

When Neighbors Become Violent: Struggles with the Democracy of Everyday Life

source: Harvard University    2016年3月4日
Nancy Rosenblum
Senator Joseph Clark Professor of Ethics in Politics and Government
Harvard University

Our lives at home are afflicted by neighbors’ ordinary offenses. They are deranged by violent neighbors: random and organized violence, government sponsored betrayal and government condoned murder. Neighbors hold our lives in their hands. When elements of neighborliness survive extreme situations, they have extraordinary ethical force. Rosenblum shows why, and explores the significance of “good neighbors” for democracy in America.

Karen Wynn - What Babies Can Tell Us About Good and Evil (Science on Saturdays at Yale)

source: Yale University    2016年4月11日
Science on Saturdays is an award-winning lecture series that features scientists whose passion for their work inspires us all. Each event involves a lecture by a Yale professor and engaging science demonstrations by Yale college students. Science on Saturdays provides an opportunity for Yale scientists and residents of New Haven and beyond to come together over a shared sense of wonder. On April 9th, Karen Wynn asks us the questions: Is morality inherent to the human condition? Are babies born knowing the difference between good and bad, or do they have to learn this?

Cafe Scientifique: Forgetting Names: Should I Be Worried?

source: Stanford Blood Center 2016年3月24日
with Sharon J. Sha, MD, MS, Clinical Assistant Professor,, Neurology and Neurological Sciences, Stanford Center for Memory Disorders.
Learn the distinguishing characteristics of age-related memory loss, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and what we can do to protect ourselves.

The Optimistic Environmentalist: Planning for a 100% Renewable Future

source: Simon Fraser University    2016年1月14日
Dr. David R. Boyd, Adjunct Professor, School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University; Environmental Lawyer and Author.
Dr. Boyd discusses the remarkable renewable energy revolution that is underway globally, with the rate of growth in wind and solar repeatedly surpassing expert projections. Canada’s progress will be evaluated, and the city of Vancouver’s plan for becoming fossil fuel free by 2050 will be introduced.

Biodiversity and thinking outside the box: Literature and Place

source: Cambridge University    2016年4月14日
How is the environment represented in children’s books? Can we talk to children about climate change through literature? These sorts of questions interest Dr Jenny Bavidge, Senior Lecturer in the University of Cambridge’s Faculty of English and Institute of Continuing Education, who explains here about how her work on literature connects with research in biodiversity conservation.

This film is one of a series of eight that showcases the extent that conservation-related research is embedded in a wide range of academic fields and involves collaboration with non-academic partners beyond the University. The films are produced by the University of Cambridge Conservation Research Institute (UCCRI), which was established in October 2013 to foster a cross-disciplinary approach within the University of Cambridge.

“Conservation is primarily underpinned by human behaviour and it is therefore vital to understand the social factors, such as cultural drivers or geographical patterns, which shape our environment, as well as developing our biological and scientific knowledge.” Dr Bhaskar Vira, Director of UCCRI.

Keywords: conservation, biodiversity, environment, Cambridge, research, children, literature, English, reading, climate change, books, nature writing
Creative Director: Alison Harvey
University of Cambridge Conservation Research Institute: http://research-institute.conservatio...
Video, Sound and Edit by Toby Smith
UCCRI - Leverhulme Trust Artist in Residence 2015/2016

From gases to gloops: instabilities in fluids (Helen Wilson - 23 Feb 2016)

source: UCL Lunch Hour Lectures     2016年3月2日
Speaker: Dr Helen Wilson
UCL Mathematics
Fluid flows make up so much of our world, from the atmosphere and oceans to volcanic lava. They are also key to many biological processes, and almost everything we use goes through a fluid stage in its manufacture. Dr Helen Wilson shows how these fluid flows can become unstable and explains some of the mechanisms at work.

Matt Harkins & Viviana Olen: "The Tonya Harding & Nancy Kerrigan 1994 Mu...

source: Talks at Google     2016年3月28日
The Tonya Harding Nancy Kerrigan 1994 Museum is located in the hallway of Matt Harkins & Viviana Olen's apartment. When the two moved into the Brooklyn apartment together, their long front hallway seemed to be wasted space. But after watching a documentary on Netflix called "The Price of Gold" by Nanette Burstein, the roommates were inspired to turn the hallway into something more: a very real museum with very real artifacts surrounding Tonya Harding, Nancy Kerrigan, and the 1994 Lillehammer Olympics. They have since used a successful Kickstarter to craft the hall into a curated collection of primary artifacts, videos, and art that recounts the careers of the two famous skaters, the scandal that catapulted them into the national spotlight, and how the media sculpted its narrative of the incident for years afterwards.
Moderated by Aaron Zemach.

Eric Weiner: "Geography of Genius" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google    2016年4月6日
In his new book "Geography of Genius", the New York Times bestselling author and former NPR correspondent Eric Weiner sets out to examine the connection between our surroundings and our most innovative ideas.
Moderated by Susan Molinari and Vint Cerf.