

Should you trust unanimous decisions? - Derek Abbott

source: TED-Ed   2016年4月18日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/should-you-...
Imagine a police lineup where ten witnesses are asked to identify a bank robber they glimpsed fleeing the scene. If six of them pick the same person, there’s a good chance that’s the culprit. And if all ten do, you might think the case is rock solid. But sometimes, the closer you start to get to total agreement, the less reliable the result becomes. Derek Abbott explains the paradox of unanimity.
Lesson by Derek Abbott, animation by Brett Underhill.

bell hooks - How Do We Define Feminist Liberation? | Eugene Lang College

source: The New School   2014年5月9日
The New School (http://www.newschool.edu) presents a conversation with bell hooks, scholar-in-residence at Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts (http://www.newschool.edu/lang) with R&B singer Lisa Fischer (20 Feet from Stardom) and actress Kim Sykes (Pariah) about celebrating black female power.

Among the leading public intellectuals of her generation, bell hooks (née Gloria Watkins) returns to The New School for a week long residency. Dr. hooks' writings cover a broad range of topics including gender, race, teaching, and contemporary culture. According to her, these topics must be understood as interconnected and linked in the production of systems of oppression and class domination. This residency offers The New School community to directly engage with Dr. hooks and her commitment to feminism and justice regarding the black female body.

The bell hooks residency at The New School is an opportunity for students to engage with education as a practice of freedom. They can participate in a series of intimate conversations and public dialogues on subjects ranging from politics to love, race to spirituality, gender to lived bodies.

More information for the bell hooks scholar-in-residence
| http://www.newschool.edu/lang/bell-ho...
bell hooks - Are You Still a Slave? Liberating the Black Female Body | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJk0h...
Black Female Voices: Who is Listening - A public dialogue between bell hooks + Melissa Harris-Perry |https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Omgq...
John L. Tishman Auditorium, University Center
Wednesday, May 7, 2014 at 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Christina Hoff Sommers: Feminism

source: Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute    2013年6月6日
Christina Hoff Sommers spoke to the Conservative Women's Network, co-hosted by the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute and The Heritage Foundation, on May 31, 2013. She argues that conservative women should take back feminism. Ms. Sommers is a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.

Why study Theology? (Closer to Truth)

# automatic playing for the 3 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: Closer To Truth   上次更新: 20160404

Alister McGrath - Why Study Theology? 8:40
Sarah Coakley - Why Study Theology? 6:59
Neil Gillman - Why Study Theology? 9:09

Victor Stenger (1935-2014) - Arguing God from Natural Theology?

source: Closer To Truth    2014年9月6日
From biblical times to Darwin, natural theology had a majestic mission—to detect and discern God by seeing and sensing God's presence in the world. The key to natural theology was to investigate the world alone, without revelation. But after Darwin's theory of evolution, natural theology was rejected, even ridiculed. Why now its surprising revival?
Closer to Truth celebrates Victor Stenger, a dear friend and guest on our program.
Learn more about him here http://bit.ly/19L4mUb
For more videos on whether God's existence can be argued from natural theology click herehttp://bit.ly/1GhuNxR

Reproduction without sex: what does technology have to offer? (Joyce Harper)

source: UCL Lunch Hour Lectures    2016年3月15日
Speaker: Professor Joyce Harper
UCL Institute for Women's Health
The first IVF baby was born in 1978. Since then, technology has advanced so that IVF success rates are higher than natural conception, and it is now possible to check the chromosomes of the embryonic genome using next generation sequencing. Is genome editing the next logical step?

王元君:黑洞與量子力學:從霍京輻射到火墻悖論 (探索14-6講座)

source: 臺大科學教育發展中心 影音平台    2015年12月10日
廣義相對論裏的黑洞容許物體掉入,但卻連光也逃不出來。但是,41年前霍京發現把量子效應考慮在內,黑洞就會發散粒子,從而漸漸蒸發。此現象被命名為「霍京輻射」。對於掉入黑洞的資訊,到底最後怎麼了,至今尚無被公認為正確的解釋,但一般猜想霍京輻射或可通過量子糾纏把資訊提取出來。然而近年來發現這樣或會導致黑洞表面終究產生極高溫的「火墻」,摧毀任何企圖入內的物體。此演講主要講解霍京輻射的物理,以及其衍生出的資訊遺失與火墻悖論, 並提出一些可能的解決方法。
2015/12/5 pm2:00 ,臺灣大學應用力學館國際會議廳

Brian Druker: "Anatomy of a Breakthrough in Targeted Cancer Treatments" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google     2016年3月25日
Brian Druker, winner of the Lasker Prize and Director of the Knight Cancer Institute, is one of the developers of Gleevec, a triumph of rational, science-driven drug design and targeted cancer therapy. Originally developed to treat chronic myeloid leukemia, Gleevec is now used in more than 10 indications by hundreds of thousands of adults and children each year.
The Knight Cancer Institute, which Brian leads, is devoted to development of personalized cancer therapies. Supported by a recent billion dollar fundraising effort and state bond measure, its new focus is the early detection of cancer.
Moderated by Vik Bajaj.

Sonia Shah: "Pandemic: Tracking Contagions, from Cholera to Ebola and Beyond" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google   2016年3月9日
Interweaving history, original reportage, and personal narrative, Pandemic explores the origins of epidemics, drawing parallels between the story of cholera--one of history's most disruptive and deadly pathogens--and the new pathogens that stalk humankind today, from Ebola and avian influenza to drug-resistant superbugs.
Sonia Shah is a science journalist and prize-winning author. Her writing on science, politics, and human rights has appeared in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Foreign Affairs, Scientific American and elsewhere. Her 2010 book, The Fever, which was called a "tour-de-force history of malaria" (New York Times), "rollicking" (Time), and "brilliant" (Wall Street Journal) was long-listed for the Royal Society's Winton Prize.

19th Cent. Philosophy: Friedrich Nietzsche by Gregory B. Sadler

# automatic playing for the 12 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: Gregory B. Sadler 2014年5月4日/上次更新:2015年11月16日
This is the fourth of twelve monthly lectures in a series on Existentialist Philosophy and Literature hosted by the historic Kingston Library. In this lecture, we discuss the life, works, and key themes of the great German classicist and philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche.

Gregory B. Sadler is the president and co-founder of ReasonIO. The content of this video is provided here as part of ReasonIO's mission of putting philosophy into practice -- making complex philosophical texts and thinkers accessible for students and lifelong learners. If you'd like to make a contribution to help fund Dr. Sadler's ongoing educational projects, you can click here: https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/web...

Glimpses into Existence Lecture 4: Overcoming Nihilism After The Death of God - Friedrich Nietzsche 1:32:21
Existentialism: Friedrich Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy (part 1) 59:36
Existentialism: Friedrich Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy (part 2) 1:07:11
Existentialism: Friedrich Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy (part 3) 48:41
Existentialism: Friedrich Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy (part 4 and end) 1:01:48
Ethics: Friedrich Nietzsche, Genealogy of Morals 52:29
Existentialism: Friedrich Nietzsche, Genealogy of Morals (part 1) 57:09
Existentialism: Friedrich Nietzsche, Genealogy of Morals (part 2) 1:00:57
Existentialism: Friedrich Nietzsche, Genealogy of Morals (part 3) 1:01:48
Existentialism: Friedrich Nietzsche, The Genealogy of Morals (part 4 and end) 1:00:58
Philosophy Core Concepts: Nietzsche, the Origin and Purposes of Punishment 23:58
Ages of Nihilism and Renewal in Nietzsche's Birth of Tragedy 1:08:40