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How the choices you make can affect your genes - Carlos Guerrero-Bosagna
source: TED-Ed 2016年6月27日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-the-cho...
Here’s a conundrum: Identical twins originate from the same DNA ... so how can they turn out so different — even in traits that have a significant genetic component? Carlos Guerrero-Bosagna explains that while nature versus nurture has a lot to do with it, a deeper, related answer can be found within something called epigenetics.
Lesson by Carlos Guerrero-Bosagna, animation by Chris Bishop.
Ellen Brown on Why We Should Own the Banks
source: The RSA 2016年4月10日
Banks create money – nearly all of it. Should we recapture the sovereign power to create money by reclaiming ownership of the banks? Founder and President of the Public Banking Institute Ellen Brown argues that we need to own the banks – or at least some of them – in order to ensure the safety of our deposits, public and private; to reclaim the profits for the public interest; to reclaim control over where our credit goes and on what terms; and to cut the costs of government.
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Missed our last edit with Michael Levine on Children’s Reading? Watch it here:https://youtu.be/EbbcTX3uCmM
Friedrich Nietzsche: Will to Power (Part I: Lectures 1-199) by Jason J. Campbell
# Click the up-left corner for the playlist of the 200 videos
source: drjasonjcampbell 2011年5月12日/上次更新:2014年5月25日
source: drjasonjcampbell 2011年5月12日/上次更新:2014年5月25日
日本當代建築--曾光宗 / 交大
# 播放清單 (請按影片的右上角選取影片)
source: nctuocw 2016年5月17日
Lec 01 課程介紹 18:04
Lec 02文明開化的想望:日本與西洋建築相遇 2:38:10
Lec 03 日本現代建築的萌芽 2:28:17
Lec 04 現代主義「濾鏡」下的傳統理解:建築中的「日本特質」 2:21:42
Lec 05 國家成長中的「建築事件」與「建築師」 2:07:21
Lec 06 日本建築師的系譜與學派 1:05:00
Lec 07 追求國家自明性的建築師-丹下健三 1:19:46
Lec 08 強調理性與抽象的「白派」建築師 2:32:51
Lec 09 崇尚土地與情感的「紅派」建築師 2:17:43
source: nctuocw 2016年5月17日
Lec 01 課程介紹 18:04
Lec 02文明開化的想望:日本與西洋建築相遇 2:38:10
Lec 03 日本現代建築的萌芽 2:28:17
Lec 04 現代主義「濾鏡」下的傳統理解:建築中的「日本特質」 2:21:42
Lec 05 國家成長中的「建築事件」與「建築師」 2:07:21
Lec 06 日本建築師的系譜與學派 1:05:00
Lec 07 追求國家自明性的建築師-丹下健三 1:19:46
Lec 08 強調理性與抽象的「白派」建築師 2:32:51
Lec 09 崇尚土地與情感的「紅派」建築師 2:17:43
Lec 10 惡戰苦鬥的建築師-安藤忠雄 2:27:08
Lec 11 東京的歷史、都市與建築 2:32:20
Lec 12 「2020東京奧運」及東京的再生與都市躍進 1:27:33
Lec 13 關西建築的浪漫與傳說 1:12:43
Lec 14 日本建築師公會的挑戰與志向 2:02:57
Lec 15 「開東合西」:1985年台日建築師聯展之後 1:04:14
Lec 11 東京的歷史、都市與建築 2:32:20
Lec 12 「2020東京奧運」及東京的再生與都市躍進 1:27:33
Lec 13 關西建築的浪漫與傳說 1:12:43
Lec 14 日本建築師公會的挑戰與志向 2:02:57
Lec 15 「開東合西」:1985年台日建築師聯展之後 1:04:14
Harry Kazianis “'Shamefare': A New United States Strategy For the South China Sea”
source: Yale University 2016年5月13日
Harry Kazianis, Fellow for National Security Policy at the Potomac Foundation. Presented at Conflict in the South China Sea, May 6-7, 2016.
An international conference at Yale exploring the history of the ongoing dispute in the South China Sea, featuring speakers from universities and research institutions in Australia, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, the Philippines, and across the United States. The two-day event was hosted by Yale’s Council on Southeast Asian Studies http://cseas.yale.edu/, with additional support from the Council on East Asian Studies http://ceas.yale.edu/, and the Institute for Vietnamese Culture and Education http://www.ivce.org/. For the full list of speakers, please visit:http://cseas.yale.edu/sites/default/f... To view all the videos from this conference, follow this link:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Summer Science Exhibition 2016: Self made shape
source: The Royal Society 2016年6月9日
The genetic battlefields in plants that program their shape.
How do small groups of plant cells in microscopic buds turn themselves into the diverse flower and leaf shapes that we see all around us? Our exhibit shows how the latest technologies are helping us reveal the fascinating internal conflicts that create an endless array of plant shapes.
Our free, week-long festival (Monday 4 July - Sunday 10 July) features 22 curated exhibits and a series of inspiring talks and activities for all ages.
探索15-7講座:心臟和大腦中的有序和渾沌 / 陳志強研究員
source: 臺大科學教育發展中心 2016年6月2日
演講時間:2016/5/28 14:00
演講地點:臺灣大學 思亮館國際會議廳
Tom Vanderbilt: "You May Also Like: Taste in an Age of Endless Choice" |...
source: Talks at Google 2016年6月2日
Best-selling author & journalist Tom Vanderbilt visited Google to discuss his latest book, "You May Also Like: Taste in an Age of Endless Choice." Among other topics, Tom discussed:
Why YouTube got rid of the five-star rating system
Why we can eat the same thing for breakfast every day, but crave novelty for dinner
Why a "blue shirt with khaki pants" is such a common men's look
Why winning an award makes a book's Amazon ratings go down
How you can tell if a review on Yelp or TripAdvisor is fake
Why Coldplay is the most divisive band, and Pink Floyd is most liked by Republicans
Why museums exhaust us
Tom is best-known for his bestseller "Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do."
Discussion moderated by Sachit Egan.
Steve Case: "The Third Wave" | Talks at Google
source: Talks at Google 2016年5月13日
Steve Case discusses his book "The Third Wave." A pioneer who made the Internet a part of everyday life when he cofounded America Online (AOL), Steve shares a roadmap for how anyone can succeed in a world of rapidly changing technology. Steve explains how we’re at a major tipping point in the history of the economy: the Third Wave of the internet is quickly approaching and entrepreneurs will finally have the tools to transform the largest industries in the world and dramatically change the way we live our lives.
This talk was moderated by Mary Grove, Director of Google for Entrepreneurs.