

The 2016 US presidential election: a post-mortem - UCL Lunch Hour Lecture

source: UCL Lunch Hour Lectures    2016年11月22日
Speaker: Dr Nick Witham, UCL Institute of the Americas, Tuesday 15th November 2016 #ucllhl
Bring your lunch and your curiosity! UCL Lunch Hour Lectures, Tuesdays and Thursdays, Darwin Lecture Theatre, 1.15 - 1.55pm (term time)
Dr Nick Witham will provide an accessible and insightful overview of the historic and controversial 2016 US presidential election campaign. This talk will include a review of the Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton campaigns, a breakdown of the electoral returns, and a discussion of the likely path that will be followed by Barack Obama’s successor in the White House.
Free to attend, live stream or watch online
More info : http://events.ucl.ac.uk/lhl
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