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How a single-celled organism almost wiped out life on Earth - Anusuya Willis
source: TED-Ed 2016年8月11日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-a-singl...
There’s an organism that changed the world. It caused the first mass extinction in Earth’s history … and also paved the way for complex life. How? Anusuya Willis explains how cyanobacteria, simple organisms that don’t even have nuclei or any other organelles, wrote a pivotal chapter in the story of life on Earth.
Lesson by Anusuya Willis, animation by Augenblick Studios.
Stanford GSB Lessons in Communication
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: Stanford Graduate School of Business 2016年7月26日
Stanford GSB Lessons in Communication
This playlist includes team presentations on a specific communication topic from the Strategic Communication course at Stanford Graduate School of Business. This video serves to help others develop their own communication skills.
Improv at Work 13:25
Tips for Effective MBA Class Participation 12:30
Understanding Authenticity in the Context of Selling 14:17
Building Your Brand Through Social Media 16:36
Use Body Language to Rock Your Next Presentation 10:10
Becoming a Sensitive Global Communicator 12:51
How to Be a Virtual Meeting Hero 12:04
Dressing for Impact 12:53
How to Resonate With Your Audience 11:39
Decoding Deceptive Body Language 11:43
Making Your Message Media Friendly 12:46
Answering Tough Questions 11:02
Improv Wisdom: Don't Prepare, Just Show Up 10:19
How Does Feedback Impact Who I Am? 12:01
Contrast on the Delivery 10:39
Power of Humor in Public Speaking 12:20
How to Conduct Interviews 13:34
Millennial Tips: Effective Communication Across Generations 13:39
Extreme QA for the Career 12:43
Impromptu Speaking Frameworks 13:08
LOYAL3 CEO Barry Schneider: We Get To Invent Every Single Day 9:44
Toasts and Tributes 10:50
Setting the Hook 10:55
Make Body Language Your Superpower 13:18
Acting and Speaking Power 11:46
The Mind and Body of Anxiety Management: Strategic Communication, Stanford GSB 12:21
Gender Communication Barriers and Techniques: Strategic Communications, Stanford GSB 10:45
How To Optimize Your Resume: Strategic Communication, Stanford GSB 15:23
Cross-Functional Teams: Strategic Communication, Stanford GSB 10:13
Embrace Your Freaking Out: Strategic Communication, Stanford GSB 15:25
source: Stanford Graduate School of Business 2016年7月26日
Stanford GSB Lessons in Communication
This playlist includes team presentations on a specific communication topic from the Strategic Communication course at Stanford Graduate School of Business. This video serves to help others develop their own communication skills.
Improv at Work 13:25
Tips for Effective MBA Class Participation 12:30
Understanding Authenticity in the Context of Selling 14:17
Building Your Brand Through Social Media 16:36
Use Body Language to Rock Your Next Presentation 10:10
Becoming a Sensitive Global Communicator 12:51
How to Be a Virtual Meeting Hero 12:04
Dressing for Impact 12:53
How to Resonate With Your Audience 11:39
Decoding Deceptive Body Language 11:43
Making Your Message Media Friendly 12:46
Answering Tough Questions 11:02
Improv Wisdom: Don't Prepare, Just Show Up 10:19
How Does Feedback Impact Who I Am? 12:01
Contrast on the Delivery 10:39
Power of Humor in Public Speaking 12:20
How to Conduct Interviews 13:34
Millennial Tips: Effective Communication Across Generations 13:39
Extreme QA for the Career 12:43
Impromptu Speaking Frameworks 13:08
LOYAL3 CEO Barry Schneider: We Get To Invent Every Single Day 9:44
Toasts and Tributes 10:50
Setting the Hook 10:55
Make Body Language Your Superpower 13:18
Acting and Speaking Power 11:46
The Mind and Body of Anxiety Management: Strategic Communication, Stanford GSB 12:21
Gender Communication Barriers and Techniques: Strategic Communications, Stanford GSB 10:45
How To Optimize Your Resume: Strategic Communication, Stanford GSB 15:23
Cross-Functional Teams: Strategic Communication, Stanford GSB 10:13
Embrace Your Freaking Out: Strategic Communication, Stanford GSB 15:25
Progress in Parapsychology with Stanley Krippner
source: New Thinking Allowed 2016年6月16日
Stanley Krippner, PhD, professor of psychology at Saybrook University, is a Fellow in five APA divisions, and past-president of two divisions (30 and 32). Formerly, he was director of the Maimonides Medical Center Dream Research Laboratory, in Brooklyn NY. He is co-author of Dream Telepathy, Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them, The Mythic Path, and Haunted by Combat: Understanding PTSD in War Veterans, and co-editor of Debating Psychic Experience: Human Potential or Human Illusion, Healing Tales, Healing Stories, Varieties of Anomalous Experience: Examining the Scientific Evidence, Advances in Parapsychological Research and many other books. He is a Fellow of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, and has published cross-cultural studies on spiritual content in dreams.
