# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: Kane B 2016年3月29日
In sex, as in many other domains, consent is of central importance. But what exactly is consent? Under what conditions can we say that a person has consented to sex? In this video and the next, I examine three of the factors that can undermine consent: coercion, deception, and intoxication.
Philosophy of Sex - Consent 1 32:02
Philosophy of Sex - Consent 2 33:54
Philosophy of Sex - Consent 3 32:35
Philosophy of Sex - Consent 4 33:42
Philosophy of Sex - Consent 5 33:14
6 39:18 Should incest be legalized?
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Eric Owen Moss: “I’ll See It When I Believe It”
source: Harvard GSD 2016年9月9日
Eric Owen Moss, MArch ’72, was born in Los Angeles, California. In 1973, after completing his studies at UCLA, UC Berkeley, and Harvard Graduate School of Design, he founded Eric Owen Moss Architects. Today, his firm is an award-winning 25-person office that designs and constructs projects in the United States and around the world. As documented in monographs on the firm’s work, such as Eric Owen Moss Construction Manual 1988–2008 (2009), Moss has placed a distinct emphasis on the act and process of building. His many essays on design theory and reflections on architecture as a discipline have been published in collections including Gnostic Architecture (1999) and Who Says What Architecture Is (2007). His most recent book The New City: I’ll See It When I Believe It (2016) documents his rehabilitation of more than fifty buildings in the Hayden Tract between Los Angeles and Santa Monica: that abandoned industrial district was transformed into an enclave of creative and new media companies, made possible by his close, decades-long collaboration with a developer.Moss has lectured widely and held teaching positions at major universities around the world, including Harvard, Yale, Columbia, University of Applied Arts in Vienna, and the Royal Academy in Copenhagen. A longtime professor at the Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc), he served as its director from 2002 to 2015. Among the many honors he has received are the AIA|LA Educator of the Year in 2006; the Most Admired Educator Award from the Design Futures Council in 2013; and the Jencks Award from the Royal Institute of British Architects, in 2011. In 2014 he was inducted into the National Academy and in 2016 he received the Austrian Decoration of Honor for Science and Art.
Melissa Franklin, "Putting the Higgs Boson in Its Place: The Quest to Excite the Empty Universe"
source: Harvard University 2016年8月31日
In this talk Professor Franklin will explain how physicists search for new particles, such as the Higgs boson, at the Large Hadron Collider, and specifically what they found at a mass of 126 GeV that they call the Higgs. She discussed the accelerator, the ATLAS experiment, the evidence for the Higgs, and prospects for new discoveries in 2015.v
World Leaders Forum - Her Excellency Isabel de Saint Malo de Alvarado
source: Columbia 2016年9月22日
This World Leaders Forum program features an address by Her Excellency Isabel de Saint Malo de Alvarado, Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Panama, followed by a question and answer session with the audience.
The Life & Work of Frank P. Ramsey
source: Philosophical Overdose 2016年2月6日
Frank P. Ramsey was a British philosopher, mathematician, economist, who lived and worked in the early 20th century. He was a close friend of Ludwig Wittgenstein and helped to translate Wittgenstein's Tractatus into English. Ramsey was also famous for his work on logic, probability, economics, and truth.
This BBC program, called "Better than the Stars", is from 1978.
Hieroglyphic Thinking with Normandi Ellis
source: New Thinking Allowed 2016年4月21日
Normandi Ellis is coauthor, with Nicki Scully, of The Union of Isis and Thoth: Magic and Initiatory Practices of Ancient Egypt. Her other books include Imagining the World into Existence: an Ancient Egyptian Manual of Consciousness; Invoking the Scribes of Ancient Egypt; and Awakening Osiris: The Egyptian Book of the Dead.
Here she describes the process by which she developed her ability to translate Egyptian hieroglyphs. She notes that this ancient language is one in which every symbol is connected with some aspect of divine reality. Normandi and Jeffrey also discuss the relevance of Leonard Shlain’s book, The Alphabet Versus the Goddess, in terms of understanding how graphic imagery is related to an appreciation of the feminine. She reflects upon how her work with hieroglyphs has led her to appreciate how every part of nature is filled with the divine.
