


source: Skeptic Thinker    2013年10月11日
This lecture was delivered at the Socratic Forum for Thought September 28th 2013. The Socratic Forum for Thought is an open community which provides an atmosphere for the discussion of ideas. Find out more: forumforthought.com

RSA Replay: Smart Citizens for a Smarter State

source: The RSA  2016年2月18日
After huge successes at the helm of Obama’s Open Government Initiative, Professor Beth Simone Noveck visits the RSA to outline a profound new vision of democracy – one that is rooted in the knowledge and know-how of everyday people.
Follow the RSA on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RSAEvents

Ginger Strand: "The BrothersGinger Strand: "The Brothers Vonnegut: Science and Fiction in the House of Magic" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google   2016年1月28日
The Brothers Vonnegut tells the story of how scientist Bernard Vonnegut's early experiments in weather control shaped the work of his younger brother Kurt. Melding biography and cultural history, it outlines a unique collision between science and literature that unfolded against a backdrop of atomic anxiety, weather warriors and the dawn of the digital age. For her Google talk, Ginger Strand shows slides and discusses this fascinating story, offering further details about the competing weather control project, undertaken by mathematician John von Neumann, that changed both meteorology and computing.

The author of a novel and three books of narrative nonfiction, Ginger Strand has written for a wide variety of magazines, including Harper's, The New Yorker, The Believer and Tin House. Her website is www.gingerstrand.com.

Badiou's Ethics: From Theory of the Subject to the Ethics Daniel Tutt (GCAS)

source: Daniel Tutt    2014年12月1日
Lecture on Badiou's ethics by Daniel Tutt, Global Center for Advanced Studies (https://globalcenterforadvancedstudie...).
Overview of Seminar:
Politics, Psychoanalysis and the Subject
In this seminar, we will focus on Badiou’s political and ethical thought in the context of his larger re­formulation of philosophical categories of truth, the subject, universality and logic. Beginning with Badiou’s early, and politically charged philosophical text, Theory of the Subject and on through to his more recent texts on ethics and politics, including St. Paul, the Ethics, this seminar will place Badiou’s politics in relation to the larger turn to political ontology in continental philosophy. The seminar will compare and contrast Badiou’s political and ethical thought in with his contemporaries Deleuze, Derrida, Nancy, Žižek, Meillassoux and Rancière. It will take special focus on Badiou’s political break with Lacan in Theory of the Subject and trace the consequences of this political break with psychoanalysis and its relation to Badiou’s unique theory of the subject. Badiou’s ongoing debates with Žižek, Miller and the larger field of post­-Lacanian thought will also be examined in relation to concepts such as the psychoanalytic institution, the drives, politics and desire.

Brandom on Hegel: Knowing & Representing (Lectures 1-3)

# automatic playing for the 3 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: Brad Younger    2013年1月21日
Robert Brandom gives a talk titled "Conceptual Realism & the Semantic Possibility of Knowledge". This is the first of three lectures on Hegel given at the University of Munich. The series is called "Knowing and Representing: Reading (between the lines of) Hegel's Introduction to the Phenomenology of Spirit". Just a warning, these lectures are rather difficult.

Gayatri Spivak lecture, "A Borderless World" at The University of Arizona

source: Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry    2012年10月26日
Gayatri Spivak gives a public lecture at Crowder Hall in the School of Music at the University of Arizona on Jan. 19, 2012. Over 600 people packed the auditorium to be present at this free event sponsored by Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry.