

Trevor Martin, Coordinated evolution of gene expression across 309 marine microbial species

source: Stanford     2016年5月31日
On March 1, 2016, Mr. Martin delivered this talk at the annual CEHG symposium on Stanford campus. CEHG is Stanford's Center for Computational, Evolutionary and Human Genomics.

Art of the Demo: Activity Mapping By Juan Francisco Saldarriaga

source: Columbia     2016年5月13日
Event: Columbia University Libraries' Data Visualization Week: The Art of Data Visualization
Foursquare check-ins? Citibike rides? Open data can tell us a lot about our cities and how we use them: what we think of them, how we feel about them and how we live in them. In this talk we will present two research projects that use this data to explore and understand how people live in New York. We will analyze check-in data from Foursquare and Facebook to examine how social media activity relates to socio-economic factors and what this kind of data can tell us about how people feel about the modern city. We will also analyze Citibike ride data visualizing the imbalance problems the system faces. All of this, while also exploring multiple ways of representing spatial data.
Hosted by: Columbia University's Science and Engineering Library

Summer Science Exhibition 2016: Diamond - more than just a gemstone

source: The Royal Society    2016年6月9日
The unique material with a glittering future.
Imagine a diamond. What do you see? Many people will think of a glittering gemstone on jewellery. But the amazing properties of diamond make it ideal for a host of cutting edge applications in electronics, computing, sensing, measuring and more. Our exhibit will highlight the extreme properties and enormous potential of this material, revealing diamond as so much more than just a gemstone.
Our free, week-long festival (Monday 4 July - Sunday 10 July) features 22 curated exhibits and a series of inspiring talks and activities for all ages.

Combustion by S. R. Chakravarthy (at IIT Madras)

# Click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: nptelhrd    2016年6月5日
Aerospace - Combustion by Prof. S.R. Chakravarthy, Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

Lec-01 Introduction 46:46

V. Balakrishnan: Physics - Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics (at IIT Madras)

# Click the up-left corner for the playlist of the 36 videos 

source: nptelhrd     2016年6月9日
Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics by Prof. V. Balakrishnan, Department of Physics, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http //nptel.ac.in

Lec-01 Recapitulation of equilibrium statistical mechanics 50:36
Lec-02 The Langevin model (Part 1) 52:25
Lec-03 The Langevin model (Part 2) 51:20
Lec-04 The Langevin model (Part 3) 57:12
Lec-05 The Langevin model (Part 4) 49:57
Lec-06 Linear response theory (Part 1) 47:55
Lec-07 Linear response theory (Part 2) 51:08
Lec-08 Linear response (Part 3) 50:24
Lec-09 Linear response(Part 4) 49:40
Lec-10 Linear response (Part 5) 49:05
Lec-11 Linear response (Part 6) 49:19
Lec-12 Linear response theory (Part 7) 52:16
Lec-13 Quiz 1 - Questions and answers 51:17
Lec-14 Linear response theory (Part 8) 48:23
Lec-15 Linear response theory (Part 9) 56:45
Lec-16 The dynamic mobility 52:21
Lec-17 Fokker-Planck equations (Part 1) 50:22
Lec-18 Fokker-Planck equations (Part 2) 52:36
Lec-19 Fokker-Planck equations (Part 3) 1:00:26
Lec-20 The generalized Langevin equation (Part 1) 1:00:14
Lec-21 The generalized Langevin equation (Part 2) 56:27
Lec-22 Diffusion in a magnetic field 51:17
Lec-23 The Boltzmann equation for a dilute gas (Part 1) 57:24
Lec-24 The Boltzmann equation for a dilute gas (Part 2) 54:58
Lec-25 The Boltzmann equation for a dilute gas (Part 3) 52:12
Lec-26 The Boltzmann equation for a dilute gas (Part 4) 56:23
Lec-27 The Boltzmann equation for a dilute gas (Part 5) 53:51
Lec-28 Quiz 2 - Questions and answers 59:06
Lec-29 Critical phenomena (Part 1) 1:06:56
Lec-30 Critical phenomena (Part 2) 1:03:44
Lec-31 Critical phenomena (Part 3) 1:04:57
Lec-32 Critical phenomena (Part 4) 57:26
Lec-33 Critical phenomena (Part 5) 1:00:27
Lec-34 Critical phenomena (Part 6) 51:11
Lec-35 Critical phenomena (Part 7) 53:47
Lec-36 The Wiener process (standard Brownian motion) 1:03:10

