

基礎工程 (Fall 2015)--黃安斌 / 交大

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source: nctuocw    2016年2月23日/上次更新:2016年3月7日
An introduction for undergraduate civil engineering students to the fundamental concepts and application of foundation engineering.
授課教師:土木工程學系 黃安斌老師
授權條款:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0

Lec01 基礎工程 課程介紹
Lec02 Ch 2 Natural soil deposit and subsoil exploration (1/3) 1:29:32
Lec03 Ch 2 Natural soil deposit and subsoil exploration (2/3) 42:05
Lec04 Ch 2 Natural soil deposit and subsoil exploration (3/3) 1:10:42
Lec05 Ch 3 Shallow foundations ultimate bearing capacity (1/3) 1:32:36
Lec06 Ch 3 Shallow foundations ultimate bearing capacity (2/3) 47:31
Lec07 Ch 3 Shallow foundations ultimate bearing capacity (3/3) 15:28
Lec08 Ch 5 Shallow foundations: allowable bearing capacity and settlement (1/3) 1:01:50
Lec09 Ch 5 Shallow foundations: allowable bearing capacity and settlement (2/3) 42:07
Lec10 Ch 5 Shallow foundations: allowable bearing capacity and settlement (3/3) 43:05
Lec11 Ch 6 Mat Foundations 1:00:36
Lec12 Ch 7 Lateral Earth Pressure (1/4) 33:02
Lec13 Ch 7 Lateral Earth Pressure (2/4) 1:17:25
Lec14 Ch 7 Lateral Earth Pressure (3/4) 37:37
Lec15 Ch 7 Lateral Earth Pressure (4/4) 1:07:21
Lec16 Ch 8 Retaining Walls (1/2) 45:10
Lec17 Ch 8 Retaining Walls (2/2) 59:30
Lec18 Ch 9 Sheet Pile Walls (1/3) 37:29
Lec19 Ch 9 Sheet Pile Walls (2/3) 1:07:49
Lec20 Ch 9 Sheet Pile Walls (3/3) 1:11:56
Lec21 Ch 10 Braced Cuts (1/3) 46:56
Lec22 Ch 10 Braced Cuts (2/3) 36:55
Lec23 Ch 10 Braced Cuts (3/3) 1:25:20
Lec24 Ch 11 Pile Foundations (1/6) 42:53
Lec25 Ch 11 Pile Foundations (2/6) 40:35
Lec26 Ch 11 Pile Foundations (3/6) 1:18:24
Lec27 Ch 11 Pile Foundations (4/6) 40:42
Lec28 Ch 11 Pile Foundations (5/6) 1:20:00
Lec29 Ch 11 Pile Foundations (6/6) 56:39

String Theory and Holographic Duality (Fall 2014) by Hong Liu at MIT

# Click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: MIT OpenCourseWare    2016年3月2日/上次更新:2016年3月2日
MIT 8.821 String Theory and Holographic Duality, Fall 2014
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/8-821F14
Instructor: Hong Liu
This course covers the new field of Holographic Duality, which brings together many seemingly unconnected subjects including string theory/quantum gravity, black holes, QCD at extreme conditions, exotic condensed matter systems, and quantum information.
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms
More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu

1. Emergence of Gravity 1:31:11
2. Classical Black Hole Geometry 1:18:22
3. Causal Structure of a Black Hole and Black Hole Temperature 1:22:04
4. Physical Interpretation of Black Hole Temperature 1:28:44
5. Black Hole Thermodynamics 1:19:45
6. Holographic Principle 1:26:05
7. Structure of Large N Expansion 1:23:09
8. Large N Expansion as a String Theory, Part I 1:29:45
9. Large N Expansion as a String Theory, Part II 1:53:10
10. Basics of String Theory and Light-cone Gauge 1:42:25
11. String Theory in the Light-cone Gauge 1:22:18
12. String Spectrum and Graviton 1:44:57
13. Physics of D-branes, Part I 1:23:58
14. Physics of D-branes, Part II 1:52:27
15. Physics of D-branes, Part III 1:24:10
16. Geometry of D-branes and AdS / CFT Conjecture 1:49:03
17. More on AdS / CFT Duality 1:48:07
18. General Aspects of the Duality 1:24:58
19. Mass-dimension Relation 1:52:06
20. Euclidean Correlation Functions: Two-point Functions 1:22:43
21. Euclidean Correlation Functions: Higher-point Functions 1:20:30
22. Computation of the Wilson Loop 1:50:49
23. Duality at a Finite Temperature and Finite Chemical Potential 1:25:55
24. Holographic Entanglement Entropy 1:56:32

