

Professor Steve Jones: "No Need for Geniuses" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google     2016年5月9日
Professor Steve Jones joined us to talk about his new book in which he takes us back to French Revolution, looking at the true revolutionaries: agents of an upheaval both of understanding and of politics.

About the book:
Paris at the time of the French Revolution was the world capital of science. Its scholars laid the foundations of today's physics, chemistry and biology. They were true revolutionaries: agents of an upheaval both of understanding and of politics.
Many had an astonishing breadth of talents. The Minister of Finance just before the upheaval did research on crystals and the spread of animal disease. After it, Paris's first mayor was an astronomer, the general who fought off invaders was a mathematician while Marat, a major figure in the Terror, saw himself as a leading physicist. Paris in the century around 1789 saw the first lightning conductor, the first flight, the first estimate of the speed of light and the invention of the tin can and the stethoscope. The metre replaced the yard and the theory of evolution came into being.
The city was saturated in science and many of its monuments still are. The Eiffel Tower, built to celebrate the Revolution's centennial, saw the world's first wind-tunnel and first radio message, and first observation of cosmic rays.

About the author:
Steve Jones is a Senior Research Fellow at University College, London and has worked at universities in the USA, Australia and Africa. He gave the Reith Lectures in 1991 and presented a BBC TV series on human genetics and evolution in 1996. He appears frequently on radio and television.
Google Play link: https://goo.gl/lfoy2U

Frank Pasquale: The Promise (and Threat) of Algorithmic Accountability

source: London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) 2016年1月27日
Date: Tuesday 26 January 2016
Time: 6.30-8pm
Venue: Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building
Speaker: Professor Frank Pasquale
Respondent: Professor Evelyn Ruppert
Chair: Dr Alison Powell

From search engine results to credit scores, software orders and weights hundreds of variables into clean, simple interfaces, taking us from question to answer in a fraction of a second. But the rise of big data and predictive analytics in media and finance has alarmed many academics, activists, journalists and legal experts. Three aspects of algorithmic ordering of information have provoked particular scrutiny. The data used may be inaccurate or inappropriate. Algorithmic modeling may be biased or limited. And the uses of algorithms are still opaque in many critical sectors.

Policymakers must address each of these problems, but face two major obstacles. First, how can regulators apply expert judgment given rapidly changing technology and business practices? Second, when is human review essential-and when will controversies over one algorithmic ordering merely result in a second computational analysis of a contested matter? Focusing on recent controversies over the "right to be forgotten" and alternative credit scoring (such as proposals to base loan approvals on qualities of the applicant's social network contacts), this talk will propose reforms essential to humane automation of new media and banking.

This event marks the 2015-16 launch of the MSc Media and Communications (Data and Society).
Frank Pasquale (@FrankPasquale) is Professor of Law at the University of Maryland and author of The Black Box Society.
Evelyn Ruppert (@ESRuppert) is Professor in the Department of Sociology at Goldsmiths College, University of London.
Dr Alison Powell (@a_b_powell) is Assistant Professor in the Department of Media and Communications at LSE.
The Department of Media and Communications (@MediaLSE) undertakes outstanding and innovative research and provides excellent research-based graduate programmes for the study of media and communications. The Department was established in 2003 and in 2014 our research was ranked number 1 in the most recent UK research evaluation, with 91% of research outputs ranked world-leading or internationally excellent.

Detecting Zika: A platform for rapid, low-cost diagnostics

source: Harvard University     2016年5月6日
In this video, a team of collaborators led by Wyss Core Faculty member James Collins discuss a low-cost, paper-based diagnostic system that they developed for detecting specific strains of the Zika virus, with the goal that it could soon be used in the field to easily screen blood, urine, or saliva samples.
For more information, please visit: http://wyss.harvard.edu/viewpressrele...