New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He teaches parapsychology for ministers in training with the Centers for Spiritual Living through the Holmes Institute. He has served as vice-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, and is the recipient of its Pathfinder Award for outstanding contributions to the field of human consciousness. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities.
(Recorded on March 18, 2016)
Can you solve the prisoner boxes riddle? - Yossi Elran
source: TED-Ed 2016年10月3日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/can-you-sol...
Your favorite band is great at playing music...but not so great at being organized. They keep misplacing their instruments on tour, and it’s driving their manager mad. Can you solve the brain-numbing riddle their manager assigns them and make sure the band stays on their label? Yossi Elran shows how.
Lesson by Yossi Elran, animation by Artrake Studio.
Claudia Escobar | Judicial Independence, Separation of Powers, and Corruption || Radcliffe Institute 1005
source: Harvard University 2016年1月6日
As part of the 2015–2016 Fellows’ Presentation Series at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Claudia Escobar RI ’16 explores how corruption is directly linked to the lack of judicial independence. Using her experience in Guatemala as an example, Escobar sheds light on how judges in the higher courts are appointed without respecting international principles or judicial independence, which enables political entities and other powerful groups to control the justice system, thus promoting impunity and corruption.
Claudia Escobar is the 2015–2016 Robert G. James Scholar at Risk Fellow, part of Harvard’s Scholar at Risk program.
Caffeine? That’s So Analog. Introducing Electric Neural Stimulation.
source: Big Think 2016年8月29日
Computer-brain interface technology is progressing faster than medical research can reliably understand how it affects human health over the longterm. Still, the technology is really cool.
Read more at BigThink.com: http://bigthink.com/videos/nichol-bra...
Transcript - With transformative technology and at the transformative technology lab we’re tracking ten major areas of trans tech. And those ten areas include things like neurofeedback and biofeedback, neurostim and biostim. Those are the ones that I think people would think of the most. A good example of that would be the Muse headset by Interaxon that measures your EEG so it measures your brainwaves. Another thing that’s coming out is neurostim. A good example of that would be a company called Halo Neuroscience and so it’s a slight stimulation to the brain that in their trials with elite athletes they’re showing people having big surges in ability and so that’s kind of interesting. There’s another product called Think that sits on the forehead right here and it stimulates the peripheral nerves and could replace a cup of coffee. So it sort of stimulates you and wakes you up. So there’s a lot of focus on things that are taking feedback from the body and then stimulating the body.
And so it could be the body or the brain. One of the things that is coming is a lot of vagus nerve stimulation and on the medical side there’s research that’s recently come out where people are really taking that more seriously. In addition some of the things that I think are really cool is I’m really intrigued by emotion recognition software. Whether that’s through cameras that are watching facial expressions or through – or another example would be there’s a company called Beyond Verbal that just off of audio files can pick up human emotion. And you might think well sort of what’s the use of that. I know how I feel. But it’s actually if you think about it when everything in your house is smart you’re really going to want it to know if you’re upset or not. So I have a friend, an older friend that I bought an Amazon Echo for and she whispers around the Echo like it’s a real person. This is someone who’s in their seventies. And so for people who are growing up in smart houses which a lot of children today they won’t even know a time where there isn’t a certain level of intelligence that’s baked into their environment we’re going to want all these things to know how we feel. I think that emotion recognition is really interesting. It’s the thing that’s captured my imagination right now. Read Full Transcript Here: http://goo.gl/TzciST.
Jason Wu & Martha Hunt: "The Evolution of Fashion" | Talks At Google
source: Talks at Google 2016年9月1日
Fashion Designer Jason Wu and supermodel Martha Hunt discuss the new era of fashion.
