

Semiconductor Device Modeling by S. Karmalkar (IIT Madras)

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source: nptelhrd     2013年11月11日
Electronics - Semiconductor Device Modeling by Prof. S. Karmalkar, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

Mod-01 Lec-01 Introduction 49:29
Mod-0 Lec-01 Motivation, Contents and Learning outcomes 51:17
Mod-02 Lec-01 Qualitative model of transport 49:27
Mod-02 Lec-02 Qualitative model of transport 49:52
Mod-02 Lec-03 Qualitative model of transport 56:26
Mod-02 Lec-04 Qualitative model of transport 54:55
Mod-02 Lec-05 Qualitative model of transport 57:57
Mod-03 Lec-01 EM field and transport equations 51:36
Mod-03 Lec-02 EM field and transport equations 53:57
Mod-03 Lec-03 EM field and transport equations 54:49
Mod-03 Lec-04 EM field and transport equations 53:13
Mod03 Lec-05 EM field and transport equations 52:32
Mod-03 Lec-06 EM field and transport equations 50:03
Mod-03 Lec-07 EM field and transport equations 56:22
Mod-03 Lec-08 Semi-classical Bulk Transport -- EM field and Transport Equations 57:01
Mod-04 Lec-01 Drift-diffusion transport model 55:18
Mod-04 Lec-02 Drift-diffusion transport model 50:12
Mod-04 Lec-03 Drift-diffusion transport model 57:51
Mod04 Lec-04 Drift-diffusion transport model 54:30
Mod-04 Lec-05 Drift-diffusion transport model 40:46
Mod-05 Lec-01 Characteristic times and lengths 54:32
Mod-05 Lec-02 Characteristic times and lengths 54:00
Mod-05 Lec-03 Characteristic times and lengths 54:43
Mod-05 Lec-04 Characteristic times and lengths 55:42
Mod 05 Lec-05 Characteristic times and lengths 51:58
Mod-05 Lec-06 Characteristic times and lengths 51:41
Mod-06 Lec-01 Energy band diagrams 55:39
Mod-06 Lec-02 Energy band diagrams 48:11
Mod-06 Lec-03 Energy band diagrams 53:42
Mod-06 Lec-04 Energy band diagrams 55:55
Mod-06 Lec-05 Energy band diagrams 50:34
Mod-06 Lec-06 Energy band diagrams 59:13
Mod-06 Lec-07 Energy band diagrams 52:01
Mod-07 Lec-01 SQEBASTIP -- nine steps of model derivation 53:42
Mod-07 Lec-02 SQEBASTIP -- nine steps of model derivation 53:33
Mod-07 Lec-03 SQEBASTIP -- nine steps of model derivation 56:27
Mod08 Lec-01 Types of device models 56:44
Mod-08 Lec-02 Types of device models 52:09
Mod-09 Lec-01 MOSFET : Device Structures and Characteristics 51:56
Mod-09 Lec-02 MOSFET : Device Structures and Characteristics 49:08
Mod-10 Lec-01 DC Model of a Large Uniformly Doped Bulk MOSFET: Qualitative Theory 52:12
Mod-10 Lec-02 DC Model of a Large Uniformly Doped Bulk MOSFET: Qualitative Theory 56:23
Mod-10 Lec-03 DC Model of a Large Uniformly Doped Bulk MOSFET: Qualitative Theory 50:12
Mod-10 Lec-04 DC Model of a Large Uniformly Doped Bulk MOSFET: Qualitative Theory 43:11
Mod-10 Lec-05 DC Model of a Large Uniformly Doped Bulk MOSFET: Qualitative Theory 44:05
Mod-10 Lec-06 DC Model of a Large Uniformly Doped Bulk MOSFET: Qualitative Theory 51:08

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