Here he reviews his half-century of experience as a parapsychologist, pointing out that the American Psychological Association has always been open to his symposium proposals and has published two editions of Varieties of Anomalous Experience. Parapsychology still has hurdles to overcome with regard to replication. However, the same problem exists in all other behavioral and social sciences. Over the decades, he has become more comfortable with the data supporting the hypothesis that human consciousness can survive the death of the physical body.
New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities.
(Recorded on May 12, 2016)
Lewis Carroll: Mathematics
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: University of Oxford 2010年10月25日
Mathematics Lectures from Oxford University
The annual Oxford University Alumni Weekend aims to showcase the Collegiate University as a whole, giving prominence to a range of current research and its application to real world situations, as well as recognising the achievements of Oxford men and women. Past themes include "A Global Oxford" (2008), "Equal Citizenship" (2009) and "Shared Treasures" (2010).
Lewis Carroll in Numberland 1:11:50
Marcus du Sautoy - OUMNH 150th Anniversary Lectures 51:08
001 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Probability Amplitudes and Quantum States 44:05
002 Dirac Notation and the Energy Representation 42:36
003 Operators and Measurement 49:12
004 Commutators and Time Evolution (the Time Dependent Schrodinger Equation) 54:32
005 Further TDSE and the Position Representation 49:44
006 Wavefunctions for Well Defined Momentum 51:12
007 Back to Two-Slit Interference, Generalization to Three Dimensions and the Virial Theorem 52:47
008 The Harmonic Oscillator and the Wavefunctions of its Stationary States 52:01
009 Dynamics of Oscillators and the Anharmonic Oscillator 52:15
010 Transformation of Kets, Continuous and Discrete Transformations and the Rotation Operator 50:31
011 Transformation of Operators and the Parity Operator 49:23
012 Angular Momentum and Motion in a Magnetic Field 46:27
013 Hilary: The Square Well 52:31
014 A Pair of Square Wells and the Ammonia Maser 54:34
015 Tunnelling and Radioactive Decay 44:22
016 Composite Systems - Entanglement and Operators 51:29
017 Einstein-Podolski-Rosen Experiment and Bell's Inequality 51:30
018 Angular Momentum 42:28
019 Diatomic Molecules and Orbital Angular Momentum 43:52
020 Further Orbital Angular Momentum, Spectra of L2 and LZ 46:29
021 Even further Orbital Angular Momentum - Eigenfunctions, Parity and Kinetic Energy 52:10
022 Spin Angular Momentum 49:45
023 Spin 1/2 , Stern - Gerlach Experiment and Spin 1 49:23
024 Classical Spin and Addition of Angular Momenta 51:59
025 Hydrogen part 1 51:08
026 Hydrogen part 2 Emission Spectra 48:47
027 Hydrogen part 3 Eigenfunctions 50:40
Computation and the Future of Mathematics 51:51
source: University of Oxford 2010年10月25日
Mathematics Lectures from Oxford University
The annual Oxford University Alumni Weekend aims to showcase the Collegiate University as a whole, giving prominence to a range of current research and its application to real world situations, as well as recognising the achievements of Oxford men and women. Past themes include "A Global Oxford" (2008), "Equal Citizenship" (2009) and "Shared Treasures" (2010).
