

Real life sunken cities - Peter Campbell

source: TED-Ed    2016年8月4日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/real-life-s...
Though people are most familiar with Plato’s fictional Atlantis, many real underwater cities actually exist. Peter Campbell explains how sunken cities are studied by scientists to help us understand the lives of our ancestors, the dynamic nature of our planet, and the impact of each on the other.
Lesson by Peter Campbell, animation by TED-Ed.

訊號與系統--陳永平 / 交大

播放清單 (請按影片右上角選取影片)

source: nctuocw    2014年3月6日
更多課程歡迎瀏覽交大開放式課程網站:http://ocw.nctu.edu.tw/ 本課程同時收錄至國立交通大學機構典藏,詳情請見:http://ir.nctu.edu.tw/handle/11536/10...

Lec01 單元零 Introduction 22:48
Lec02 單元一 Running Integral 24:24
Lec03 單元二 Natural Exponential Function 14:25
Lec04 單元三 Step and Impulse Functions 55:16
Lec05 單元四 Fourier Series 1:05:45
Lec06 單元五 Frequency Spectra of Fourier Series 1:06:38
Lec07 單元六 Fourier Transform 1:37:12
Lec08 單元七 Linear Time Invariant Systems 1:11:54
Lec09 單元八 Laplace Transform 1:09:56
Lec10 單元九 System in Differential Equation 1:24:52
Lec11 單元十 Signal Filtering (1/2) 1:45:58
Lec12 單元十 Signal Filtering (2/2) 1:31:30
Lec13 單元十一 System Realization (1/2) 47:56
Lec14 單元十一 System Realization (2/2) 1:14:07
Lec15 單元十二 System in State-Space Description (1/2) 1:07:18
Lec16 單元十二 System in State-Space Description (2/2) 1:07:39
Lec17 單元十三 Sampling and Modulation 1:08:12
Lec18 單元十四 Discretized Systems and z-Transform (1/2) 1:42:13
Lec19 單元十四 Discretized Systems and z-Transform (2/2) 47:41
Lec20 單元十五 LTI System in Difference Equation (1/2) 1:30:58
Lec21 單元十五 LTI System in Difference Equation (2/2) 48:22
Lec22 單元十六 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform 1:33:39
Lec23 單元十七 Discrete Fourier Transform 1:15:27
Lec24 單元十八 Transformations for Signals and Systems 40:28
Lec25 單元十九 Unit Output Feedback Control 1:09:17
Lec26 單元二十 Phasor Method for AC Circuits 1:00:47
Lec27 單元二十一 Applications of Fourier Transform to Communication Systems 56:35
Lec28 單元二十二 Phase-Locked Loop 14:38
Lec29 單元二十三 IIR Digital Filter Design 1:09:03

Adnan Akay: Acoustics (2010 at Bilkent University)

# playlist of the 29 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)

source: Bilkent Online Courses    2014年8月16日
ME 566 Acoustics
2009-2010- Spring
Introduction to oscillations, waves, and sound generation and propagation. General concepts such as quantitative measures of sound, plane waves, and acoustic energy density and intensity. Perception of sound. Derivation of wave equation. Reflection, transmission and refraction of sound. Normal modes: vibrating membranes, and sound in a rectangular enclosure; room and duct acoustics. Acoustic horns. Absorption and attenuation of sound waves. Acoustic waves in spherical co-ordinate systems.

