

Why do we give? Charity-giving through an evolutionary lens (Nichola Raihani - 9 Feb 2016)

source: UCL Lunch Hour Lectures    2016年2月26日
Speaker: Dr Nichola Raihani
UCL Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment
Dr Nichola Raihani will discuss how individuals might themselves benefit from making charitable donations and how our psychology might trick us into believing that we are truly altruistic when we are, in fact, performing actions that are ultimately self-beneficial.

Joseph Stiglitz: The Price of Inequality | The New School

source: The New School    2012年10月5日
The impact of inequality on societies is now increasingly well understood - higher crime, health problems and mental illness, lower educational achievements, social cohesion and life expectancy. But what are the causes of inequality, why is it growing so rapidly, and how is it affecting the economy?

These are the questions Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, professor at Columbia University, will discuss in a presentation of his latest book, The Price of Inequality: How Today's Divided Society Endangers Our Future. In this talk, Stiglitz will discuss how, left to their own devices, markets are neither efficient nor stable, and will tend to accumulate money in the hands of the few. He will also demonstrate how government policies and political institutions, far from countering these trends, often enhance them, and that politics frequently shapes markets in ways that advantage the richest over the rest. This in turn weakens democracy and the rule of law by putting more and more political power in the hands of the wealthy. Beyond these social and political costs, however, inequality has grave consequences for the economy. Moving money from the middle and bottom of society to the top-as has increasingly been happening-stifles entrepreneurship, produces slower growth and lower GDP, and also even destabilizes the economy.

Throughout the course of the evening, Stiglitz will illuminate how the growing inequality in America and many other countries is not only unfair, but also unwise. The talk will also strike a hopeful note, arguing that the current trends are in no way inevitable and he will put forth the concrete set of reforms that he proposes in his book, which would create an economy with less inequality and more growth and opportunity. These are vital issues for an election year in a country that is still struggling to get its battered economy back on track.

The presentation will be followed by a discussion between Joseph Stiglitz, Michael Cohen, director of the New School Graduate Program in International Affairs and Teresa Ghilarducci, Bernard L. and Irene Schwartz Chair in Economic Policy Analysis and director of the Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis at The New School, moderated by New School president David Van Zandt.

The New School, a university in New York City, offers distinguished degree, certificate, and continuing education programs in art and design, liberal arts, management and policy, and the performing arts. THE NEW SCHOOL | http://www.newschool.edu

Location: Tishman Auditorium, Alvin Johnson/J. M. Kaplan Hall
10/04/2012 7:00 p.m.

Could anyone make a Jackson Pollock painting? - Sarah Rosenthal

source: TED-Ed    2016年4月28日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/could-just-...
If you visit a museum with a collection of modern and contemporary art, you’re likely to see works that sometimes elicit the response, “My cat could make that, so how is it art?” But is it true? Could anyone create one of Jackson Pollock’s drip paintings? Sarah Rosenthal dives into the Abstract Expressionist movement in hopes of answering that question.
Lesson by Sarah Rosenthal, animation by Tomás Pichardo-Espaillat.

Cédric Villani: "Birth of a Theorem: A Mathematical Adventure "| Talks a...

source: Talks at Google     2016年3月21日
What goes on inside the mind of a rock-star mathematician? Where does inspiration come from?
With a storyteller’s gift, Cédric Villani takes us on a mesmerizing journey as he wrestles with a new theorem that will win him the most coveted prize in mathematics. Along the way he encounters obstacles and setbacks, losses of faith and even brushes with madness. His story is one of courage and partnership, doubt and anxiety, elation and despair.
We discover how it feels to be obsessed by a theorem during your child’s cello practice and throughout your dreams, why appreciating maths is a bit like watching an episode of Columbo, and how sometimes inspiration only comes from locking yourself away in a dark room to think. Blending science with history, biography with myth, Villani conjures up an inimitable cast of characters including the omnipresent Einstein, mad genius Kurt Godel, and Villani’s personal hero, John Nash.
Birth of a Theorem combines passion and imagination to take us on a fantastical adventure through the beautiful, mysterious world of mathematics.
Math has never seemed so magical or so exciting.
Moderated by Erin Soderberg

Neil Pasricha: "The Happiness Equation" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google  2016年4月5日
What’s the formula for a happy life?
Neil Pasricha is a Harvard MBA, a Walmart executive, a New York Times–bestselling author, and a husband and dad. After selling more than a million copies of his Book of Awesome series, he now shifts his focus from observation to application.
In The Happiness Equation, Pasricha illustrates how to want nothing, do anything, and have everything. If that sounds like a contradiction, you simply haven’t unlocked the 9 Secrets to Happiness.
Each secret takes a common ideal, flips it on its head, and casts it in a completely new light. Pasricha then goes a step further by providing step-by-step guidelines and hand-drawn scribbles that illustrate exactly how to apply each secret to live a happier life today.
Controversial? Maybe. Counterintuitive? Definitely.

