1. Clicking ▼&► to (un)fold the tree menu may facilitate locating what you want to find. 2. Videos embedded here do not necessarily represent my viewpoints or preferences. 3. This is just one of my several websites. Please click the category-tags below these two lines to go to each independent website.
Why the metric system matters - Matt Anticole
source: TED-Ed 2016年7月21日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/why-the-met...
For the majority of recorded human history, units like the weight of a grain or the length of a hand weren’t exact and varied from place to place. Now, consistent measurements are such an integral part of our daily lives that it’s hard to appreciate what a major accomplishment for humanity they’ve been. Matt Anticole traces the wild history of the metric system.
Lesson by Matt Anticole, animation by Globizco.
Mark A. Peterson: Galileo, Mathematics, and the Arts
source: Yale University 2014年3月12日
Mark A. Peterson, Professor of Physics and Mathematics at Mount Holyoke College, gives this Franke Program lecture on "Galileo, Mathematics, and the Arts".
Literary Festival 2016: Out of our Bodies: can we ever free consciousness?
source: London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) 2016年3月2日
While social psychologists and cognitive scientists affirm that minds do not exist separated from biological and social systems, our human utopias have always dreamt of a disembodied, free-floating consciousness. William Gibson invented cyberspace in 1984 and blew our minds away in Neuromancer: for the young rustlers, digitally enhanced cowboys ‘jacked into a custom cyberspace desk that projected disembodied consciousness into the consensual hallucination that was the matrix…the elite stance involved a certain relaxed contempt for the flesh. The body was meat.” Falling into the prison of flesh was the Fall and disembodying cognition the picture of our human future.
From Neuromancer to The Peripheral, Gibson tells the story of multiple interfaces between bodies-machines-environments-consciousness. Can consciousness exist independently of our human social selves? Will machines ever possess it? Does consciousness require a material base of any kind at all? Could it genuinely fly free of physical matter?
Ned Beauman's debut novel, Boxer, Beetle, won the Writers' Guild Award for Best Fiction Book and the Goldberg Prize for Outstanding Debut Fiction. His second novel, The Teleportation Accident, was longlisted for the Man Booker Prize and won the Encore Award and a Somerset Maugham Award. His third novel, Glow, was published in 2014. He has been chosen by the Culture Show as one of the twelve best new British novelists and by Granta as one of the 20 best British novelists under 40. His work has been translated into more than ten languages.
Kate Devlin (@drkatedevlin) is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computing at Goldsmiths, University of London. Her research focuses on perception and cognition in the fields of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), investigating how people interact with, and react to, technology. She is currently Treasurer of the UK’s Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB), and is on the steering committee of the European Society for Cognitive Systems (arising from EUCog). She is currently working on cognition, sex, gender and sexuality and how these might be incorporated into cognitive systems.
Nicholas Humphrey is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at LSE, Visiting Professor of Philosophy at New College of the Humanities and Senior Member, Darwin College, Cambridge. His books include Consciousness Regained, The Inner Eye, A History of the Mind, Leaps of Faith, The Mind Made Flesh, Seeing Red and most recently Soul Dust: The Magic of Consciousness. He has been the recipient of several honours, including the Martin Luther King Memorial Prize, the British Psychological Society’s book award, the Pufendorf Medal and the International Mind and Brain Prize.
Sandra Jovchelovitch is a Professor in the Department of Social Psychology at LSE.
The Department of Social Psychology (@PsychologyLSE) is a leading international centre dedicated to consolidating and expanding the contribution of social psychology to the understanding and knowledge of key social, economic, political and cultural issues.
NERRI (Neuro-Enhancement: Responsible Research and Innovation) (@NERRI_eu) is a three-year project supported by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme which aims to contribute to the introduction of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in neuro-enhancement (NE) in the European Area and to shape a normative framework underpinning the governance of neuro-enhancement technologies.
This event forms part of the LSE Space for Thought Literary Festival 2016, taking place from Monday 22 - Saturday 27 February 2016, with the theme 'Utopias'.