Lecture 01 Harmonic Oscillations 47:10
Lecture 02 Linear Simple Harmonic Motion 48:00
Lecture 03 Forced Vibrations Impedence Power Input 42:18
Lecture 04 Wave Equation 56:52
Lecture 05 Plane Waves: Normal Incidence 55:30
Lecture 06 Plane Waves: Oblique Incidence 46:41
Lecture 07 Plane Waves: Oblique Incidence 57:30
Lecture 08 Sound Transmission Between Two Media, Snell 56:22
Lecture 09 Reflection, Transmission of Sound 39:20
Lecture 10 Sound Waves in Wave Guides 51:03
Lecture 11 Sound Waves in Ducts, Complex Expressions 52:15
Lecture 12 Sound Waves in Ducts with Flexible Walls 45:07
Lecture 13 Pipes with Varying Cross Sections 1:01:02
Lecture 14 Tubes with Non-Plane Terminations 50:32
Lecture 15 Silencers, Helmholtz Resonator 36:31
Lecture 16 Transmission Matrices 1:05:04
Lecture 17 Transmission Matrix 31:10
Lecture 18 Fourier Transforms 45:13
Lecture 19 Plate Vibrations 52:25
Lecture 20 Radiation from an Infinite Plate 1:12:22
Lecture 21 Radiation from Infinite Plate, Acoustic Loading 56:37
Lecture 22 Transmission and Reflection from Plates 58:16
Lecture 23 Radiation in Spherical Coordinates 42:46
Lecture 24 Sound Radiation in Spherical Coordinate 56:46
Lecture 25 Sound Radiation in Spherical Coordinate (cont'd) 1:01:09
Lecture 26 Sound Radiation in Spherical Coordinate (cont'd) 19:50
Lecture 27 Radiation from Spherical Sources 58:55
Lecture 28 Radiation from Spherical Sources (cont'd) 41:14
Lecture 29 Radiation from Cylindrical Sources 1:00:31

Consciousness in Business with Gino Yu

source: New Thinking Allowed     2016年6月20日
Gino Yu is currently an Associate Professor and Director of Digital Entertainment and Game Development in the School of Design at Hong Kong Polytech University where he oversees the Multimedia Innovation Centre, a leading-edge think tank and research center on digital entertainment. He previously taught at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology where he helped to establish the Center for Enhanced Learning Technologies. His main area research interests involve the application of media technologies to cultivate creativity and promote enlightened consciousness.

Here he discusses several approaches to cultivating and applying greater self-awareness in business, with a particular emphasis on somatic awareness. He also notes the importance of physiological and psychological energy in organizations. He makes reference to pioneering psychological work by Wilhelm Reich, Abraham Maslow, Jean Piaget, and Clare Graves. He suggests that we are innately creative and that, at times, we need to “unlearn” forms of social conditioning that block our native abilities.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). His master's degree is in criminology. He has served as vice-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, and is the recipient of its Pathfinder Award for outstanding contributions to the field of human consciousness. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities.
(Recorded on May 2, 2016)

Britain and the EU: a view from the European Parliament

source: London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) 2016年2月9日
Date: Friday 5 February 2016
Time: 11am-12noon
Venue: Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House
Speaker: Martin Schulz
Chair: Professor Craig Calhoun

Turbulent times, multiple challenges, permanent crisis mode. Can Europe cope? Are nation states better off alone? Is the EU just a scapegoat?
Join us at this lecture to find out why Martin Schulz thinks that the EU, despite its present bad shape, remains the answer to global problems and needs fixing not ditching.
Martin Schulz (@EP_President) is President of the European Parliament. He was born in 1955 and grew up in Hehlrath Germany. Aged 31, he was elected as the youngest mayor of North Rhine-Westphalia. Since 1994, Martin Schulz has been a Member of the European Parliament. In 2004 he was elected group leader of the Socialists and Democrats. He has been President of the European Parliament since 2012. On 1 July 2014 he was re-elected President, becoming the first President in the history of the European Parliament to be re-elected for a second term.
Craig Calhoun (@craigjcalhoun) is Director and President of LSE.
The LSE European Institute (@LSEEI) was established in 1991 as a dedicated centre for the interdisciplinary study of processes of integration and fragmentation within Europe. In the most recent national Research Excellence Framework (REF 2014) the Institute was ranked first for research in its sector.

