

How statistics can be misleading - Mark Liddell

source: TED-Ed      2016年1月14日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-statist...
Statistics are persuasive. So much so that people, organizations, and whole countries base some of their most important decisions on organized data. But any set of statistics might have something lurking inside it that can turn the results completely upside down. Mark Liddell investigates Simpson’s paradox.
Lesson by Mark Liddell, animation by Tinmouse Animation Studio.

A Law Student's Toolkit (Yale University)

# automatic playing for the 33 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: YaleCourses      上次更新日期:2015年11月9日
Enjoying the lectures? Come join Prof. Ayres' on Coursera! Enrolling in his course will allow you to join in discussions with fellow learners, take assessments on the material, and earn a certificate! Link -https://www.coursera.org/learn/law-st...
Whether you are an advanced law student looking to review the basics, or an aspiring law student looking for head start, this course will help you build the foundation you will need to succeed in law school and beyond.
This course will introduce you to terminology, concepts, and tools lawyers and legal academics use to make their arguments. It will help you follow these arguments—and make arguments of your own.
The course consists of a series of short lectures and assignments. A reading list complements each lesson, providing you with a roadmap to help you explore the subject matter more deeply on your own. Although the lessons may cross-reference each other, they are modular in nature: you should feel free to approach them in whatever order fits your schedule, interests, and needs.

Introduction 6:36
Rules vs Standards 5:10
Normative vs. Positive 6:37
Ex Ante vs. Ex Post 15:12
The Two-by-Two Box 8:25
Default vs. Mandatory Rules 14:01
Paternalism vs. Externalities: Limiting Contractual Freedom 4:58
Property Rules vs. Liability Rules 8:59
Hofeld's Theory of Rights vs. Privileges 4:45
Exit and Voice 4:25
Acoustic Separation 2:53
The Coase Theorem 7:25
Least Cost Avoider 2:52
Marginalism 8:03
Wars and Panics 3:33
Uncertainty vs. Risk 5:08
Rawlsian Veil of Ignorance 4:52
Behavioral Biases 5:31
Search, Experience and Credence Goods 4:28
Information Rules 9:58
Famous Paradoxes and Dilemmas 19:04
Standard of Review 6:48
Burdens of Proof 9:35
Enforcing Monetary Judgments 9:55
Substance vs. Procedure 4:11
Ad Hominem and Slippery Slope Arguments 9:32
Objection! Non-Responsive 7:03
Objection! Assumes a Fact Not in Evidence 4:44
Tools to Read a Statute 10:04
Tools to Read a Brief 6:32
Tools to Excel in Class 7:39
Tools for Improving Your Grades on Law Exams 7:36
Postscript 4:55

Introduction to Green Chemistry by Paul Anastas (Yale University)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source:  YaleCourses     上次更新日期:2015年9月9日
Paul Anastas, the Father of Green Chemistry introduces the concepts, knowledge and skills required to design and synthesize safer chemicals with less impact. This course describes the science behind environmental problems, looks at real world green chemistry products, processes and manufacturing techniques with emphasis on energy, solvents, catalysis, and bio-based materials. In addition to the environmental considerations the course discusses the economic implications of “real-world” cases. By the end of the course, the students should be familiar with the global, toxicological, and physical hazards that underlie the design and production of industrial chemicals. More importantly students will understand how to implement the principles of green chemistry to create solutions to these environmental and societal problems.

M1A Introduction: "Why Green Chemistry?" 7:32
M1B Introduction: "State of the Planet" 3:21
M1C Introduction: "It is Not My Job" 1:59
M1D Introduction: "Definition of Green Chemistry" 5:37
M1E Introduction: "The 12 Principles of Green Chemistry" 8:42
M1F MoDRN Introduction: "Green Chemistry's Role in Sustainability" 14:11
M1G Introduction: "Life Cycle" 5:26
M1H Introduction: "Historic and Ideal Community Relationships" 4:28
M2A Foundation Periodic Table 2:33
M2B Foundation Periodic Trend of Physical Properties 4:22
M2C Foundation Periodic Trend of Electonic Properties 3:08
M2D Foundation Introduction to Molecules 4:34
M2E Foundation Drawing and Naming Molecules 10:35
M2G Foundation Stoichiometry Example 2:54
M2F Foundation Types of Reactions 8:30
M2H Foundation Yield and Limiting Reagent Concept 5:27
M2I Foundation Atom Economy 2:54
M2J Foundation E Factor 1:30
M3A Toxicology Toxic Substances 3:32
M3B Toxicology 3:07
M3D Toxicology Dose and Exposure 3:19
M3E Toxicology ADME 5:26
M3F Toxicology Toxicity Categories 4:22
M3G Toxicology Factors Affecting Toxicity 5:00
M3H Toxicology Chemical Interactions 3:11
M3J Toxicology Dose Responce Curve Limitations 4:01
M3I Toxicology Dose Response 17:32
M4A Safer Chemicals: The 4th Principle of Green Chemistry 1:49
M4C Safer Chemicals: Strategies To Minimize Hazard Through Design 4:24
M4B Safer Chemicals: Hazard and Physico Chemical Properties 8:23
M4D Safer Chemicals: Designing Safer Chemicals 5:59
M4E Safer Chemicals: Examples of Safer Chemical Design I 4:38
M4F Safer Chemicals: Examples of Failed Chemical Design 1:57
M4G Safer Chemicals: Examples of Safer Chemical Design II 4:36
M5A Solvents: Introduction 3:14
M5B Solvents: Why Use Solvents 2:06
M5C Solvents: Applications 4:46
M6A Energy: Energy Efficiency Energy Use and Predictions 8:55
M6B Energy: Energy Lifecycle Considerations Styrofoam Box Example 8:50
M6C Energy: Water as Energy 5:28
M6D Energy: Water Energy Nexus Desalination Example 3:27
M6E Energy: Water Quality and Quantity Considerations 5:07
M7A Feedstocks 6:58
M8A Catalysis: Catalysis Introduction and Lifecycle 7:52
M8B Catalysis: Catalyst Experiment 10:51
M10B Accidents: Design Flaws 3:35
M10C Accidents: Why Should We Care 2:19
M10A MoDRN Accidents: Disasters 12:28
M10D MoDRN Accidents: Green Chemistry Approaches to Accidents 5:45
Take Home Message- final thoughts 4:10
M7B Feedstocks: Renewable Feedstocks 9:02
M9A MoDRN Introduction to Biodegradation 7:52

(2014下-學院) 網際網路應用--廖文豪&呂秀濱 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)

# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)

source: 華視教學頻道     2015年3月7日
更多網際網路應用(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...

(2014上-商專) 網際網路應用--林宏仁 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)

source: 華視教學頻道       上次更新日期:2015年1月1日
更多網際網路應用(商專)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=980