The Happiness Equation will teach you such principles as:
· Why success doesn’t lead to happiness
· How to make more money than a Harvard MBA
· Why multitasking is a myth
· How eliminating options leads to more choice
The Happiness Equation is a book that will change how you think about everything—your time, your career, your relationships, your family, and, ultimately, of course, your happiness.
You can find out more on the book at http://goo.gl/hsCxsP .

Intro to Philosophy by Gregory B. Sadler

# automatic playing for the 67 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: Gregory B. Sadler  上次更新日期:2014年6月30日
Lectures from my Fall 2011, Spring 2013, and Fall 2013 -- Introduction to Philosophy classes at Marist College. This playlist -- and the classes it was composed from -- goes in historical order.
My focus in teaching this class was to get the students to interact with these classic texts and thinkers.

Intro to Philosophy: Big Questions and Areas of Philosophy 34:46
How to Read a Philosophical Text: Matters to Keep in Mind 37:24
Intro to Philosophy: Close Reading Pre-Writing Workshop 59:40
Intro to Philosophy: Workshop on Writing Close Reading Papers
advice about how to write a type of Philosophy paper 1:05:10
Intro to Philosophy: Plato, Meno (part 1)
topics in Epistemology, Metaphysics, Ethics, Political Philosophy 53:30
Intro to Philosophy: Plato, Meno (part 2)
topics in Epistemology, Metaphysics, Ethics, Political Philosophy 58:50
Intro To Philosophy: Plato's Apology
topics in Epistemology, Ethics, Political Philosophy, Death and Dying 1:06:21
Intro to Philosophy: Plato's Crito
topics in Epistemology, Ethics, Political Philosophy, Death and Dying 59:39
Intro. to Philosophy: Plato's Euthyphro
topics in Philosophy of Religion, Ethics 1:03:30
Intro to Philosophy: Plato, the Lysis 1:02:32
Intro to Philosophy: Plato, Phaedo (part 1)
topics in Epistemology, Metaphysics, Ethics, Death and Dying 53:54
Intro to Philosophy: Plato, Phaedo (part 2)
topics in Epistemology, Metaphysics, Ethics, Death and Dying 1:06:56
Intro. to Philosophy: Plato's Republic, book 1
topics in Political Philosophy, Ethics 1:02:53
Intro to Philosophy: Plato's Republic, book 4
topics in Epistemology, Metaphysics, Ethics, Political Philosophy 52:44
Intro to Philosophy: Plato's Republic, book 7
topics in Epistemology, Metaphysics, Ethics 1:02:20
Intro to Philosophy: Plato, the Symposium (part 1) 1:02:22
Intro to Philosophy: Plato, the Symposium (part 2) 1:03:49
Intro to Philosophy: Plato, the Symposium (part 3) 1:07:02
Intro to Philosophy: Aristotle, Topics, book 1
topics in Logic and Argumentation, Epistemology, Metaphysics 59:55
Intro to Philosophy: Aristotle, Metaphysics, book 1
topics in Logic and Argumentation, Epistemology, Metaphysics 56:53
Intro to Philosophy: Aristotle, Metaphysics, book 1 [continued]
topics in Logic and Argumentation, Epistemology, Metaphysics 58:17
Intro to Philosophy: Aristotle, Metaphysics (selections) 1:04:07
Intro to Philosophy: Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, book 1
Topics in Ethics, Political Philosophy 1:03:29
Intro to Philosophy: Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, book 3
topics in Epistemology, Metaphysics, Ethics, Philosophy of Action 57:03
Intro to Philosophy: Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics book 6
topics in Logic and Argumentation, Epistemology, Metaphysics 53:04
Intro To Philosophy: Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, bk 8-9 1:08:59
Intro to Philosophy: Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics book 10 1:09:19
Intro To Philosophy, Epicurus on Pleasure and Friendship 1:08:10
Intro to Philosophy: Cicero, On the Nature of the Gods, book 1
topics in Philosophy of Religion, Metaphysics 1:02:42
Intro to Philosophy: Cicero, On the Nature of the Gods book 2
topics in Philosophy of Religion, Metaphysics 58:32
Intro to Philosophy: Cicero, On the Nature of the Gods, book 3
topics in Philosophy of Religion, Metaphysics, Ethics, Philosophy of Action 1:06:07
Intro to Philosophy: Cicero, On Friendship (part 1) 1:08:38
Intro to Philosophy: Cicero, On Friendship (part 2) 1:01:23
Intro to Philosophy: Epictetus, Enchiridion 56:45
