

A Grand Strategy? Re-imagining America's Foreign Policy for the Next Administration

source: New York University     2016年5月31日
From the collapse of the Soviet Union to the rise of ISIS, the U.S. has pursued at least three distinct grand strategies: democratic enlargement (Clinton), assertive primacy (Bush), and restraint and rebalancing (Obama). Given the changeability of strategy after 45 years of containment and deterrence, what’s next? Despite wide differences among the candidates, does the nature of the unfolding world and our resource limits allow us to make educated guesses about the posture of the next President? Can U.S. foreign policy be more coherent and effective -- responsive to both opportunities and threats -- in the next decade and beyond? NYU Washington, DC welcomed CGA Clinical Professor Michael Oppenheimer in conversation with Eurasia Group President Ian Bremmer and Brookings Vice President Bruce Jones on the alternative paths for managing American strategy abroad.

The Pragmatic Maxim: Peirce & Pragmatism (New Books in Philosophy)

source: Philosophical Overdose    2016年4月25日
Charles Sanders Peirce was the founder of the philosophical tradition known as pragmatism. He is also the proponent of a distinctive variety of pragmatism that has at its core a logical rule that has come to be known as "the pragmatic maxim." According to this maxim, the meaning of a concept or a proposition is ultimately to be defined in terms of the "sensible" and "practical" effects it would produce in the course of experimental action. That is, of course, a crude articulation. But, according to Peirce, the view of meaning that the maxim articulates has vast philosophical implications. Peirce’s pragmatism is at once anti-skeptical, fallibilist, verificationist, inferentialist, and realist. Indeed, that looks like a motley crowd of philosophical commitments. How might they be made to hang together?

In his book, The Pragmatic Maxim: Essays on Peirce and Pragmatism (Oxford University Press, 2012), Christopher Hookway explores the complexities of Peirce’s philosophy. With chapters devoted to topics ranging from Peirce’s fallibilism, his philosophy of language, his views on mathematics, his rejection of psychologism, and his theory of abduction, Hookway presents Peircean pragmatism as a formidable and strikingly contemporary philosophy. Hookway’s book will be of great interest to anyone interested in pragmatism and the history of 20th-century philosophy, but it also has much to offer to those working on current debates in fields like epistemology, philosophy of language, and logic.
This interview is from the New Books in Philosophy podcast. For more information, go to www.newbooksinphilosophy.com

Paul van Gardingen: Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation

source: London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) 2016年2月8日
Date: Tuesday 2 February 2016
Time: 6.30-8pm
Venue: Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building
Speaker: Professor Paul van Gardingen
Chair: Professor Giles Atkinson

How can ecosystem management in developing countries contribute to poverty alleviation, as well as to inclusive and sustainable growth?
Paul van Gardingen (@espa_director) is UNESCO Chair of International Development at the University of Edinburgh and Director, Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation Programme.
Giles Atkinson is Professor of Environmental Policy, Department of Geography & Environment, LSE.
The LSE Department of Geography & Environment (@LSEGeography) is a centre of international academic excellence in economic, urban and development geography, environmental social science and climate change.
The Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment (@GRI_LSE) is a research centre at LSE. The Institute’s research looks at the economics of climate change, and aims to inform policy and academic debate.

Agriculture - Integrated Pest Management (U of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: nptelhrd    2016年5月13日
Agriculture - Integrated Pest Management (IPM) by Prof. Prabhuraj A (Instructor Incharge), Prof. B.V. Patil, Prof. M. Bheemanna, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in