Muslims in Europe - Opportunities and Challenges: a lecture by Professor Akbar Ahmed
source: University of Nottingham 2016年6月2日
A public lecture presented by Professor Akbar Ahmed, Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies at the American University, Washington DC, and former High Commissioner of Pakistan to the UK. Recorded live at Keighton Auditorium, University Park 24 May 2016.
In conjunction with the Karimia Institute's trust building project: 'A forum of mutual trust, peace and reconciliation in British society through better understanding of each other'.
Linn Getz & Bruce McEwen | Precision, Personalized, and Social Medicine || Radcliffe Institute
source: Harvard University 2016年5月24日
As part of the DNA Lecture Series at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, the professors Linn Getz, of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and Bruce McEwen, of the Rockefeller University, present work in their respective fields of medicine, providing evidence that there is common ground for health collaboration between precision or personalized and social approaches to medicine.
Tom Gash / RSA Replay: Why People Do Bad Things
source: The RSA 2016年5月19日
What informs our views on crime? Why do myths prevail across the political spectrum? How can we begin to understand crime for what it is – as a risk that can be managed and, more importantly, reduced? In this talk at the RSA, policy adviser Tom Gash analyses how our obsession with universal rules to explain crime's causes can lead us to irreversible mistaken individual cases.
Embedded software testing by Madhukeshwara H M
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: nptelhrd 2015年6月17日
Electronics - Embedded software testing by Madhukeshwara H M, HCL Technologies, Bangalore. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in
Lec-01 Embedded Systems Basics Session 1 21:29
Lec-02 Embedded Systems BAsics Session 1 Contd.. 47:54
Lec-03 Prerequistics for Embedded Systems Testing 1:02:03
Lec-04 Test Case Designa and procedures1:31:51
Lec-05 Test Standards 58:49
Lec-06 Depicting Levels of Testing 1:04:58
Lec-07 Depicting Levels of Testing 56:35
Lec-08 Software Life Cycle 54:01
Lec-09 Embedded V-Model Life Cycle Contd.. 53:51
Lec-10 Embedded V-Model Life Cycle contd.. 56:22
Lec-11 Master Test Planning 1:01:41
Lec-12 Dynamic Testing 1:07:01
Lec-13 Black Box Testing 59:17
Lec-14 Black Box Testing 49:21
Lec-15 Black Box Testing54:50
Lec-16 Black Box Testing 58:26
Lec-17 Model Based Design Intro. 53:32
Lec-18 Dynamic Testing 57:05
Lec-19 Dynamic Testing 58:17
Lec-20 White box Testing 1:03:02
Lec-21 White Box Testing 52:03
Lec-22 Grey-box testing 1:02:33
Lec-23 Static Testing 1:00:19
Lec-24 Static Analysis 1:03:20
Lec-25 Static Analysis.. 1:01:44
Lec-26 Static Analysis.. 1:03:16
Lec-27 Test Metrics 58:58
Lec -28 Software Testing Metrics 56:12
Lec-29 Depicting Levels of Testing 1:01:21
Lec-30 Integration Test Strategy 1:00:52
Lec-31 Integration Tests Environment 1:02:34
Lec-32 Use Case Diagram 34:49
Lec-33 Configure Management Elements 55:42
Lec-34 SCM Activities 57:58
Lec-35 Test Management Tool 45:41
Lec-36 SCM Activities Contd.. 1:06:11
Lec-37 Overview Lecture 1 59:51
Lec-38 Unit Testing 16:21
Lec-39 Unit Testing Contd.. 27:49
Lec-40 Understading C++ 54:05
Lec-41 Unit Testing 42:08
Lec-42 Level Testing 47:32
Lec-43 Identify Test Cases 14:09
source: nptelhrd 2015年6月17日
Electronics - Embedded software testing by Madhukeshwara H M, HCL Technologies, Bangalore. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in
Lec-01 Embedded Systems Basics Session 1 21:29
Lec-02 Embedded Systems BAsics Session 1 Contd.. 47:54
