


source: 臺大科學教育發展中心     2016年4月12日
本講座我們將介紹關於一類相當迷人的映射:單峰映射。此映射是一個國、高中生皆熟知的­二次多項式,但卻是一個會造成混沌現象的經典且簡單例子。我們將從70年代生物學上對­這類映射的觀察出發,然後一步步地揭開大自然為我們提供的各個謎題,其中包括分岐圖中­的自我相似性、Feigenbaum 參數、Sharkovskii 規則、週期二、週期二無窮以及週期三導致混沌等經典現象。從講座中我們希望激發聽眾對­於混沌現象的興趣、理解為何這學科主導了數學及物理多年的狂熱研究以及該現象如何影響­我們生活周遭的大小事。最後我們將花些時間來談談究竟甚麼是混沌。
【本期開始提供講座同步線上LIVE直播,請見活動官網 http://case.ntu.edu.tw/ex/chaos
演講時間:2016/4/9 14:00
演講地點:臺灣大學 思亮館國際會議廳

The microbial jungles all over the place (and you) - Scott Chimileski an...

source: TED-Ed    2016年5月17日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-microbi...
As we walk through our daily environments, we’re surrounded by exotic creatures that are too small to see with the naked eye. We usually imagine these microscopic organisms, or microbes, as asocial cells that float around by themselves. But, in reality, microbes gather by the millions to form vast communities. Scott Chimileski and Roberto Kolter describes how and why microbes create biofilms.
Lesson by Scott Chimileski and Roberto Kolter, animation by Qa'ed Mai.

Can Professionally-employed Mothers Have It All?

source: Harvard University     2016年4月1日
Can Professionally-employed Mothers Have It All? An Examination of the Relationship Between Social Support, Self-efficacy and Turnover Intentions of First-time Mothers Following Workplace Re-entry
The return to work following the birth of a first child is often a period of time when new mothers are working towards mastering the tasks associated with caring for an infant and managing their workplace demands. New mothers may consider leaving their organization if they question their ability to either effectively perform their job or their parenting roles. Drawing from social support and social comparison theories, this seminar explores how supportive work environments shape new mothers’ turnover intention. Using a sample of 695 new mothers who had recently returned to work following the birth of their first child, Ladge finds evidence that perceived manager support and role models who portray work and family balance influence both job and maternal self-efficacies, which contribute to new mothers’ turnover intentions.

Michael Mann--The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: The Battle Continues

source: Simon Fraser University     2016年1月14日
Dr. Michael Mann, Distinguished Professor of Meteorology and Director, Earth System Science Center, Pennsylvania State University, USA.
Building on the findings in his book “The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars”, Dr. Mann discusses the basics of climate science and reveals the tactics which opponents of climate change use to distort the science and attack the reputations of scientists. He describes both the hockey stick controversy and the broader context of skepticism in science and contrarians rejecting evidence of human influence on climate.

Cara Battersby: The Wild West of Star Formation | CfA

source: Harvard University   2016年4月22日
We saddle up to explore the extreme center of our Milky Way galaxy - one of the wildest sections of the outer-space frontier. Our Galactic center is a chaotic region containing dense gas, stars, and the biggest bully around these parts: a supermassive black hole. The normal rules for star formation don't apply here, and understanding why will help us to understand star formation throughout the rest of our wild universe. Speaker: Cara Battersby. Animations credit: ESO. Used under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Kristiana Kahakauwila | To Weave with Water || Radcliffe Institute

source: Harvard University     2016年5月10日
As part of the 2015–2016 Fellows’ Presentation Series at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Kristiana Kahakauwila RI ’16 presents her progress on a historical novel—“To Weave with Water”—a multigenerational family saga set against the fight for water and native rights on the Hawaiian island of Maui.
Kahakauwila is the 2015–2016 Lisa Goldberg Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute.

Morphing Morals: Neurochemical Modulation of Moral Judgment and Behavior

source: New York University    2012年5月3日
Molly Crockett, Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratory for Social & Neural Systems Research,
Department of Economics, University of Zurich
Abstract: Neuroscientists are now discovering how hormones and brain chemicals shape social behavior, opening potential avenues for pharmacological manipulation of ethical values. In this talk, I will present an overview of recent studies showing how altering brain chemistry can change moral judgment and behavior. These findings raise new questions about the anatomy of the moral mind, and suggest directions for future research in both neurobiology and practical ethics.

Alien Worlds with David Aguilar | CfA

source: Harvard University   2014年3月7日
Are we alone? Or could life on alien worlds really exist? David A. Aguilar, space artist extraordinaire, shows readers what creatures living on extrasolar planets might be like, in his National Geographic children's book "Alien Worlds: Your Guide to Extraterrestrial Life." Here he describes the process of applying real-world astronomy, biology and chemistry to imagine what life we might find on distant planets.

Tim Gunn at The New School: Quality, Taste, and Style

source: The New School     2010年8月10日
Quality, Taste, and Style: An Evening with Tim Gunn
THE NEW SCHOOL | http://www.newschool.edu
One of the hottest reality shows, Project Runway, introduced the world to the suave and unflappable Tim Gunn, former chair of the Fashion Design department at Parsons The New School for Design |http://www.newschool.edu/parsons
Learn from the star himself how the show became an overnight success.

Remarkably, Project Runway won the coveted Peabody Award in 2008, the first reality show to do so. This consummate multi-tasker managed to show up every week as the star of two television shows, publish the dazzling Tim Gunn's Guide to Quality, Taste and Style, and serve as Liz Claiborne's innovative chief creative officer, all at the same time. Moderated by Glamour Magazine's Suze Yaluf Schwartz, executive fashion editor-at-large.
Co-sponsored by the Center for Communication and the
Department of Media Studies and Film at The New School | http://www.newschool.edu/mediastudies
* Location: Theresa Lang Community and Student Center, Arnhold Hall, 55 West 13th Street.
11/03/2008 6:30 p.m.