Intro to Philosophy: Augustine, On Free Choice of the Will, book 1
topics in Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Action 42:07
Intro to Philosophy: Augustine, On Free Choice of the Will, bk. 2
topics in Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Action 1:04:49
Intro to Philosophy: Augustine, On Free Choice of the Will, book 3
topics in Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Action 45:53
Intro to Philosophy: Augustine, Confessions, bks 1-6 1:05:01
Intro to Philosophy: Augustine's Confessions bk. 7-9 1:04:51
Intro to Philosophy: Augustine, Confessions, books 10-12 1:04:18
Intro to Philosophy: Anselm, Proslogion, ch. 2-4
topics in Philosophy of Religion, Epistemology, Metaphysics 1:03:11
Intro to Philosophy: Anselm's Proslogion, ch. 1, 5-end
topics in Philosophy of Religion, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics 1:03:10
Intro to Philosophy: Anselm of Canterbury, On Truth
topics in Epistemology, Metaphysics, Ethics, Philosophy of Action 1:00:48
Intro to Philosophy, Heloise and Abelard, Letters 1-6 1:05:17
Intro to Philosophy: Thomas Aquinas, S.T. Ia, q. 2
topics in Philosophy of Religion, Metaphysics 50:00
Intro to Philosophy: Thomas Aquinas, S.T. Ia, q. 16-17
topics in Epistemology, Metaphysics, Ethics, Philosophy of Religion 49:12
Intro to Philosophy: Thomas Aquinas, S.T., Ia, q. 20 and 60 1:07:25
Intro to Philosophy: Thomas Aquinas, S.T. Ia, q. 82-83
topics in Metaphysics, Ethics, Philosophy of Action 1:04:29
Intro: Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, IaIIa, q. 2
topics in Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Action 1:01:33
Intro to Philosophy: Thomas Aquinas, S.T., IaIIae, q. 26-27 1:08:10
Intro to Philosophy: Thomas Aquinas S.T. IIaIIae q. 23 and 25 1:07:19
Intro to Philosophy: Rene Descartes, Discourse on Method, parts 1-3
topics in Epistemology, Logic and Argumentation, Metaphysics, Ethics 59:44
Intro To Philosophy: Rene Descartes, Discourse on Method parts 4-6
topics in Logic and Argumentation, Epistemology, Metaphysics 1:02:20
Intro to Philosophy: Rene Descartes, Meditations, 1-2
topics in Epistemology, Philosophy of Religion, Metaphysics 1:04:30
Intro to Philosophy: Rene Descartes, Meditation 3 (and 5)
topics in Epistemology, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion 1:05:15
Intro to Philosophy: Rene Descartes, Meditations, 4-6
topics in Epistemology, Logic and Argumentation, Metaphysics, Ethics, Philosophy of Action 43:45
Intro to Philosophy: Descartes and Princess Elisabeth, Correspondence 1:07:41
Intro to Philosophy, Descartes, Passions of the Soul, part 1 47:47
Intro to Philosophy: Descartes, Passions of the Soul, part 2 56:04
Intro to Philosophy: Descartes, Passions of the Soul (part 3) 1:10:58
Intro to Philosophy: Hume, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
topics in Philosophy of Religion, Epistemology, Logic and Argumentation 1:03:50
Intro to Philosophy: David Hume, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (the arguments)
topics in Philosophy of Religion, Epistemology, Logic and Argumentation 1:05:23
Intro to Philosophy: Kant, Groundwork, sec. 1
topics in Ethics, Philosophy of Action, Metaphysics 1:02:38
Intro to Philosophy: Kant, Groundwork, sec. 2-3
topics in Ethics, Philosophy of Action, Metaphysics 1:02:21
Intro to Philosophy: G.W.F. Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit, Introduction
topics in Logic and Argumentation, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Action 1:00:54
Intro to Philosophy, G.W.F. Hegel, Self-Consciousness and Master-Slave Dialectic
topics in Logic and Argumentation, Metaphysics, Ethics, Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Action 57:29
Intro to Philosophy: Kierkegaard, Fear and Trembling
topics in Philosophy of Religion, Ethics 1:01:49

Tod Williams and Billie Tsien, "Inside Out"

source: Harvard GSD 2016年2月17日
Tod Williams and Billie Tsien, co-founders and design partners of Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects I Partners, in New York—and currently John C. Portman design critics at Harvard GSD—will share their working process through a discussion of recent projects, focusing on design from the inside out, and the importance of experience over form.