Lec-03 Prerequistics for Embedded Systems Testing 1:02:03
Lec-04 Test Case Designa and procedures1:31:51
Lec-05 Test Standards 58:49
Lec-06 Depicting Levels of Testing 1:04:58
Lec-07 Depicting Levels of Testing 56:35
Lec-08 Software Life Cycle 54:01
Lec-09 Embedded V-Model Life Cycle Contd.. 53:51
Lec-10 Embedded V-Model Life Cycle contd.. 56:22
Lec-11 Master Test Planning 1:01:41
Lec-12 Dynamic Testing 1:07:01
Lec-13 Black Box Testing 59:17
Lec-14 Black Box Testing 49:21
Lec-15 Black Box Testing54:50
Lec-16 Black Box Testing 58:26
Lec-17 Model Based Design Intro. 53:32
Lec-18 Dynamic Testing 57:05
Lec-19 Dynamic Testing 58:17
Lec-20 White box Testing 1:03:02
Lec-21 White Box Testing 52:03
Lec-22 Grey-box testing 1:02:33
Lec-23 Static Testing 1:00:19
Lec-24 Static Analysis 1:03:20
Lec-25 Static Analysis.. 1:01:44
Lec-26 Static Analysis.. 1:03:16
Lec-27 Test Metrics 58:58
Lec -28 Software Testing Metrics 56:12
Lec-29 Depicting Levels of Testing 1:01:21
Lec-30 Integration Test Strategy 1:00:52
Lec-31 Integration Tests Environment 1:02:34
Lec-32 Use Case Diagram 34:49
Lec-33 Configure Management Elements 55:42
Lec-34 SCM Activities 57:58
Lec-35 Test Management Tool 45:41
Lec-36 SCM Activities Contd.. 1:06:11
Lec-37 Overview Lecture 1 59:51
Lec-38 Unit Testing 16:21
Lec-39 Unit Testing Contd.. 27:49
Lec-40 Understading C++ 54:05
Lec-41 Unit Testing 42:08
Lec-42 Level Testing 47:32
Lec-43 Identify Test Cases 14:09
T.E. Venkata Balaji: Advanced Complex Analysis - Part 1 (IIT Madras)
# playlist of the 43 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)
source: nptelhrd 2015年7月31日
Mathematics - Advanced Complex Analysis - Part 1 by Dr. T.E. Venkata Balaji, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in
Lec-01 Fundamental Theorems Connected with Zeros of Analytic Functions 58:10
Lec-02 The Argument (Counting) Principle, Rouche's Theorem and The Fundamental Theorem 52:29
Lec-03 Morera's Theorem and Normal Limits of Analytic Functions 52:09
Lec-04 Hurwitz's Theorem and Normal Limits of Univalent Functions 56:54
Lec-05 Local Constancy of Multiplicities of Assumed Values 52:00
Lec-06 The Open Mapping Theorem 1:08:37
Lec-07 Introduction to the Inverse Function Theorem 45:21
Lec-08 Completion of the Proof of the Inverse Function Theorem: The Integral Inversion 44:37
Lec-09 Univalent Analytic Functions have never-zero Derivatives and are Analytic Isomorphisms 47:53
Lec-10 Introduction to the Implicit Function Theorem 40:31
Lec-11 Proof of the Implicit Function Theorem: Topological Preliminaries 47:52
Lec-12 Proof of the Implicit Function Theorem: The Integral Formula for & Analyticity 53:50
Lec-13 Doing Complex Analysis on a Real Surface: The Idea of a Riemann Surface 55:45
Lec-14 F(z,w)=0 is naturally a Riemann Surface 47:11
Lec-15 Constructing the Riemann Surface for the Complex Logarithm 1:03:23
Lec-16 Constructing the Riemann Surface for the m-th root function 1:00:27
Lec-17 The Riemann Surface for the functional inverse of an analytic 48:06
Lec-18 The Algebraic nature of the functional inverses of an analytic 48:25
Lec-19 The Idea of a Direct Analytic Continuation or an Analytic Extension 51:31
Lec-20 General or Indirect Analytic Continuation and the Lipschitz Nature of the Radius 36:57
Lec-21A Analytic Continuation Along Paths via Power Series Part A 30:33
Lec-21B Analytic Continuation Along Paths via Power Series Part B 35:38
Lec-22 Continuity of Coefficients occurring in Families of Power Series defining Analytic 52:15
Lec-23 Analytic Continuability along Paths: Dependence on the Initial Function 44:40
Lec-24 Maximal Domains of Direct and Indirect Analytic Continuation: Second 42:26
Lec-25 Deducing the Second (Simply Connected) Version of the Monodromy Theorem 49:40