Lec-01 Introduction 6:28
Lec-02 Insect, abundance and diversity 10:27
Lec-03 Insect classification based on economic importance 9:58
Lec-04 Pest, causes for outbreaks and categories 11:10
Lec-05 Pest, causes for outbreaks and categories, contd... 6:30
Lec-06 Pest surveillance and methods of sampling 16:03
Lec-07 Principles of Pest Management and History 14:22
Lec-08 IPM, Definition and Concepts 10:59
Lec-09 Ecological Methods of Pest Management - Legal & Cultural 10:30
Lec-10 Ecological Methods of Pest Management - Cultural (Contd.) 14:40
Lec-11 Ecological Methods of Pest Management - Cultural (Contd..) 12:44
Lec-12 Ecological Methods of Pest Management - Physical 9:37
Lec-13 Ecological Methods of Pest Management - Mechanical 8:44
Lec-14 Host Plant Resistance 10:03
Lec-15 Host Plant Resistance (Cont.) 11:18
Lec-16 Biological Control- Predators 17:54
Lec-17 Biological Control - Parasitoids 13:52
Lec-18 Biological Control - Microbes: Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses 12:31
Lec-19 Biological Control - Microbes: Entomopathogenic Nematodes 9:43
Lec-20 Pest management by modifying insect behaviour 7:44
Lec-21 Use of sex pheromones in pest management 12:45
Lec-22 Use of attractants and repellants in pest management 11:33
Lec-23 Pest management through radiation technology - Principles 12:46
Lec-24 Sterile Insect Technique - case studies 11:59
Lec-25 Pest management through botanicals 8:18
Lec-26 Pest management through botanicals (contd) 16:10
Lec-27 Chemical Control - History and classification 18:05
Lec-28 Mode of Action of different insecticide groups 7:53
Lec-29 Chemical Control - Considerations for Chemicals Integration 16:19
Lec-30 Insecticide Resistance and Management 12:23
Lec-31 Insecticide as component of IPM 14:26
Lec-32 Biotechnological Approaches in IPM 18:04
Lec-33 Agro-ecosystem Analysis 10:02
Lec-34 IPM in Paddy 17:13
Lec-35 IPM in Paddy (Contd.) 14:36
Lec-36 IPM in Pigeon pea 6:40
Lec-37 IPM in Pigeon pea (Contd.) 14:22
Lec-38 IPM in Groundnut 15:50
Lec-39 IPM in Mustard & Soyabean 14:30
Lec-40 IPM in Cotton 13:45
Lec-41 IPM in Cotton (Contd.) 16:19
Lec-42 IPM in Sugarcane 9:59
Lec-43 IPM in Sugarcane (Contd.) 11:58
Lec-44 IPM in Tomato 18:46
Lec-45 IPM in Cabbage 11:59
Lec-46 IPM in Mango 14:37
Lec-47 IPM in Grapes  9:38

Somesh Kumar: Statistical Methods for Scientists and Engineers (IIT Kharagpur)

# playlist of the 40 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)

source: nptelhrd    2015年10月29日
Mathematics - Statistical Methods for Scientists and Engineers by Prof. Somesh Kumar, Department of Mathematics, IIT Kharagpur For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in

Lec-40 Nonparametric Methods - XIII 57:50
Lec-39 Nonparametric Methods - XII 59:03
Lec-38 Nonparametric Methods - XI 55:40
Lec-37 Nonparametric Methods - X 57:08
Lec-36 Nonparametric Methods - IX 58:32
Lec-35 Nonparametric Methods - VIII 53:12
Lec-34 Nonparametric Methods - VII 1:01:57
Lec-33 Nonparametric Methods - VI 54:46
Lec-32 Nonparametric Methods - V 57:24
Lec-31 Non parametric Methods - IV 54:29
Lec-30 Non parametric Methods - III 1:01:10
Lec-29 Non parametric Methods - II 56:31
Lec-28 Non parametric Methods - I 58:23
Lec-27 Multivariate Analysis - XII 59:34
Lec-26 Multivariate Analysis - XI 58:23
Lec-25 Multivariate Analysis - X 1:00:59
Lec-24 Multivariate Analysis - IX 59:17
Lec-23 Multivariate Analysis - VIII 59:27
Lec-22 Multivariate Analysis - VII 57:52
Lec-21 Multivariate Analysis - VI 57:57
Lec-20 Multivariate Analysis - V 54:49
Lec-19 Multivariate Analysis - IV 57:20
Lec-18 Multivariate Analysis - III 1:00:26
Lec-17 Multivariate Analysis - II 57:52
Lec-16 Multivariate Analysis - I 58:46
Lec-15 Parametric Methods - VII 58:24
Lec-14 Parametric Methods - VI 57:25
Lec-13 Parametric Methods - V 57:14
Lec-12 Parametric Methods - IV 59:05
Lec-11 Parametric Methods - III 57:14
Lec-10 Parametric Methods - II 59:30
Lec-09 Parametric Methods - I 58:13
Lec-08 Sampling Distributions 1:00:11
Lec-07 Special Distributions (Contd.) 53:35
Lec-06 Special Distributions (Contd.) 57:07
Lec-05 Moments and Special Distributions (Contd.) 58:34
Lec-04 Moments and Special Distributions 59:14
Lec-03 Random Variables 58:30
Lec-02 Laws of Probability 58:23
Lec-01 Foundations of Probability 56:34

R.N. Maiti: Fundamentals of Industrial Oil Hydraulics and Pneumatics (IIT Kharagpur)

# playlist of the 43 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)

source: nptelhrd    2015年11月2日
Mechanical - Fundamentals of Industrial Oil Hydraulics and Pneumatics by Prof. R.N. Maiti, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in

lec-42 AppendicesTutorial on Basic Calculation on HST System and Hydraulic Fluids 48:11
lec-41 Symbols in Oil Hydraulics 1:05:40
lec-40 Premier and Guide to Oil - hydraulic fluids ; and Introduction to Fluid Power Symbols 56:18
lec-39 Flow Force Compensation and Spool Design (Electro - hydraulic valves) 57:37
lec-38 Analysis of Flapper Nozzle Valves 52:58
lec-37 Analysis of Three - Way (Spool and Flapper Nozzle Valve) 52:36
lec-36 Pneumatic Circuits 1:03:21
lec-35 Air preparation - Compressor and Accessories 1:03:15
lec-34 Hydraulic Circuits in Industrial Applications 59:25
lec-33 Application and Selection of Accumulators - Part II 51:29
lec-32 Application and Selection of Accumulators - Part I 49:35
lec-31 Design Analysis of ORBIT Motor - III 1:05:43
lec-30 Design Analysis of ORBIT Motor - II : Geometric Volume Displacement 59:57
lec-29 Design Analysis of ORBIT Motor - I 1:03:24
lec-28 Logic Circuits 52:33
lec-27 Basic Devices, Symbols and Circuits 57:40
lec-26 Introduction to Fluid Logic 55:34
lec-25 Regenerative Circuits 1:00:06
lec-23 Basic Concept of Hydrostatic Transmission (HST) System 1:03:19
lec-24 Selection of HST units and components 56:56
lec-22B Design Analysis of Gear Pumps - II 50:09
lec-22A Design Analysis of Gear Pumps - I 59:20
lec-21 Analysis of an Axial - Piston Swash Plate type Hydrostatic unit 52:34
lec-20 Analysis of an axial 49:37
lec-19 Analysis of an axial 54:31
lec-18 Basic features of some Hydraulic Pumps and Motors 57:52
lec-17 Introduction to Positive Displacement Hydrostatic Units (Hydraulic Pumps and Motors) 52:12
lec-16 Proportional Solenoid Pilot Operated Two Stage Pressure Relief Valve (Contd.) 1:03:19
lec-15 Proportional Solenoid Pilot Operated Two Stage Pressure Relief Valve 1:03:06
lec-14 Critical Centre Spool Valve Analysis - Stroking Forces 1:02:23
lec-13 Critical Centre Spool Valve Analysis 54:40
lec-12 General Control Valve Analysis 1:01:41
lec-11 Basic Spool Valve Design Analysis 1:03:02
lec-10 Hydraulic Servomechanism and Servo and Proportional Control Valves 55:57
lec-09 Hydraulic Circuits and Valves 59:59
lec-08 Hydraulic Valves (General) Different types of Valves - Features and Operations - II 57:02
lec-07 Different types of Valves - Features and Operations - I 53:01
lec-06 Basis for Calculating Hydraulic Systems 1:08:27
lec-05 Capillary Fluid (incompressible) Flow and Hydrodynamic Lubrication 1:01:37
lec-03 Incompressible Fluids - Some Fundamental Properties 53:00
lec-04 Incompressible Fluid Flow related to Fluid Drive 36:23
lec-02 Basic Components, Symbols and Circuits 57:59
lec-01 What is Hydraulic and Pneumatic System 52:19

Fundamentals of Transport Processes - II by V. Kumaran (IISc Bangalore)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: nptelhrd      2014年2月20日
Chemical - Fundamentals of Transport Processes - II by Prof. V. Kumaran, Department of Chemical Engineering, IISc Bangalore. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in

