantegna 50:40
ARTH 4037 Gentile Bellini 7:21
ARTH 4037 Giovanni Bellini 17:41
ARTH 4037 Lorenzo Ghiberti 43:11
ARTH 4037 Nanni Di Banco 14:08
ARTH 4037 Luca Signorelli 12:33
ARTH 2020/4037 Mannerism 1 1:07:31
ARTH 2020/4037 Mannerism 2: Giovanni da Bologna 9:16
ARTH 2020/4037 Italian Renaissance Architecture: Michelozzo 9:33
ARTH 2020/4037 Michelangelo 1 (High Renaissance) 1:06:23
ARTH 2020/4037 Michelangelo 2 (Mannerism) 50:32
ARTH 2020/4037 15th Century Italian Renaissance Painting: Mantegna and Bellini 25:23
ARTH 2020/4037 Raphael 41:54
ARTH 2020/4037 Bramante 24:58
ARTH 2020/4037 High Renaissance: Leonardo da Vinci 1:03:22
ARTH 2020/4037 15th Century Italian Renaissance Sculpture 1:28:23
ARTH 2020/4037 Italian Renaissance Architecture: Brunelleschi 1:03:36
ARTH 2020/4037 Renaissance Characteristics 28:07
ARTH 4037 Venice 40:06
ARTH 2020/4037 Venice 1: Giorgione 24:08
ARTH 2020/4037 Venice 2: Titian (begins) 10:33
ARTH 2020/4037 Venice 3: Titian (continues) 15:58
ARTH 2020/4037 Venice 4: Tintoretto, Veronese, Palladio 43:24
ARTH 2020/4037 15th Century Italian Renaissance Painting: Masaccio and Botticelli 1:18:26
ARTH 4037/4117 Italian Renaissance 8: Marietta Robusti, "La Tintoretta" 9:33
ARTH 4037 Masolino 16:21
ARTH 4037 Gentile da Fabriano 17:35
ARTH 4037 Masaccio 1:15:50
ARTH 4037 Fra Filippo Lippi 35:54
ARTH 4037 Uccello 23:07
ARTH 4037 Andrea del Castagno 39:45
ARTH 4037 Domenico Veneziano 18:37
ARTH 4037 Fra Angelico 44:48
ARTH 4037 Piero della Francesca 1:11:16
ARTH 4037 Simone Martini 30:40
ARTH 4037 Siena in the Trecento 53:37
ARTH 4037 Pietro and Ambrogio Lorenzetti 1:04:33
ARTH 4037 Florentine Quattrocento Wall Tombs 33:54
ARTH 4037 Antonio del Pollaiuolo (also Pollaiolo) 1:15:48

Jennifer A. Lewis, "3D Printing: Making the Future"

source: Harvard University    2016年8月31日
3D printing enables one to rapidly design and fabricate materials in arbitrary shapes on demand. I will introduce the fundamental principles that underpin 3D printing techniques. I will then describe how new functional and biological materials are vastly expanding the capabilities of 3D printing. Finally, I will highlight several emerging examples, including 3D printed electronics, lightweight composites, and vascularized tissue constructs, that demonstrate how this (still) nascent technology is being used to make the future.

From the Galaxy to Gaia

source: Cambridge University    2016年9月14日
Detailed information about more than a billion stars in the Milky Way has been published in the first data release from the Gaia satellite, which is conducting the first-ever ‘galactic census.’ The release marks the first chance astronomers and the public have had to get their hands on the most detailed map ever made of the sky.