Al Gore on Confronting the Climate Crisis | Harvard Global Institute and Harvard China Project

source: Harvard University    2016年6月10日
Sponsored by the Harvard Global Institute and the Harvard China Project, former VP Al Gore delivered a public lecture to a capacity crowd in Harvard University’s Sanders Theater on April 7, 2016. He expressed optimism about progress in low-carbon energy developments and the roles played by the U.S. and China. This lecture is the first in a multidisciplinary lecture series focused on the “China 2030/2050” theme featuring high-profile speakers.
The Harvard China Project is a research program focused on China’s atmospheric environment, energy system, and economy, collaborating with researchers at Chinese universities and across the schools of Harvard. It conducts interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed studies related to air pollution and greenhouse gases in China, from root causes in the demand for and supply of energy to power its economy, to the chemistry and transport of pollutants in the atmosphere, to their impacts on human health and agriculture. To learn more about the Project, visit chinaproject.harvard.edu.

Kevin Ahern' Bite-Sized Biochemistry at Oregon State University

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Kevin Ahern    2011年6月9日
Kevin Ahern' Bite-Sized Biochemistry - The Complete Series
An organized collection of lectures spanning biochemistry. Lectures are numbered according to the order in which the lectures were given in my BB 450 and BB 451 (General Biochemistry) courses.
1. Contact me at kgahern@davincipress.com / Friend me on Facebook (kevin.g.ahern)
2. Download my free biochemistry book at http://biochem.science.oregonstate.ed...
3. Take my free iTunes U course at https://itunes.apple.com/us/course/bi...
4. Check out my free book for pre-meds at http://biochem.science.oregonstate.ed...
5. Course video channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/oharow/vi...
6. Check out all of my free workshops at http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
7. Check out my Metabolic Melodies at http://www.davincipress.com/metabmelo...
8. Take my courses for credit (wherever you live) via OSU's ecampus. For details, see http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/soc/ec...

#1: Basics 49:47
#2: Buffers (Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation) 50:17
#3: Protein Structure I 52:57
#4: Protein Structure II 51:24
#5: Protein Structure III 52:52
#6: Protein Structure & Characterization 51:58
#7: Protein Purification & Characterization 51:32
#8: Protein Structure and Hemoglobin 47:16
#9: Hemoglobin II and Respiration/Metabolism 52:45
#10: Enzymes 51:24
Biochemistry #11: Enzymes II 51:46
#12: Catalytic Mechanisms 50:21
#13: Catalytic Strategies II 51:03
#14: Enzyme Mechanism and Regulation 48:10
#15: Allostery and Regulation of Metabolism 49:05
#16: Carbohydrates I (Structure and Function) 50:42
#17: Carbohydrates II (Structure and Function) 50:10
#18: Signaling 51:38
#19: Cellular Signaling II 49:18
#20 - Control of Metabolism 47:52
#21 - Control of Metabolism / Glycolysis I 50:47
#22 - Glycolysis II / Carbohydrate Metabolism 50:44
#23 - Glycolysis III/Gluconeogenesis (Carbohydrate Metabolism) 44:24
#24 - Gluconeogenesis II (Carbohydrate Metabolism) 52:29
#25 - Glycogen Metabolism 51:01
#26 - Glycogen Metabolism II and Grand Finale 42:06
#27 - Citric Acid Cycle I (Oxidative Metabolism) 48:41
#28 - Citric Acid Cycle II (Oxidative Metabolism) 49:22
#29 - Glyoxylate Cycle/Membrane structure 48:17
#30 - Membrane Transport I 49:34
#31 - Membrane Transport II 49:05
#32 - Neurotransmission/Electron Transport 49:38
#33 - Electron Transport II / Oxidative Phosphorylation 51:33
#34 - Metabolic Control / Lipid Metabolism 50:45
#35 - Fat, Lipid & Cholesterol Movement in the Body 51:22
#36 - Fatty Acid Metabolism I 48:26
#37 - Fatty Acid Metabolism II 45:50
#38 - Fatty Acid Metabolism III 50:41
#39 - Nucleotide Metabolism I 47:37
#40 - Nucleotide Metabolism II 48:21
41 - DNA Replication, Repair, Recombination I 48:56
#42 - DNA Replication, Repair, Recombination II 44:46
#43 - DNA Replication, Repair, Recombination III 48:24
#44 - DNA Replication, Repair, Recombination IV 44:13
#45 - Transcription I (RNA Synthesis) 50:23
#46 - Transcription II (RNA Synthesis) 50:06
#47 - Transcription III / Translation I 47:53
#48 - Translation II (Protein Synthesis) 46:57
#49 - Translation III / Gene Expression I 47:17
#50 - Gene Expression II 48:14
#51 - Gene Expression III / Sensory Systems I 52:53
#52 - Sensory Systems II 43:03
#53 - Immune System & Grand Finale 50:52