Lewis Carroll in Numberland 1:11:50
Marcus du Sautoy - OUMNH 150th Anniversary Lectures 51:08
001 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Probability Amplitudes and Quantum States 44:05
002 Dirac Notation and the Energy Representation 42:36
003 Operators and Measurement 49:12
004 Commutators and Time Evolution (the Time Dependent Schrodinger Equation) 54:32
005 Further TDSE and the Position Representation 49:44
006 Wavefunctions for Well Defined Momentum 51:12
007 Back to Two-Slit Interference, Generalization to Three Dimensions and the Virial Theorem 52:47
008 The Harmonic Oscillator and the Wavefunctions of its Stationary States 52:01
009 Dynamics of Oscillators and the Anharmonic Oscillator 52:15
010 Transformation of Kets, Continuous and Discrete Transformations and the Rotation Operator 50:31
011 Transformation of Operators and the Parity Operator 49:23
012 Angular Momentum and Motion in a Magnetic Field 46:27
013 Hilary: The Square Well 52:31
014 A Pair of Square Wells and the Ammonia Maser 54:34
015 Tunnelling and Radioactive Decay 44:22
016 Composite Systems - Entanglement and Operators 51:29
017 Einstein-Podolski-Rosen Experiment and Bell's Inequality 51:30
018 Angular Momentum 42:28
019 Diatomic Molecules and Orbital Angular Momentum 43:52
020 Further Orbital Angular Momentum, Spectra of L2 and LZ 46:29
021 Even further Orbital Angular Momentum - Eigenfunctions, Parity and Kinetic Energy 52:10
022 Spin Angular Momentum 49:45
023 Spin 1/2 , Stern - Gerlach Experiment and Spin 1 49:23
024 Classical Spin and Addition of Angular Momenta 51:59
025 Hydrogen part 1 51:08
026 Hydrogen part 2 Emission Spectra 48:47
027 Hydrogen part 3 Eigenfunctions 50:40
Computation and the Future of Mathematics 51:51
Selected Topics in Psychology (IIT Kanpur)
# playlist of the 35 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)
source: nptelhrd 2014年9月5日
Humanities - Selected Topics in Psychology by prof. Braj Bhushan, prof. Ajit Dalal, prof. Alok Bajpai, prof. Girishwar Misra, prof. JBP Sinha, prof. Manas K Mandal, prof. Rakesh K. Gupta, prof. Ramadhar Singh & prof. Vivek Benegal, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Kanpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in
Mod-01 Lec-01 Introduction Selected Topics in Psychology 20:18
Mod-01 Lec-02 Psychology: Emerging of a discipline 51:22
Mod-01 Lec-03 Psychology: Emerging of a discipline 29:33
Mod-01 Lec-04 Beginning, growth and decline of Western psychology in India 51:56
Mod-01 Lec-05 The core and context of Indian psychology 1:15:12
Mod-01 Lec-06 The indigenization of psychology in India 1:05:52
Mod-02 Lec-07 Weaving culture into psychology 1:13:27
Mod-02 Lec-08 Culture and Self: Implications for Social Behaviour 56:04
Mod-02 Lec-09 Cultural and organizational behaviour 1:09:20
Mod-02 Lec-10 How do similar attitudes determine attraction? 1:14:49
Mod-02 Lec-11 Why do similar attitudes determine attraction? 1:17:41
Mod-03 Lec-12 A beautiful mind- Perspective on brain , mind and it's challenges 1:41:53
Mod-03 Lec-13 Emotion and well-being 1:09:32
Mod-03 Lec-14 Mental health and illness I 37:37
Mod-03 Lec15 Mental health and illness II 1:03:06
Mod-03 Lec-16 Folk Healing Traditions in India 52:23
Mod-03 Lec-17 To sleep or not 1:16:54
Mod-04 Lec-18 Issues and challenges in psychological assessment 58:02
Mod-04 Lec-19 Nontraditional research in behavioural sciences 45:15
Mod-04 Lec-20 What a surprise: My results are nonsignificant 45:22
Mod-04 Lec-21 Neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience research 54:33
Mod-04 Lec-22 Functional MRI in psychology I 49:37
Mod-04 Lec-23 Functional MRI in psychology II 38:53
Mod-05 Lec-24 Side bias in human behaviour 43:10
Mod-05 Lec-25 Brain microstructural correlates of cognition in Cerebral Palsy 46:06
Mod-05 Lec-26 Brain microstructural correlates of cognition in vitamin B12 deficiency 50:51
Mod-05 Lec-27 The neuroscience of addictive behaviour 57:07
Mod-05 Lec-28 Who is at risk and why? The neurogenetics of vulnerability to addiction I 48:22
Mod-05 Lec-29 Who is at risk and why? The neurogenetics of vulnerability to addiction II 29:21
Mod-05 Lec-30 The gambler's lament: Behavioural addictions- gambling, internet and porn addictions 53:39
