

Clinical Trials: One of the most important medical inventions in the last 100 years

source: Oxford BRC    2016年7月14日
Professor Sallie Lamb, Co-Director of the Oxford Clinical Trials Research Unit at the University of Oxford, talks about the history of clinical trials, and explains important concepts such as randomisation, masking and minimisation of bias. Professor Lamb describes how trials have progressed the management of nearly all medical conditions, and what challenges remain. She discusses the range of ethical dilemmas raised by clinical trials, and the difficulties of operationalising large experiments involving many hundreds and sometimes thousands of people.

Science on Saturdays at Yale - David Post - Wildebeests, Hippos, Alewives, and Isotopes

source: Yale University    2016年5月4日
Professor David Post (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology) gives his talk, Wildebeests, Hippos, Alewives, and Isotopes, at Yale Science on Saturdays.

The Psychology of Con Artists, and How to Avoid Them | Maria Konnikova

source: Big Think    2016年7月27日
Psychologist and writer Maria Konnikova on how to out-smart a con artist. Konnikova's latest book is "The Confidence Game: Why We Fall for It . . . Every Time" (http://goo.gl/OHga3u).
Read more at BigThink.com: http://bigthink.com/videos/maria-konn...

Thornton O'Glove: "Quality of Earnings" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google    2016年7月8日
In this talk, Thornton covers a wide range of investing topics, including the art of financial deviation analysis, the least complex and best way to invest in the stock market on a long-term basis, and an independent prediction about Berkshire Hathaway's future and the bonanza that awaits its shareholders.
Thornton O’Glove is the author of “Quality of Earnings: The Investor's Guide to How Much Money a Company Is Really Making.” His work is amongst the “must reads” by industry icons including Tom Gardener of the Motley Fool, and on Kuppy’s Book List as one of the top financial accounting books of all time. Thornton holds an MBA from Haas Business School at UC Berkeley. An investor from the age of 18, he went on to work as an analyst for some of the top investment firms in New York and became the President of the Reporting Research Corporation, who publish the Quality of Earnings Report. His work continues to influence students of finance and professionals around the world. Thornton is also an occasional commentator for the Motley Fool Blog Network and Barron's Weekly.

Cass R. Sunstein: "The World According to Star Wars" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google    2016年7月28日
Cass R. Sunstein, the Harvard legal scholar, former White House advisor, and co-author of “Nudge”, explores the lessons of Star Wars as they relate to childhood, fathers, the Dark Side, rebellion, and redemption. As it turns out, Lucas’s galaxy also has a lot to teach us about constitutional law, economics, and political uprisings in our own. Ultimately, Sunstein argues, Star Wars is about the freedom of choice and our never-ending ability to make the right decision when the chips are down.
Get the book here: https://goo.gl/ZOfCgg

Making the Nation Habitable: An Argument with Illustrations from South Asia

source: Harvard University    2016年6月3日
Sunil Amrith
Mehra Family Professor of South Asian Studies Professor of History, Harvard University

Shahid Amin
D.D. Kosambi Visiting Research Professor, Goa University

Wesley Cecil: Simone de Beauvoir Her Life and Philosophy

source: Wes Cecil    2012年9月1日
A lecture delivered at Peninsula College on the Life and Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir by Wesley Cecil, Ph.D. Part of the Modern Philosophers lecture series.
For information on upcoming lectures, essays, and books by Wesley Cecil Ph.D. go tohttp://www.facebook.com/HumaneArts

Researching Anomalous Cognition with Edwin C. May

source: New Thinking Allowed    2016年7月7日
Edwin C. May, PhD, was involved in the military intelligence psychic spying program, popularly referred to as Stargate, for over twenty years. During the last decade, he was the director of research for that program. In this context, he produced over a hundred scientific publications. His academic training was in experimental nuclear physics. He is coauthor of ESP Wars: East and West and also Anomalous Cognition: Remote Viewing Research and Theory. He is the coeditor of a two volume anthology titled Extrasensory Perception: Support, Skepticism, and Science.
Here he explains why he felt the need to coin the term, “anomalous cognition,” to refer to phenomena previously known as extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, or remote viewing. He then describes a variety of research questions that concerned him – such as how to find the most talented subjects and under what conditions did they best perform. His research suggests that about one percent of the population is capable of highly accurate and relatively consistent remote viewing performance.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He is a past vice-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology; and is the recipient of the Pathfinder Award from that Association for his contributions to the field of human consciousness exploration. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities.
(Recorded on June 17, 2016)

Building Dynamic Websites by David Malan at Harvard Summer school

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Asim Ali    2014年4月9日
This is complete course of Harvard Summer school "Building Dynamic Websites". Enjoy Lecture videos with this great instructor David J. Malan. After taking this course, you will be able to understand how modern websites are made and work. You will also be able to make your own.

