

Aspects of Western Philosophy--Sreekumar Nellickappilly / IIT Madras

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source: nptelhrd   2015年4月29日 (list complied by akhil bharathan)
Aspects of Western Philosophy by Dr. Sreekumar Nellickappilly, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in

Lec-01 Greek Philosophy: Ionians, Pythagoras, Parmenides, Heraclitus and Democritus 55:14
Lec-02 Sophists, Socrates; philosophy of man; relativism and subjectivism; the idea of good 52:24
Lec-03 Plato's idealism: theory of ideas 48:30
Lec-04 Plato: theory of knowledge, method of dialectic; theory of soul 50:10
Lec 05 Aristotle's criticism of Platonic idealism and the concepts of Form and Matter 50:20
Lec-06 Aristotle's theory of causation; potentiality and actuality 48:20
Lec-07 Medieval philosophy: St. Augustine and the Problem of evil; St. Thomas Aquinass 55:52
Lec-08 Modern Philosophy: mail characteristic features; renaissance and scientific 48:32
Lec-09 Descartes: the method in philosophy; the concepts of doubt and indubitable knowledge. 49:20
Lec-10 Descartes: the mind-body dualism; the concept of God and proofs for Gods existence 49:04
Lec-11 Spinoza: the concepts of Substance, attributes and modes. 49:00
Lec-12 Spinoza's pantheism-God and nature 47:39
Lec-13 Leibniz: Monadology; the mind-body problem revisited; concept of God 47:15
Lec-14 The empiricism of John Locke: ideas and their classification  48:43
Lec-15 John Locke: theory of knowledge; concept of substance 48:26
Lec-16 Berkeley: the refutation of the distinction between primary 47:30
Lec-17 Berkeley's critique of abstract ideas, esse est percipi, 48:39
Lec-18 Hume : Impressions and ideas, knowledge concerning relations of ideas and knowledge 51:17
Lec-19 The external world and the self, personal identity, rejection of metaphysics 53:05
Lec-20 Critical Philosophy: characteristic features; kant's objectives: the classification 55:30
Lec-21 Kant: forms of sensibility, categories of understanding; the process 50:09
Lec-22 The Ideas of Reason-soul, God and world as a whole; antinomies 50:53
Lec-23 Kant's ethics; freedom and immortality, problems with Kant. 55:14
Lec-24 Hegel : The conception of Geist (spirit), the dialectical method, concepts of being, 1:01:52
Lec-25 Absolute idealism; consciousness, self consciousness and reason. 50:56
Lec-26 Karl Marx: historical materialism; the significance of the proletariat 48:15
Lec-27 Nietzsche : Critique of western culture, religion and morality 51:11
Lec-28 Linguistic turn in British philosophy: Russells logical atomism 48:41
Lec-29 Wittgenstein : early Wittgensteins conception of language and reality 46:59
Lec-30 Later Wittgensteins conception of language games and forms of life; meaning and use 53:53
Lec-31 Logical positivism; against metaphysics and a scientific conception of philosophy 48:26
Lec-32 Husserl : Phenomenology and the methods of reduction; the principle of intentionality 52:43
Lec-33 Phenomenological reduction, eidetic reduction and transcendental reduction 51:43
Lec-34 Heidegger : phenomenological hermeneutics; concept of Being 47:44
Lec-35 Authentic and inauthentic existence; Truth as disclosure 54:19
Lec-36 Existentialism: main features; existence precedes essence; freedom and responsibility 48:22
Lec-37 Sartres conception of human existence; man is condemned to be free 52:35
Lec-38 The concept of being-in-itself, being-for-itself and being-for-others 53:31
Lec-39 Postmodernism: major trends and chief characteristic features; conceptions 55:20
Lec-40 Deconstruction, feminism, discourse theory etc. 55:00

(2013上-商專) 中級會計學 (上)--鄭丁旺 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)

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(2013上-商專) 中級會計學 (上)--鄭丁旺 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)

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(2013下-商專) 中級會計學 (下)--鄭丁旺 / 空中進修學院 (19-36)

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(2014上-商專) 中級會計學 (上)--鄭丁旺 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)

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(2014下-商專) 中級會計學 (下)--鄭丁旺 / 空中進修學院 (19-36)

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source: 華視教學頻道     上次更新日期:2015年7月14日
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