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Why is Mount Everest so tall? - Michele Koppes
source: TED-Ed 2016年4月7日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/why-is-moun...
At 8,850 meters above sea level, Qomolangma, also known as Mount Everest, has the highest altitude on the planet. But how did this towering formation get so tall? Michele Koppes peers deep into our planet’s crust, where continental plates collide, to find the answer.
Lesson by Michele Koppes, animation by Provincia Studio.
Medieval Philosophy: Thomas Aquinas by Gregory B. Sadler
# automatic playing for the 15 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)
source: Gregory B. Sadler 2011年11月5日/上次更新:2015年9月16日
In this lecture from my Fall 2011 Introduction to Philosophy class at Marist College, we discuss Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologiae, Prima Pars, question 2: on the existence of God
Intro to Philosophy: Thomas Aquinas, S.T. Ia, q. 2 on arguments for the existence of God 50:00
Intro to Philosophy: Thomas Aquinas, S.T. Ia, q. 16-17 on the nature of truth and falsity 49:12
Intro to Philosophy: Thomas Aquinas, S.T., Ia, q. 20 and 60 1:07:25
Intro to Philosophy: Thomas Aquinas, S.T. Ia, q. 82-83 on the human will and free-will 1:04:29
Human Happiness and God (Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, IaIIae, q. 2-5) on the highest good -- happiness 1:51:22
Intro to Philosophy: Thomas Aquinas, S.T., IaIIae, q. 26-27 1:08:10
Virtues Vices and Sins (Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, IaIIae, q.55 and 71) on virtues, vices, and sins, like it says. . . 1:00:53
The Natural Law (Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, IaIIae, q. 91 and 94) on eternal, natural, and divine laws 1:43:31
Philosophy Core Concepts: Thomas Aquinas, Precepts of the Natural Law 24:38
Philosophy Core Concepts: Thomas Aquinas, Natural Law, "Fomes," and Animality 18:50
Philosophy Core Concepts: Thomas Aquinas, Eternal, Natural, and Human Law 15:21
Philosophy Core Concepts: Thomas Aquinas, Divine Law as Complement to Natural Law 18:07
Intro to Philosophy: Thomas Aquinas S.T. IIaIIae q. 23 and 25 1:07:19
Dynamics of Anger and the Difficult Good: Implications for Organizations and Leadership 1:28:22
Understanding Anger Lecture 9 - A Medieval Synthesis: Thomas Aquinas’ Analyses of Anger 2:13:54
source: Gregory B. Sadler 2011年11月5日/上次更新:2015年9月16日
In this lecture from my Fall 2011 Introduction to Philosophy class at Marist College, we discuss Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologiae, Prima Pars, question 2: on the existence of God
Intro to Philosophy: Thomas Aquinas, S.T. Ia, q. 2 on arguments for the existence of God 50:00
Intro to Philosophy: Thomas Aquinas, S.T. Ia, q. 16-17 on the nature of truth and falsity 49:12
Intro to Philosophy: Thomas Aquinas, S.T., Ia, q. 20 and 60 1:07:25
Intro to Philosophy: Thomas Aquinas, S.T. Ia, q. 82-83 on the human will and free-will 1:04:29
Human Happiness and God (Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, IaIIae, q. 2-5) on the highest good -- happiness 1:51:22
Intro to Philosophy: Thomas Aquinas, S.T., IaIIae, q. 26-27 1:08:10
Virtues Vices and Sins (Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, IaIIae, q.55 and 71) on virtues, vices, and sins, like it says. . . 1:00:53
The Natural Law (Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, IaIIae, q. 91 and 94) on eternal, natural, and divine laws 1:43:31
Philosophy Core Concepts: Thomas Aquinas, Precepts of the Natural Law 24:38
Philosophy Core Concepts: Thomas Aquinas, Natural Law, "Fomes," and Animality 18:50
Philosophy Core Concepts: Thomas Aquinas, Eternal, Natural, and Human Law 15:21
Philosophy Core Concepts: Thomas Aquinas, Divine Law as Complement to Natural Law 18:07
Intro to Philosophy: Thomas Aquinas S.T. IIaIIae q. 23 and 25 1:07:19
Dynamics of Anger and the Difficult Good: Implications for Organizations and Leadership 1:28:22
Understanding Anger Lecture 9 - A Medieval Synthesis: Thomas Aquinas’ Analyses of Anger 2:13:54
Paul Davies - Why the Cosmos?
source: Closer To Truth 2016年4月1日
The search for meaning and purpose is humanity's never-ending quest. Some say that 'how' questions belong to the realm of science, but 'why' questions do not.
Click here to watch more interviews with Paul Davies http://bit.ly/1GhA60e
Click here to watch more interviews on why we have the cosmos http://bit.ly/1M7450H
Click here to buy episodes or complete seasons of Closer To Truth http://bit.ly/1LUPlQS
For all of our video interviews please visit us at www.closertotruth.com
What are the Scope and Limits of Science? (Closer to Truth)
# automatic playing for the 4 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)
source: Closer To Truth 上次更新 20160404
Frank Wilczek - What are the Scope and Limits of Science? 9:15
Bas van Fraassen - What are the Scope and Limits of Science? 11:01
J. Richard Gott III - What are the Scope and Limits of Science? 9:35
Stephen Wolfram - What are the Scope and Limits of Science 10:34
source: Closer To Truth 上次更新 20160404
Frank Wilczek - What are the Scope and Limits of Science? 9:15
Bas van Fraassen - What are the Scope and Limits of Science? 11:01
J. Richard Gott III - What are the Scope and Limits of Science? 9:35
Stephen Wolfram - What are the Scope and Limits of Science 10:34
Creating a Mindful Nation
source: The RSA 2016年3月8日
The importance of mental health to human wellbeing and the prosperity of the country has been well established – but what are the best preventative strategies to encourage a flourishing, healthy society?
