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History vs. Napoleon Bonaparte - Alex Gendler
source: TED-Ed 2016年2月4日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/history-vs-...
After the French Revolution erupted in 1789, Europe was thrown into chaos. Neighboring countries’ monarchs feared they would share the fate of Louis XVI and attacked the new Republic, while at home, extremism and mistrust between factions led to bloodshed. In the midst of all this conflict, Napoleon emerged. But did he save the revolution, or destroy it? Alex Gendler puts Napoleon on trial.
Lesson by Alex Gendler, animation by Brett Underhill.
On the Ashes of Post-Modernism: A New Realism. A Conference with Umberto Eco
source: iitaly 2011年11月9日
Prof. Umberto Eco lectures about New Realism in Philosophy and the differences with the Post-Modernism at Italian Cultural Institute of New York
Karl Marx Life and Philosophy by Wesley Cecil at Peninsula College
source: Wes Cecil 2012年9月2日
A lecture on the life and philosophy of Karl Marx delivered at Peninsula College by Wesley Cecil, Ph.D.
For information on upcoming lectures, essays, and books by Wesley Cecil Ph.D. go tohttp://www.facebook.com/HumaneArts
The Modern and the Postmodern by Michael S. Roth at Wesleyan University
# automatic playing for the 48 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)
source: Jasson Cordones 2013年10月6日
Philosophy, Modernity, and Intellectual History, part 1 of 2 14:19
Philosophy, Modernity, and Intellectual History, part 2 of 2 9:58
What is Enlightenment, part 1 of 4 15:07
What is Enlightenment, part 2 of 4 15:17
What is Enlightenment, part 3 of 4 14:31
What is Enlightenment, part 4 of 4 16:25
From Enlightenment to Revolution, part 1 of 5 11:41
From Enlightenment to Revolution, part 2 of 5 12:56
From Enlightenment to Revolution, part 3 of 5 9:29
From Enlightenment to Revolution, part 4 of 5 12:31
From Enlightenment to Revolution, part 5 of 5 13:26
Modernism and Art for Art 's Sake, part 1 of 4 12:58
Modernism and Art for Art 's Sake, part 2 of 4 14:10
Modernism and Art for Art 's Sake, part 3 of 4 14:40
Modernism and Art for Art 's Sake, part 4 of 4 17:31
Re-imagining the World, part 1 of 4 14:09
Re-imagining the World, part 2 of 4 15:08
Re-imagining the World, part 3 of 4 18:50
Re-imagining the World, part 4 of 4 17:16
From Struggle to Intensity, part 1 of 6 14:30
From Struggle to Intensity, part 2 of 6 14:20
From Struggle to Intensity, part 3 of 6 15:46
From Struggle to Intensity, part 4 of 6 11:55
From Struggle to Intensity, part 5 of 6 13:10
From Struggle to Intensity, part 6 of 6 17:31
Intensity and the Ordinary Sex, Death, Aggression and Guilt, part 1 of 4 13:02
Intensity and the Ordinary Sex, Death, Aggression and Guilt, part 2 of 4 13:37
Intensity and the Ordinary Sex, Death, Aggression and Guilt, part 3 of 4 13:10
Intensity and the Ordinary Sex, Death, Aggression and Guilt, part 4 of 4 9:15
Intensity and the Ordinary Art, Loss, Forgiveness, part 1 of 4 15:06
Intensity and the Ordinary Art, Loss, Forgiveness, part 2 of 4 12:53
Intensity and the Ordinary Art, Loss, Forgiveness, part 3 of 4 14:11
Intensity and the Ordinary Art, Loss, Forgiveness, part 4 of 4 14:49
The Postmodern Everyday, part 1 of 4 11:59
The Postmodern Everyday, part 2 of 4 13:23
The Postmodern Everyday, part 3 of 4 16:02
The Postmodern Everyday, part 4 of 4 12:48
From Critical Theory to Postmodernism, part 1 of 4 13:41
From Critical Theory to Postmodernism, part 2 of 4 13:50
From Critical Theory to Postmodernism, part 3 of 4 16:49
From Critical Theory to Postmodernism, part 4 of 4 13:58
Postmodern Identities, part 1 of 4 12:34
Postmodern Identities, part 2 of 4 12:22
Postmodern Identities, part 3 of 4 14:05
Postmodern Identities, part 4 of 4 18:33
Postmodern Pragmatisms, part 1 of 3 15:46
Postmodern Pragmatisms, part 2 of 3 18:12
Postmodern Pragmatisms, part 3 of 3 22:11
source: Jasson Cordones 2013年10月6日
Philosophy, Modernity, and Intellectual History, part 1 of 2 14:19
Philosophy, Modernity, and Intellectual History, part 2 of 2 9:58
What is Enlightenment, part 1 of 4 15:07
What is Enlightenment, part 2 of 4 15:17
What is Enlightenment, part 3 of 4 14:31
What is Enlightenment, part 4 of 4 16:25
From Enlightenment to Revolution, part 1 of 5 11:41
From Enlightenment to Revolution, part 2 of 5 12:56
From Enlightenment to Revolution, part 3 of 5 9:29
From Enlightenment to Revolution, part 4 of 5 12:31
From Enlightenment to Revolution, part 5 of 5 13:26
Modernism and Art for Art 's Sake, part 1 of 4 12:58
Modernism and Art for Art 's Sake, part 2 of 4 14:10
Modernism and Art for Art 's Sake, part 3 of 4 14:40