Lec-01 Review of Fundamentals of Transport Processors I 59:31
Lec-02 Introduction 58:48
Lec-03 Vectors and Tensors 1:00:00
Lec-04 Vector calculus 59:50
Lec-05 Vector calculus 1:00:00
Lec-06 Curvilinear co-ordinates 1:00:49
Lec-07 Kinematics 58:21
Lec-08 Rate of deformation tensor 59:49
Lec-09 Mass conservation equation 58:45
Lec-10 Momentum conservation equation 59:37
Lec-11 Angular momentum conservation equation 58:02
Lec-12 Boundary conditions 1:00:11
Lec-13 Mechanical energy conservation 58:19
Lec-14 Unidirectional flow 1:00:20
Lec-15 Viscous flows 59:11
Lec-16 Viscous flows 59:26
Lec-17 Flow around a sphere 56:19
Lec-18 Force on moving sphere 58:45
Lec-19 Torque on rotating sphere 58:59
Lec-20 Effective viscosity of a suspension 59:52
Lec-21 Flow in a corner 59:12
Lec-22 Lubrication flow 59:20
Lec-23 Lubrication flow 59:40
Lec-24 Inertia of a low Reynolds number 56:56
Lec-25 Potential flow 58:37
Lec-26 Potential flow around a sphere 55:42
Lec-27 Two-dimensional potential flow 57:58
Lec-28 Two-dimensional potential flow 58:00
Lec-29 Flow around a cylinder 56:03
Lec-30 Conformal transforms in potential flow 57:27
Lec-31 Boundary layer theory 58:33
Lec-32 Boundary layer past a flat plate 59:01
Lec-33 Stagnation point flow 56:58
Lec-34 Falkner-Skan Boundary Layer Solutions 58:13
Lec-35 Falkner-Skan Boundary Layer Solutions 59:36
Lec-36 Vorticity Dynamics 59:52
Lec-37 Vorticity Dynamics 56:22
Lec-38 Turbulence 58:15
Lec-39 Turbulence 59:24
Lec-40 Turbulent flow in a channel 59:06

Process Control and Instrumentation by A. K. Jana & D. Sarkar ( IIT Kharagpur)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: nptelhrd     2012年7月6日
Chemical - Process Control and Instrumentation by Prof. A.K.Jana, prof. D.Sarkar Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

Lec-01 Lecture-01-Introduction to Process Control 54:45
Lec-02 Lecture-02-Introduction to Process Control (Contd.) 56:52
Lec-03 Lecture-03-Mathematical Modeling (Contd...1) 55:14
Lec-04 Lecture-04-Mathematical Modeling (Contd...2) 54:59
Lec-05 Lectur-05-Mathematical Modeling (Contd...3) 53:53
Lec-06 Dynamic Behavior of Chemical Processes 53:02
Lec-07 Lecture-07-Dynamic Behavior of Chemical Processes (Contd...1) 56:36
Lec-08 Lecture-08-Dynamic Behavior of Chemical Processes (Contd...2)55:49
Lec-09 Lecture-09-Dynamic Behavior of Chemical Processes (Contd...3) 53:23
Lec-10 Lecture-10-Dynamic Behavior of Chemical Processes (Contd...4) 53:02
Lec-11 Dynamic Behavior of Chemical Processes (Contd...5) 49:56
Lec-12 Lecture-12-Dynamic Behavior of Chemical Processes (Contd...6) 55:12
Lec-13 Lecture-13- Dynamic Behavior of Chemical Processes (Contd...7) 56:06
Lec-14 Lecture-14-Dynamic Behavior of Chemical Processes (Contd...8) 56:51
Lec-15 Lecture-15-Feedback Control Schemes 50:26
Lec-16 Feedback Control Schemes (Contd...1) 57:01
Lec-17 Lecture-17-Feedback Control Schemes (Contd...2) 55:14
Lec-18 Lecture-18-Feedback Control Schemes (Contd...3) 52:38
Lec-19 Lecture-19-Feedback Control Schemes (Contd...4) 57:52
Lec-20 Lecture-20-Feedback Control Schemes (Contd...5) 52:50
Lec-21 Lecture-21-Feedback Control Schemes (Contd...6) 54:31
Lec-22 Feedback Control Schemes (Contd...7) 54:07
Lec-23 Feedback Control Schemes (Contd...8) 53:54
Lec-24 Lecture-24-Feedback Control Schemes (Contd...9) 52:09
Lec-25 Lecture-25-Feedback Control Schemes (Contd...10) 57:39
Lec-26 Lecture-26-Feedback Control Schemes (Contd...11) 55:14
Lec-27 Lecture-27-Feedback Control Schemes (Contd...12) 55:36
Lec-28 Lecture-28-Feedback Control Schemes (Contd...13) 52:56
Lec-29 Feedback Control Schemes (Contd...14) 56:17
Lec-30 Lecture-30-Advanced Control Schemes 58:13
Lec-31 Lecture-31-Advanced Control Schemes (Contd...1) 56:10
Lec-32 Advanced Control Schemes (Contd...2) 56:10
Lec-33 Lecture-33-Advanced Control Schemes (Contd...3) 58:45
Lec-34 Lecture-34-Advanced Control Schemes (Contd...4) 54:06
Lec-35 Lecture-35-Instrumentation: General Principles of Measurement Systems 58:19
Lec-36 Lecture-36-Instrumentation: General Principles of Measurement Systems (Contd...1) 58:57
Lec-37 Lecture-37-Instrumentation: General Principles of Measurement Systems (Contd...2) 57:32
Lec-38 Instrumentation: General Principles of Measurement Systems (Contd...3) 59:23
Lec-39 Lecture-39-Instrumentation: General Principles of Measurement Systems (Contd...4) 58:40
Lec-41 Lecture-41-Transducer Elements 58:02
Lec- 40 Lecture-40-Instrumentation: General Principles of Measurement Systems (Contd...5) 59:01
Lec-42 Pressure Measurement 59:23
Lec-43 Pressure Measurement (Contd...1) 55:45
Lec-44 Lecture-44-Pressure Measurement (Contd...2) 1:00:12