The Humane Arts: On Leisure

source: Wes Cecil    2012年9月9日
A lecture that explores the importance of leisure as an element of artistic and scientific creativity. Part of the Humane Arts lecture series presented at Peninsula College by Wesley Cecil, Ph.D.
For information on upcoming lectures, essays, and books by Wesley Cecil Ph.D. go tohttp://www.facebook.com/HumaneArts

Race, Criminal Justice and Health | The Forum at HSPH

source: Harvard University    2015年2月11日
The focus on racial injustice in the US – particularly the effect of race on criminal justice – has been in the public spotlight following the tragic deaths of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Eric Garner on Staten Island, and Tamir Rice in Cleveland during encounters with law enforcement. While these inequities play out in numerous areas, health and well-being is one sector in which minority groups are dramatically and disproportionally affected. This Forum event examined how disparities within the law and the criminal justice system negatively affect health in members of minority groups — as well as how the role of race interacts with neighborhood environments, educational and employment opportunities, public policy, and other factors to lead to poorer health in minority populations.
This event was presented February 6, 2015 in Collaboration with Reuters.
Watch the entire series from The Forum at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health at www.ForumHSPH.org.

Rashid Khalidi on "Unhealed Wounds of World War I: Armenia, Kurdistan, and Palestine"

source: Harvard University    2014年11月20日
Homi Bhabha
Director, Mahindra Humanities Center, Harvard University
Harry Parsekian
President, Friends of Hrant Dink - Boston
Cemal Kafadar
Vehbi Koç Professor of Turkish Studies, Harvard University
Rakel Dink
Hrant Dink Foundation – Istanbul
Translation by Ayse Kadioglu
Dean of Faculty of Arts and Social Science, Sabanci University

Rashid Khalidi
Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies, Columbia University

Cyberchondria: Do Online Health Searches Prompt Symptoms (and Worse)? | Mary Aiken

source: Big Think    2016年9月1日
1% of all Google searches are health queries. Cyberpsychologist Mary Aiken explains how artificial intelligence diagnostics lead to psychosomatic symptoms, and potentially explain the fourfold increase in iatrogenic death in the US since 1999. Aiken's book is "The Cyber Effect: A Pioneering Cyberpsychologist Explains How Human Behavior Changes Online" (http://goo.gl/A3qbwb).
Read more at BigThink.com: http://bigthink.com/videos/mary-aiken...

Transcript - I’m sure everybody knows somebody who searches health related information online. Well there’s actually a name for it and it’s called cyberchondria. Cyberchondria is defined as anxiety induced by escalation during online search to review morbid or serious content. So what does this mean? Well it means that you have a headache and you end up reading about brain tumor. And there’s a very good reason behind it. Humans have a propensity to escalate, to review the worst possible scenario probably to dismiss it. So come back to the headache. If you went to your doctor and you said I have a terrible headache and your doctor said well, you could have anything from a hangover to a brain tumor. You would say oh my goodness, talk to me about the brain tumor. And essentially that’s what happens online. People click on the worst case scenario and therefore those scenarios get driven up the search rankings. So the point about search it’s based on a frequency model, things that are frequently clicked are those things that actually rise to the top of search results. That’s fine if you’re looking at best beach in Florida but when it comes to health related matters it’s problematic. Why? Because it causes anxiety and you could be perfectly well but end up with a nasty case of health anxiety as a result of search. Read Full Transcript Here: http://goo.gl/sV5N3Z.

Philosophy of Mind by Kane B

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source: Kane B     2014年3月6日

1 - Substance Dualism 40:17
2 - Logical Behaviourism 51:20
3 - The Identity Theory 52:11
4.1 - Functionalism 35:31
4.2 - Objections to Functionalism 36:22
5.1 - Eliminative Materialism 44:09
5.2 - Objections to Eliminative Materialism 47:41
6.1 - The Extended Mind 47:36 
 Perception: direct realism vs representative realism 
 Perception - Idealism 
 Animal Minds 1 
 Philosophy of Emotion 1 - The James-Lange Theory 
 Philosophy of Emotion 2 - Cognitive Theories  
 Philosophy of Dreaming 1  
 Philosophy of Dreaming 2  
 Personal Identity 1 - Psychological Continuity  
 Personal Identity 2 - Animalism 
 Personal Identity 3 - Nihilism  
 Personal Identity 4 - Multiple Personality 
 Personal Identity 5 - The Narrative Theory 
 Personal Identity 6 - Transhumanism

Will Butler-Adams, CEO of Brompton Bikes | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google    2016年9月7日
Will Butler-Adams joined Brompton Bicycles in 2002, became a director in 2006 and took over as the MD in 2008 - he came into Google's London office to discuss innovation, leadership, the cult of Brompton’s folding bikes and how his company reacts to ever changing consumer demands. Filmed in London, July 2016.
The removed video at 19:50 can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yij6s...