Health Care Inequalities in America: The Need for Continuing Reform

source: Harvard University    2016年4月22日
Over the last two years, we have seen major expansions in health care coverage through both federal and state insurance exchanges, as well as by expanding Medicaid coverage. This Forum examined whether these efforts to extend coverage have improved the health care experiences of low-income Americans and have narrowed the gap in access to high-quality care between themselves and other Americans. The discussion drew on the findings of a new poll by NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health that looked at patients’ perspectives on health care over the last two years, with a focus on the reported experiences of low-income Americans. Through this discussion, panelists identified a future agenda for eliminating inequalities in care.
Presented April 20, 2016, in Collaboration with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and NPR.
Watch the entire series from The Forum at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health at www.ForumHSPH.org.

Sir Geoffrey Nice: Complex Truths in Trials of Conflicts

source: Harvard University    2016年3月4日
Rakel Dink
Hrant Dink Foundation – Istanbul
Cemal Kafadar
Vehbi Koç Professor of Turkish Studies, Harvard University

Sir Geoffrey Nice
Gresham College Professor of Law
Sir Geoffrey Nice worked at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia between 1998 and 2006 and led the prosecution of Slobodan Milošević, former President of Serbia. Much of his work since has been connected to cases before the permanent International Criminal Court – Sudan, Kenya, Libya – or pro bono for victims groups – Iran, Burma, North Korea – whose cases cannot get to any international court.

探索15-3講座:勞倫茲,蝴蝶,以及他們共同掀起的混沌風暴 / 陳義裕教授

source: 臺大科學教育發展中心    2016年4月27日
演講時間:2016/4/16 14:00
演講地點:臺灣大學 思亮館國際會議廳

Riki Lindhome: "Garfunkel and Oates: Trying to be Special" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google    2016年5月9日
Actress/showrunner/writer/director Riki Lindhome came to Google NYC to discuss Garfunkel and Oates' first ever comedy special, “Trying to be Special," out on Vimeo on May 5th, 2016. Watch here:https://vimeo.com/ondemand/garfunkela...

Riki is one half of the comedy-folk duo, Garfunkel and Oates, with fellow comedienne Kate Micucci. She is also the co-creator, EP, writer and star of Comedy Central’s “Another Period.”

Garfunkel and Oates, named after “two famous rock-and roll second bananas,” will be premiered “Trying to be Special” is directed by Riki and follows her and Kate as they host a live fundraiser in Seattle in the hopes of raising enough money to make their own comedy special. As a duo, the two have released six comedy albums, starred in an IFC series, had over 16 million YouTube hits, performed at The Tonight Show, Conan, Bonoroo and the Independent Spirit Awards as well as written original songs for features films like “SpongeBob SquarePants” and TV shows like “The Big Bang Theory.”
Moderated by Cliff Lungaretti.

Hajin Lee: "AlphaGo and Professional Go Players" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google    2016年5月10日
Hajin Lee is a professional Go Player from the Korean Baduk (Go) Association and is Secretary General of the International Go Federation (IGF). She also has a popular YouTube channel where she analyses games and provides commentary on other Go related topics. In this talk she discusses the training involved in becoming a professional Go player as well as her experience with organizing the the AlphaGo v. Lee Sedol match in Seoul, South Korea.

The Feminine Mystique at 50

# automatic playing for the 6 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: The New School    2013年3月4日/上次更新:2014年5月11日
The Feminine Mystique at 50, a two-day symposium, and a related exhibition celebrating the anniversary of the publication of Betty Friedan's groundbreaking book. Convening leading feminist scholars, writers and activists, the conference will examine the feminist movement's past and present as well as unresolved questions about domesticity, career and family, pointing to the continuing relevance of The Feminine Mystique in 2013.

"Some American Feminists" | Film Screening and Discussion 17:32
House/Wife | The Feminine Mystique at Home 55:11
Keynote Address | Susan Ware 54:09
The Feminine Mystique: Past, Present, and Future 1:21:34
REACT: The Feminine Mystique at 50 45:39
Beyond the Book: Reverberations of Women's liberation 51:57