Mod-05 Lec-31 Art and the brain I 58:42
Mod-05 Lec-32 Art and the brain II 43:22
Mod-06 Lec-33 Technological advances in other areas and their impact on psychology 52:24
Mod-06 Lec-34 Positioning the state of psychology in India in the global scenario 1:31:59
Mod-06 Lec-35 Scientific Publications in Psychology: Trend,Issues and Concerns 58:22
source: nptelhrd 2014年9月5日
Humanities - Selected Topics in Psychology by prof. Braj Bhushan, prof. Ajit Dalal, prof. Alok Bajpai, prof. Girishwar Misra, prof. JBP Sinha, prof. Manas K Mandal, prof. Rakesh K. Gupta, prof. Ramadhar Singh & prof. Vivek Benegal, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Kanpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in
Mod-01 Lec-01 Introduction Selected Topics in Psychology 20:18
Mod-01 Lec-02 Psychology: Emerging of a discipline 51:22
Mod-01 Lec-03 Psychology: Emerging of a discipline 29:33
Mod-01 Lec-04 Beginning, growth and decline of Western psychology in India 51:56
Mod-01 Lec-05 The core and context of Indian psychology 1:15:12
Mod-01 Lec-06 The indigenization of psychology in India 1:05:52
Mod-02 Lec-07 Weaving culture into psychology 1:13:27
Mod-02 Lec-08 Culture and Self: Implications for Social Behaviour 56:04
Mod-02 Lec-09 Cultural and organizational behaviour 1:09:20
Mod-02 Lec-10 How do similar attitudes determine attraction? 1:14:49
Mod-02 Lec-11 Why do similar attitudes determine attraction? 1:17:41
Mod-03 Lec-12 A beautiful mind- Perspective on brain , mind and it's challenges 1:41:53
Mod-03 Lec-13 Emotion and well-being 1:09:32
Mod-03 Lec-14 Mental health and illness I 37:37
Mod-03 Lec15 Mental health and illness II 1:03:06
Mod-03 Lec-16 Folk Healing Traditions in India 52:23
Mod-03 Lec-17 To sleep or not 1:16:54
Mod-04 Lec-18 Issues and challenges in psychological assessment 58:02
Mod-04 Lec-19 Nontraditional research in behavioural sciences 45:15
Mod-04 Lec-20 What a surprise: My results are nonsignificant 45:22
Mod-04 Lec-21 Neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience research 54:33
Mod-04 Lec-22 Functional MRI in psychology I 49:37
Mod-04 Lec-23 Functional MRI in psychology II 38:53
Mod-05 Lec-24 Side bias in human behaviour 43:10
Mod-05 Lec-25 Brain microstructural correlates of cognition in Cerebral Palsy 46:06
Mod-05 Lec-26 Brain microstructural correlates of cognition in vitamin B12 deficiency 50:51
Mod-05 Lec-27 The neuroscience of addictive behaviour 57:07
Mod-05 Lec-28 Who is at risk and why? The neurogenetics of vulnerability to addiction I 48:22
Mod-05 Lec-29 Who is at risk and why? The neurogenetics of vulnerability to addiction II 29:21
Mod-05 Lec-30 The gambler's lament: Behavioural addictions- gambling, internet and porn addictions 53:39
Mod-05 Lec-31 Art and the brain I 58:42
Mod-05 Lec-32 Art and the brain II 43:22
Mod-06 Lec-33 Technological advances in other areas and their impact on psychology 52:24
Mod-06 Lec-34 Positioning the state of psychology in India in the global scenario 1:31:59
Mod-06 Lec-35 Scientific Publications in Psychology: Trend,Issues and Concerns 58:22
Signals and System by K. S. Venktesh (IIT Kanpur)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: nptelhrd 2012年3月5日
Electrical - Signals and System by Prof. K. S. Venktesh, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kanpur For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
Lecture-01 Signals 29:36
Lecture-02 Domain & Range of signal 47:13
Lecture-03 System Introduction 34:51
Lecture-04 Signal Properties 57:04
Lecture-05 Frequently used continuous signals 48:32
Lecture-06 Frequently used discrete time signals 30:12
Lecture-07 Transformations on time & Range 29:36
Lecture-08 System Properties 1:06:08
Lecture-09 System Properties 1:05:45
Lecture-10 Communication Diagram As a Test For Linearity & Time Invariance 1:00:11
Lecture-11 LTI system 51:48
Lecture-12 Representation of Discrete Time Convolution 27:09
Lecture-13 Representation Of Continuous Time Convolution 53:36
Lecture-14 Properties of Convolution 51:35
Lecture-15 Differential Equations 41:24
Lecture-16 Solving Differential Equation 41:59
Lecture-17 Physical System Relation With Differential Equation 44:20
Lecture-18 System Described by Differential Equation 56:42