Lecture 0 "HTTP" 1:46:20
Lecture 1 "PHP" 1:42:01
Lecture 1 "PHP" 2:07:59
Lecture 2 "PHP Continued" 2:27:25
Lecture 3 "MVC, XML" 2:14:47
Lecture 4 "SQL" 2:04:45
Lecture 5 "SQL Continued" 1:42:35
Lecture 6 "Javascript" 1:50:32
Lecture 7 "AJAX" 2:01:02
Lecture 8 "SECURITY" 1:34:11
Lecture 9 "SCALABILITY" 1:45:41

Surajit Sinha: Macro Economics (IIT Kanpur)

# playlist of the 22 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)

source: nptelhrd   2014年1月26日
Humanities - Macro Economics by Prof. Surajit Sinha, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Kanpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in

Lecture 1 1:32:58
Lecture 2 1:35:25
Lecture 3 1:00:18
Lecture 4 1:27:59
Lecture 5 1:14:01
Lecture 6 1:29:46
Lecture 7 1:30:46
Lecture 8 55:12
Lecture 9  1:28:00
Lecture 10 1:27:27
Lecture 11 1:20:59
Lecture 12 1:19:04
Lecture 13 1:28:22
Lecture 14 1:31:33
Lecture 15 1:29:45
Lecture 16 1:25:38
Lecture 17 1:19:16
Lecture 18 1:00:49
Lecture 19 1:18:25
Lecture 20 1:34:12
Lecture 21 1:13:14
Lecture 22 41:54

Tanuja Srivastava: Mathematics - II (IIT Roorkee)

# playlist of the 38 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)

source: nptelhrd    2010年4月27日
Lecture series on Mathematics-II by Dr.Tanuja Srivastava, Department of Mathematics, IIT Roorkee. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

Mod-1 Lec-1 Complex Integration 53:35
Mod-1 Lec-2 Contour Integration 1:00:46
Mod-1 Lec-3 Cauchy's Integral Theorem 49:43
Mod-1 Lec-4 Cauchy`s Integral Formula 55:18
Mod-1 Lec-5 Application of Cauchy Integral Formula 56:06
Mod-1 Lec-6 Zeros, Singularities and Poles 55:42
Mod-1 Lec-7 Residue Integration Method 50:03
Mod-1 Lec-8 Residue Theorem 1:00:59
Mod-1 Lec-9 Evaluation of Real Integrals 45:43
Mod-1 Lec-10 Evaluation of Real Improper Integrals-1 58:32
Mod-1 Lec-11 Evaluation of Real Improper Integrals-2 50:04
Mod-1 Lec-12 Evaluation of Real Improper Integrals-3 53:08
Mod-1 Lec-13 Evaluation of Real Improper Integrals-4 52:53
Mod-1 Lec-14 Evaluation of Real Integrals-Revision 1:01:56
Mod-2 Lec-1 Matrix Algebra Part - 1 50:15
Mod-2 Lec-2 Matrix Algebra Part - 2 59:42
Mod-2 Lec-3 Determinants Part - 1 54:16
Mod-2 Lec- 4 Determinants Part - 2 57:37
Mod-2 Lec-5 Solution of System Equation 1:02:12
Mod-2 Lec-6 Linear Algebra Part-1 54:40
Mod-2 Lec-7 Linear Algebra part - 2 55:48
Mod-2 Lec-8 Linear Algebra Part - 3 54:51
Mod-2 Lec-9 Linear Algebra Part - 4 54:09
Mod-2 Lec-10 Inner Product 54:08
Mod-2 Lec-11 Linear Transformation Part - 1 55:29
Mod-2 Lec-12 Linear Transformation Part - 2 52:49
Mod-2 Lec-13 Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors Part - 1 55:26
Mod-2 Lec-14 Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors Part - 2 56:46
Mod-2 Lec-15 Quadratic Forms 1:01:50
Mod-2 Lec-16 Diagonalization Part - 1 57:09
Mod-2 Lec-17 Diagonalization Part - 2 1:02:40
Mod-2 Lec-18 Solution of System of Linear Equation 40:48
Mod-2 Lec-19 Functions of Complex Variables Part - 1 55:22
Mod-2 Lec-20 Functions of Complex Variables Part - 2 1:03:17
Mod-2 Lec-21 Taylor Series 50:57
Mod-2 Lec-22 Laurent Series 53:14
Mod-2 Lec-23 Rank of a Matrix 59:21
Mod-3 Lec-1 Complex Numbers&Their Geometrical Representation 51:29

Embedded Systems by Santanu Chaudhury (IIT Delhi)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: nptelhrd   2008年4月15日
Electrical - Embedded Systems by Dr. Santanu Chaudhury, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