Kevin Ahern's Biochemistry (2014) at Oregon State University

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Kevin Ahern     2014年1月7日
Kevin Ahern's BB 451/551 (2014)
1. Contact me at kgahern@davincipress.com / Friend me on Facebook (kevin.g.ahern)
2. Download my free biochemistry book at http://biochem.science.oregonstate.ed...
3. Take my free iTunes U course at https://itunes.apple.com/us/course/bi...
4. Check out my free book for pre-meds at http://biochem.science.oregonstate.ed...
5. Lecturio videos for medical students - https://www.lecturio.com/medical-cour...
6. Course video channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/oharow/vi...
7. Check out all of my free workshops at http://oregonstate.edu/dept/biochem/a...
8. Check out my Metabolic Melodies at http://www.davincipress.com/
9. My courses can be taken for credit (wherever you live) via OSU's ecampus. For details, see http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/soc/ec...
10. Course materials at http://oregonstate.edu/instruct/bb451

27. Citric Acid Cycle I 48:35
28. Citric Acid Cycle II 50:45
30. Lipids, Membranes, and Membrane Transport 48:06
29. Lipids and Membranes 50:30
31. Membrane Transport and Mitochondria 52:08
33. Respiratory Control 46:54
34. Metabolism of Membrane Lipids 48:38
Review Session for Exam 1 1:21:58
35. Cholesterol in the Body 52:54
37. Fat and Fatty Acid Metabolism II 46:02
36. Fat and Fatty Acid Metabolism 51:36
38  Prostaglandins and Nucleotide Synthesis 42:34
39. Nucleotide Metabolism II 49:21
32. ETS and Oxidative Phosphorylation 52:06
41. DNA Replication II 42:30
40. Nucleotide Metabolism and DNA Replication 50:45
43. DNA Repair and Review Session 50:22
44. Transcription I 50:26
42. DNA Replication III 52:19
45. Transcription II 51:47
47. Translation I 50:30
48. Translation II 53:18
46. Transcription III 50:18
49. Gene Expression in Prokaryotes 51:05
50. Gene Expression II 48:05
51. Sensory Biochemistry 52:45
52. Sensory Systems II 43:48
Review for Final Exam 1:05:25

On the Pleasures of Self-Misunderstanding: 'How One Becomes What One Is' in Nietzsche and Emerson

source: Yale University    2014年5月27日
Ross Posnock, Anna Garbedian Professor of the Humanities at Columbia University, delivers a lecture "On the Pleasures of Self-Misunderstanding: 'How One Becomes What One Is' in Nietzsche and Emerson," on October 3, 2013 as part of the Fall 2013 Franke Lectures in the Humanities at the Whitney Humanities Center which presented perspectives on the thought of Friedrich Nietzsche and Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Emerson, Nietzsche, and the Romantic World; Franke Lectures in the Humanities

source: Yale University    2014年5月27日
Dr. David Mikics is John and Rebecca Moores Distinguished Professor in English and the Honors College at the University of Houston. His lecture "Emerson, Nietzsche, and the Romantic World" was given as part of the Fall 2013 Franke Lectures in the Humanities at the Whitney Humanities Center at Yale on September 26, 2013, a series organized in conjunction with the Yale College seminar taught by Paul North, Associate Professor of German, and Paul Grimstad, Assistant Professor of English. This undergraduate seminar presented perspectives on the thought of Friedrich Nietzsche and Ralph Waldo Emerson. The lecture argues that we can use Emerson and Nietzsche to think about the tensions between the Enlightenment and Romanticism as ways of conceiving the world. Positing that we now live in an age dominated by Enlightenment-era thinking, Mikics also draws on Isaiah Berlin's definitions of these two intellectual ages to make an argument about their relevance for society today.