Lecture-19 System Described by Differential Equation 45:19
Lecture-20 Difference Equation Intro 1:06:29
Lecture-21 LTI Systems Described By Difference Equation 57:30
Lecture-22 Filters 1:01:58
Lecture-23 Implementation with Integrators 41:15
Lecture-24 Theory of Signal Representation 1:05:00
Lecture-25 Representation of Periodic Signal 1:03:13
Lecture-26 Fourier Series 1:01:01
Lecture-27 Fourier Spectrum 55:24
Lecture-28 Fourier Transform 57:32
Lecture-29 Properties of CTFT 52:03
Lecture-30 Properties of CTFT 53:15
Lecture-31 Frequency Response of Continuous System 53:15
Lecture-32 Discrete Signals & System Representation 55:18
Lecture-33 Discrete Time Fourier Transform 54:14
Lecture-34 Properties of Discrete Time Fourier Transform 54:52
Lecture-35 Frequency Response of Discrete LTI System 28:48
Lecture-36 Ideal Sampling 56:58
Lecture-37 Flat Top Sampling 32:00
Lecture-38 Faithful Sampling 32:58
Lecture-39 Interpolation 51:33
Lecture-40 Laplace Transform 45:26
Lecture-41 Inverse Laplace Transform 1:11:10
Lecture-42 Properties of Laplace Transform 37:26
Lecture-43 Z-Transform 50:38
Lecture-44 Inverse Z Transform 1:03:41
Lecture-45 Properties of Z Transform 31:35
source: nptelhrd 2012年3月5日
Electrical - Signals and System by Prof. K. S. Venktesh, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kanpur For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
Lecture-01 Signals 29:36
Lecture-02 Domain & Range of signal 47:13
Lecture-03 System Introduction 34:51
Lecture-04 Signal Properties 57:04
Lecture-05 Frequently used continuous signals 48:32
Lecture-06 Frequently used discrete time signals 30:12
Lecture-07 Transformations on time & Range 29:36
Lecture-08 System Properties 1:06:08
Lecture-09 System Properties 1:05:45
Lecture-10 Communication Diagram As a Test For Linearity & Time Invariance 1:00:11
Lecture-11 LTI system 51:48
Lecture-12 Representation of Discrete Time Convolution 27:09
Lecture-13 Representation Of Continuous Time Convolution 53:36
Lecture-14 Properties of Convolution 51:35
Lecture-15 Differential Equations 41:24
Lecture-16 Solving Differential Equation 41:59
Lecture-17 Physical System Relation With Differential Equation 44:20
Lecture-18 System Described by Differential Equation 56:42
Lecture-19 System Described by Differential Equation 45:19
Lecture-20 Difference Equation Intro 1:06:29
Lecture-21 LTI Systems Described By Difference Equation 57:30
Lecture-22 Filters 1:01:58
Lecture-23 Implementation with Integrators 41:15
Lecture-24 Theory of Signal Representation 1:05:00
Lecture-25 Representation of Periodic Signal 1:03:13
Lecture-26 Fourier Series 1:01:01
Lecture-27 Fourier Spectrum 55:24
Lecture-28 Fourier Transform 57:32
Lecture-29 Properties of CTFT 52:03
Lecture-30 Properties of CTFT 53:15
Lecture-31 Frequency Response of Continuous System 53:15
Lecture-32 Discrete Signals & System Representation 55:18
Lecture-33 Discrete Time Fourier Transform 54:14
Lecture-34 Properties of Discrete Time Fourier Transform 54:52
Lecture-35 Frequency Response of Discrete LTI System 28:48
Lecture-36 Ideal Sampling 56:58
Lecture-37 Flat Top Sampling 32:00
Lecture-38 Faithful Sampling 32:58
Lecture-39 Interpolation 51:33
Lecture-40 Laplace Transform 45:26
Lecture-41 Inverse Laplace Transform 1:11:10
Lecture-42 Properties of Laplace Transform 37:26
Lecture-43 Z-Transform 50:38
Lecture-44 Inverse Z Transform 1:03:41
Lecture-45 Properties of Z Transform 31:35
Advanced Control Systems by Somanath Majhi (IIT Guwahati)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: nptelhrd 2013年1月3日
Electrical - Advanced Control Systems by Prof. Somanath Majhi, Department of Electronics & Electrical Engineering, IIT Guwahati. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
01 Introduction 49:14
02 Control structures and performance measures 52:24
03 Time and frequency domain performance measures 50:57
04 Design of controller 43:54
05 Design of controller for SISO system 52:32
06 Controller design for TITO processes 53:04
07 Limitations of PID controllers 50:12
08 PI-PD controller for SISO system 54:04
09 PID-P controller for Two Input Two Output system 53:24
10 Effects of measurement noise and load 51:35
11 Identification of dynamic models of plants 50:44