Master Yonghua: "Introduction to Chan Meditation" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google    2016年6月24日
Chan Meditation: Maximizing Well­-Being, Productivity and Creativity
In this talk, Dharma Master YongHua introduces superior advantages of Chan meditation. Chan increases our concentration power(samadhi). With greater concentration, mental and physical functions are maximized. Physically, our health and well-being improve; and mentally, our productivity and creativity are enhanced.
Chan is the school of Buddhism that specializes in meditation. Chan flourished in China, and later was imported as “Zen” into Japan. It has been practiced throughout East Asia for more than 2,000 years.
Born in South Vietnam, Master YongHua earned a BS in Mathematics from the University of Minnesota and an MBA from the University of Chicago. After working in corporate management, in 1995 Master YongHua left the corporate life to become a monk and study with Great Chan Master XuanHua. In 2005, after ten years of meditation training and over three years of solitary retreat, Master YongHua began teaching. He is currently the abbot of Lu Mountain Temple in Southern California. For the last 11 years, he has lectured on Mahayana, taught chan, and authored several books.

Engineering Concepts for Innovative Solutions | Guru Madhavan

source: The RSA     2016年6月23日
Engineering concepts for innovative solutions with Guru Madhavan.
How can engineering concepts help us make better decisions and create innovative solutions in a complex world? Biomedical engineer and policy adviser, Guru Madhavan reveals how the engineering toolkit can be useful in designing systems-based strategies and policies that could help in many areas of society, from easing traffic congestion to improving efficiency in health care.
Watch Guru Madhavan, biomedical engineer and policy adviser, in our latest edit. Subscribe to our channel and never miss a video!

Tetsuya Miyamoto: Creator of KenKen

source: GoogleTechTalks     2016年5月16日
Tetsuya Miyamoto, creator of the KenKen puzzle, speaks at Google.

Sean Carroll: "The Big Picture" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google    2016年5月23日
The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself.
Already internationally acclaimed for his notions in modern physics, Sean Carroll is one of the greatest humanist thinkers of his generation as he brings extraordinary intellect to our deepest personal questions. Where are we? Who are we? Are our emotions, beliefs, hopes and dreams ultimately meaningless in the void? Does human purpose and meaning fit into a scientific worldview? Carroll's presentation of the scientific revolution from Darwin and Einstein to the origins of life, consciousness, and the universe is unique. He shows how an avalanche of discoveries in the past few hundred years has changed our world and what really matters to us.
“Weaving the threads of astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, and philosophy into a seamless narrative tapestry, Sean Carroll enthralls us with what we’ve figured out in the universe and humbles us with what we don’t yet understand. Yet in the end, it’s the meaning of it all that feeds your soul of curiosity.”
—Neil deGrasse Tyson, host of Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey

Carroll is a theoretical physicist at the CalTech and received his PhD from Harvard. Recently, he has worked on the foundations of quantum mechanics, the arrow of time, and the emergence of complexity. He has earned prizes and fellowships by the NSA, NASA, Sloan Foundation, Packard Foundation, American Physical Society, American Institute of Physics, Royal Society of London, and the Freedom from Religion Foundation. Carroll has appeared on The Colbert Report, PBS’s NOVA, and Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman, and serves as a science consultant for film and TV. He has been interviewed by NPR, Scientific American, Wired, and The NYT, and has given a TED talk on the multiverse that has more than 1M views.
This Talk at Google talk was hosted by Boris Debic.
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