

How the Band-Aid was invented | Moments of Vision 3 - Jessica Oreck

source: TED-Ed    2016年9月12日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-the-ban...
It is estimated that Johnson & Johnson have made an astounding 100 billion Band-Aids since they were invented in 1920. But where did the idea come from? In the third installment of our ‘Moments of Vision’ series, Jessica Oreck shares the series of moments that inspired Earle Dickson to invent these popular household bandages.
Lesson and animation by Jessica Oreck.

Doris A. Taylor | When Cell Therapy Isn’t Enough || Radcliffe Institute

source: Harvard University    2016年2月16日
In her talk “When Cell Therapy Isn’t Enough: Building Cardiovascular Solutions in 2016,” Doris A. Taylor discusses improvements to stem-cell therapies and the development of better treatments for heart disease, including building bio-artificial organs for transplant that use a patient’s own stem cells, thus avoiding the complications of organ rejection.

Simon Critchley on Critical Theory Today (1-2)

source: Eidos84    2011年4月28日
Simon Critchley on 'Critical Theory Today' (October 23 2009).

Arthur Schopenhauer: Philosopher of Pessimism (Subtitles Available)

source: Philosophical Overdose     2016年2月20日
Frederick Copleston and Bryan Magee discuss the work of the 19th century German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. Schopenhauer is perhaps most famous for his extreme pessimism. Seeing the world as something horrific and bleak, he urged that we turn against it. Following Immanuel Kant, he took space, time, and causality to be categories of the mind through which we interpret and make sense of things. However, in contrast to Kant, Schopenhauer argued that reality must ultimately be "One", and he used this Monism to ground his ethical views regarding values. He also argued that "will" or "energy" was fundamental in the physical world. Schopenhauer was remarkable for many things, including being the only major Western philosopher to draw serious and interesting parallels between Western and Eastern thought. He was also the first major philosopher to openly identify as an atheist. He had a significant influence on thinkers like Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, and Freud, especially regarding his notion of the will and the unconscious. And he also had an impact on many artists and musicians, like Wagner. The arts were particularly important for Schopenhauer not only because they give us a glimpse into the underlying reality, but because they help us to escape the inherent suffering and meaningless absurdity of existence.
This interview is from a 1987 BBC program. I think it's one of the best.
Transcript/subtitles are available.

The Troubles with Game History: Objects and Game Play

source: Stanford   2016年8月2日
From the Interactive Media & Games Seminar Series; Eric Kaltman, Game Designer and Researcher at UCSC, addresses some fundamental issues in game preservation and shows what studying games as technical objects can revel about their histories, and posits that the future of game history will be rooted not in game objects alone but also in the documentation of their gameplay.

Reincarnation, Part One: The Research of Ian Stevenson, with Walter Semkiw

source: New Thinking Allowed    2015年12月18日
Walter Semkiw, MD, is founder and president of the Institute for the Integration of Science, Intuition, and Spirit. He is author of Born Again, Return of the Revolutionaries: The Case for Reincarnation and Soul Groups Reunited, and Origin of the Soul and the Purpose of Reincarnation.
Here he describes the pioneering research of Dr. Ian Stevenson at the University of Virginia who established the discipline of reincarnation research by focusing on investigations of young children who remember past lives. He points out that Stevenson and his colleagues have investigated over 2,500 cases of the reincarnation type. About half of these are considered “solved” in that a prior lifetime was identified based upon information provided by the child. Most of these cases are from countries where reincarnation is an accepted concept. He argues that, from these cases, we can infer how reincarnation works. In many cases, the families associated with the prior personality accept such children as the reincarnations of their deceased loved ones.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He serves as dean of transformational psychology at the University of Philosophical Research. He teaches parapsychology for ministers in training with the Centers for Spiritual Living through the Holmes Institute. He has served as vice-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, and is the recipient of its Pathfinder Award for outstanding contributions to the field of human consciousness. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities.
(Recorded on November 22, 2015)