"Cambridge Talks X | Bound and Unbound: The Sites of Utopia" PhD Colloquium

source: Harvard GSD    2016年4月26日
In the five hundred years since the publication of Thomas More’s Of A Republic’s Best State and of the New Island of Utopia (1516), the project of imagining an ideal society has emerged as simultaneously regenerative and devastating on multiple fronts: for the concept of the polity, for the composition of social fabrics, and, most relevant from the vantage of the design disciplines, for the formation of buildings, cities, and territories. This year’s Cambridge Talks, now in its tenth edition, aims to provide a spectrum of exemplary instances of utopia’s modern guise.

In the main conference panels, we bring together speakers to address the rivalry between those utopian endeavors that organize space mainly through social relations and production, and those whose expansive impulse searches out some form of technical mastery over spatial configuration. In other words, utopia can be understood as either embodied or totalizing, bound or unbound. By taking examples from the 19th and 20th centuries, the case studies presented here—from communes and plantations to infrastructural projects and global ecologies—exhibit various attempts to imagine social conditions alongside spatial ones. A concluding discussion will touch upon the philosophical and theoretical ramifications of utopia today.

April 14, 3 PM – 6 PM
PhD Colloquium
Ana Miljački, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sonja Dümpelmann, Harvard University
April 15, 9 AM – 5 PM
Panel 1: Embodied Utopia
Luis Casteñeda, Syracuse University
Joyce Chaplin, Harvard University
Erika Naginski, Harvard University
Respondent: Catherine Ingraham, Pratt Institute
Panel 2: Total Utopia
Daniel Barber, University of Pennsylvania
Sara Pritchard, Cornell University
Abby Spinak, Charles Warren Center, Harvard University
Respondent: John May, Harvard University
Keynote Lecture
Damian White, Rhode Island School of Design
Discussants: K. Michael Hays and Neil Brenner, Harvard University

Summer Science Exhibition 2016: CANBUILD - deconstructing cancer

source: The Royal Society     2016年6月9日
Meticulous models of cancer's life-support system.
In cancer, normal cells are recruited and corrupted to act as a life-giving microenvironment for the tumour. Our exhibit shows how we’ve deconstructed tumours, used the information to begin to re-build cancer in the lab, in ways that will allow us to test vital new treatments that target its life-support.
Our free, week-long festival (Monday 4 July - Sunday 10 July) features 22 curated exhibits and a series of inspiring talks and activities for all ages.

Preventing Gun Violence: Public Health Perspectives | The Forum at HSPH

source: Harvard University   2016年1月27日
This Forum event examined gun violence through a public health prism. Panelists talked about patterns of violence, including social forces such as the grinding violence, crime and poverty that disproportionately affect disadvantaged communities. Panelists also discussed President Obama’s recent announcements about gun violence prevention, prompted by a series of mass shootings as well as ongoing urban violence. And they explored dynamics at state and Congressional levels that are impacting public safety measures now and moving forward.
Presented January 26, 2016 in Collaboration with Reuters.
Watch the entire series from The Forum at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health at www.ForumHSPH.org.