Modernism and Art for Art 's Sake, part 4 of 4 17:31
Re-imagining the World, part 1 of 4 14:09
Re-imagining the World, part 2 of 4 15:08
Re-imagining the World, part 3 of 4 18:50
Re-imagining the World, part 4 of 4 17:16
From Struggle to Intensity, part 1 of 6 14:30
From Struggle to Intensity, part 2 of 6 14:20
From Struggle to Intensity, part 3 of 6 15:46
From Struggle to Intensity, part 4 of 6 11:55
From Struggle to Intensity, part 5 of 6 13:10
From Struggle to Intensity, part 6 of 6 17:31
Intensity and the Ordinary Sex, Death, Aggression and Guilt, part 1 of 4 13:02
Intensity and the Ordinary Sex, Death, Aggression and Guilt, part 2 of 4 13:37
Intensity and the Ordinary Sex, Death, Aggression and Guilt, part 3 of 4 13:10
Intensity and the Ordinary Sex, Death, Aggression and Guilt, part 4 of 4 9:15
Intensity and the Ordinary Art, Loss, Forgiveness, part 1 of 4 15:06
Intensity and the Ordinary Art, Loss, Forgiveness, part 2 of 4 12:53
Intensity and the Ordinary Art, Loss, Forgiveness, part 3 of 4 14:11
Intensity and the Ordinary Art, Loss, Forgiveness, part 4 of 4 14:49
The Postmodern Everyday, part 1 of 4 11:59
The Postmodern Everyday, part 2 of 4 13:23
The Postmodern Everyday, part 3 of 4 16:02
The Postmodern Everyday, part 4 of 4 12:48
From Critical Theory to Postmodernism, part 1 of 4 13:41
From Critical Theory to Postmodernism, part 2 of 4 13:50
From Critical Theory to Postmodernism, part 3 of 4 16:49
From Critical Theory to Postmodernism, part 4 of 4 13:58
Postmodern Identities, part 1 of 4 12:34
Postmodern Identities, part 2 of 4 12:22
Postmodern Identities, part 3 of 4 14:05
Postmodern Identities, part 4 of 4 18:33
Postmodern Pragmatisms, part 1 of 3 15:46
Postmodern Pragmatisms, part 2 of 3 18:12
Postmodern Pragmatisms, part 3 of 3 22:11
From Critical Theory to Postmodernism (1-4) by Michael S. Roth (Wesleyan University)
source: Jasson Cordones 2013年11月22日
This is part of the coursera course: The Modern and the Postmodern by Michael S. Roth from Wesleyan University.
Recommended Reading
Horkheimer and Adorno, Dialectic of Enlightenment, Chapter 1 From Stanford University Press:http://www.sup.org/html/book_pages/08...
Michel Foucault, Madness and Civilization chapter on the Great Confinement. Full text at:http://archive.org/details/MichelFouc...
Michel Foucault,"What is Enlightenment?," Foucault Reader http://foucault.info/documents/whatIs...
Herbert Marcuse on the Frankfurt School (1-5)
source: Heathwood Press 2015年5月20日
The Frankfurt School was dedicated to addressing a series of issues not only concerning the foundations of modern and historic society, but also the philosophy of social science. Investigating some of the most foundational issues about the nature of the social world, Frankfurt School critical theory was an important period in the history of Western thought and continues to be entirely relevant today when trying to understand the overarching social forces that affect us all in our global world.
Here is an insightful five-part interview with Herbert Marcuse, discussing everything that has to do with Frankfurt School critical theory. For anyone who is just learning about or being introduced to the Frankfurt School, this interview with Marcuse will offer some key insights into the innovative thinking about social agency and structure that was central to the movement.
The Frankfurt School, Critical Theory and How America Fell Victim to Europe's Progressive Ideas
source: PJ Media 2015年9月17日
Best-selling author, journalist, screenwriter, renown critic and PJ Media contributor Michael Walsh discusses his new book “The Devil’s Pleasure Palace” with Stephen Kruiser. From the Frankfurt School’s critical theory to Hillary Clinton, Michael Walsh delves into how America got off course and was derailed by this post-World War II school of thought that originated in Europe. Patriotism, marriage and the military are just a few of the aspects of American life that were altered for the worse by this school of thought. Join us for this special PJTV interview with Michael Walsh and Stephen Kruiser.
(2015上-商專) 英文文法與修辭(一)--張秀珍/空中進修學院 (1-18)
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source: 華視教學頻道 2015年9月11日
更多英文文法與修辭(一)(商專)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...
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source: 華視教學頻道 2015年9月11日
更多英文文法與修辭(一)(商專)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...
01. 課程介紹
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04. 冠詞
05. 人稱、所有、反身代名詞
06. 指示、不定、疑問、關係、相互代名詞
07. 規則及不規則動詞
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