Known for dressing first lady Michelle Obama and a host of celebrity friends, building a cult following with his namesake collection, serving as Creative Director for Hugo Boss, and recently launching a new sister collection called GREY Jason Wu, Jason Wu has become one of the leading American design talents.
Supermodel Martha Hunt started her fashion career around the same time as Jason and made one of her first runway appearances in a Jason Wu show. A Victoria’s Secret model who has also appeared in countless runway shows and advertising campaigns, plus a Taylor Swift music video, Martha has gained a global following with her grounded personality and business and technology savvy.
As successful, young, fashion industry veterans, Jason and Martha explore how they have navigate some of the challenges and changes in the fashion industry and give their perspective on the shifting future of fashion.
A World Without Ageism | Ashton Applewhite
source: The RSA 2016年9月6日
A World Without Ageism with author and activist Ashton Applewhite. What would age equality look like? We’re barraged by messages that encourage a fear of old age. Many of us assume that with older age comes poor health and failing capabilities, so much so that the increase in life expectancy is often viewed as a negative trend. Ageing, however, is a natural, lifelong, powerful process, and, in fact, the older people get, the less afraid they are of dying. So why all the negativity? Ashton Applewhite uncovers the roots of ageism and shows how ageist myths and stereotypes cripple the way our brains and bodies function.
T. Asokan: Principles of Engineering System Design (IIT Madras)
# playlist of the 30 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)
source: nptelhrd 2014年4月22日
Engineering Design - Principles of Engineering System Design by Dr. T Asokan, Department of Engineering Design, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in
01 Introduction to system Design 47:43
02 Engineering systems Classification & examples 44:08
3 Modern System design processes 39:03
4 Six functions of design process 39:32
05 Tools for enabling creative development 46:22
6 Team Development : Group Exercises 48:08
07 System Requirement Analysis 48:58
8 Originating Requirements: Example System Engineering software -CORE 46:32
09 Functional Architecture Development 43:45
10 Functional Decomposition 44:22
11 Functional Decomposition : Examples 43:36
12 Physical Architecture Development 45:03
13 Implementing Fault Tolerance in Physical Architecture 45:23
14 Operational Architecture Development Part I 42:55
15 Operational Architecture Development Part II 42:34
16 Interface architecture Development 42:00
17 Interface standards and Design process 38:20
18 Integration and qualification 43:52
19 Qualification planning and methods 46:27
20 System Design Example: Autolink system 49:42
21 System Design Examples 45:21
22 System Design Examples (Contd.) 49:19
23 Graphical Modelling Techniques 50:48
24 Process Modelling 52:16
25 Behavior modeling 44:14
26 Graphical Modelling Techniques (Contd.) 41:14
27 System modeling and simulation 40:29
28 Bondgraph modeling of Dynamic systems 47:04
29 Decision making in System Design 43:16
30 Decision making in System Design( continued) 46:49
source: nptelhrd 2014年4月22日
Engineering Design - Principles of Engineering System Design by Dr. T Asokan, Department of Engineering Design, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in
01 Introduction to system Design 47:43
02 Engineering systems Classification & examples 44:08
3 Modern System design processes 39:03
4 Six functions of design process 39:32
05 Tools for enabling creative development 46:22
6 Team Development : Group Exercises 48:08
07 System Requirement Analysis 48:58