Lec-27 Existence and Uniqueness of Analytic Continuations on Nearby Paths 47:50
Lec-28 Proof of the First (Homotopy) Version of the Monodromy Theorem 48:06
Lec-30 Proof of the Algebraic Nature of Analytic Branches of the Functional Inverse 45:10
Lec-31 The Mean-Value Property, Harmonic Functions and the Maximum Principle 1:02:23
Lec-32 Proofs of Maximum Principles and Introduction to Schwarz's Lemma 48:49
Lec-33 Proof of Schwarz's Lemma and Uniqueness of Riemann Mappings 46:50
Lec-34 Reducing Existence of Riemann Mappings to Hyperbolic Geometry of Sub-domains 48:56
Lec 35 Part A Differential or Infinitesimal Schwarz's Lemma, Pick's Lemma, Hyperbolic 54:57
Lec-35 Part B Differential or Infinitesimal Schwarz's Lemma, Pick's Lemma, Hyperbolic 53:16
Lec-36 Hyperbolic Geodesics for the Hyperbolic Metric on the Unit Disc 48:58
Lec-37 Schwarz-Pick Lemma for the Hyperbolic Metric on the Unit Disc 53:27
Lec-38 Arzela-Ascoli Theorem: Under Uniform Boundedness, Equicontinuity and Uniform 46:10
Lec-39 Completion of the Proof of the Arzela-Ascoli Theorem and Introduction 37:41
Lec-40 The Proof of Montel's Theorem 50:08
Lec-41 The Candidate for a Riemann Mapping 48:13
Lec-42A Completion of Proof of The Riemann Mapping Theorem 38:17
Lec-42B Completion of Proof of The Riemann Mapping Theorem 42:17
source: nptelhrd 2015年7月31日
Mathematics - Advanced Complex Analysis - Part 1 by Dr. T.E. Venkata Balaji, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in
Lec-01 Fundamental Theorems Connected with Zeros of Analytic Functions 58:10
Lec-02 The Argument (Counting) Principle, Rouche's Theorem and The Fundamental Theorem 52:29
Lec-03 Morera's Theorem and Normal Limits of Analytic Functions 52:09
Lec-04 Hurwitz's Theorem and Normal Limits of Univalent Functions 56:54
Lec-05 Local Constancy of Multiplicities of Assumed Values 52:00
Lec-06 The Open Mapping Theorem 1:08:37
Lec-07 Introduction to the Inverse Function Theorem 45:21
Lec-08 Completion of the Proof of the Inverse Function Theorem: The Integral Inversion 44:37
Lec-09 Univalent Analytic Functions have never-zero Derivatives and are Analytic Isomorphisms 47:53
Lec-10 Introduction to the Implicit Function Theorem 40:31
Lec-11 Proof of the Implicit Function Theorem: Topological Preliminaries 47:52
Lec-12 Proof of the Implicit Function Theorem: The Integral Formula for & Analyticity 53:50
Lec-13 Doing Complex Analysis on a Real Surface: The Idea of a Riemann Surface 55:45
Lec-14 F(z,w)=0 is naturally a Riemann Surface 47:11
Lec-15 Constructing the Riemann Surface for the Complex Logarithm 1:03:23
Lec-16 Constructing the Riemann Surface for the m-th root function 1:00:27
Lec-17 The Riemann Surface for the functional inverse of an analytic 48:06
Lec-18 The Algebraic nature of the functional inverses of an analytic 48:25
Lec-19 The Idea of a Direct Analytic Continuation or an Analytic Extension 51:31
Lec-20 General or Indirect Analytic Continuation and the Lipschitz Nature of the Radius 36:57
Lec-21A Analytic Continuation Along Paths via Power Series Part A 30:33
Lec-21B Analytic Continuation Along Paths via Power Series Part B 35:38
Lec-22 Continuity of Coefficients occurring in Families of Power Series defining Analytic 52:15
Lec-23 Analytic Continuability along Paths: Dependence on the Initial Function 44:40
Lec-24 Maximal Domains of Direct and Indirect Analytic Continuation: Second 42:26
Lec-25 Deducing the Second (Simply Connected) Version of the Monodromy Theorem 49:40
Lec-27 Existence and Uniqueness of Analytic Continuations on Nearby Paths 47:50
Lec-28 Proof of the First (Homotopy) Version of the Monodromy Theorem 48:06
