

Structured Electronic Design by Chris Verhoeven (Delft U of Technology)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: tawkaw OpenCourseWare      2014年2月4日

1 01 Structured Electronic Design Introduction 1 45:57
1 02 Structured Electronic Design Introduction 2 35:57
1 03 Accurate amplification 1 41:49
1 04 Accurate amplification 2 37:09
1 07 Building the nullor Noise 1 45:45
1 08 Building the nullor Noise 2 35:35
1 09 Building the nullor Distortion 1:15:11
1 05 Building the nullor Frequency behavior 1:29:01
1 06 Building the nullor Biasing 1:59:04