About Brompton Bikes
The unique Brompton folding bike was designed and built in London in 1975 by Andrew Ritchie in his flat in South Kensington opposite the Brompton Oratory. Still made in London today, Brompton is making over 45,000 bikes per year and is the UK’s largest bike manufacturer.
Read more about Brompton’s history: http://www.brompton.com/About-Us/History

Reconstructing the Songs of Boethius’ Consolation of Philosophy

source: Cambridge University     2016年8月17日
Performing Lost Songs: a documentary on the research process behind Cambridge researcher Dr Sam Barrett's reconstruction of music lost for 1,000 years. The project was undertaken through collaboration with professional medieval music performers and scholars Sequentia (http://www.sequentia.org/) and was first performed in April 2016 (see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwAKPI... and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q14wI3...).
Film by Martin Kendrick of ICA Films (http://www.icartists.co.uk/staff?dept=57).
To find out more about the'Performing Long Songs' project, please go to: https://performinglostsongs.wordpress...

The Future of Further Education & Skills with Vince Cable

source: The RSA    2016年9月7日
The Future of Further Education & Skills with Vince Cable. Sir Vince Cable considers what is needed to support innovation and leadership across the Further Education & Skills sector, and to inspire a new sense of energy and optimism about its future.
Watch Sir Vince Cable, Former Secretary of State for Business & Skills, in our latest RSA Spotlight - the edits which take you straight to the heart of the event! Loved this snippet? Watch the full replay:https://youtu.be/eb09b8ufCjA

The Philosophy of Spinoza & Leibniz (Subtitles Available)

source: Philosophical Overdose    2016年8月30日
Bryan Magee and Anthony Quinton discuss the 17th-18th century philosophers Spinoza and Leibniz. Both were rationalists who developed elaborate philosophical systems out of only a few basic principles of logic/reason, but ended up with quite different views. Spinoza was a monist and pantheist. He identified everything with one substance, what he called "God or Nature", and understood everything as a mere aspect or mode of this great unity of existence. Thus, there is ultimately only one true entity or being for Spinoza. He also rejected free will, any personal conception of God, as well as purpose within the world, leading many to think of him as an atheist. Leibniz, on the other hand, embraced plurality in his metaphysical system. He posited an infinite array of indivisible substances he called "monads" which were immaterial, incorporeal, mind-like points. Since these were taken to be fundamental, Leibniz was something of an idealist or panpsychist. The existence of matter was taken to be derivative, a mere appearance of something ultimately mental or quasi-mental in nature. And like Spinoza, he was also a determinist who thought that everything had to have a cause and complete explanation, leaving no genuine room for objective randomness or chance. Both thinkers were extremely influential, not only on other philosophers, but on scientists as well.

This interview is from a 1978 BBC program. Subtitles/transcript is available. This is a re-upload which has much better quality. I just fixed it so that the audio and video don't go out of sync. In any case, this is a very good introduction to Spinoza and Leibniz, and is definitely worth checking out.

The Spectral Revolution with Jason Reza Jorjani

source: New Thinking Allowed    2015年11月19日
Jason Reza Jorjani is a philosopher and faculty member at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He is author of Prometheus and Atlas.
Here he describes how humankind often confuses the technological worldview of scientific theory with reality itself. Jorjani maintains that we have become mesmerized by the specters of the ancient, Greek Titans Prometheus and Atlas whose myths foreshadowed the rise of science and technology. Jorjani describes the “spectral revolution” as one in which humanity awakens to the dimensions of consciousness outside of the scientific and technological domain. In particular, he urges study of the paranormal. He believes that if we properly understand the nature of Prometheus and Atlas, we have the ability to foster a new culture that honors the depths of mind in nature.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). His master's degree is in criminology. He serves as dean of transformational psychology at the University of Philosophical Research. He teaches parapsychology for ministers in training with the Centers for Spiritual Living through the Holmes Institute. He has served as vice-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, and is the recipient of its Pathfinder Award for outstanding contributions to the field of human consciousness. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities.
(Recorded on June 25, 2015)