Myra Strober: "Sharing the Work: How Partners Can Balance Family and Car...

source: Talks at Google    2016年8月24日
Myra Strober stopped by the Googleplex to talk about what it means for partners to be fully committed to two careers, overcoming challenges, and striving for balance. As a labor economist and Professor Emerita at the School of Education at Stanford University, Myra's research and consulting has focused on gender issues at the workplace, and work and family. She is the author of numerous articles on occupational segregation, women in the professions and management, the economics of childcare, feminist economics and the teaching of economics.
How in sync are you and your partner when it comes to your kids and careers? Find out!
This Talk was moderated by Nealeigh Mitchell.

Amy Karam: "The China Factor" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google     2016年8月8日
Amy Karam comes to Google's Mountain View campus to discuss her book: The China Factor:Strategies to Compete, Grow and Win in the New Global Economy. Based on first-hand experience at high-tech multinational Cisco, and case studies including how Xoogler Hugo Barra joined China’s Xiaomi and catalyzed their smartphone to a #3 market share position in less than 5 years.
Amy will share her research, tools and insights to keep competitive globally in the face of new competitors who are playing by different rules.
Amy is an instructor of Stanford University Center of Professional Development courses, as well as her own workshops.

Jim Gaffigan: Why is Self-Deprecation Funny?

source: Big Think    2016年8月8日
Jim Gaffigan is a self-effacing master. He explains why publicly revealing your shortcomings has become so appealing. The "Jim Gaffigan Show" plays on TV LAND (http://goo.gl/5m8uKB).
Read more at BigThink.com: http://bigthink.com/videos/jim-gaffig...

Transcript - The appeal of the self-effacing comedy is – I don’t think that it is the defacing of oneself. I think it is the appeal of humility which I think we’ really kind of grappling for. But I think it’s all in doses. I think that similar to pop songs and music being more popular of a certain flavor at a certain time. Supposedly there’s a study that during horrible economic periods songs that are most hopeful are more popular and then during economic booms the more dark nirvana type music is more popular. I don’t know if that’s true. I read that a million years back. But I think, so I think identification in this human experience is a very appealing thing and I think that surprise moment which is very similar to laughter. It’s this moment of acknowledgement and a moment of being out of control and maybe a glimpse into ourselves is really important. And an insight into ourselves.
I realized that there is a certain victimization complex that I have that I probably had all my life. And again compared to African Americans or women or people in the LGBT community it’s nothing. But like being the whitest white guy was a burden. And in a way maybe we’re all – we all have a victimization complex. And we kind of illustrate that in hopefully a very humorous way through these episodes. And it’s interesting to write and create something and then edit it and see it in its entirety that what is your sensibility, what is your point of view because I have always known that my comedy was self-effacing and observational. But I didn’t realize some of the psychology behind it. And even when you write jokes, when I write jokes I’ll get to, you know, there’s different lines that humor and sarcasm is like liberty. It’s ever expanding and moving. But the line of self-effacing just as the line of irreverence is always moving. So someone just getting on stage and saying I’m ugly is not funny. But it could be funny, you know, self-awareness is a pretty compelling attribute among other human beings and I think that that self-awareness is something that it’s very similar to observational humor. It’s an insight to humanity. So me going on stage and saying I know I’m a pale guy who’s out of shape I think puts people at ease because there are so many of us including myself that do not have this self-awareness, that fix. Because we all think that we’re in a movie about our lives, right.

