

Next in Science | Astronomy and Astrophysics | Part 2 || Radcliffe Insti...

source: Harvard University    2016年11月7日
In 2015–2016, the Next in Science series focused on frontiers in astronomy and astrophysics. Scholars discussed new interdisciplinary research on what the structure of the universe tells us about particle interactions, gravitational waves from circling black holes, magnetic fields in intergalactic space, and the possibility of life on exoplanets.
“Galaxies as Star-Forming Engines: Simulating the Turbulent Birth of Stars” (1:15)
Blakesley Burkhart, Einstein Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Theory and Computation, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
“How to Detect Life on Another Planet” (28:27)
Sarah Rugheimer, Simons Origins of Life Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of St. Andrews (Scotland)
Introductions by John Huth, faculty codirector of the science program, Radcliffe Institute, and Donner Professor of Science, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University
The Next in Science series provides an opportunity for early-career scientists whose innovative, cross-disciplinary research is thematically linked to introduce their work to one another, to fellow scientists, and to nonspecialists from Harvard and the greater Boston area.