Harvard GSD 2016 Class Day Lecture (by Toshiko Mori)

source: Harvard GSD    2016年5月31日
05/25/2016: Harvard GSD 2016 Class Day Lecture by Toshiko Mori.


source: 臺大科學教育發展中心     2016年6月3日
說明在自然界同步現象無所不在。如P細胞(pace maker cell)如何協調規律的心跳;如上億個電子走向鎖步(lockstep)使得超導現­象發生。動植物中如螢火蟲同步發光;森林中的樹木同步開花結果,鳥羣的等速有隊形的同­步飛行。甚至人們也發現有癲癎症腦中某區域的細胞羣有相位同步的現像;自閉症卻因某區­域的細包羣無法同步。

【本期開始提供講座同步線上LIVE直播,請見活動官網 http://case.ntu.edu.tw/ex/chaos
演講時間:2016/5/14 14:00
演講地點:臺灣大學 思亮館國際會議廳

David Sumpter: "Soccermatics" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google    2016年6月1日
David Sumpter joined us in London to talk shot statistics and the geometry of passing, using complex maths to reveal the inner workings of the beautiful game that is football*.
*Or soccer, depending on where you live.

About the book
Football – the most mathematical of sports. From shot statistics and league tables to the geometry of passing and managerial strategy, the modern game is filled with numbers, patterns and shapes. How do we make sense of these? The answer lies in the mathematical models applied in biology, physics and economics. Soccermatics brings football and mathematics together in a mind-bending synthesis, using numbers to help reveal the inner workings of the beautiful game.
- How is the Barcelona midfield linked geometrically?
- What’s the similarity between an ant colony and Total Football, Dutch style?
- What can defenders learn from lionesses?
- How much of a score line is pure randomness and how much is skill?
- How can probability theory make you money at the bookies?
Welcome to the world of mathematical modelling, expressed brilliantly by David Sumpter through the prism of football. No matter who you follow – be it Bristol City, Burton Albion, Barnet or Barrow, or one of the Premier League big boys – you’ll be amazed at what mathematics has to teach us about the world’s favourite sport.

About the author
David Sumpter is professor of applied mathematics at the University of Uppsala, Sweden. Originally from London, he completed his doctorate in Mathematics at Manchester, and held academic research positions at both Oxford and Cambridge before heading to Sweden.
An incomplete list of the applied maths research projects on which David has worked include pigeons flying in pairs over Oxford; the traffic of Cuban leaf-cutter ants; fish swimming between coral in the Great Barrier Reef; and dancing honey bees from Sydney. In his spare time, he exploits his mathematical expertise in training a successful under-nines football team, Uppsala IF 2005. David is a Liverpool supporter with a lifelong affection for Dunfermline Athletic.
You can follow David on Twitter - @soccermatics
Find the book on Google Play:

Brian Christian & Tom Griffiths: "Algorithms to Live By" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google     2016年5月12日
Practical, everyday advice which will easily provoke an interest in computer science.
In a dazzlingly interdisciplinary work, acclaimed author Brian Christian and cognitive scientist Tom Griffiths show how the algorithms used by computers can also untangle very human questions. They explain how to have better hunches and when to leave things to chance, how to deal with overwhelming choices and how best to connect with others. From finding a spouse to finding a parking spot, from organizing one's inbox to understanding the workings of memory, Algorithms to Live By transforms the wisdom of computer science into strategies for human living.

Brian Christian is the author of The Most Human Human, a Wall Street Journal bestseller, New York Times editors’ choice, and a New Yorker favorite book of the year. His writing has appeared in The New Yorker, The Atlantic, Wired, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, and The Paris Review, as well as in scientific journals such as Cognitive Science, and has been translated into eleven languages. He lives in San Francisco.

Tom Griffiths is a professor of psychology and cognitive science at UC Berkeley, where he directs the Computational Cognitive Science Lab. He has published more than 150 scientific papers on topics ranging from cognitive psychology to cultural evolution, and has received awards from the National Science Foundation, the Sloan Foundation, the American Psychological Association, and the Psychonomic Society, among others. He lives in Berkeley.
On behalf of Talks at Google this talk was hosted by Boris Debic.