Lec-30 Proof of the Algebraic Nature of Analytic Branches of the Functional Inverse 45:10
Lec-31 The Mean-Value Property, Harmonic Functions and the Maximum Principle 1:02:23
Lec-32 Proofs of Maximum Principles and Introduction to Schwarz's Lemma 48:49
Lec-33 Proof of Schwarz's Lemma and Uniqueness of Riemann Mappings 46:50
Lec-34 Reducing Existence of Riemann Mappings to Hyperbolic Geometry of Sub-domains 48:56
Lec 35 Part A Differential or Infinitesimal Schwarz's Lemma, Pick's Lemma, Hyperbolic 54:57
Lec-35 Part B Differential or Infinitesimal Schwarz's Lemma, Pick's Lemma, Hyperbolic 53:16
Lec-36 Hyperbolic Geodesics for the Hyperbolic Metric on the Unit Disc 48:58
Lec-37 Schwarz-Pick Lemma for the Hyperbolic Metric on the Unit Disc 53:27
Lec-38 Arzela-Ascoli Theorem: Under Uniform Boundedness, Equicontinuity and Uniform 46:10
Lec-39 Completion of the Proof of the Arzela-Ascoli Theorem and Introduction 37:41
Lec-40 The Proof of Montel's Theorem 50:08
Lec-41 The Candidate for a Riemann Mapping 48:13
Lec-42A Completion of Proof of The Riemann Mapping Theorem 38:17
Lec-42B Completion of Proof of The Riemann Mapping Theorem 42:17
Novel Separation Processes by Sirshendu De (IIT Kharagpur)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: nptelhrd 2012年4月10日
Chemical - Novel Separation Processes by Dr. Sirshendu De, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
Lec-01 Fundamentals of Separation Processes 54:21
Lec-02 Identification of Novel Separation Processes 52:22
Lec-03 Membrane Separation Processes 52:23
Lec-04 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...1) 53:14
Lec-05 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...2) 52:33
Lec-06 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...3) 56:33
Lec-07 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...4)52:12
Lec-08 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...5) 55:25
Lec-09 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...6) 49:56
Lec-10 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...7) 54:33
Lec-11 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...8) 53:40
Lec-12 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...9) 54:00
Lec-13 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...10) 54:11
Lec-14 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...11) 56:02
Lec-15 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...12) 52:44
Lec-16 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...13) 56:12
Lec-17 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...14) 53:05
Lec-18 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...15) 53:45
Lec-19 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...16) 58:40
Lec-20 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...17) 55:45
Lec-21 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...18) 58:29
Lec-22 External Field Induced Membrane Separation Processes 54:37
Lec-23 External Field Induced Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...1) 56:22
Lec-24 External Field Induced Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...2) 57:13
Lec-25 External Field Induced Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...3) 54:53
Lec-26 External Field Induced Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...4) 54:01
Lec-27 Gas Separation 53:26
Lec-28 Gas Separation (Contd.) 55:17
Lec-29 Surfactant Based Separation Processes 57:48
Lec-30 Surfactant Based Separation Processes (Contd.) 53:51
Lec-31 Micellar Enhanced Ultrafiltration 53:33
Lec-32 Micellar Enhanced Ultrafiltration (Contd.) 56:50
Lec-33 Liquid Membranes 54:42
Lec-34 Liquid Membranes (Contd.) 58:35
Lec-35 Centrifugal Separation Processes 57:10
Lec-36 Chromatographic Separation Processes 56:17