David Pizarro, “Understanding the Moral Mind”

source: Yale University    2016年6月30日
Shulman Lectures in Science and the Humanities – “Habits of Mind”
“Understanding the Moral Mind”
David Pizarro is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at Cornell University. His primary research interest is in how and why humans make moral judgments, such as what makes us think certain actions are wrong, and that some people deserve blame. He also studies how emotions influence a wide variety of judgments. These two topics come together in much of his recent work, which has focused on disgust and the role it plays in shaping moral, social, and political judgments.

Tips for Job Seekers: Inside the Mind of a Recruiter | James Citrin

source: Big Think     2016年7月26日
Executive Recruiter James Citrin highlights how job applications are evaluated by companies, and offers inside tips from building a resume to impressing at an interview. Citrin’s latest book is "The Career Playbook Essential Advice for Today's Aspiring Young Professional" (http://goo.gl/P39ZVe).
Read more at BigThink.com: http://bigthink.com/videos/james-citr...

Chade Meng Tan: "Joy on Demand" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google    2016年7月7日
Joy is a sustainable state that fuels our creativity and inspiration for innovation. It strengthens our ability to attract friends and to get along with people. Learning to cultivate joy is the fundamental secret to success. In this long-awaited follow-up to the New York Times bestselling Search Inside Yourself, Chade Meng Tan shows us how anyone, no matter where they are, can access this source of happiness.

John Michael Schert: "The Utility of the Creative Process" | Talks at Go...

source: Talks at Google     2016年7月26日
He brings powerful lessons from the world of the arts to business. John Michael approaches issues as a ballet dancer who has translated his artistic process into a creative discipline for businesses and states the utility the creative process plays in decision-making.
Using the creative process as an internal analysis tool, he helps corporate and civic leaders better develop an understanding of the balance of motivations from the intrinsic (purpose, emotion, passion) and the extrinsic (data, systems, regulations).
Originally from South Georgia, John Michael began his career as a ballet dancer with American Ballet Theatre and Alonzo King LINES Ballet. In 2004 he co-founded Trey McIntyre Project (TMP), serving as the company’s Executive Director, and a dancer, for nine years.

Wesley Cecil: Heidegger His Life and Philosophy

source: Wes Cecil     2012年8月31日
A lecture delivered at Peninsula College as part of the Modern Philosophers series by Wesley Cecil, Ph.D.
For information on upcoming lectures, essays, and books by Wesley Cecil Ph.D. go tohttp://www.facebook.com/HumaneArts

A History of Violence: CBC Ideas

source: Jordan B Peterson     2015年3月21日
Mass murder, senseless violence, random brutality. We're all horrified by these things - yet they always seem to be with us. The human thirst for atrocity is at the heart of what psychologist Jordan Peterson has to say, in a talk he gave at the Stratford Festival, and in conversation with Paul Kennedy. Part of the answer lies in John Milton's great poem, Paradise Lost. It turns out Milton had a lot to say about our appetite for violence 350 years ago.

Satya Sundar Sethy: Indian Philosophy (IIT Madras)

# playlist of the 42 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)

source: nptelhrd    2012年8月14日
Humanities and Social Sciences - Indian Philosophy by Dr. Satya Sundar Sethy, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