12 Relay control system for identification 53:21
13 Off-line identification of process dynamics 53:03
14 On-line identification of plant dynamics 51:09
Mod-03 Lec-01 State space based identification 54:37
Mod-03 Lec-02 State space analysis of systems 57:38
Mod-03 Lec-03 State space based identification of systems -1 53:22
Mod-03 Lec-04 State space based identification of systems -2 51:55
Mod-03 Lec-05 Identification of simple systems 54:13
Mod-03 Lec-06 Identification of FOPDT model 52:55
Mod-03 Lec-07 Identification of second order plus dead time model 49:56
Mod-03 Lec-08 Identification of SOPDT model 52:49
Mod-03 Lec-09 Steady state gain from asymmetrical relay test 53:22
Mod-03 Lec-10 Identification of SOPDT model with pole multiplicity 52:27
Mod-03 Lec-11 Existence of limit cycle for unstable system 53:10
Mod-03 Lec-12 Identification procedures 52:45
Mod-03 Lec-13 Identification of underdamped systems 52:20
Mod-03 Lec-14 Off-line identification of TITO systems 52:00
Mod-03 Lec-15 On-line identification of TITO systems 51:53
Mod-03 Lec-16 Review of time domain based identification 52:54
Mod-03 Lec-17 DF based analytical expressions for on-line identification 53:55
Mod-03 Lec-18 Model parameter accuracy and sensitivity 52:37
Mod-03 Lec-19 Improved identification using Fourier series and wavelet transform 53:03
Mod-03 Lec-20 Reviews of DF based identification 53:41
Mod-04 Lec-01 Advanced Smith predictor controller 52:18
Mod-04 Lec-02 Design of controllers for the advanced Smith predictor 50:05
Mod-04 Lec-03 Model-free controller design 51:30
Mod-04 Lec-04 Model Based PID controller Design I 52:15
Mod-04 Lec-05 Model Based PI-PD controller Design II 53:03
Mod-04 Lec-06 Tuning of reconfigurable PID controllers 51:46
source: nptelhrd 2013年1月3日
Electrical - Advanced Control Systems by Prof. Somanath Majhi, Department of Electronics & Electrical Engineering, IIT Guwahati. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
01 Introduction 49:14
02 Control structures and performance measures 52:24
03 Time and frequency domain performance measures 50:57
04 Design of controller 43:54
05 Design of controller for SISO system 52:32
06 Controller design for TITO processes 53:04
07 Limitations of PID controllers 50:12
08 PI-PD controller for SISO system 54:04
09 PID-P controller for Two Input Two Output system 53:24
10 Effects of measurement noise and load 51:35
11 Identification of dynamic models of plants 50:44
12 Relay control system for identification 53:21
13 Off-line identification of process dynamics 53:03
14 On-line identification of plant dynamics 51:09
Mod-03 Lec-01 State space based identification 54:37
Mod-03 Lec-02 State space analysis of systems 57:38
Mod-03 Lec-03 State space based identification of systems -1 53:22
Mod-03 Lec-04 State space based identification of systems -2 51:55
Mod-03 Lec-05 Identification of simple systems 54:13
Mod-03 Lec-06 Identification of FOPDT model 52:55
Mod-03 Lec-07 Identification of second order plus dead time model 49:56
Mod-03 Lec-08 Identification of SOPDT model 52:49
Mod-03 Lec-09 Steady state gain from asymmetrical relay test 53:22
Mod-03 Lec-10 Identification of SOPDT model with pole multiplicity 52:27
Mod-03 Lec-11 Existence of limit cycle for unstable system 53:10
Mod-03 Lec-12 Identification procedures 52:45
Mod-03 Lec-13 Identification of underdamped systems 52:20
Mod-03 Lec-14 Off-line identification of TITO systems 52:00
Mod-03 Lec-15 On-line identification of TITO systems 51:53
Mod-03 Lec-16 Review of time domain based identification 52:54
Mod-03 Lec-17 DF based analytical expressions for on-line identification 53:55
Mod-03 Lec-18 Model parameter accuracy and sensitivity 52:37
Mod-03 Lec-19 Improved identification using Fourier series and wavelet transform 53:03
Mod-03 Lec-20 Reviews of DF based identification 53:41
Mod-04 Lec-01 Advanced Smith predictor controller 52:18
Mod-04 Lec-02 Design of controllers for the advanced Smith predictor 50:05
Mod-04 Lec-03 Model-free controller design 51:30
Mod-04 Lec-04 Model Based PID controller Design I 52:15
Mod-04 Lec-05 Model Based PI-PD controller Design II 53:03
Mod-04 Lec-06 Tuning of reconfigurable PID controllers 51:46
Do people who move together bond together?