Lec-37 Chromatographic Separation Processes (Contd.) 55:01
Lec-38 Ion Exchange Processes 57:17
Lec-39 Electrophoretic Separation Methods 53:48
Lec-40 Electrophoretic Separation Methods (Contd.) 52:51
Lec-41 Supercritical Fluid Extraction 55:4
source: nptelhrd 2012年4月10日
Chemical - Novel Separation Processes by Dr. Sirshendu De, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
Lec-01 Fundamentals of Separation Processes 54:21
Lec-02 Identification of Novel Separation Processes 52:22
Lec-03 Membrane Separation Processes 52:23
Lec-04 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...1) 53:14
Lec-05 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...2) 52:33
Lec-06 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...3) 56:33
Lec-07 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...4)52:12
Lec-08 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...5) 55:25
Lec-09 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...6) 49:56
Lec-10 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...7) 54:33
Lec-11 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...8) 53:40
Lec-12 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...9) 54:00
Lec-13 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...10) 54:11
Lec-14 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...11) 56:02
Lec-15 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...12) 52:44
Lec-16 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...13) 56:12
Lec-17 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...14) 53:05
Lec-18 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...15) 53:45
Lec-19 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...16) 58:40
Lec-20 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...17) 55:45
Lec-21 Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...18) 58:29
Lec-22 External Field Induced Membrane Separation Processes 54:37
Lec-23 External Field Induced Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...1) 56:22
Lec-24 External Field Induced Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...2) 57:13
Lec-25 External Field Induced Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...3) 54:53
Lec-26 External Field Induced Membrane Separation Processes (Contd...4) 54:01
Lec-27 Gas Separation 53:26
Lec-28 Gas Separation (Contd.) 55:17
Lec-29 Surfactant Based Separation Processes 57:48
Lec-30 Surfactant Based Separation Processes (Contd.) 53:51
Lec-31 Micellar Enhanced Ultrafiltration 53:33
Lec-32 Micellar Enhanced Ultrafiltration (Contd.) 56:50
Lec-33 Liquid Membranes 54:42
Lec-34 Liquid Membranes (Contd.) 58:35
Lec-35 Centrifugal Separation Processes 57:10
Lec-36 Chromatographic Separation Processes 56:17
Lec-37 Chromatographic Separation Processes (Contd.) 55:01
Lec-38 Ion Exchange Processes 57:17
Lec-39 Electrophoretic Separation Methods 53:48
Lec-40 Electrophoretic Separation Methods (Contd.) 52:51
Lec-41 Supercritical Fluid Extraction 55:4
Instability & Patterning of Thin Polymer Films by R. Mukherjee (IIT Kharagpur)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: nptelhrd 2013年2月19日
Chemical - Instability & Patterning of Thin Polymer Films by Dr. R. Mukherjee, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
Lec-01 Introduction 53:16
source: nptelhrd 2013年2月19日
Chemical - Instability & Patterning of Thin Polymer Films by Dr. R. Mukherjee, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
Lec-01 Introduction 53:16
Lec-40 Gradient Surfaces 57:07
Nile Rodgers: "In Conversation with The Hitmaker" | Talks At Google
source: Talks at Google 2016年6月23日
Nile Rodgers joins Talks at Google to talk about his career, FOLD Festival and "The Hitmaker".