Mod-01 Lec-01 Introduction to Indian Philosophy 47:29
Mod-01 Lec-02 A Brief Discussion on the Vedas & the Upanishads 50:10
Mod-02 Lec-03 Carvaka Philosophy - I 50:27
Mod-02 Lec-04 Carvaka Philosophy - II 46:32
Mod-03 Lec-05 The Samkhya Philosophy - I 49:00
Mod-03 Lec-06 The Samkhya Philosophy - II 50:58
Mod-03 Lec-07 The Samkhya Philosophy - III 49:51
Mod-03 Lec-08 The Samkhya Philosophy - IV 47:18
Mod-03 Lec-09 The Samkhya Philosophy - V 44:47
Mod-03 Lec-10 The Samkhya Philosophy - VI 51:38
Mod-04 Lec-11 The Yoga Philosophy - I 54:02
Mod-04 Lec-12 The Yoga Philosophy - II 54:07
Mod-04 Lec-13 The Yoga Philosophy - III 53:40
Mod-04 Lec-14 The Yoga Philosophy - IV 50:26
Mod-05 Lec-15 The Nyaya Philosophy - I 48:54
Mod-05 Lec-16 The Nyaya Philosophy - II 51:24
Mod-05 Lec-17 The Nyaya Philosophy - III 49:31
Mod-05 Lec-18 The Nyaya Philosophy - IV 48:57
Mod-05 Lec-20 The Nyaya Philosophy - VI 47:56
Mod-05 Lec-19 The Nyaya Philosophy - V 53:29
Mod-05 Lec-21 The Nyaya Philosophy - VII 46:31
Mod-05 Lec-22 The Nyaya Philosophy - VIII 49:41
Mod-05 Lec-23 The Nyaya Philosophy - IX 50:58
Mod-06 Lec-24 The Philosophy of Buddha - I 48:25
Mod-06 Lec-25 The Philosophy of Buddha - II 49:05
Mod-06 Lec-26 The Philosophy of Buddha - III 49:15
Mod-06 Lec-27 The Philosophy of Buddha - IV 48:44
Mod-06 Lec-28 The Philosophy of Buddha - V 49:25
Mod-07 Lec-29 The Jaina Philosophy - I 51:04
Mod-07 Lec-30 The Jaina Philosophy - II 49:30
Mod-07 Lec-31 The Jaina Philosophy - III 50:30
Mod-08 Lec-32 The Vaisesika Philosophy - I 49:42
Mod-08 Lec-33 The Vaisesika Philosophy - II 48:37
Mod-08 Lec-34 The Vaisesika Philosophy - III 49:24
Mod-08 Lec-35 The Vaisesika Philosophy - IV 49:42
Mod-08 Lec-36 The Vaisesika Philosophy - V 49:34
Mod-08 Lec-37 The Vaisesika Philosophy - VI 49:51
Mod-09 Lec-38 The Mimamsa Philosophy - I 49:19
Mod-09 Lec-39 The Mimamsa Philosophy - II 49:35
Mod-09 Lec-40 The Mimamsa Philosophy - III 49:03
Mod-09 Lec-41 The Mimamsa Philosophy - IV 50:27
Mod-09 Lec-42 The Mimamsa Philosophy - V 48:48

P. N. Agrawal: Mathematics - III (IIT Roorkee)

# playlist of the 39 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)

source: nptelhrd    2009年6月25日
Lecture Series on Mathematics - III by Dr. P. N. Agrawal, Department of Mathematics, IIT Roorkee. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

