

Electronics - Error Correcting Codes by P. Vijay Kumar (IISC Bangalore)

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source: nptelhrd    2012年5月7日
Electronics - Error Correcting Codes by Dr. P. Vijay Kumar, Department of Electrical Communication Engineering, IISC Bangalore. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

01 Course Overview & Basics 53:26
02 Example Codes and their Parameters 57:39
03 Mathematical Preliminaries: Groups 55:19
04 Subgroups and Equivalence Relations 59:24
05 Cosets, Rings & Fields 58:50
06 Vector Spaces, Linear 57:19
07 Linear Codes, & Linear independence 55:29
08 Spanning & Basis 56:17
09 The Dual Code 57:00
10 Systematic Generator Matrix 59:56
11 Minimum Distance of a Linear Code 55:23
12 Bounds on the size of a Code 55:59
13 Asymptotic Bounds 54:53
14 Standard Array Decoding 55:29
15 Performance Analysis of the SAD 57:06
16 State and Trellis 56:15
17 The Viterbi Decoder 57:02
18 Catastrophic Error Propagation 56:48
19 Path Enumeration 57:31
20 Viterbi Decoder over the AWGN Channel 56:41
21 Generalized Distributive Law 57:05
22 The MPF Problem 58:14
23 Further Examples of the MPF Problem 57:43
24 Junction Trees recap 58:11
25 Example of Junction Tree Construction 56:14
26 Message passing on the Junction tree 54:36
27 GDL Approach to Decoding Convolutional Codes 56:34
28 ML Code-Symbol Decoding of the Convolutional Code 56:04
29 LDPC Codes 56:11
30 LDPC Code Terminology 56:10
31 Gallager Decoding Algorithm A 57:21
32 BP Decoding of LDPC Codes 54:58
33 BP Decoding (Continued) 56:34
34 Density Evolution under BP decoding 57:04
35 Convergence & Concentration Theorem -- LDPC Codes 56:54
36 A Construction for Finite Fields 57:01
37 Finite Fields: A Deductive Approach 56:33
38 Deductive Approach to Finite Fields 56:47
39 Subfields of a Finite field 57:28
40 Transform Approach to Cyclic Codes 56:56
41 Estimating the Parameters of a Cyclic Code 57:56
42 Decoding Cyclic Codes 53:56