

Shakespeare After All: The Later Plays (FAll 2007 at Harvard U) by Marjorie Garber

# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist

source: CosmoLearning     2015年1月18日
Recorded on Sep 19, 2007
Harvard ENGL E-129: Shakespeare After All: The Later Plays

Lecture 1: Introduction 1:18:45
Lecture 2: Troilus and Cressida 1:54:28
Lecture 3: Measure for Measure 1:55:35
Lecture 4: Othello 1:49:30
Lecture 5: King Lear 1:48:17
Lecture 6: Macbeth 1:50:48
Lecture 7: Antony and Cleopatra 1:47:27
Lecture 8: Coriolanus 1:51:02
Lecture 9: Pericles 1:52:24
Lecture 10: Cymbeline 1:42:07
Lecture 11: The Winter’s Tale 1:46:29
Lecture 12: The Tempest 1:50:41
Lecture 13: Plenary - Review session 1:47:53