source: University of Oxford 2016年7月22日
Group exercise builds stronger bonds -- stronger bonds build fitter teams!
Emma Cohen, Arran Davis and Jacob Taylor of Oxford University’s Institute of Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology are examining the causal links between exertion and cooperation, and between social support and performance.
Kepler's Trial: An Opera
source: Cambridge University 2016年7月6日
Johannes Kepler - 1571-1630, is one of history’s most admired astronomers. He defended Copernicus's sun-centred universe and defined the three laws of planetary motion. Less well known is that in 1615, when Kepler was at the height of his career, his widowed mother Katharina was accused of witchcraft. The proceedings led to a criminal trial, with Kepler conducting his elderly mother's defence. The opera, Kepler's Trial, responds to Paul Hindemith's Harmony of the World and other accounts which present Katharina as deranged and witch-like. Based on fresh historical research, by Professor Ulinka Rublack in her book "The Astronomer & the Witch", the new work counters the endemic misogyny against old women which prevailed in the ‘witch-craze’ and continues to be a cultural force. Instead, the book, opera and film explore with sensitivity, empathy and nuance what it meant for Johannes and Katharina to face accusations of witchcraft. The performance is the outcome of a highly unusual creative process, in which a group of scholars met regularly to explore the story. Tim Watts’ opera seeks to illuminate the story through the combination of allusions to the music of the early 17th century with video sequences by Aura Satz that amplify its themes of darkness and light, sight and illusion. At its centre is the depiction of the ageing woman.
Premieres on the 28 October 2016 at St John¹s College, Cambridge.
Prison USA: The Dilemmas of Mass Incarceration — Panel 2 | Mahindra Humanities Center 815
source: Harvard University 2014年2月13日
Panel 2: How Do We Get Out?
David D. Cole, Georgetown Law
Marie Gottschalk, University of Pennsylvania
Linda R. Meyer, Quinnipiac University School of Law
Bruce Western, Harvard University
Chair: Lawrence D. Bobo, Harvard University
The Life Project with Helen Pearson
source: The RSA 2016年7月5日
The Life Project with science journalist Helen Pearson. How does childhood and inequality influence the course of our lives? Birth cohort studies of over 70,000 have influenced sixty years of social science, government legislation, medical and educational theory and practice. Science journalist and Nature editor Helen Pearson has now brought together these stories and shares some of the key findings brought to light by this remarkable body of work.
J. Bradford Hipps: "The Adventurist" | Talks at Google
source: Talks at Google 2016年7月13日
J. Bradford Hipps turned to fiction after a 10-year career as a programmer. His first novel, “The Adventurist,” aims for a workplace and people invested with the joys and sadnesses of lived experience. Kirkus called it “just about perfect: incisive, eloquent, philosophical, and witty by turns. .. Hipps finds illumination about the meaning of life everywhere he looks.” Hipps also contributed an op-ed to the New York Times Sunday Review that explores a forgotten link between software and creativity.
Wesley Cecil: The Pre-Socratic Philosophers--Pythagoras and the Miletians
source: Wes Cecil 2012年9月3日
A lecture on the early Greek philosophers focusing on Pythagoras and the Miletians. Presented at Peninsula College by Wesley Cecil, Ph.D. Part of the Greeks and Romans philosophy series.