Mod-1 Lec-1 Solution of ODE of First Order and First Degree 53:50
Mod-1 Lec-2 Linear Differential Equations of the First Order and Orthogonal Trajectories 50:03
Mod-1 Lec-3 Approximate Solution of An Initial Value 49:50
Mod-1 Lec-4 Series Solution of Homogeneous Linear Differential Equations-I 1:01:15
Mod-1 Lec-5 Series Solution of Homogeneous Linear Differential Equations-II 50:56
Mod-1 Lec-6 Bessel Functions and Their Properties-I 51:10
Mod-1 Lec-7 Bessel Functions And Their Properties-II 52:32
Mod-1 Lec-8 Laplace Transformation-I 53:26
Mod-1 Lec-9 Laplace Transformation-II 55:58
Mod-1 Lec-10 Applications of Laplace Transformation-I 59:53
Mod-1 Lec-11 Applications of Laplace Transformation-II 59:23
Mod-1 Lec-12 One Dimensional Wave Equation 54:08
Mod-1 Lec-13 One Dimensional Heat Equation 55:28
Mod-2 Lec-1 Introduction to Differential Equation 55:51
Mod-2 Lec-2 First Order Differential Equations and Their Geometric Interpretation 1:04:03
Mod-2 Lec-3 Differential Equations of First Order&Higher Degree 42:25
Mod-2 Lec-4 Linear Differential Equation of Second Order-Part-1 1:02:08
Mod-2 Lec-5 Linear Differential equation of Second Order-Part-2 1:04:12
Mod-2 Lec-6 Euler-Cauchy Theorem 53:00
Mod-2 Lec-7 Higher Order Linear Differential Equations 57:24
Mod-2 Lec-8 Higher Order Non Homogeneous Linear Equations 54:48
Mod-2 Lec-9 Boundary Value Problems 51:37
Mod-2 Lec-10 Strum Liouville boundary Value Problem 46:04
Mod-2 Lec-11 Fourier Series-Part-1 56:42
Mod-2 Lec-12 Fourier Series-Part-2 49:08
Mod-2 Lec-13 Convergence of the Fourier Series 56:41
Mod-2 Lec-14 Fourier Integrals 48:18
Mod-2 Lec-15 Fourier Transforms 53:11
Mod-2 Lec-16 Partial Differential Equation 54:58
Mod-2 Lec-17 First Order Partial Differential Equation 56:38
Mod-2 Lec-18 Second Order Partial Differential Equations-I 55:25
Mod-2 Lec-19 Second Order Partial Differential Equations-II 1:00:01
Mod-2 Lec-20 Solution of One Dimensional Wave Equation 48:21
Mod-2 Lec-21 Solution of Homogeneous&Non Homogeneous Equations 57:17
Mod-2 Lec-22 Fourier Integral&Transform Method for Heat Equation 58:25
Mod-2 Lec-23 Three Dimensional Laplace Equation 52:53
Mod-2 Lec-24 Solution of Drichlet Problem 47:07
Mod-2 Lec-25 Numerical Method for Laplace Poisson Equation 44:31
Mod-2 Lec-26 ADI Method for Laplace and Poisson Equation 56:39

Power System Generation, Transmission and Distribution by D. P. Kothari (Encapsulated from earlier Video)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: nptelhrd 2008年1月25日
Electrical - Power System Generation, Transmission and Distribution by Prof. D. P. Kothari, (Encapsulated from earlier Video).
Centre for Energy Studies IIT Delhi. For more details visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

Lecture - 1 Electric Energy Systems 54:15
Lecture - 2 Structure of Power Systems 59:38
Lecture - 3 Conventional Sources of Electric Energy 51:37
Lecture - 4 Hydroelectric Power Generation 53:25
Lecture - 5 Non Conventional Energy Sources 53:19
Lecture - 6 Renewable Energy (Contd.) 51:08
Lecture - 7 Energy Storage 49:42
Lecture - 8 Deregulation 48:36
Lecture - 9 Air Pollutants 48:21
Lecture - 10 Transmission Line Parameters 44:17
Lecture - 11 Capacitance of Transmission Lines 53:36
Lecture -12 Characteristics and Performance of Transmission 47:14
Lecture - 13 Voltage Regulation 52:22
Lecture - 14 Power Flow through a line 52:20
Lecture - 15 Methods of Voltage Control 46:18
Lecture - 16 Compensation of Transmission Lines 48:26
Lecture - 17 Compensation of Transmission Lines (Contd.) 26:27
Lecture - 18 Underground Cables 35:00
Lecture - 19 Cables (Contd.) 24:30
Lecture - 20 Insulators for Overhead Lines 55:39
Lecture - 21 HVDC 50:07
Lecture - 22 HVDC (Contd.) 31:13
Lecture - 23 Distribution Systems 45:21
Lecture - 24 Automatic Generation Control 48:37
Lecture - 25 Automatic Generation Control Continued 48:52
Lecture - 26 Load Flow Studies 51:11
Lecture - 27 Load Flow Problem 52:06
Lecture - 28 Load Flow Analysis (contd.) 43:41
Lecture - 29 Newton Raphson (NR), 42:07
Lecture - 30 Fast Decoupled Load Flow 40:12
Lecture - 31 Control of Voltage Profile 48:18
Lecture - 32 Optimal System Operation 41:05
Lecture - 33 Optimal Unit Commitment 44:56
Lecture - 34 Optimal Generation Scheduling 50:37
Lecture - 35 Optimal Load Flow (Contd.) 52:40