A. R. Mohanty: Machinery fault diagnosis and signal processing (IIT Kharagpur)

# playlist of the 40 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)

source: nptelhrd     2015年3月26日
Mechanical - Machinery fault diagnosis and signal processing by Prof. A. R. Mohanty, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in

01 Introduction 54:01
02 Maintenance Principles 52:09
03 Failure Modes Effects & Criticality Analysis 45:33
04 Fault Diagnostics & Prognostics 53:29
05 Basics of Machinery Vibration 52:57
06 Engineering Applications of Vibration 49:15
07 Rotordynamics 54:50
08 Time Domain Signal Analysis 49:48
09 Frequency Domain Signal Analysis 48:39
10 Computer Aided Data Acquisition 53:34
11 FFT Analysis 52:31
12 Modulation and Sidebands 48:11
13 Envelope Analysis 51:59
14 Cepstrum Analysis 51:25
15 Order Analysis 52:19
16 Basics of Instrumentation 53:55
17 Sensors and Transducers 55:16
18 Data Recording and Signal Transmission 56:23
19 Vibration Transducers 53:47
20 Vibration Monitoring 52:25
21 Basics of Noise and Noise Monitoring 52:16
22 Numericals in Noise Vibration and Data Acquisition 52:56
23 Unbalance Detection 52:13
24 Field Balancing 50:06
25 Misalignment Detection 54:18
26 Cracked Shaft Detection 54:30
27 Looseness and Rub Detection 53:46
28 Ball and Journal Bearings 48:07
29 Gear Fault Detection 51:04
30 Fans, Blowers and Compressors 52:38
31 Pumps and Turbines 53:06
32 Contaminant Analysis 52:57
33 Oil Analysis 56:29
34 Fault Detection in Motors and Transformers 53:45
35 Motor Current Signature Analysis 47:15
36 Thermography 53:03
37 Ultrasonics 54:25
38 Acoustic Emission and Eddy Current Testing 51:33
39 Radiography,Dye Penetrant Test and Visual Inspection 52:50
40 Case Studies 53:07

D. C. Dube: Electronics (IIT Delhi)

# playlist of the 42 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)

source: nptelhrd    2012年7月5日
Physics - Electronics by Prof. D. C. Dube, Department of Physics, IIT Delhi. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

Mod-01 Lec-01 p-n diode 53:14
Mod-01 Lec-02 p-n Junction/Diode(Contd.) 56:14
Mod-01 Lec-03 p-n diode (contd.) 55:18
Mod-01 Lec-04 Diode Application 56:25
Mod-02 Lec-05 Transistors 56:12
Mod-02 Lec-06 Reverse - bias (Contd.) 56:50
Mod-02 Lec-07 Transistors (Continue) 55:43
Mod-02 Lec-08 Transistors (Contd.) 57:25
Mod-02 Lec-09 Biasing a transistor unit 2 contd. 54:27
Mod-02 Lec-10 Biasing of transistor 54:23
Mod-03 Lec-11 H and R Parameters and their use in small amplifiers 56:27
Mod-03 Lec-12 Small signal amplifiers analysis using H - Parameters 56:32
Mod-03 Lec-13 Small signal amplifiers analysis using R - Parameters 55:00
Mod-03 Lec-14 R - analysis (Contd.) 57:15
Mod-03 Lec-15 Lecture-15-Common Collector(CC) amplifier (Contd.) 57:38
Mod-04 Lec-16 Feedback in amplifiers, Feedback Configurations and multi stage amplifiers 54:00
Mod-04 Lec-17 Reduction in non-linear distortion 1:00:59
Mod-04 Lec-18 Input/Output impedances in negative feedback amplifiers (Contd.) 54:34
Mod-04 Lec-19 RC Coupled Amplifiers 54:11
Mod-04 Lec-20 RC Coupled Amplifiers (Contd.) 54:47
Mod-04 Lec-21 RC Coupled Amplifiers (Contd..) 58:18
Mod-05 Lec-22 FETs ans MOSFET 54:08
Mod-05 Lec-23 FETs ans MOSFET (Contd.) 56:14
Mod-05 Lec-24 Depletion - MOSFET 57:39
Mod-05 Lec-25 Drain and transfer characteristic of E - MOSFET 54:45
Mod-05 Lec-26 Self Bias (Contd.) Design Procedure 56:50
Mod-05 Lec-27 FET/MOSFET Amplifiers and their Analysis 54:51
Mod-05 Lec-28 CMOS Inverter 54:24
Mod-05 Lec-29 CMOS Inverter (contd.) 57:37
Mod-06 Lec-30 Power Amplifier 59:33
Mod-06 Lec-31 Power Amplifier (contd.) 54:17
Mod-06 Lec-32 Power Amplifier (contd..) 56:06
Mod-06 Lec-33 Power Amplifier (contd...) 55:51
Mod-07 Lec-34 Differential and Operational Amplifier 55:01
Mod-07 Lec-35 Differential and Operational Amplifier (Contd.) dc and ac analysis 57:12
Mod-07 Lec-36 Differential and Operational Amplifier dc and ac analysis (Contd.) 56:42
Mod-07 Lec-37 Operational Amplifiers 55:15
Mod-07 Lec-38 Operational amplifiers in open loop (Contd.) 54:45
Mod-07 Lec-39 Summing Amplifiers 57:22
Mod-07 Lec-40 Frequency response of an integration 54:38
Mod-07 Lec-41 Lecture-41- Filters 55:59
Mod-07 Lec-42 Lecture-42-Specification of OP Amplifiers 57:14