Lecture -1 Embedded Systems: Introduction 55:40
Lecture - 2 Embedded Hardware 51:42
Lecture - 3 PIC: Instruction Set 58:00
Lecture - 4 PIC Peripherals On Chip 57:12
Lecture - 5 ARM Processor 55:37
Lecture - 6 More ARM Instructions 1:00:06
Lecture - 7 ARM: Interrupt Processing 1:00:26
Lecture - 8 Digital Signal Processors 55:48
Lecture - 9 More on DSP Processors 59:44
Lecture - 10 System On Chip (SOC) 55:54
Lecture - 11 Memory 59:58
Lecture - 12 Memory Organization 59:36
Lecture -13 Virtual Memory and Memory Management Unit 58:52
Lecture - 14 Bus Structure 1:01:05
Lecture - 15 Bus Structure 2 59:39
Lecture - 16 Bus Structure - 3 Serial Interfaces 57:56
Lecture - 17 Serial Interfaces 58:40
Lecture - 18 Power Aware Architecture 58:38
Lecture - 19 Software for Embedded Systems 58:14
Lecture 20 - Fundamentals of Embedded Operating Systems 56:09
Lecture - 21 Scheduling Policies 58:23
Lecture - 22 Resource Management 59:41
Lecture - 23 Embedded - OS 58:57
Lecture - 24 Networked Embedded System 57:49
Lecture - 25 Networked Embedded Systems - II 59:01
Lecture 26 - Network Embedded System III 57:51
Lecture 27 - Network Embedded System IV 58:44
Lecture - 28 Designing Embedded Systems 58:59
Lecture - 29 Designing Embedded Systems - II 59:10
Lecture - 30 Designing Embedded Systems- III 59:33
Lecture - 31 Embedded System Design - IV 59:12
Lecture - 32 Designing Embedded Systems - V 44:31
Lecture - 33 Platform Based Design 59:09
Lecture - 34 Compilers for Embedded Systems 58:06
Lecture - 35 Developing Embedded Systems 59:37
Lecture - 36 Building Dependable Embedded Systems 58:47
Lecture - 37 Pervasive & Ubiquitous Computing 55:24

Industrial Drives - Power Electronics by K. Gopakumar (IISc Bangalore)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: nptelhrd    2008年4月3日
Lecture series on Power Electronics by Prof. K. Gopakumar, Centre for Electronics Design and Technology, IISc Bangalore. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

Lecture - 1 Electric Drive 58:12
Lecture - 2 Controlled Rectifier part 1 57:44
Lecture - 3 Controlled Rectifier Part - II (Three phase) 56:19
Lecture - 4 Controlled Rectifier Part-III (Three phase) 1:06:17
Lecture - 5 Controlled Rectifier Part-4(Three Phase) 52:31
Lecture - 6 Controlled Rectifier Part-5 (Three Phase) 54:42
Lecture - 7 Power Electronics Improvements 52:15
Lecture - 8 Four Quadrant Dc to Dc Converter 53:45
Lecture - 9 Sine Triangle PWM Control of Converter 50:39
Lecture - 10 Front-end Ac-Dc Converter with harmonic control 53:20
Lecture - 11 Ac to Dc Converter Close Loop Control Schematic 1:02:19
Lecture - 12 Ac-Dc Converter Close loop Control Block Diagram 50:24
Lecture - 13 Design of the Converter Controller & Ac to Dc 49:01
Lecture - 14 Front-End Ac to Dc Converter-Design 52:10
Lecture -15 Front-End Ac to Dc Converter - Simulation study 54:55
Lecture - 16 Dc Motor Speed Control - Introduction 56:00
Lecture - 17 Dc Motor Speed Control - Block Diagram 51:50
Lecture - 18 Dc Motor Speed Control Current Control & S C L 51:15
Lecture - 19 Dc-Motor Speed Control Controller Design-1 50:28
Lecture - 20 Dc Motor Speed Control Controller Design-2 45:40
Lecture - 21 DC Motor Speed Control Controller Design 3 50:41
Lecture - 22 Basics of DC to AC Converter 1 54:09
Lecture - 23 Basics of DC to AC Converter 2 53:18
Lecture - 24 Inverter Sine Triangle PWM 54:05
Lecture 25 - Inverter -Current Hysteresis Controlled PWM 53:44
Lecture - 26 C H controlled & Basics of space vector PWM 55:41
Lecture - 27 Space Vector PWM 53:43
Lecture - 28 Space Vector PWM Part - 3 49:52
Lecture - 29 Space Vector PWM Signal Generation 54:39
Lecture - 30 Speed Control of Induction Motor Part - 1 54:53
Lecture - 31 Speed Control of Induction Motor Part-2 54:22
Lecture - 32 High dynamic performance of I M Drive 50:38
Lecture - 33 Dynamic Model of Induction Motor Part 1 42:06
Lecture - 34 Dynamic Model of Induction Motor Part-2 51:41
Lecture - 35 Vector Control of Induction Motor 54:16
Lecture - 36 Effect of Switching Time lag in Inverter 47:38
Lecture - 37 Power Switch Protection - Snubbers 54:32