

String-Math 2013 (University of Stony Brook)

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source: GraduatePhysics      2014年10月14日
Talks held at University of Stony Brook, Jun 17-21, 2013.
Event website: http://scgp.stonybrook.edu/events/event-pages/string-math...

Marco Gualtieri - The Stokes groupoids 53:31
Slava Rychkov - Taking the equations of Conformal Field Theory seriously 56:56
Daniel Jafferis - Complex Chern-Simons theory from M5 branes on the squashed 3-sphere 37:30
Vasily Pestun - N=2 quiver gauge theories and quantum groups 44:25
Dominic Joyce - Quantization of 3-Calabi-Yau moduli spaces 54:01
Simon Donaldson - Progress in geometry on G_2 manifolds 53:35
Boris Pioline - Rankin-Selberg methods for closed string amplitudes 42:17
Peter Koroteev - 3d Quiver Gauge Theories and Integrability 29:46
Ludmil Katzarkov - Dynamical systems and categories 52:02
Kevin Costello - Integrable systems and supersymmetric gauge theory 53:36
Kenji Fukaya - Lagrangian Floer theory of arbitrary genus 51:49
Tadashi Okazaki - Supersymmetric Boundary Conditions in 3D N=2 Theories 20:48
[private video]
Marcel Vonk - Resurgence, transseries and nonperturbative physics 32:18
Tyler Kelly - Berglund-Hübsch-Krawitz Mirrors via Shioda Maps 19:51
Vincent Bouchard - Mirror symmetry for orbifold Hurwitz numbers 30:48
Nils Carqueville - Symmetry defects and equivariant completion 17:13
Tudor Dimofte - RG Domain Walls and Janus Attractors 25:09
Constantinos Papageorgakis - On instanton-soliton loops in 5D super-Yang-Mills 25:50
Daniel Pomerleano - SYZ mirror symmetry for toric Calabi-Yau varieties 27:45
Andrew Royston - Parameter counting for singular monopoles on R^3 28:25
Eduardo Gonzalez - Seidel elements, Mirror Transformations and potential Functions of DIsc counting 27:04
Anindya Dey - Three Dimensional Mirror Symmetry and Partition Functions on a Sphere 32:48
Theo Johnson-Freyd - Star quantization via lattice topological field theory 33:28
Alan Lai - Toward understanding the space of connections 29:52
Samuel Monnier - Global gravitational anomaly cancellation for five-branes 26:30
Christoph Keller - Constraints on 2d CFT partition functions 24:50
Peter Ozsvath - Bordered Floer homology and branched double-covers 54:24
Andreas Malmendier - New heterotic string vacua from pencils of genus-two curves 30:06
Miranda Cheng - Umbral Moonshine, String Theory, and Niemeier Lattices 1:00:05
Andrew Neitzke - Spectral networks in 2 and 3 dimensions 55:35
Lara Anderson - Geometric Constraints in Heterotic/F-theory Duality 30:30
Alexandru Oancea - Quantum string topology 28:48
James Gray - All Complete Intersection Calabi-Yau Four-Folds 26:59
Piotr Sulkowski - Matrix model for moduli spaces and chord diagrams 26:46
Chan Y. Park - 2d SCFT from M2-branes 26:09
Pavel Safronov - Virasoro constraints in Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchies 19:14
Charles Strickland-Constables - Generalised Geometry of Supergravity 31:04
Jie Zhao - GMN construction of hyperkahler metric on focus-focus fibration 27:50
Callum Quigley - Heterotic Flux from (0,2) Gauge Dynamics 33:53
Marco Bertolini - Hybrid conformal field theories 20:49
Michael Kay - On the Quantization of Special Kaehler Manifolds 24:58
Calder Daenzer - Geometric T-dualization 35:19
Takahiro Nishinaka - Two-dimensional crystal melting and D4-D2-D0 on toric Calabi-Yau singularities 29:14
Alexander Goncharov - Configurations, potentials, components and canonical bases 54:29
Pierre Vanhove - Elliptic dilogarithms and two-loop amplitudes 58:18
Martijn Wijnholt - The Sen limit 48:52
Sakura Schafer-Nameki - F-theory and Singular Elliptic Fibrations 52:19
Tony Pantev - Refined parabolic stable pair invariants, nested Hilbert schemes, and MacDonald pols 46:51
Murad Alim - Polynomial Rings and Topological Strings 31:56
Mina Aganagic - Knots, Mirror Symmetry and the D-model 50:32
Mohammed Abouzaid - Symplectic Khovanov homology equals Khovanov homology in characteristic 0 52:53
Nikita Nekrasov - BPS/CFT, Bethe/Gauge,…a correspondence course 59:43
Eric Zaslow - Legendrian Knot Categories and BPS spaces 51:46
Sergei Gukov - The geometry and physics of color 58:47
Dan Freed - Orientifold worldsheet anomalies 59:11