Internet Technologies by I. Sengupta (IIT Kharagpur)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: nptelhrd     2008年8月5日
Computer Sc - Internet Technologies by Prof. I. Sengupta, Department of Computer Science Engineering, IIT Kharagpur.

Lecture -1 Introduction To Internet 59:57
Lecture -2 Review Of Network Technologies 59:56
Lecture -3 TCP/IP - Part-1 59:59
Lecture -4 TCP/IP-Part-II 59:47
Lecture -5 TCP/IP-Part-III 59:48
Lecture - 6 IP Subnetting and Addressing 1:00:12
Lecture -7 Internet Routing Protocol Part -I 59:56
Lecture -8 Internet Routing Protocol- Part-II 59:58
Lecture -9 Client Server Concepts DNS,Telnet,Ftp 1:00:05
Lecture -10 Electronic Mail 59:56
Lecture -11 World Wide Web Part-I 59:53
Lecture -12 World Wide Web - Part-II 59:50
Lecture -13 HTML-Part-I 59:56
Lecture -14 HTML-Part-II 59:48
Lecture -15 HTML-Part-III 59:53
Lecture -16 Extensible Markup Language (XML) 59:34
Lecture -17 Html Forms 59:56
Lecture -18 Image Maps 59:51
Lecture -19 CGI Scripts 59:55
Lecture -20 Other Technologies 59:52
Lecture - 21 PERL - Part I 59:41
Lecture - 22 PERL - Part II 59:55
Lecture -23 PERL-Part III 59:48
Lecture -24 PERL-Part IV 59:55
Lecture -25 Javascript -Part I 1:00:49
Lecture -26 Javascript Examples (Continued) 59:49
Lecture -27 Using Cookies 59:55
Lecture -28 Java Applets -Part:I 1:00:05
Lecture -29 Java Applets - Part:2 59:50
Lecture -30 Client-Server Programming In Java 59:53
Lecture - 31 Intranet, Extranet,Firewall 59:50
Lecture - 32 Basic Cryptographic Concepts Part I 59:56
Lecture - 33 Basic Cryptographic Concepts Part II 59:55
Lecture - 34 Basic Cryptographic Concepts Part III 59:55
Lecture - 35 Electronic Commerce 59:54
Lecture - 36 Streaming Multimedia Applications 1:00:03
Lecture -37 Internet Telephony 59:54
Lecture -38 Search Engine And Web Crawler - Part-I 59:54
Lecture -39 Search Engine And Web Crawlers: Part-II 58:43
Lecture -40 Course Summary And Conclusion 59:50