動漫文化與性別--王佩迪 / 交大

# 播放清單 (請按影片左上角選取單元影片)

source: nctuocw 2016年5月30日/ 上次更新:2016年6月2日


第一講 動漫文化中的多元性別 1:15:03
第二講 大眾媒體中的性別建構:基本概念介紹 1:26:27
第三講 少年漫畫中的性別角色:性別特質 41:23
第四講 美少女遊戲 萌系動漫與宅男的情慾幻想 (1/2) 1:06:49
第四講 美少女遊戲 萌系動漫與宅男的情慾幻想 (2/2) 32:21
第五講 少女漫畫中的親密關係:少女漫畫史 54:47
第五講 少女漫畫中的親密關係:父權制度 1:16:13
第六講 乙女遊戲與淑女漫畫:女性情慾與理想男性 30:31
第七講 從少女漫畫到少年愛與BL 1:05:24
第七講 厭女、恐同與腐女的入出櫃 41:58
第八講 色情動漫中的性別權力 1:02:31
第九講 動漫中的多元性別與多元家庭 56:53
第十講 動漫文化中的性別越界與性別扮演 1:17:08
第十一講 正太文化與偽娘 34:24
第十二講 百合文化、魔法少女與東方系列 1:03:51

Flight Dynamics II (Stability) by Nandan Kumar Sinha (at IIT Madras)

# Click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: nptelhrd    2012年7月17日
Aerospace - Flight Dynamics II (Stability) by Prof. Nandan Kumar Sinha, Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

Mod-01 Lec-01 Earth Atmosphere,Aircraft components,Aircraft nomenclature 47:57
Lec-02 Basic aerodynamics 56:14
Lec-03 Equilibrium and stability 51:56
Lec-04 Static vs dynamic stability 41:50
Lec-05 Criterion for stability,Wing contribution 42:00
Lec-06 Horizontal tail contribution 52:34
Lec-07 Wing plus tail contribution 49:30
Lec-08 Static margin and CG limits 45:51
Lec-09 Fuselage contribution 49:23
Lec-10 Powerplant contribution 48:02
Lec-11 Power effects on neutral point 47:30
Lec-12 Elevator 41:21
Lec-13 Stick free stability, Most fwd CG location 47:40
Lec-14 Longitudinal stick force per 'g', Ground effect 44:14
Lec-15 Control requirement, Pull-up maneuver, Maneuver point 50:43
Lec-16 Elevator per 'g' , Maneuver point 49:39
Lec-17 Example problems 49:56
Lec-18 Lateral-Directional Stability Derivatives, Fuselage/Vertical fin contribution 50:12
Lec-19 Roll stability, Wing sweep effect, Rudder 48:40
Lec-20 Dihedral effect, Various contributions 44:57
Lec-21 Power effects, Roll control, Aileron 40:09
Lec-22 Example problems 51:13
Lec-23 Derivation of Translational Motion Equations 43:40
Lec-24 Derivation of Angular Motion Equations 50:57
Lec-25 Description of various forces and moments 42:40
Lec-26 Nonlinearities and Associated Aircraft Behavior 52:11
Lec-27 Small perturbation method, Linearization of equations 45:49
Lec-28 Aerodynamic force and Moment Derivatives 50:59
Lec-29 Contribution of Aircraft components to Aerodynamic Derivatives 52:23
Lec-30 Linear Model and Aircraft Dynamics Modes 52:05
Lec-31 Short Period, Phugoid(Lanchester's formulation) 48:27
Lec-32 Short period mode approximation 49:36
Lec-33 Flying and Handling Qualities, Cooper Harper Scale 48:15
Lec-34 Pure rolling motion, Pure yawing motion,Spiral approximation 50:10
Lec-35 Spiral, Roll, Dutch roll Mode approximations 48:54
Lec-36 Lateral directional Flying Qualities, Routh's Stability criterion 45:06
Lec-37 Stability in Steady Roll Maneuver 49:26
Lec-38 Wind Effect on Aircraft Pure Plunging Motion 47:14
Lec-39 Wind Profiles, Longitudinal Mode Response to Wind Shear 43:06
Lec-40 Stability control/Augmentation 44:32
Lec-41 Autopilots, Automatic Landing System 42:59

Acoustic Instabilities in Aerospace Propulsion by R. I. Sujith (IIT Madras)

# Click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: nptelhrd     2012年12月28日
Aerospace - Acoustic Instabilities in Aerospace Propulsion by Prof. R.I. Sujith, Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

