

Jon Beasley-Murray: Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe (11/12/2012)

source: Arts One Open    2012年12月11日
Lecture by Jon Beasley-Murray for the "Monster in the Mirror" theme. For more, see http://artsone-digital.arts.ubc.ca/20....
For a version of this video with slides, go to http://mediasite.mediagroup.ubc.ca/Me....
NB a watermarked version of this video can be found at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7Sqml....
We apologize that there are a couple of technical problems with this video: because of the screen lights, the lecturer is silhouetted until c. 13:45; and the microphone batteries run out at c. 18:25 and aren't replaced until 20:30. Again, please forgive us these slight hiccups.