For information on upcoming lectures, essays, and books by Wesley Cecil Ph.D. go tohttp://www.facebook.com/HumaneArts
Manoj Harbola: Engineering Mechanics (IIT Kanpur)
# playlist of the 31 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)
source: nptelhrd 2008年7月4日
Lecture series on Engineering Mechanics by Prof. Manoj Harbola, Department of Physics, IIT Kanpur. For more details on NPTEL, visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
Module-1 Lecture-1 Engineering Mechanics 1:01:58
Module -1 Lecture -2 EQUILIBRIUM - I 55:56
Module -1 Lecture -3 EQUILIBRIUM - II 54:58
Module -1 Lecture -4 EQUILIBRIUM - III 54:14
Module -2 Lecture -1 PLAN TRUSSES - I 1:03:23
Module -2 Lecture -2 PLAN TRUSSES - II 1:01:07
Module -2 Lecture -3 FRICTION 56:06
Module -3 Lecture -1 PROPERTIES OF SURFACES - I 55:40
Module -3 Lecture -2 PROPERTIES OF SURFACES - II 52:29
Module -3 Lecture -3 PROPERTIES OF SURFACES - III 53:01
Module -4 Lecture -1 METHOD OF VIRTUAL WORK 1:01:12
Module-5 Lecture-2 MOTION WITH CONSTRAINTS 59:22
Module-5 Lecture-4 MOTION OF PARTICES WITH DRAG 56:09
Module -6 Lecture -1 MOMENTUM 46:40
Module -6 Lecture -2 WORK AND ENERGY - I 52:50
Module-6_Lecture-3 WORK AND ENERGY - II 1:01:18
Module-6_Lecture-4 WORK AND ENERGY - III 56:03
Module -6 Lecture -5 WORK AND ENERGY - IV 1:00:40
Module -7 Lecture -1 ROTATIONAL MOTION - I 59:24
Module -7 Lecture -2 ROTATIONAL MOTION - II 57:38
Module -7 Lecture -3 ROTATIONAL MOTION - III 59:56
Module -7 Lecture -4 ROTATIONAL MOTION - IV 1:00:08
Module-7 Lecture-5 ROTATIONAL MOTION - V 57:59
Module-7 Lecture-6 ROTATIONAL MOTION - VI 59:05
Module -8 Lecture -1 SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION - I 59:21
Module-8_Lecture-2 SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION - II 58:50
Module-8_Lecture-3 SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION - III 1:03:25
Module-9_Lecture-2 Motion In Rotating Frame 54:50
source: nptelhrd 2008年7月4日
Lecture series on Engineering Mechanics by Prof. Manoj Harbola, Department of Physics, IIT Kanpur. For more details on NPTEL, visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
Module-1 Lecture-1 Engineering Mechanics 1:01:58
Module -1 Lecture -2 EQUILIBRIUM - I 55:56
Module -1 Lecture -3 EQUILIBRIUM - II 54:58
Module -1 Lecture -4 EQUILIBRIUM - III 54:14
Module -2 Lecture -1 PLAN TRUSSES - I 1:03:23
Module -2 Lecture -2 PLAN TRUSSES - II 1:01:07
Module -2 Lecture -3 FRICTION 56:06
Module -3 Lecture -1 PROPERTIES OF SURFACES - I 55:40
Module -3 Lecture -2 PROPERTIES OF SURFACES - II 52:29
Module -3 Lecture -3 PROPERTIES OF SURFACES - III 53:01
Module -4 Lecture -1 METHOD OF VIRTUAL WORK 1:01:12
Module-5 Lecture-2 MOTION WITH CONSTRAINTS 59:22
Module-5 Lecture-4 MOTION OF PARTICES WITH DRAG 56:09
Module -6 Lecture -1 MOMENTUM 46:40
Module -6 Lecture -2 WORK AND ENERGY - I 52:50
Module-6_Lecture-3 WORK AND ENERGY - II 1:01:18
Module-6_Lecture-4 WORK AND ENERGY - III 56:03
Module -6 Lecture -5 WORK AND ENERGY - IV 1:00:40
Module -7 Lecture -1 ROTATIONAL MOTION - I 59:24
Module -7 Lecture -2 ROTATIONAL MOTION - II 57:38
Module -7 Lecture -3 ROTATIONAL MOTION - III 59:56
Module -7 Lecture -4 ROTATIONAL MOTION - IV 1:00:08
Module-7 Lecture-5 ROTATIONAL MOTION - V 57:59
Module-7 Lecture-6 ROTATIONAL MOTION - VI 59:05
Module -8 Lecture -1 SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION - I 59:21
Module-8_Lecture-2 SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION - II 58:50
Module-8_Lecture-3 SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION - III 1:03:25
Module-9_Lecture-2 Motion In Rotating Frame 54:50