Concrete Technology by Sudhir Misra (IIT Kanpur)

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source: nptelhrd     2014年2月13日
Civil - Concrete Technology by Dr. Sudhir Misra, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in

01 Introduction and course overview 42:56
02 Constituents of concrete (Part 1 of 2) 49:52
03 Constituents of concrete (Part 2 of 2) 45:19
04 Admixtures in concrete -- mineral and chemical 58:09
05 Hydration of cement 1:00:26
06 Basic properties of concrete 51:41
07 Proportioning of concrete mixes (Part 1 of 3) 42:47
08 Proportioning of concrete mixes (Part 2 of 3) 45:55
09 Proportioning of concrete mixes (Part 3 of 3) 48:46
10 Pores and porosity in concrete 46:27
11 Porosimetry -- measuring pores in concrete 45:09
12 Principles of quality control in concrete construction 49:05
13 Quality control and acceptance criteria for concrete based on compressive strength 48:51
14 Fibre reinforced concrete 54:47
15 High strength concrete 52:19
16 Mass concrete (Part 1 of 2) 53:36
17 Mass concrete (Part 2 of 2) 48:45
18 Concreting in cold weather 46:24
19 Concreting in hot weather 48:56
20 Roller compacted concrete 42:34
21 Self-compacting concrete 49:54
22 Testing self-compacting concrete 47:50
23 Shotcrete and underwater concrete 44:03
24 Alkali -- aggregate reaction (Part 1 of 2) 49:58
25 Alkali -- aggregate reaction (Part 2 of 2) 43:19
26 Reinforcement corrosion in concrete 51:24
27 Chloride penetration in concrete 54:12
28 Using epoxy-coated bars in concrete structures 45:22
29 Using FRP as reinforcement in concrete structures (Part 1 of 2) 36:26
30 Using FRP as reinforcement in concrete structures (Part 2 of 2) 49:18
31 Grouting and importance of formwork in concrete construction 52:48
32 Carbonation and freezing & thawing in concrete structures 48:13
33 Using recycled aggregates in concrete construction 46:40
34 Basic non-destructive testing for concrete structures 54:34
35 Measuring permeability in concrete 47:05
36 Some additional topics 52:52
37 Considerations in repair of concrete structures (Part 1 of 2) 50:33
38 Considerations in repair of concrete structures (Part 2 of 2) 46:04
39 Laboratory demonstration 42:33
40 Review of the course 51:33

Environmental Degradation of Materials by Kallol Mondal (IIT Kanpur)

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source: nptelhrd   2014年2月10日
Metallurgy - Environmental Degradation of Materials by Dr. Kallol Mondal, Department of Metallurgy and Material Science, IIT Kanpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in