8 Originating Requirements: Example System Engineering software -CORE 46:32
09 Functional Architecture Development 43:45
10 Functional Decomposition 44:22
11 Functional Decomposition : Examples 43:36
12 Physical Architecture Development 45:03
13 Implementing Fault Tolerance in Physical Architecture 45:23
14 Operational Architecture Development Part I 42:55
15 Operational Architecture Development Part II 42:34
16 Interface architecture Development 42:00
17 Interface standards and Design process 38:20
18 Integration and qualification 43:52
19 Qualification planning and methods 46:27
20 System Design Example: Autolink system 49:42
21 System Design Examples 45:21
22 System Design Examples (Contd.) 49:19
23 Graphical Modelling Techniques 50:48
24 Process Modelling 52:16
25 Behavior modeling 44:14
26 Graphical Modelling Techniques (Contd.) 41:14
27 System modeling and simulation 40:29
28 Bondgraph modeling of Dynamic systems 47:04
29 Decision making in System Design 43:16
30 Decision making in System Design( continued) 46:49
Introduction to Biomaterials by Bikramjit Basu & Kantesh Balani (IIT Kanpur)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: nptelhrd 2012年7月3日
Metallurgical - Introduction to Biomaterials by Prof. Bikramjit Basu, Prof. Kantesh Balani, Department of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering, IIT Kanpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
01- 48:49
02- 56:27
03- 59:07
04- 53:02
05 51:46
06- 46:41
07- 52:04
08- 1:14:55
09- 38:34
10- 38:58
11- 46:32
12- 54:56
13- 48:14
14- 1:08:44
15- 55:45
16- 44:57
17- 44:41
18 52:14
19- 48:35
20- 47:50
21- 1:03:22
22- 59:31
23- 46:27
24- 1:02:11
25- 47:19
26- 9:52
27- 55:07
28- 46:23
29- 45:53
30- 36:04
31- 40:45
32 51:53
33 53:05
34- 52:39
35- 32:23
36 37:25
37 49:33
38 47:24
39 52:24
source: nptelhrd 2012年7月3日
Metallurgical - Introduction to Biomaterials by Prof. Bikramjit Basu, Prof. Kantesh Balani, Department of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering, IIT Kanpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
01- 48:49
02- 56:27
03- 59:07
04- 53:02
05 51:46
06- 46:41
07- 52:04
08- 1:14:55
09- 38:34
10- 38:58
11- 46:32
12- 54:56
13- 48:14
14- 1:08:44
15- 55:45
16- 44:57
17- 44:41
18 52:14
19- 48:35
20- 47:50
21- 1:03:22
22- 59:31
23- 46:27
24- 1:02:11
25- 47:19
26- 9:52
27- 55:07
28- 46:23
29- 45:53
30- 36:04
31- 40:45
32 51:53
33 53:05
34- 52:39
35- 32:23
36 37:25
37 49:33
38 47:24
39 52:24
Steel Making by Deepak Mazumdar & S. C. Koria (IIT Kanpur)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: nptelhrd 2012年7月9日
Metallurgy - Steel Making by Prof. Deepak Mazumdar, Prof. S. C. Koria, Department of Metallurgy and Material Science, IIT Kanpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
01 59:00
02 59:17
03 57:06
04 53:51
05 58:40
06 59:10
07 59:42
08 58:32
09 58:31
10 55:05
11 59:50
12 53:58
13 54:35
14 55:49
15 53:53
16 55:56
17 56:10
18 52:26
19 43:49
20 50:10
21 49:14
22 50:59
23 50:09
24 52:50
25 58:35
26 1:00:48
27 59:15
28 1:00:47
29 1:00:27
30 1:14:38
31 51:28
32 55:32
33 56:25
34 57:21
35 46:21
36 45:21
37 56:54
38 57:39
39 1:03:10
40 58:44
41 55:39
42 40:04
source: nptelhrd 2012年7月9日
Metallurgy - Steel Making by Prof. Deepak Mazumdar, Prof. S. C. Koria, Department of Metallurgy and Material Science, IIT Kanpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
01 59:00
02 59:17
03 57:06
04 53:51
05 58:40
06 59:10
07 59:42
08 58:32
09 58:31
10 55:05
11 59:50
12 53:58
13 54:35
14 55:49
15 53:53
16 55:56
17 56:10
18 52:26
19 43:49
20 50:10
21 49:14
22 50:59
23 50:09
24 52:50
25 58:35
26 1:00:48
27 59:15
28 1:00:47
29 1:00:27
30 1:14:38
31 51:28
32 55:32
33 56:25
34 57:21
35 46:21
36 45:21
37 56:54
38 57:39
39 1:03:10
40 58:44
41 55:39
42 40:04