Intelligent Systems and Control by Laxmidhar Behera (IIT Kanpur)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: nptelhrd    2008年1月21日
Electrical - Intelligent Systems and Control by Prof. Laxmidhar Behera, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

Introduction - Intelligent Systems Control 59:29
Module 1 Lecture 1 Linear Neural networks 58:50
Module 1 Lecture 2 Multi layered neural networks 1:00:01
Module 1 lecture 3 Back Propagation Algorithm revisited 1:00:26
Module 1 lecture 4 Non linear system analysis Part 1 1:00:27
Module 1 lecture 5 non linear system analysis part 2 58:15
Module 1 lecture 6 Radial Basis function networks 58:33
Module 1 lecture 7 Adaptive learning rate 1:00:49
Module 1 Lecture 8 Weight update rules 1:00:52
Module 1 Lec 9 Recurrent networks Back propagation through time 57:32
Module 1 Lec 10 Recurrent networks Real time recurrent learning 56:58
Module 1 Lec 11 Self organizing Map - Multidimensional networks 55:03
Module 2 Lecture 1 Fuzzy sets A Primer 59:20
Module 2 Lecture 2 Fuzzy Relations 1:00:01
Module 2 lecture 3 Fuzzy Rule base and Approximate Reasoning 1:00:18
Module 2 Lecture 4 Introduction to Fuzzy Logic Control 1:01:05
Module 3 Lecture 1 Neural Control A review 56:19
Module 3 Lecture 2 Network inversion and Control 1:01:04
Module 3 Lecture 3 Neural Model of a Robot manipulator 56:14
Mod 3 Lec 4 Indirect Adaptive Control of a Robot manipulator 1:00:48
Mod 3 Lec 5 Adaptive neural control for Affine Systems SISO 54:06
Mod 3 Lec 6 Adaptive neural control for Affine systems MIMO 52:54
Module 3 Lecture 7 Visual Motor Coordination with KSOM 51:48
Mod 3 Lec 8 Visual Motor coordination - quantum clustering 53:30
Mod 3 Lec 9 Direct Adaptive control of Manipulators - Intro 55:55
Module 3 Lecture 10 NN based back stepping control 58:16
Module 4 lecture 1 Fuzzy Control - a Review 1:00:43
Mod 4 Lec 2 Mamdani type flc and parameter optimization 57:07
Module 4 Lecture 3 Fuzzy Control of a pH reactor 59:13
Mod 4 Lec 4 Fuzzy Lyapunov controller - Computing with words 56:57
Mod 4 Lect 5 Controller Design for a T-S Fuzzy model 59:30
Module 4 Lecture 6 Linear controllers using T-S fuzzy model 59:32

Can Citizens Be Economists? | Seema Malhotra MP | RSA Replay

source: The RSA    2016年6月29日
Can citizens be economists? The RSA launched the Citizens Economic Council, asking: can citizens really be economists, and what might the extent of their role and influence in shaping economic policy be? Join Seema Malhotra MP, former Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury; Julie Timbrell, Occupy Democracy; Simon Burall, Director at Involve; Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive of RSA
See the full event detail on our website: https://www.thersa.org/events/2016/06...
Find out more about the Citizens' Economic Council: http://ow.ly/lJpu301L5PO
Read the prospectus 'Economics for everyone' online: http://ow.ly/7N9z301L5Ke