01 Introduction, Basic definition of corrosion 56:59
02 Forms of Degradation, Thermodynamics of corrosion 1:00:43
03 Thermodynamics of corrosion 35:12
04 Thermodynamics of corrosion 54:32
05 Thermodynamics of corrosion, Electrochemical series, Concentration cell 55:38
06 Reduction Potential series, Pourbaix diagram 54:20
07 Pourbaix diagram 59:15
08 Pourbaix diagram 55:14
09 Pourbaix diagram, Kinetics of corrosion 49:39
10 Kinetics of corrosion, Rate expression, Solved problems 54:41
11 Solved problems on the corrosion rate, Exchange current density 55:37
12 Exchange current density, Polarization, Activation Polarization, Tafel Equation 55:07
13 Activation Polarization, Concentration Polarization 56:34
14 Concentration Polarization, Mixed Potential Theory 51:45
15 Mixed Potential Theory, Explanation of corrosion events on the basis 50:47
16 Explanation of corrosion events on the basis of Mixed potential theory 51:29
17 Explanation of corrosion events on the basis of Mixed potential theory 54:04
18 Passivation and Mixed potential theory 52:20
19 Passivation and Mixed potential theory 51:59
20 Different corrosion protection mechanisms, electrochemical ways 55:32
21 Cathodic and anodic protection 54:06
22 Anodic protection, Forms of corrosion, Factors of corrosion 1:13:10
23 Forms of corrosion, Uniform Corrosion, Galvanic corrosion 50:40
24 Galvanic corrosion 36:20
25 Crevice corrosion 18:03
26 Crevice corrosion, Pitting corrosion 52:19
27 Pitting corrosion, Intergranular corrosion 54:53
28 Intergranular corrosion, Dealloying 59:41
29 Dealloying, Erosion corrosion 54:52
30 Erosion corrosion, Cavitation 55:49
31 Cavitation, Fretting corrosion, corrosion cracking 54:39
32 Stress corrosion cracking: mechanisms(dissolution controlled) 51:29
33 Stress corrosion cracking: mechanisms(cleavage controlled), factors affecting SCC, 55:46
34 Biologically influenced corrosion, liquid metal attack 1:01:19
35 Corrosion protection, change of materials, effect of design of component 53:19
36 Corrosion protection, change of environment, Inhibitors, coatings 1:03:42
37 Oxidation and hot corrosion, pitting Bedworth ratio, thermodynamics of oxidation 56:17
38 Thermodynamics of oxidation, Ellingham diagram, oxidation kinetics and laws 48:42
39 Oxide structure and Oxidation 59:00
40 Hot corrosion, corrosion testing and failure analysis, linear polarization 1:19:48
41 Degradation of composites, polymers and ceramics, corrosion and society 54:18

Processing of Semiconducting Materials by Pallab Banerji (IIT Kharagpur)

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source: nptelhrd    2014年2月3日
Metallurgy - Processing of Semiconducting Materials by Dr. Pallab Banerji, Department of Metallurgy and Material Science, IIT Kharagpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in

01 Introduction to Electronics Materials 56:41
02 Electrical Conductivity of Materials 48:00
03 Direct and Indirect Band Semiconductors 49:14
04 Doping in Semiconductors 47:53
05 Semiconductor Statistics 55:43
06 Importance of Doping 56:56
07 Diffusion and Ion Implantation - I 57:19
08 Diffusion and Ion Implantation - II 57:44
09 Diffusion and Ion Implantation - III 57:59
10 Elemental Semiconductors 56:38
11 Compound Semiconductors 56:54
12 Bulk Crystal Growth - I 56:03
13 Bulk Crystal Growth - II 57:03
14 Ga As Crystal Growth 56:50
15 Defects in Crystals-I 56:57
16 Defects in Crystals - II 57:01
17 Band Gap Engineering - I 56:30
18 Band Gap Engineering - II 57:08
19 Chemical Vapour Deposition - I 58:28
20 Chemical Vapour Deposition - II 57:28
21 MOCVD 55:55
22 Molecular Beam Epitaxy - I 57:06
23 Molecular Beam Epitaxy - II 59:19
24 p - n Junction 55:53
25 Carrier Transport in P - N Junction 55:44
26 Characterization - I 56:28
27 Characterization - II 56:41
28 Optical Characterization - I 56:15
29 Metal-Semiconductor Contact - I 58:00
30 Metal-Semiconductor Contact - II 56:22
31 Applications of Metal-Semiconductor Contact 57:13
32 Oxidation - I 55:10
33 Oxidation - II 55:01
34 Different Types of Semiconductor - I 53:45
35 Oxidation - I 56:41
36 Oxidation - II 57:14
37 Dielectric Films 58:21
38 Low - K and High - K materials 1:00:23
39 Metallization 57:47
40 Materials for Photovoltaics 57:17