Chris Ruane, formerly Vale of Clwyd MP, Dr Jo Cook, lecturer in medical anthropology at UCL, and Jamie Bristow, director of the supporting advocacy group the Mindfulness Initiative, consider how widespread mindfulness training can engineer and support a flourishing society.
Disney's "Zootopia" | Talks at Google
source: Talks at Google 2016年3月4日
The voice cast and creative team behind Disney's latest animated film "Zootopia" gallop into Zoogle for a very special Talks at Google / Google Photos event!
Ginnifer Goodwin (Judy Hopps), Katie Lowes (Dr. Madge Honey Badger), Tommy Chong (Yax), Nate Torrence (Officer Clawhauser),
Byron Howard (Director), Rich Moore (Director), Clark Spencer (Producer)
Disney's "Zootopia" now in theaters.
Moderated by Kevin Vlk
About Disney's "Zootopia"
From the largest elephant to the smallest shrew, the city of Zootopia is a mammal metropolis where various animals live and thrive. When Judy Hopps (Ginnifer Goodwin) becomes the first rabbit to join the police force, she quickly learns how tough it is to enforce the law. Determined to prove herself, Judy jumps at the opportunity to solve a mysterious case. Unfortunately, that means working with Nick Wilde (Jason Bateman), a wily fox who makes her job even harder.
Zoogle Photos
Google Photos makes a special appearance in Disney’s "Zootopia" as Zoogle Photos, a photo app inspired by Google's very own Photos app that all who inhabit the world of Zootopia use to store and share photos in their own Zoogley way.
Stay up to date with all of the #ZooglePhotos latest at g.co/zooglephotos to see what happens when a gerbil, lion, and giraffe make a Zoogle Photos Shared Albums together.
Introduction to Philosophy by Shane Stroup
# automatic playing for the 19 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)
source: Shane Stroup 2013年4月30日/上次更新:2014年1月19日
source: Shane Stroup 2013年4月30日/上次更新:2014年1月19日
These are in no particular order.
INTRO (The State) Kant 40:14
Intro (The State) HOBBES and HUME 39:54
Intro (Personhood) KANT 38:14
Intro (Personhood) HUME 34:13
Intro (Personhood) Plato 38:31
Intro (Morality) James, Summary of Morality 43:34
Intro (Morality) Kant 45:18
Intro (Morality) Descartes and Hume 32:28
Intro: Knowledge and Belief (Summary) 40:50
Intro: Knowledge and Belief (Descartes, Hume, and Kant) 40:21
Intro: Knowledge and Belief (Descartes) 39:10
Intro: Knowledge and Belief (Plato and Aristotle) 33:30
INTRO (Greeks) State 42:55
INTRO (Personhood) Summary 46:57
INTRO (Plato to James) Morality Summary 45:14
INTRO (Plato to James) Summary of Knowledge and Belief 45:13
Lecture Plato's Meno 29:22
Lecture: James "Great Men and Their Environment" 10:10
Intro to Courses 46:17
INTRO (The State) Kant 40:14
Intro (The State) HOBBES and HUME 39:54
Intro (Personhood) KANT 38:14
Intro (Personhood) HUME 34:13
Intro (Personhood) Plato 38:31
Intro (Morality) James, Summary of Morality 43:34
Intro (Morality) Kant 45:18
Intro (Morality) Descartes and Hume 32:28
Intro: Knowledge and Belief (Summary) 40:50
Intro: Knowledge and Belief (Descartes, Hume, and Kant) 40:21
Intro: Knowledge and Belief (Descartes) 39:10
Intro: Knowledge and Belief (Plato and Aristotle) 33:30
INTRO (Greeks) State 42:55
INTRO (Personhood) Summary 46:57
INTRO (Plato to James) Morality Summary 45:14
INTRO (Plato to James) Summary of Knowledge and Belief 45:13
Lecture Plato's Meno 29:22
Lecture: James "Great Men and Their Environment" 10:10
Intro to Courses 46:17
Homi Bhabha: Writing Rights and Responsibilities
source: University of California Television (UCTV) 2008年1月31日
Harvard Professor Homi Bhabha is the author of The Location of Culture and the forthcoming A Measure of Dwelling. His research interests are extraordinarily wide-ranging and include colonial and post-colonial theory, cosmopolitanism, 19th and 20th century British and other English-speaking literatures, semiotics, theories of ethics, psychoanalysis, and questions of culture. Sponsored by the "Critical Issues in America" endowment at UCSB. Series: "Humanitas" [10/2004] [Public Affairs] [Humanities] [Show ID: 8903]
Megan Jasper: "Sub Pop" | Talks at Google
source: Talks at Google 2016年3月2日
Megan Jasper of Sub Pop Records discusses the past, future, and present of the independent record label.
Founded by Bruce Pavitt and Jonathan Poneman in 1988, Sub Pop Records is a medium-sized independent record label based in Seattle, WA. With early releases by Nirvana, Mudhoney,Soundgarden, and TAD, the label is often associated with something called “the grunge movement". Megan Jasper discusses the history of Sub Pop and how that history intertwines with the changing culture of Seattle's music scene.
Megan Jasper started as a receptionist at Sub Pop Records and now is an executive vice president. She is also known for creating grunge speak as a prank on NYT.