Lecture 1 : Introduction to Thermoacoustic Instabilities 50:19
Lecture 2 : Part I : Introduction to Acoustics Part II : Conservation Equations 53:14
Lecture 3 : Wave Equation and its Solution in Time Domain 52:14
Lecture 4 : Part I : Harmonic Waves Part II : Acoustic Energy Corollory 49:47
Lecture 5 : Standing Waves 49:38
Lecture 6 : Standing Waves -- 2 51:33
Lecture 7 : Power Flow and Acoustic Admittance 50:30
Lecture 8 : Impedance Tube Technique 48:59
Lecture 9 : Admittance and Standing Waves 48:59
Lecture 10 : Admittance,Stability and Attenuation 47:57
Lecture 11 : Attenuation : Continued Sound Propagation Through Inhomogeneous Media - 1 51:27
Lecture 12 : Sound Propagation Through Inhomogeneous Media - 2 49:37
Lecture 13 : Sound Propagation Through Inhomogeneous Media - 3 49:11
Lecture 14 : Multidimensional Acoustic Fields - 1 50:34
Lecture 15 : Multidimensional Acoustic Fields - 2 49:30
Lecture 16 : Interaction between Sound and Combustion 48:59
17 Lecture 17 : Reference Books Derivation of Rayleigh Criteria 50:30
Lecture 18 : Effect of Heat release on the Acoustic Field 49:03
Lecture 19 : Modal Analysis of Thermoacoustic Instability - 1 48:40
Lecture 20 : Modal Analysis of Thermoacoustic Instability - 2 43:32
Lecture 21 : Active Control of Thermoacoustic Instability 50:42
Lecture 22 : Toy model for a Rijke tube in Time Domain 53:21
Lecture 23 : Galerkin Technique for Thermoacoustics 46:37
Lecture 24 : Evolution Equation for Thermoacoustics 50:09
Lecture 25 : Non linear analysis of Thermoacoustic Instability 50:11
Lecture 26 : Non-normality, Transient Growth and Triggering Instability - 1 46:57
Lecture 27 : Non-normality, Transient Growth and Triggering Instability - 2 49:15
Lecture 28 : Non-normality, Transient Growth and Triggering Instability - 3 50:50
Lecture 29 : Bifurcations 49:06
Lecture 30 : Premixed Flame Acoustic Interaction - 1 48:23
Lecture 31 : Premixed Flame Acoustic Interaction - 2 45:11
Lecture 32 : Combustion instability due to Equivalence Ratio Fluctuation 50:17
Lecture 33 : Role of Hydrodynamic Instabilities - 1 47:07
Lecture 34 : Role of Hydrodynamic Instabilities - 2 51:38
Lecture 35 : Role of Hydrodynamic Instabilities - 3 47:50
Lecture 36 : Active Control of Thermoacoustic Instability Revisited 52:05
Lecture 37 : Solid Propellant Combustion Instability - 1 51:17
Lecture 38 : Solid Propellant Combustion Instability - 2 48:20
Lecture 39 : Response of a Diffusion Flame to Acoustic Oscillations -1 43:35
Lecture 40 : Response of a Diffusion Flame to Acoustic Oscillations - 2 43:21
Lecture 41 : Response of a Diffusion Flame to Acoustic Oscillations - 3 53:38

Richard Barker: "Multiple Monitors of the Mind" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google     2016年6月15日
Hypnotherapist and comedian Richard Barker came by the Google NYC office to deliver a program called "Multiple Monitors of the Mind," which demonstrates a laser focus through Self Hypnosis Mastery and multi-tasking explained through the subconscious mind.

High achievers all have one thing in common -- guided focus. During the event, Richard will talk about multi and micro subconscious tasking and having multiple monitors in the mind. It has been proven that each thought and task becomes degraded with multiple focus -- so how do we laser focus on individual achievement?

Hypnosis is the continuous stream of focus that creates the clear visualization of the end product. Staying internally focused on a given suggestion is more powerful than knowledge. Therefore, the instant you think of something else, the task in hand diminishes. You will learn how to self-hypnotize and may even realize some of you are doing it already.

Jessica Herrin: "Find Your Extraordinary" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google    2016年6月6日
Jessica Herrin, CEO & Founder of Stella & Dot, joins Talks at Google for a Q&A as she discusses her book "Find Your Extraordinary: Dream Bigger, Live Happier, and Achieve Success on Your Own Terms".

What if you could, with a little effort, live an extraordinary life? A life in which you felt deep passion for everything you did, and always had time for what matters most? A life in which you had the power, the daring, and the will to make your boldest dreams come true, all while you happily left feelings of inadequacy or guilt behind?
In FIND YOUR EXTRAORDINARY: DREAM BIGGER, LIVE HAPPIER, AND ACHIEVE SUCCESS ON YOUR OWN TERMS Jessica DiLullo Herrin, serial entrepreneur and founder and CEO of Stella & Dot Family Brands, shows how the classic traits of a successful entrepreneur are ones each of us can develop to live an extraordinary life, whether we work a corporate job, run a family, or run our own business. Offering realistic and attainable steps to achieve success on our own terms, Herrin inspires and empowers us to dial up the sound of our own voices and make our authentic dreams a reality.
Moderated by Jesse Haines, Director for Google Accessories.

Nancy Hachisu: "Preserving the Japanese Way" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google     2016年5月16日
Nancy's latest book, Preserving the Japanese Way: Traditions of Salting, Fermenting, and Pickling for the Modern Kitchen offers a clear road map for preserving fruits, vegetables, and fish through a nonscientific, farm- or fisherman-centric approach. Recipe methods range from the ultratraditional— Umeboshi (Salted Sour Plums), Takuan (Half-Dried Daikon Pickled in Rice Bran), and Hakusai (Fermented Napa Cabbage) — to the modern: Zucchini Pickled in Shoyu Koji, Turnips Pickled with Sour Plums, and Small Melons in Sake Lees. Preserving the Japanese Way also introduces and demystifies one of the most fascinating ingredients to hit the food scene in a decade: koji. Koji is neither new nor unusual in the landscape of Japan fermentation, but it has become a cult favorite for quick pickling or marinades. Preserving the Japanese Way is a book about community, seasonality as the root of preserved food, and ultimately about why both are relevant in our lives today.