About Nile Rodgers:
Among music legends, Nile Rodgers is truly exceptional. He amplifies his legacy as a Grammy-winning composer, producer, arranger, and guitarist by constantly traversing new musical terrain and successfully expanding the boundaries of popular music. As the co-founder of CHIC, Rodgers pioneered a musical language that sparked the advent of hip-hop with "Good Times," distinguished CHIC as the "most sampled band in history" (The Guardian, 2011), won CHIC nine Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nominations, and generated groundbreaking pop hits like "Le Freak," which was inducted into the 2015 Grammy Hall of Fame. His career-defining productions for David Bowie (Let's Dance), Madonna (Like A Virgin), Diana Ross (diana), and Sister Sledge (We Are Family), plus his work with artists like Duran Duran, INXS, Mick Jagger, Grace Jones, Steve Winwood, Peter Gabriel, The B-52s, and Michael Jackson, have sold over 200 million albums and 50 million singles worldwide while his innovative, trendsetting collaborations with Daft Punk, Avicii, Disclosure, and Sam Smith reflect the vanguard of contemporary music. His FOLD Festival (http://foldfestival.com/) is currently in its second year on Long Island and is debuting in London for the very first time.
In addition to headlining the world's most prestigious venues, Rodgers' many endeavors include his roles as Chairman and Founder of the We Are Family Foundation (WAFF), serving on the NARAS Board of Governors, giving keynote speeches at events for noted media companies like FremantleMedia as well as conferences like Google Zeitgeist and the International Music Summit (IMS) in Ibiza, scoring music for blockbuster films, writing the critically acclaimed autobiography Le Freak: An Upside Down Story of Family, Disco and Destiny (2011), and distributing soundtracks for popular AAA video games via his national distribution company and record label Sumthing Distribution and Sumthing Else Music Works. "The full scope of Nile Rodgers' career is still hard to fathom, and it's not just ongoing, it's in overdrive," Rolling Stone recently remarked, naming Rodgers one of "the 50 Most Important People in EDM" (2014). Indeed, Rodgers' unrivaled track record is a mere glimpse of what's yet to come.
Learn more at http://www.nilerodgers.com.
Event moderated by Anant Shukla.
Flutter's Rendering Pipeline
source: GoogleTechTalks 2016年5月16日
Google Tech Talk, May 5th, 2016, presented by Adam Barth
ABSTRACT: Archimedes once said "give me a deep enough pipeline, and I shall move the world." Well, that's what he should have said in any case. This talk will describe the nuts and bolts of how Flutter transforms a tree of widgets into pixels on the screen at 60 Hz by pushing data through its pipeline of layout, painting, compositing, and finally rasterization.
To learn more about Flutter and how it helps developers build mobile apps, please visit https://flutter.io
See Ian Hickson's Google TechTalk on Flutter's Layered Design at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkyY9...
Saul Williams: "MartyrLoserKing" | Talks at Google
source: Talks at Google 2016年5月23日
Talks at Google and The Black Googler Network hosted Saul Williams at Google's office in Chicago, IL to discuss his album MartyrLoserKing and book US(a.). This compelling talk covers technology, culture, art, politics, and creativity -- and features both spoken word and musical performances by Saul.
Saul Williams is a poet, musician, actor, and writer who has infused his art with social and political commentary. He's been called “the poet laureate of hip-hop” (CNN), has published five books of poetry, and currently stands as one of the highest-selling poets of all time.
Saul Williams has been breaking ground since his debut album, Amethyst Rock Star (2001) all the way through his latest release, MartyrLoserKing (2016), a sprawling concept album about a cyber hacker living in the East African country of Burundi, equal parts Snowden and Banksy. Williams’ musical work is an amalgam of hip-hop, punk, dance music, and rock, and has released albums with Trent Reznor as well as Rick Rubin. His work shifts between styles as effortlessly as it weaves webs of interconnected ideas.
In his latest book, US(a.), Saul Williams presents his ideas, observations, realizations, dreams, and questions about the state of America, the American psyche, and what it means to be American.
Saul Williams has performed in over 30 countries and read in over 300 universities, with invitations that have spanned from the White House, the Sydney Opera House, Lincoln Center, The Louvre, The Getty Center, Queen Elizabeth Hall, to countless, villages, townships, community centers, and prisons across the world. The Newburgh, New York native gained a BA from Morehouse and an MFA from Tisch, and has gone on to record with Nine Inch Nails and Allen Ginsburg, among many more.
The conversation was moderated by Josh Pyle, and introduced by Fabian Elliott.